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mary leterman

mary leterman's Books(21)

CEO Fake Wedding

CEO Fake Wedding

recluse, even avoiding going to his own brother's wake. Noah swore to his brother that he would take care of his niece and will do everything to fulfill his promise, including marrying Scarlett, who also insists on custody of her niece. It was supposed to be just a contract, but they ended up getting involved and now she's pregnant, but Noah swears that Scarlett wants to hit him, after all, a few years ago he had a vasectomy. What you will find in Fake Wedding: Romance with differences in age, social class and customs, breaking taboos in Californian society. PROLOGUE Today the day didn't dawn sunny and I didn't hear the birds singing. The wind is cold and the many clouds in the sky show that the storm has arrived. My heart is broken. I look at the coffin and the pain is almost suffocating, the tears that roll down my face are not enough to wash away the pain in my soul. My only sister is lying there, pale and serene and beautiful as always, but she had no life. How it hurts to lose someone we love so much! I remember our simple childhood and that we were always there for each other. Until the day she fell in love, she got married and went away to live her life with her husband. Despite having completely different lives, Siena was happy with her relationship and for me, that was all that mattered, her happiness. I look at the people around and it's all so superficial. People who seem to be here just for position and to show off their expensive clothes, as if it were a fashion show. The way they look at me can be disgusting, I can see the contempt from afar, but I don't care, I'm not here for money, I'm not here to show off my clothes, shoes and jewelry, I'm not here just because my wife's husband sister had a lot of money. I'm here because I love the person lying in that coffin, I'm here because I can't accept that she's gone, because I can't imagine a world where I can no longer hear her laugh or see her. Life is cruel! Most people are around Zac's coffin, they quickly pass Siena's, looking at me and then leave. I tie my hair into a bun on top of my head and look around, looking for my niece, Charlotte. How it pains me to know that now she is without her parents, just like Siena and I were, the cycle repeats itself. I saw my niece a few times, just like my sister, the two of us no longer had frequent contact due to the incompatibility of our lives, but in fact, the love never changed. She offered me help several times, but I didn't want to accept it, even though I knew she was from the heart, she didn't want money, I could very well continue working and achieving my own things. I can't find Charlotte and I wonder where she must be and how she must be feeling. I wish I could hug her now and tell her with all the certainty in the world that she is not alone. I feel the presence of someone next to me and I turn to see who it is. He is a man with a serious expression, an impeccable black suit and an air of superiority equal to almost everyone here. The saying looks at me from head to toe and I inevitably feel intimidated. — You must be Scarlett Baker? — He asks, still looking at me. - Yes, i'ts me. — I turn up my nose and try to look at him as an equal. - And who are you? — I represent Mr Thompson's interests. — I look at my brother-in-law's coffin, which is a little further away from my sister's. — Mr Noah Thompson. I remember that name, I think I heard something about it, that man was my sister's husband's brother, but what could he want with me? - AND? — I arch an eyebrow, trying to understand what he wants with me. — Can we go outside and talk a little? - Suggests. I ponder whether I should trust this man. — It's about your niece. As the subject interests me a lot, I head outside. — Your niece is at Mr Thompson's house. — Let me know, bluntly. — I would love to go see her. — He wants custody of the child.
crazy about the CEO

crazy about the CEO

Erotic novels didn't used to be something for Cissa to be ashamed of, at least until she started working as an assistant to a powerful CEO. Oliver Prado Albuquerque and Guimarães, even his name made her shudder. As cliché as it used to happen in the books she read, Cissa fell in love with her boss, a seemingly unreachable billionaire with a panty-melting smile. As if having eight cats and being about to become an “auntie” wasn't enough, the young assistant lives mixing fantasy with reality and, even without meaning to, ends up interpreting a request from her boss in a distorted and... somewhat perverted way. ! Upon noticing the first signs of interest from the handsome CEO, Cissa is no longer sure if she is real or a fanfic that she created in her fertile mind, not knowing how to deal with the overwhelming feelings that Oliver awakens in her. During a work trip, she decides to take the test and find out if she is going crazy or if the CEO is really falling in love. Is her dream as a reader about to come true, or does she risk being the youngest unemployed member of the family? “I'm sorry for the unusual people on duty, but good love is cliché love! Don’t try to understand, surrender and let yourself live!” Author Unknown Maktub. The word of Arabic origin that means "it was already written" came to mind at the exact moment she entered my room. Although young, I had already lived enough to understand — and realize — that there are moments that change everything. And that term fit like a glove, because I understood what destiny wanted to tell me while looking at the shy woman in front of me. I took longer than usual — or polite — observing the beauty with a delicate structure, with exuberant and tempting curves, a mythical, almost celestial being, who seemed to have come floating to me like a gift. Dark blonde hair, falling loose and wavy in the middle of her back, contrasting with her fair skin and perfect face. She was beautiful. Almost like a porcelain doll. A pair of almost honey-colored eyes, beautiful. Pure and innocent. Confident, but at the same time so sweet, it made me swallow hard. — Please, come in — I asked, my tone coming out a little tighter because of the way it hit me without warning. She didn't move immediately and that made me angry, because I didn't want any distance and when I was about to go to her, she finally started walking towards me, still hesitantly. - What is your name? Although I knew, because of the resume I had just had in my hands, I needed to hear her speak, to hear the tone of the voice of the shy goddess who aroused my interest like no other before
powerful boss

