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shairah's Books(13)

Dark Royal University

Dark Royal University

The butler came out after he put my luggage on a bed…. So I went to the bed where my luggage was ... "Hi I am Kassandra Anderson and I am a class dark royalty student ..." he said with a smile on his face "nice to meet you" he added "Hello I'm Stephanie Sperbund and I am also an a class dark royalty student" said a woman as well as "Ahm .... hello I'm Scarlet Rose Redisson and nice to meet you all" I said to them with a smile "Can you ask?" "Sure ... what is that?" asked Kassandra "What do you say is a class dark royalty student?" "Ahhh yun ... that's one of the two sections at every grade level and our section is A Class and the A Class has the best, smartest and best use of Royal Charm and weapons ... and the other is the B class ... The B class is the low section and they are the lowest of all the rank here at the Dark Royal Academy .... "Kassandra told me "Wait what is the Royal Charm ???" I asked him "That's the ----" Stephanie said as the bell was ringing I am also annoying to bell na to no!?!?! And you are another writer you are annoying you are so good when you are both because you both hang out .... "Come on, let's go to the breakfast chamber because I'm hungry" Kassandra said as she rubbed her stomach And we're going to the breakfast chamber When we arrived we sat down immediately and ate but the whole room was covered in silence because of the arrival of four people I was surprised at .... and after a few seconds everything came back again .. "Why are we so quiet earlier?" I asked Kassandra full of highlight "The highest Supreme Dark Royalty Officers arrived .." Kassandra replied "Who are they?" "They are the ones we should respect ...... and when he is in the middle of Dark Ace Grazer he is the leader and is called alpha and his right is Khyan Waltson he is the assistant leader and he calls him a beta. ..They are on the edge of the beta is Ynah Loraine Froszt who is the four of the ranking and the one next to the alpha is Daniel Zandfurst is the third in the ranking ... "Kassandra replied" Lima should be that case the fifth died so they are looking for fifth in the ranking ..... "he added “Ahh is that so?” I said and they nodded at me "Ms. Scarlet Rose Redisson please come to headmaster's office" voice voice from the speaker "Ahm excuse me cuz I have to go" I told them as he stood and was ready to leave "Wait .... Do you know where the headmaster's office is?" Stephanie asked me "Ahm .... no ... where?" "On the ground floor at the end of the left hallway" Stephanie replied I was not grateful that I ran to the ground floor because I was excited to know what to do I don I could easily find the headmaster's office so before I entered the door I first arranged the clothes and eyeglass ..... yes I was wearing eyeglasses so nerd diba?!?!?! After I fixed myself I sighed before I opened the door When I opened the door I immediately opened a beautiful room with a beautiful table in the middle ... "Good Morning Ms. Redisson" said behind me surprised "Have a seat .... and by the way I am Mr. Jeremy Valzard and I am the headmaster of this academy" he added I immediately sat in the visitor's seat and he sat in a shrivel chair as well "According to your uniform" he pointed to a box that lay on the sofa "and these are your schedules .." he said as a paper reached me He got up and walked to a cabinet and he took a box from don and returned to his seat earlier "Open it and wear it" he said as he handed me the box in red Immediately I took the box and opened the box ....... When I opened the box I saw a beautiful pendant necklace and I wore it right away .... "Ok Ms. Redisson can leave because your class is about to start" said the headmaster to me as if I was being driven "I'm going to go first" I said at once to her to leave "Ms. Redisson ......." she said as I looked in her direction "welcome to dark royal academy" she added I immediately took the uniform and got out of his office because it was like creepy because eh ..... what's up with that headmaster? I immediately looked at my schedule and found out that my first class was fifteen minutes and my first class was about to start so I could easily go to my dorm to change my uniform When I got to the dorm I immediately went to the CR and opened the box when I opened it I immediately took my uniform and put on ..... After I put on my uniform I immediately looked at myself in the mirror ... The uniform here is good because the skirt here is color black below the knee Kunti ..... Botch is also color black and to knees and the blouse is color white whose sleeve is elbow and ribbon color black black on the chest ... so perfect !!!! I went out after I got dressed and went to our classroom right away When I arrived I saw Kassandra and Stephanie immediately in the back so I sat there ..... but I'm not late ... "Yeheyy classmate us!" Stephanie's gentle language "Hi you know what Royal Charm is?" Kassandra asked me right a
Mr.Locksward's Obsession