powerful boss

They were in front of the lake, on a walk that Alice had insisted on taking. Anthony had arrived from the north a few weeks ago and since then Alice had monopolized his attention, as if it had been years since they had seen each other and not just since the family moved to the region, almost a year ago. Anthony still found the fate of the Crawford family unusual and unexpected. His father, Theodore, had never indicated that he would like to return to his origins, as a farmer in the south, he had a good career as a doctor in Philadelphia and with the dowry of his mother, heiress of a rich merchant in the city, they lived very well, they could until they are called rich. That was certainly how they were seen. Alice, her younger sister, had become engaged to the son of a banker, one of the best catches in town, and Anthony was also seen as a promising catch once he graduated from medical school. The Crawfords' eldest son believed his life would be in Philadelphia, following in his father's footsteps. He obviously knew that one day he would have to get married and have his own family, although he had never really been interested in the girls who surrounded him when he was at home, like Alice's flighty friends. This made his mother, Josephine, happy, as she always dreamed of Anthony joining his cousin Beatrice. A desire that Anthony had never taken seriously, even though he adored his cousin and they were good friends. But Anthony didn't want his wife to just be his friend. And much less that the woman he chose to spend the rest of his days with was an irritating maiden, albeit one with a huge dowry and a prominent family. He wanted it to be someone who filled his soul. Elliot laughed at this “romantic poet's desire”, as he said. For Elliot, women were a toy. In fact, I eat almost everything. Elliot was the black sheep of the family and had worried his parents from an early age. He had entered law school, but dropped out without graduating, fleeing to Europe with a woman of dubious reputation. He returned months later, without money and with gambling debts that his grandfather, who was already ill and staying at their house in Philadelphia, insisted on paying. Elliot was his grandfather's favorite, because he knew how to transform people into what people wanted with his charm. And his grandfather couldn't accept that Theodore didn't want to return to the south and take over the family's prosperous cotton farm. Theodore had very progressive ideas about the use of slave labor that horrified his grandfather, who was convinced that Elliot could be the one to follow in his footsteps. Of course Elliot didn't care about running a farm, but he liked to think he could make a lot of easy money from his grandfather. However, when his grandfather died, Theodore surprised the entire family by deciding to move south and do his father's bidding. He would take care of the farm, but in his own way
CEO impostor's

CEO impostor's

boss. My heart accelerates every time his eyes turn to me, especially when we are alone in his office. The first kiss happened six months ago, during a business trip, I slept with him that same night. Since then, we have been sneaking out during work hours and having hidden lunches. He was once in the newspaper and they called him the perfect bachelor. I have to agree. Many people saw a tall, blond, blue-eyed, billionaire CEO, with a firm hand, with a dirty look and thought: hot tycoon who needs to be tamed. Charles Whitmore is more than that, a successful businessman, a demanding boss and a devoted lover. —The day's reports, sir. — I leave the paperwork on the table in front of him. The office is in the heart of Los Angeles' commercial center, with a panoramic view of the city. Charles is so imposing with his well-cut beard and dark blue tailored suit, it suits the position he holds. Before I can pull away, he grabs my wrist, eyes moving away from the screen to look at me. - Stay. A single command and I completely tremble. I keep telling myself that I should end our relationship, it is immoral and against company policy. As a boss, it is your obligation to set an example, however, I remain there and after a brief wave, I walk to the door to lock it. I don't need to turn around to know I've been followed. I can feel his presence behind me, the heat of his body pressed against mine, trapping me between him and the wood. My chocolate-colored hair is swept away from my neck and the soft kiss on the back of my ear makes me melt inside. Having him next to me, whispering dirty things in my ear will never be enough. I always want more. — You drive me crazy, you know? There are two of us, he drives me crazy too. Charles Whitmore turns me around so he can take my mouth. A warmth forms in my chest every time I'm in his arms, maybe because each kiss feels like it's the last. There are days when I think I'm going to wake up and discover that everything was just a dream and that this man never gave a woman like me a second look. Big hands invade my hair and things intensify. I've always been a shy girl, I'd never given him a French kiss before, just pecks. Charles has a way of getting everything he wants from me. I cling to him and he pulls my dress up, leaving it bunched up around my waist. A possessive growl escapes his throat and he grabs me by the thighs, leading me back to the table. The papers I had just organized are thrown to the floor and I am placed on the cold marble, a counter to the heat coming from it. I have a collection of panties given to me by Charles, as mine keep disappearing into his pockets. That's how exposed I am, dripping with desire.
I loved the childhood