Mr.Locksward's Obsession

--- "Shairah, listen to us. You need to get away from here. You're not safe!" "Lina, no... what about you? I won't leave you here." I couldn't help but sob out of extreme fear. I didn't know how we ended up in this situation where we needed to hide and escape. "Shairah, listen... if he catches you, it's over for us. You know you're his target." "I don't want that... What if he catches you? Lina, I don't want you to get involved." "Oh sh*t," we looked at Jaynard who was driving. "What happened?" Lina asked Jaynard, who was now hitting the steering wheel in frustration. "Damn it, there's a checkpoint." "Turn, then." "Let's ask the police for help!" I suggested. "He's influential. If we report him to the police, it's like surrendering to him," Jaynard's response worried me even more. What are we going to do now? Where can we ask for help!? Lina and I screamed as Jaynard suddenly turned and sped off in another direction. "D*mn it! I feel like he has eyes everywhere. He's tracking us," Jaynard cursed. "Shairah, give me your bag." My hands trembled as I handed him my shoulder bag. "Wh-why?" She opened the window and threw my bag outside. "Lina, why did you do that!?" "There might be a tracker attached to your bag or phone," she replied, looking at my necklace. "Take off your necklace." Without hesitation, I removed the necklace and handed it to her. Just like my bag, she threw it outside. Memories of happy times with him flashed in my mind. The man I loved and trusted so much. I love him, but I'm scared of him now. After a while, Jaynard suddenly turned again. "Lina..." he called out to the trembling person next to me. I looked in the direction Lina was staring at and almost held my breath when I saw armed men blocking our way. My whole body trembled, and I held onto Lina. "Jaynard, turn back-- damn." We looked back and saw three cars approaching. "D*mn it!!!" Jaynard swore. "Shairah, whatever happens, don't go with him," Lina said, about to open the door before I stopped her. "Lina, are you going crazy!? Don't open that. Don't!!" I sobbed in fear. "Lina, if you go out, I'll go with you," Jaynard unbuckled his seatbelt and prepared to exit. "Shairah, whatever happens, don't get out of this car. Lock the door. After ten minutes, Hexia will arrive with his whole gang to help you escape." I shook my head and tightly held her hand. "I don't want to... Please don't go out, I don't want to lose my sister. Aren't we siblings now?" She nodded, then gently removed my hand from hers. "Just trust me." "LINA!! JAYNARD!!" They finally got out of the car. As per Lina's instructions, I locked the door and positioned myself by the window to watch them. I saw Lux getting out of one of the cars and walking towards Lina. I couldn't hear what they were saying, so I just watched their every move. "Lina, Jaynard, please come back..." I kept praying repeatedly. My eyes widened as I saw Lux forcibly pulling Lina and Jaynard into a van. Lina's words faded from my mind, and I opened the door. "SHAIRAH, GO BACK INSIDE!!!" Jaynard shouted. I screamed as Jaynard suddenly fell and grabbed his stomach in pain. "Jaynard!!" Lina screamed as she struggled. I looked at the man who did that, now staring at me. "Mine, come with me. Let's go home." I trembled as I shook my head. "L-Lux, please don't hurt them. Enough." "Shairah, get in----" "Lina!!! Lux, please don't hurt them!!!" I sobbed as I watched Lina being slapped by one of his men. "As you wish, baby... Now come here and hug me because I'm starting to lose my sanity." I don't know how we ended up like this. I don't know if I'll regret loving him because of what I'm witnessing now. It doesn't feel like love anymore, just fear.
My Patient is psychopath