I loved the childhood

baby was the child he didn't want. I can't love you in the dark It feels like we're so far away There's so much space between us Adele - Love in the dark Chapter 1 I looked up at the tall iron gate, with a sumptuous coat of arms at the top, where a solitary letter, F, stands it stood out proudly over the shapes below, which resembled everything from wolves and dragons to blooming flowers. I didn't really understand the importance of a surname or a coat of arms until I saw how small and unimportant that simple piece of iron made me feel. My family didn't have a coat of arms. Honestly, I didn't even have a family. I was the nuisance that was thrown back and forth between relatives, so I can't consider myself anyone's family. — Hello — a tall, old man appeared at the end of the garden. He looked at me with simple curiosity as I tried to arrange my messy hair behind my ears. — How can I help you? — SINE sent me for the babysitting position — I told him, almost shouting, as the distance between us remained greater than my vocal strength. The man nodded. He turned around and then the gate started to make noise. An intimidating creak that made my heart race. Almost like a horror movie, I realized that every step I took towards the mansion seemed to take me into a haunted movie. — You could have rang the intercom — the man smiled at me. I realized he was a man in his sixties or seventies. He dressed like the butlers in movies that were shown in the afternoon. — If I hadn't noticed her standing there, I would have been waiting for hours. I smiled at him, embarrassed to say that I was debating whether or not to ring the intercom. The truth is that I needed to work, as I have always needed since I turned eighteen and the small pension I received from my mother was cut by the government. Still, the place unnerved me and I almost backed away. - What is your name? — he asked. — Maria Eduarda — I extended my hand to shake him. — Fiuza — I completed. He hardly used his last name. When I was four years old, my mother was in a car accident. She was admitted to the hospital for a few days, and then passed away. My father disappeared shortly after, saying he couldn't take care of a child alone. I found out years later that he already had another woman, and she didn't want the responsibility of a child. I stayed at an aunt's house until I was seven, when she got tired and said that the other relatives also had an obligation. So, throughout my childhood and adolescence, I wandered between the homes of uncles who didn't want me. My changes hindered my learning and I couldn't even graduate from high school. When I turned eighteen, the aunt who took me in after I was seventeen said I needed to mind my own business. So, I looked for a job. I was a maid for five years for a lady who had a little girl. I wasn't paid to take care of the girl, but I did because I discovered she loved children.
CEO identity protected

CEO identity protected

New Castle and Sunville are fictional cities and are located in America. The seasons in this city work as follows: Spring: from March 20th to June 21st. Summer: from June 21st to September 23rd. Autumn: from September 22nd or 23rd to December 22nd. Winter: from December 22nd to March 20th. Hi, my beautiful reader. All good? I hope so, and I sincerely hope that this reading brings you moments of joy, sighs and many dreams. This book can be read independently, and in it you will meet Colin Miller and Lily Brooks. I loved writing them both. This book is for those who love happy endings, overcoming, emotion, hot scenes and new beginnings. Thank you in advance for this chance to arrive on your shelf, it's a pleasure for me. Kisses, Kalie Mendez. Listen to the playlist of “The Billionaire’s Hidden Son”. To listen, simply open the QR Code reader on your cell phone and point the camera at the code below: CONTENTS Credits Synopsis Fictional Cities Letter from the author Playlist Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Final chapter Epilogue Acknowledgments Other works by the author Contact “Miller Foundation Invites... Benefit Masquerade Ball. Life is happening right now. A second that passes never comes back. So, be sure to attend the ball. Remembering that it will be a judgment-free night, with your identity protected, you will not run the risk of having your photo spread around, as cell phones will not be allowed. When you arrive at the place, don't forget: sing, dance, drink, eat and live like there is no tomorrow. The ideal attire for the event is Black Tie. Time: At 11 pm. Confirm your presence on the Miller Family Foundation website or using the QR Code. Your personal and non-transferable code is LBROOKSKMRA. I wait you there. With the invitation I always dreamed of receiving in my life in hand, I sit down on the bed. Even though I want to confirm my presence immediately, I ponder the current circumstances a little. Unfortunately, my family, after many years of friendship with the Millers, completely severed ties, apparently over a stupid fight involving the purchase of property. At least that's what they told me. And that makes me believe that if I'm receiving this invitation today, Ava Miller, my best friend, definitely found a way to include me on the list. So, still unsure whether I'll go to the event, I decide to send a message. “Ava... As I know your schedule and I know that being so early you are still sleeping, I preferred to respond with a message. I don't even know how to thank you for pulling the strings so I could attend the ball. I know that because of my age, even though there are only a few days left until I turn 18, I wouldn't be able to enter the place. You know, still about the invitation, at the same time that I'm euphoric, already imagining what clothes I could go with, I remember that my presence might not be very welcome. What happened between our families is so sad. Here at home they only talk about how their parents went ahead of mine and bought a property they wanted for a long time, but I didn't understand the story very well. The stress level is so high that they don't even allow me to question anything. Did years of friendship simply evaporate in seconds


because of the type of work we did, whether it was a simple security task or a rescue delivery, the bond between team members was more important than anything else. They were a good group of guys. I didn't have the history with them that I had with Leo, or even with the other guys I served with, but I wouldn't have that with anyone else. What I could have, however, was something new. I could have friends who understand what it's like to serve, what it's like to transition from military to civilian, for a number of reasons. I loved my family, but they couldn't understand the way these men could. The flashbacks. Following orders you didn't agree with. A chain of command. Trust in someone who could be right beside you in a gunfight. “Congratulations,” Cain said from the doorway of the office I shared with Bruce. As Bruce was working, Cain came in and sat in the other man's seat. — The last of all your paperwork has arrived. You can officially start the rotation from Monday. We have a bodyguard job that you, Fever and Dez are perfect for. — Who is it for? — I doubted that being a bodyguard was my favorite kind of job, but it was definitely better than any other civilian job I could have gotten, even in security. At least this would have variety and probably wouldn't include dealing with drunks and bums. “Dana Stingley,” Cain said. — She is a nurse at a health center and is going through a nasty divorce. She has a restraining order in place, but those things are worthless half the time. — So this is going to be a long-term job? — I took the anti-stress ball I got at the hospital in Germany. — I'm surprised she can afford it. “No, probably just a few weeks,” Cain replied. — Apparently, the idiot she's married to kept trying to intimidate her. Then, the day after the restraining order, her car was vandalized. Graffiti, slashed tires, and broken windows. Even though the cops believed it was her future ex, they had no evidence. A few days later, she started receiving threatening letters, but again, no direct evidence. — Please tell me the police are at least investigating and not treating it like it's nothing. — I leaned forward, my fist squeezing the soft blue ball. “They are,” Cain said, “and they're determined to put him where he can't hurt her, but they need evidence. They don't want him to leave on some technicality, but they can't guarantee her protection while they hope to have enough to indict him, especially since they don't want him to know what they're investigating. “So we're keeping her safe while they work. - Exactly. Before I could ask about the layover or anything like that, the front door bell rang, alerting us that someone had entered the small lobby. Cain got up, but he couldn't even leave my office because Freedom appeared at the door. — Well, you're together, so I can yell at both of you at the same time. —Her face was red and there was no doubt about her tone. She was furious. Cain looked confused and I didn't blame him. Unfortunately, I had a suspicion as to why she was here. — Did we have a misunderstanding about the invoice? Freedom looked at me and confirmed what I was thinking. “It's not about you, Cain,” I said. — She's upset with me. — Oh, I'm upset with you two. —Her words were like ice as her gaze shifted from me to Cain. She pointed a finger in his direction. — It was you who brought him and Aline together


Nights with the CEO Guto One Night Forever A Baby for Italo Russo An Heir for CEO Otto Millani My Carnival with the Cowboy A Second Chance The Desert Falcon The Fisherman The Mutt Playboy The Carnival Ball Weekend with the Boss Pleasures of One Night The First CEO we never forget The First CEO is forever Disarmed by Love Desperate for Love The CEO and the Million Dollar Girl The CEO's Pregnant Assistant Attracted by the Arrogant Boss In Love with Playboy Sexy and Arrogant Pregnant by the Cowboy Arrogant Fascinated by the Widower Arrogant Destined for the Cowboy The Mafioso's Passion A Temptation for the Bad Boy The Mafioso's Desire Pregnant by the CEO Arrogant Pregnant by the Firefighter Arrogant The Colonel's Secret Desire Pregnant by the Irresistible Quarterback The Sergeant's Secret Desire A Family for the Bachelor Arrogant A Family for the Bachelor Seductive A Family for the Bachelor Irresistible A Family for the Bachelor Dominant Contemporary/Paranormal Fantasy: Áthila Falcon Damon Athena Voughan Seven Suther Osman Journalistic: Quisisana, a story, a life Historical Romance The Duke The Yankee The Commoner Danior Vladimir Xavier Gustav Heron Gypsy Fury House on Hill Back to House on Hill The Gentleman of Shetwood My Dear Cousin A Duke's Last Kiss The Libertine's Christmas A Path of Love The Pirate and the Prisoner The Letter Earl of Denbigh The Bride and the Russian How to Kidnap a Duke Letters to the Count The Duke's Challenge The Duke's Favorite The Marquis's Favorite The Count's Favorite The Lord's Favorite An Unforgettable Love An Irresistible Love The Marquis's Temptation The Count's Doom The Duke's Sin The Count Bastard The Lady in Red The Lady of Pearls The Lady of Lilies The Lady of Secrets A Deal with the Duke A Deal with the Count A Deal with the Marquis A Deal with the Colonel A Deal with the Libertine Sublime Lesbian Historical Romance Medieval/Fantasy A The King's Curse The Princess's Spell Seal Ladies of Romance: Master's Hunt Sarah's Fate Desire Passion Courage Loneliness The Humbug The Princess of Taranis An Indecent Passion Western / Cowboy The Strength of Love The Power of Love The Glory of Love The Outside of Law The Avenger The Punisher The Renegade Note This book deals with issues such as violence against women.
CEO Devoted

CEO Devoted

couldn't believe we were having this argument at my little sister's wedding. She was marrying my best friend, and this was supposed to be their day. I thought... fuck, I didn't know what I thought anymore. How could we let life get in the way of our love for each other? We had been together, on and off, since we were fifteen. When we got back together last time, we were 24 years old and I knew she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I wasn't going to risk losing her again for anything, so I proposed a few weeks later and never looked back. Ten years ago, we were so in love. So devoted. So consumed with each other. Where did we go wrong? With the most sincere and pained expression on her face, she persuaded: — I don't want to be just another challenge or obstacle, something you won't give up on, Christian. “You're taking my words out of context, Kinley. - I am? I haven't been your priority for who knows how long. — That's a lie! I'm inside you making you cum on my dick... — This isn't about sex, Christian! It has nothing to do with it! - What the hell is that? I give everything to you! What more do you want from me? — Do you give me everything? You can not be serious. You think I don't realize how distant you are from me because I can't—” “We're not talking about that right now. — I growled in a low protest. Grabbing her arm, I dragged her to the back of the farmhouse on my sister's property, where the ceremony and reception were being held. During the exchange of vows, we watched my sister and my best friend start over while my world came crashing down in a devastating way. And all I could do was sit there and look at Kinley's face, trying desperately to hold on to the good times, the memories of our life together. I could see in her bright green eyes that I had loved for as long as I could remember that her thoughts mirrored my own, remembering a time when it was us in front of our friends and family, vowing to be together for better or for worse. She still loved me. I still loved her. However, none of that mattered anymore. Life passed us by in the blink of an eye. We were no longer those two crazy teenagers who thought they could face the world together. Our love was replaced by anger, our devotion began to crumble, and our lives began to disintegrate. But anything worth having is worth fighting for, right? She was the only woman who ever touched my heart, my soul and every fiber of my being belonged to her. I was hers. Inside and outside. Yet now her love felt like a double-edged sword thrust straight into my heart. Her eyes were no longer a bright, vivid green. They felt sad and empty, although I could still see the love she had for me hidden behind her depths of uncertainty. She turned to leave and I grabbed her arm, turning her to face me. — I love you, Kinley. She immediately closed her eyes as if it hurt to look at me. Then I reached out, cupping the sides of her face, willing her to open them for me. - Candy. — I persuaded gently
My Millionaire Boss