My Patient is psychopath

PROLOGUE Patient 145 "Just f*cking leave me alone I not crazy you d*mbas" angry a young man now disappears Fear that the Nurse prevents because some are afraid that they will not be able to approach the allegation that they are afraid of dying early Because of the fact that he was lying in life that prevented him On the other hand there is a girl who runs fast because she says she has a decision to disappear because she is the one who assigns to take care of it and take the medicine she has never seen it. When he got to the direction of his decision that surprised him because of the terrible death of the lying people who stopped him. He was swallowed up by the witness that he saw a doctor who was having a hard time breathing because the young man hit him "Stop Patient 145 Please Calm Down" Seriously the girl said looking at her young man now dark "You want me to clam down what if I kill you then will I calm down" smiling the young man said The girl is brave enough to answer it now that she is trying to help himself, to those that she does not mean that it is different because no one has ever said to kill her " of the girl The young man lifted the doctor violently and without emotion walking to the girl's behavior "no you are not coming" the girl said and retreated but the young man continued to approach her. As she approached, the girl quickly ran as she quickly grabbed her hand and confronted her and held the young man's hands on the girl's waist and squeezed her neck "Let's go home now wife please don't like me here day call crazy but im not im only crazy for you fighting and they are hurting me"


PROLOGUE The girl ignored the rumors she heard around her. He had just walked down the hospital hallway and all that was in mind was to escape the area. The girl's face and the emotional emotions can be seen on the girl's face. "I'm pregnant?!" "It can't be" it added. "I want to go home." It whispered and trembled with fear. He said goodbye to the man with him but it was still not possible for him to return. The man began to wonder, so he quickly called his staff to find the girl. 'I need to get out of here' whispered it and looking for a way to get out. It could not find the time to escape because the man had body guards guarding outside the hospital. He stopped thinking of looking at the figure of the man he wanted to escape in the hallway away from his place. It hid in the dark corner of the hallway and could hardly breathe and moved to hear the footsteps near his place. "Fvck, find her!" shouted the man. "Boss what do we do with the girl? "K! Ll her." She stood in her place and forced her to calm down. "How's the kid, boss?" asked a man. "K! Ll her when my fvcking child is born. So find her and give her back to me." The girl breathed a sigh of relief as she heard the footsteps leaving her where she was. "I can't let her take my son and I'm dead! I'm going to run away" he whispered to herself and sighed. Her decision seemed to change her baby. She held her in the stomach that wasn't too big and smiled bitterly. "Sorry baby, huh? You look like a dad without a dad."
My husband and my sister affair

My husband and my sister affair

I was in the restaurant, actually it was me and my fiancee favorite restaurant to be exact. It's almost late but I choose to go on here just to buy our favorite food. I was about to walk to the exit when one of the resto's stuff interrupted me. I remember her, she was one of the stuff that we had to eat with my fiancee. "Good evening Ma'am!" Smiling at the promise but it immediately looked down at my hand. "It looks like you liked our menu so much now Maam, .." he promised to look up at my face. "H-huh? I'm sorry but I never taste your new menu for today ..." I promise here and I will step up to speak it again to stop me. "But Ma'am, did you eat sir here today? You order our special menu today ..." he said so I wondered. I want to be annoyed at her but I can't! But I don't even understand why I'm feeling it. "I'm sorry, I don't get it. I'm tired so I'm going ahead." I don't know why I'm nervous and want to know where my fiancee is. I mean we never go into this resto today! I've been busy today and he's busy too. That's what he texted me earlier. I was about to get the key of my car inside my bag and when I saw it I was looking at a car in the parking lot of this restaurant. It was my fiancee car. Im totally sure that it was Gray's car, my fiancee car! And out of my curiosity I approached the car to be sure but I seemed to be nailed to my place. It was a girl sitting with Gray's lap. Gray, which is my fiancee was k*ssing that d*mn girl inside of his car! I don't know what I'm feeling. I feel like I'm crushed. I could not move to where I was and my knees seemed to be weak as my fiancee watched me. My tears were in pain and the streams of my mouth were gone until I finally pulled the paperbag out of the paperbag Contains what I should meet with Gray. That made a noise because they could see me. Gray look so shocked, to see me. And the pain was getting worse and the flow of tears of my tears seemed even stronger as the woman with her faced me. It was my sister. How cruel the world on me! Why is it like this? Why the pain?! Why are the people I trust in Sisisra? I cried out there and rode in my car. I've been feeling too much pain tonight!
I'm tired changing you all( the demon is back