My Millionaire Boss

The scream wanted to escape my throat as soon as the searing pain hit me . But I had to be strong. Not for me, but for the baby that wanted to be born at all costs. I managed to walk to the apartment door which was locked. I wouldn't be able to drive to a hospital, and most likely there wouldn't be time for an ambulance to arrive to help me. My only alternative at that moment was to reach my neighbor's front door. Fabiana, besides being a neighbor, had become my best friend. And I knew that as soon as she got a knock on her door, she would be ready to help me. When I managed to unlock the door, another wave of contraction hit me, making me stop, putting my hand on the wall to support myself and wait for the pain to pass. It lasted a few minutes, and when it passed, I started walking again, stopped in front of my friend's door and knocked. It didn't take long to open. And as soon as she did, I regretted having only her to look for. Fabiana looked beautiful in a short black dress, which shaped her slim and perfect body that made me envious, with well-placed curves, just right. The makeup was discreet, highlighting every detail on her face, especially her full mouth, highlighting her black skin. She was ready to leave, and it wasn't fair for me to be there stopping her from doing so. - What happened? Are you well? Before I could say anything, another contraction had me squirming and leaning on my friend, who promptly grabbed me by the arms. — Contractions, the baby is going to be born. Was all I could say and I watched as her eyes widened at me. — What do you mean, being born? Where is your husband? That was a great question. Otávio had left in the morning, leaving me alone all day. A woman just over thirty-nine weeks pregnant. — I don't know, he left this morning and hasn't come back yet. I squeezed his arm a little tighter when I felt the pain worse. As soon as it eased a little, I apologized and she asked me to come in. — No. I was going to ask you to take me to the hospital. I couldn't drive like that. I pointed to my body hunched against my huge belly. - Clear. My friend quickly got ready, closing her own door and leaving for my house, taking the bags that were already packed and the car key. We went down the elevator, and the interval between my contractions was getting shorter and shorter. Luckily for me, the hospital where I was being monitored wasn't that far away, and as soon as I arrived, a team picked me up in the parking lot at Fabiana's request, wheelchair and everything. — Fabi, thank you very much for everything, my friend. I don't want to bother you any more than that. There's no need to wait — I said, holding her hand as she was pushed towards the hospital. — Really imagine that I'm going to leave you here alone. I wouldn't leave you even if your worthless husband was here. Hearing her talking like that hurt me. Not for my husband, but for the baby who wasn't even born yet, but already had a terrible father. Otávio was a totally different person when we met. Affectionate, loving and attentive. But the moment we got married and started living together, everything changed. I was a woman from a small town with no family nearby, so he took advantage of that. And everything got worse when I found out about my pregnancy. Not that my son was a burden to me, far from it. That child, whose face I hadn't even seen yet, was the only thing that kept me going every day, that cheered me up in the mornings when I woke up alone, because Otávio hadn't come home after a night out partying. I didn't know him, but I already loved him with my whole life. I squeezed his hand tighter in a comforting silence, despite the tense moment, and we continued heading to the hospital. I went into the room alone,


The first memory I had was of a gray line on the horizon. From being swallowed by coats and coughing. More than the memory, it was the feeling when she tried to remember those early years. I spent my entire childhood coughing, losing breath, using firecrackers and going to the emergency room. The memory of the gray sky was almost always accompanied by a hospital window. That was Cleveland, Ohio. The steel industry. It was so close to Canada that I could see the cities across the border from afar. And feel the chill down your spine mixed with the polluted air. It was difficult to breathe. I spent the first eleven years of my life aware of this, going from home to the hospital, suffering from severe asthma that suffered with every change in climate and immunity. I didn't know what existed beyond that, until one day my parents announced that we were moving to my grandmother's house. Riverville, Texas. It was so far from everything I knew, and I remembered the feeling of the hours inside the car crammed with boxes. The landscape changing as we advanced along the road, my parents taking turns at the wheel. The heat coming in meeting me for the first time in my life. There was no gray sky in that place. Texas won my affection at that moment, the warm air, the sun rays... And I would learn to love many other things, like the people, the boots, the hats and the small town atmosphere. I, Abigail Rose McAlister, became a Texan at heart at that moment. The differences between that city and Ohio were enormous, and yet I was happy. The feeling of the chest tightening, the lack of air and the firecrackers were left behind. It was a new life for all of us. I knew that my parents decided to move for my health. In Ohio, they worked in the construction industry and took their knowledge to their new home. Between their own business and my grandmother's bookstore, they began to rebuild a life for all of us. All summer, it seemed like we were trying to figure out the rough edges to make a home after so long in Cleveland. When classes started, I had to worry about other things. I wasn't the most popular girl in Ohio. I missed many classes, I hid in many others. But that first week at school, something very important happened: Grace. There I was, from eleven to twelve years old, starting Junior High in a strange city and afraid that no one would like me. We studied in San Angelo, the closest city, because Riverville was so small that it didn't even have its own school. Thirty minutes from home on a school bus full of strangers. I got into the yellow vehicle trying to sink into my backpack. I adjusted my glasses and sighed loudly, wishing it would end soon. I felt the eyes on me. I walked down the aisle to find an empty seat next to a little red-haired girl, her huge hair falling everywhere. She gave me a curious smile. But there were no judgments there. She wasn't staring at the “new stranger”, but rather curious about who wanted that empty seat. — Can... can I sit down? — I asked, more quietly than I should have, in a crisis of shyness that would be neither the first nor the last in my life. - Clear! I'm Grace, you're new... I've never seen you around here... She assumed at that moment. Grace started babbling, a twenty-plus minute monologue about her vacations at home, helping her brother and Colin with horses, and how she wanted to be a veterinarian when she grew up. She had this soft, sing-song Texan accent, and it was fun to have someone as open as her by my side. — They don't like me, they say I smell like horses — she confided, vulnerable, looking around the bus to add in a louder tone: — As if everyone here wasn't a farmer's son and had never been near an animal. . Cowards! I smiled, trying to hide my teeth through my shirt sleeve. She laughed in response, squeezing my arms as she tried to force me to say something else.
CEO city

CEO city

nervous. — Is that Dominic's number? It should be, considering that he himself saved it in my phone's calendar. - And yes. This is his wife. Who is talking? - Wife?! — I changed my voice, almost shouting, due to the shock. This is a nightmare, it has to be! - Yes my dear. Wife! — His arrogant tone made tears well up in my eyes instantly. - In what world do you live in? Don't you know he's married? — Layla? — I heard the male voice in the background and recognized it immediately. It really was Dominic. — Why did you answer my phone? Who is it? Give me this right here! He looked angry. Typical of a man who has something to hide and tries to turn the tables, intimidating, when the woman starts to get suspicious. — Sorry, ma'am — my voice came out in a weak whisper. Defeated. — I called the wrong number! Married? — Naughty, dog, shameless! — I threw the cell phone on the bed, damn it. The crying came with force as I threw myself back, burying my head in the pillow. All my frustration turning into anger at having fallen for the small talk of a handsome and seductive man. - He is married? — Laura hugged me as I burst into tears, thinking about how my life had been turned upside down since I got home from that vacation. — Yes... — How could I be so naive to believe him? - He is sure? — I heard his voice, talking to her. — I sat on the bed, running my hands over my face to dry the tears. — He asked who it was on the phone. Laura got comfortable on the bed and started running her hands through my hair, combing it with her own fingers. I was certainly a wreck since I got my answer. It was that same day, during my work break, my lunch break. I returned home to meet her so we could open the exam together. When I saw the positive result, I almost fainted. Desperate. Helpless. What am I going to do with my life now? — Why did you hang up? — Laura was as pissed off as I was. — He should tell his wife that her husband is a scoundrel! - I can't! — I shook my head, in a frantic denial. - Of course you can. — She was outraged. — You should! —What for, Laura? — I exploded, standing up and starting to pace the room, restless and scared. — Playing the role of a lover? The other? The odd job who went to bed with a married man? — The woman who was deceived by a married man! — She stood up to make me stop, holding me by the shoulders and looking at me seriously. — And in fact, she is pregnant by this married man! — No, Laura. I would much rather be judged for having a baby without a father than judged for being a home wrecker. My son will not be a bastard! — What did you expect, Val? — She softened her tone, compassion in her eyes. — That he would come running and marry you? - Not exactly. — I sniffled, still crying. — But having a single man assume paternity of my baby, even if we are not a couple, is much better than sharing custody of my child with a man who has a wife and cheated on her with me. — You're being unfair to yourself. — A society that is unfair to women, Laura! — I walked away again, returning to the desperate posture I had before. I couldn't stay calm. — What will my father say when I tell him I'm pregnant and will need help raising my child? I didn't even know if I was going to be able to afford the house and college with my salary, and now there's a baby on the way. — Why don't you call again? It must have been some mistake. — No mistake, Laura! When his friend told me that Dominic was on a stag trip, I thought he was lying. But that's precisely why I didn't get in touch with him before, as I had promised on our last night on Ilha do Sol. — You've only been together for three months. — If he was already engaged during the trip, that's enough time to have gotten married. — Every time I said that word, it was like a dagger was being driven even deeper into my heart. I thought our move was special... — And now, Val? What do you intend to do? I swallowed the new wave
mafia passion