I'm tired changing you all( the demon is back

"Prologue "Author P.O.V." "WHAT THE AT WHY ARE YOU ONLY COMING NOW, BITCH," his mom shouted at him, causing him to just bow his head and remain silent. "Maybe she's flirting again, mommy tsk," his brother said. "W-we were just doing an activity with my classmate, mommy," the girl stuttered, scared. Pack... His mom silenced him with a sharp look, making him bow his head and cry silently. "Never, ever call me mommy again because I don't have a flirtatious daughter," his mom said emphatically, with a threat, so he just nodded. Suddenly, the door opened, so they turned to it, and their adopted family member entered, the reason why his family disliked her so much, with disheveled hair and a cut lip, so his family approached her. "fvck what happened princess/baby sis/sis/baby princess," his brothers said worriedly. "Oh my god, what happened to your face, princess," his mom said worriedly, so she just bowed her head with envy. "Who did that to you, princess?" his dad, who had just arrived, said angrily and worriedly. "That bitch made it up, mommy, daddy, brothers," she pretended to cry, so they all looked at her with anger, so she just bowed her head again. "fvck, what did you do to that bitch?" his dad said angrily, so he felt slightly nervous. "I-I didn't d-do anything to her, dad," he stuttered nervously. "Don't you dare call me dad because I don't have a daughter who always chases and bitches," his dad said angrily, making him whimper. "Are you saying our princess is lying?" one of his brothers said angrily. "She's always lying; she just made up a story," he said. Pack. He was slapped again, and when he looked at the one who did it, his world seemed to collapse because it was his dad. "You have no right to talk to her like that," his dad said angrily, so he looked at him with cold, emotionless eyes, making his family feel nervous as they couldn't understand the reason. "DAMN YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I'M TIRED OF TAKING ALL AND BECAUSE OF THAT BITCH YOU ALL HURT ME AND YOU ALL BACK THE SLEEPING DEMON INSIDE OF ME NOW WELCOME TO MY OLD SELF," he said with a smirk and a cold tone, making his family nervous because they knew what he was talking about. While his family was shocked, he went up to his room and packed because he was leaving the next day. "welcome back self," he whispered to himself and went to sleep.
Until my last breath

Until my last breath

"Prologue "Author P.O.V." "WHAT THE AT WHY ARE YOU ONLY COMING NOW, BITCH," his mom shouted at him, causing him to just bow his head and remain silent. "Maybe she's flirting again, mommy tsk," his brother said. "W-we were just doing an activity with my classmate, mommy," the girl stuttered, scared. Pack... His mom silenced him with a sharp look, making him bow his head and cry silently. "Never, ever call me mommy again because I don't have a flirtatious daughter," his mom said emphatically, with a threat, so he just nodded. Suddenly, the door opened, so they turned to it, and their adopted family member entered, the reason why his family disliked her so much, with disheveled hair and a cut lip, so his family approached her. "fvck what happened princess/baby sis/sis/baby princess," his brothers said worriedly. "Oh my god, what happened to your face, princess," his mom said worriedly, so she just bowed her head with envy. "Who did that to you, princess?" his dad, who had just arrived, said angrily and worriedly. "That bitch made it up, mommy, daddy, brothers," she pretended to cry, so they all looked at her with anger, so she just bowed her head again. "fvck, what did you do to that bitch?" his dad said angrily, so he felt slightly nervous. "I-I didn't d-do anything to her, dad," he stuttered nervously. "Don't you dare call me dad because I don't have a daughter who always chases and bitches," his dad said angrily, making him whimper. "Are you saying our princess is lying?" one of his brothers said angrily. "She's always lying; she just made up a story," he said. Pack. He was slapped again, and when he looked at the one who did it, his world seemed to collapse because it was his dad. "You have no right to talk to her like that," his dad said angrily, so he looked at him with cold, emotionless eyes, making his family feel nervous as they couldn't understand the reason. "DAMN YOU ALL KNOW WHAT I'M TIRED OF TAKING ALL AND BECAUSE OF THAT BITCH YOU ALL HURT ME AND YOU ALL BACK THE SLEEPING DEMON INSIDE OF ME NOW WELCOME TO MY OLD SELF," he said with a smirk and a cold tone, making his family nervous because they knew what he was talking about. While his family was shocked, he went up to his room and packed because he was leaving the next day. "welcome back self," he whispered to himself and went to sleep.