mafia passion

Zander walked through the wide doors Demetrou glazing Investments. _ Good morning Mr. Demetered. _ said Helena, one of your receptionists. _ Good morning Helena. is even more beautiful than yesterday. _ he said to him giving a wink, making the almost fifty year old lady blush at the praise. _ And you are more gallant than yesterday. _ she returned, smiling while the other two receptionists warned the hair to get your attention. _ You deserve the best of me. _ he teased and then turned to the two other women. _ Good Morning Amber, Alexa... But it was a polite greeting and nothing like what he dedicated to Helena. After all Helena was a woman of older and happily married. Zander wouldn't risk playing the same way with Amber and Alexa, who did everything to call their Warning. Never get involved with employees satnodp tpheedy t arylli nkng etwo cita,l lb yuotu nrever Warning. Aa two replied in unison as he walked away to the private elevator. Enter your password on the panel and the doors started to close while listening to the sighs and girls comments. _ What envy, Helena. _ said Amber. _ If he greeted me like that way every morning would have to bring extra panties. _ commented Alexa, making others laugh two. _ Shut up girl. If Zander hears something like that could get her fired. Him does not engage with female employees. _ Helen explained. Zander didn't hear the rest of the conversation, but I didn't need to. The look the two threw at each other him every time attended the company already reported his thoughts. The elevator stopped a few minutes later at the penultimate floor where your office. Lucca, his secretary looked up of the documents on your desk and to the see him got up quickly. He was a man of almost forty years old, tall and muscular worked for Zander as secretary and security.
 prohibited for the CEO

prohibited for the CEO

I had been watching the girl for a few minutes. had plagued my thoughts for longer than I could remember. That's because she didn't compare to any I had ever had opportunity to meet or stay. Do not. Eve was delicate and innocent. Smart and sarcastic when she wanted to be. I wasn't sure when that I began to see her with malicious eyes, however, the moment did not mattered, but the fact itself. I was a fucking cretin who dreamed in eating the prime. And in many different ways and angles. In every corner of my apartment. I wanted to breathe in that innocence of hers and steal it for myself. whore that gave birth! I would only be sent with a one-way ticket to hell. The night-black hair, at that moment, fell like cascades over her bare shoulders. Her pink lips were deliciously caught between her white teeth as she stared at me, expectant. Her eyes held me captive so easily that I I felt out of control with the effect she had on me and my body. No one else had that power. "Can you say that again, Eva?" I swear I'm trying not to believe that you came to my apartment to ask me for such absurdity. She rolled her eyes, showing all her impatience. Incredibly she managed to look even more beautiful when she was angry. “Romeo, we grew up together, dammit! And, I know you already ate the most of my colleagues. So why don't you want to eat me too? Fury invaded my pores when I heard his words. "Don't ever refer to yourself in such a low way again, Eva," I snapped, indignant. “None of your friends compare to you. None meant anything to me. You are different. For the love of God. I got up from the couch, nervous about the whole situation. I lay on my back, rubbing my face and trying to reason with anything. anything other than my cock going against the comforting heat between my my cousin's legs hot as hell. — But I don't want to be different, don't you see? — She me He pulled toward her, and I saw the tears streaming down her beautiful face. - I am tired of being treated like the perfect little girl even though she's almost twenty-one years old. I'm into a guy, but he doesn't even come close, because everything in me..." - she gestured to her body - "screams inexperience. "So you want me to teach you about sex?" - My voice almost Did not leave. Her closeness, in contrast to that indecent proposal and temptress were doing a great job between my legs. And there they were again, teeth chastising their delicious lips. Did she have any idea how erotic the image of her like that was for him? fuck? - This is what I want. ' came the reply in a husky tone. frm. There, in front of me, Eva looked like doom itself in the form of a women. Deliciously inside that short, sexy dress. The feet carried the kind of heels I just went crazy over, high and skinny. My mind started creating multiple scenes where I fucked her using just those heels, digging them into my back. Trembling, and trying to control my worst instincts, I stroked his angelic face. “I would love to be able to help you, my little angel, but I can't do that. Besides our parents killing me, I would never forgive myself if I took you for my wildness. Annoyed, she removed my hand from her face in an aggressive gesture. I admired her pert ass as she bent to pick up her backpack. off the foor, beside the sofa, then marched towards the exit. — Don't worry, because I'll fnd someone who wants to help me. I guarantee that there will be no lack of pretense... I didn't let her fnish talking, because just imagining her doing that same proposal to another already made me want to kill someone. “Okay, I'll help. I slammed the door open, preventing her from leaving. I was out of breath. - Serious? she asked, euphoric. - Wow! Thank God why not I wanted it to be someone else. I took a deep breath before turning to her. my gaze was dark towards her, and she stopped smiling. — If I were you, I wouldn't waste time crying out to God, because nor will he be able to help you after what I intend to do to you, Eva. — I looped her to me, breathing in her scent with every hunger I possessed. her. "Do you want to learn how to be a little whore in bed?" Okay, I'll teach, little angel . And when we're done, you'll have turned into a real little devil. I promise.
burning templation

burning templation

The noise of the propellers put the whole body on alert. 72 hours without sleep. 72 hours late. The damn phone call had taken away any shred of peace and all The next few hours were an ordeal to fnd Hannah. one was needed tactical team and a plan to invade the place, and it took a long time to get those two things. Damn 72 hours late. Staring at me in the refection of the helicopter window as the damn fight it didn't end, I saw anger overfowing from my pores. I was mad at Hannah, with the son of a bitch who used her and was mad at myself. THE sepulchral silence from the rest of the team refected my mood, perhaps in agreement with the critical situation we were experiencing. He needed to be alert, more than ever. - Ten minutes to landing. - It was Wolf's voice on the communicator. Everyone started reviewing their equipment and I felt more confdent. about our next few minutes here. All came to the call, highly accurate and lethal, the ideal group for what would be faced next. "Don't forget I want him alive," I yelled over the noise of the propellers. as we approached the ground. Everyone nodded, continuing to make preparations. I could smell the bastard's blood, flling me with anticipation to kill the bastard and bring Hannah back. - We'll leave it especially for you, Red Hawk. The helicopter landed in the clearing a few minutes later and we all did our way out. The night made the forest even more dense and humid. - Warlock, stay on the plane - he said to the pilot - We'll arrive to the asshole compound in half an hour, keep distracting the radars and come get us. - Why the hell are you going over this with me? - You know why. - Bring her back Hawk, I'll keep in line. – Warlock me glared brutally - Send that piece of shit straight to the hell. I jumped out of the helicopter right after Warlock's last words. In foor, the team already had rifes drawn and night vision goggles in the face. - Murphy, watch our backs. Ryle, follow with two more to the east, go faster and be the distraction for our entrance. Without waiting for an answer, I started running through the dense forest with more three of the men. Anger was potent fuel, like a rife burning in my arms and the thirst for revenge radiating through every pore of your skin. With each new step, I could feel the adrenaline rising in my body. That would be over for the night and then I could go back to sleep and take care of Hannah. "Ryle to Red Hawk, over." Ryle's sharp voice squeaked into my ear. heard. - Red Hawk on the wire. - Hawk, we are fve hundred meters from the complex. Something is wrong. - What's wrong? - It's all very quiet, apparently there's no one outside and few lights are on. - Fall back, wait for my arrival from the north. Something was wrong. Her terse breathing was altered by the ache at the back of her neck. He no he had liked what he had heard. There was something wrong. That place it would never be without massive supervision. Hannah. She may have been transferred. No, he wouldn't have taken that long for a safe lane for nothing. Running to the encounter, he slows down the steps next to the men when he kills her indicated the end of the trail. Looking around, I looked for a spot to observe the distance what was happening. Minutes later, on top of a tree, the complex was visible, with few lights on and only two cars from the outside. Something was wrong. - Red Hawk to Ryle, what's your situation? - We're still watching Hawk. No movement so far.
 seduced by the therapist

seduced by the therapist

I'm kind of apprehensive. I don't really know what's going on, I just know that I must meet someone. A person who must be angry with me and who is important enough to coerce me into coming escorted by two security guards to this luxury hotel. This morning when I woke up I didn't feel very well for having spent almost the whole night in action at another one of the little parties promoted by Amanda. I took a shower in my simple apartment and when I was getting ready to drink a mug of cafe, I was surprised by security guards who told me I would have to follow them. At frst I thought it was a joke, but after a formal threat I decided to cooperate. The word “fucked” came out in big letters in my mind like a mock sign. With sure some woman's husband had found out about me and sent for me to settle the bills. The Black Bulls' fame had spread through high society and that was bad, we had to be careful. However, I didn't care if it was a cuckold wanting revenge. If they left for aggression, I wouldn't hesitate to break the nose of some jealous rich kid who can't satisfy a woman in bed and she has to pay prostitutes to do the job. The security guard in front of me stopped and opened a door. He moved away for me to pass and when I went in and the woman who was waiting for me got up immediately. “Beatrice? I asked in surprise. "Did you plan this?" she yelled as soon as she saw me, throwing a newspaper in front of me. His eyes fared. I held it and saw on the frst page, a picture of me and Beatrice leaving together from her apartment on the Upper East Side. I was kind of unrecognizable because of the hat she wore and sunglasses, but she was clearly recognizable. Damn! I think I broke up that bitch's billionaire marriage. “Of course I didn't. — I threw the newspaper at her again — What would I get? “Fame. he snarled. That accusation made me back off. - As if. — I clapped my hands on my hips and gave an ironic laugh — I live sneaking in the porn world to not be typecast and you think I would want to be known as your lover or whore? Carefully she studies me, wanting to convince herself that I had nothing to do with it. beatrice she is white and her lips are panting. Her hair, once so combed, is now disheveled. “I don't know whose fault it was, but you're going to help me clean this up. She pointed at me. - I? - IT IS! You, Tyler. She pulled away and turned around. The hands pass all the time in the black hair, showing what caused this deplorable state. "And how could I help you?" Do you want me to talk to your husband? I rest my hands on my hips, staring at her. “I've already planned everything. She picks up some bags that I only then noticed. He throws everything on the huge bed. Designer branding stamped on the bags. She walked away and pointed to that junk on the bed. “Open it, Tyler. I was initially reluctant, but I shrugged and walked over to the bed. I started to open one by one. I couldn't understand when I came across Italian shoes, white designer shirts celebrities, belt, gold watch, glasses and even Diesel and Kelvin Klein underwear. - What the hell is that? Concentrated, looking at me, she was direct: — I want you to choose a name for yourself. You can no longer call yourself Tyler Carter. I threw her a confused look. "Will you please tell me your plan?" Why should I help keep your fucking wedding?