PROLOGUE ............................. "MILK, where are you going? It's getting late," I heard Ashia say. "Just a moment, I'm going to take pictures of wild animals," I replied before completely moving away. Well, I love mystery. I just want to know how lions take care of their babies. I've been searching for minutes, but I haven't found anything, so I decided to go back. On my way back, I accidentally bumped into an old man, and he was bleeding profusely. "Are you okay? Who did this to you?" Instead of answering, he handed me a small USB. "Miss, hide that. The files inside are important. Please find Marvin Alderama and give it to him—" "—Wait, what happened?" "They're already here; you need to escape now!" Without thinking, I started running. I stopped when I heard a series of gunshots. "What's that?" I turned to Ashia. I held her hand. "Let's go now, Ashia, there are bad people here." I pulled her away, and as soon as we got into the car, someone started shooting at us, so I ducked. "DRIVE NOW, MILK!!!" Ashia shouted. I immediately drove away quickly. "Who are they? Why are they chasing you?" Ashia asked. "I saw an old man earlier, he was bleeding a lot, and he gave me a USB, said there were important files on it. He told me to find Marvin Alderama." "What the hell, Milk? You put yourself in danger. Looks like you bumped into someone big." "I'm just panicked, okay." The three-hour journey was shortened to two hours. When we arrived at Kuya Milo's house, we quickly went inside. "Kuya Milo!!" I called out in frustration. I found them eating in the dining area, and Kuya Khalil was also there. "What happened to you, Milk? Why is your shoulder bleeding?" Kuya asked, approaching me. "Is that a gunshot wound?" I hadn't noticed that I was bleeding. "Your sister got into a big mess, Kuya Milo," Ashia said. "Someone wants to kill her." "What happened?" Ate Saphira asked. I told them what I told Ashia, and Kuya reacted immediately. "Wtf! Milk, just tell me if you want to die, I'm going to shoot you," he angrily said. "I'm sorry, okay? I just panicked." "Where's the USB?" I raised the USB I was holding. "Give me that USB now!" "No way, Kuya Milo. I'm the one who will find Marvin," I said, hiding the USB again. "If you want, you can also look for bad guys with hidden agendas—" "—MILK GAUDINO! I'M NOT JOKING HERE!" He shouted in anger. "Okay, I'm sorry," I said. "I'll go back to my condo now. I need to treat my wound." "Khalil, escort her to ensure her safety—" "—Why me again? Am I always the one? I'm busy eating here," brother Khalil interrupted brother Milo, earning him a glare. "Saphira, your husband is glaring at me, break up with him." "Khalil Cavort!" "Fine." Annoyed, he stood up with a chicken leg in his mouth. "By the way, from now on, you'll be the one watching over Milk until she finds this Marvin. And don't you dare hang out with my sister." "Brother!!" I protested. "Enough, Milo," sister scolded him. "Go ahead, escort her." "I'm quiet here, and you're dragging me into this mess," Kuya Khalil complained before leaving. We quickly followed him. Brother halil, tell me how old you are," Ashia asked. "I'm thirty-two but still hot and fresh," he replied before getting into the car. Ashia and I exchanged looks before getting into the backseat together. "You're thirty-two, but you look like twenty-five," Ashia said. She's right; even with half his face covered, his handsomeness is still evident. "You're thirty-two, but you're still acting like a five-year-old. What a child," I said. "Nye nye nye..." I wonder what will happen to me now. I don't really want to be with brother Khalil; he might cause more trouble for me.