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yole's Books(4)

"Just one night"

"Just one night"

His breath on my neck made my body shiver. I didn't know what he was doing to me but I seems to be enjoying every bit of his torture on my body . He sucked on my earlobe and my mouth flew open itself and I made some sounds I don't understand. Ariana Chris the third child and second daughter of Mr and Mrs Chris the richest billionaire in the whole of Texas . Even though her dad was the richest in the whole Dallas texas,they where still strict and over religious . Growing up in a strict and over religious home and told never go close to anybody and do nothing to damage the image of her family because her dad was also an elder in the church . Arianna was know as that nerdy girl from a rich home,her parents where always strict when it comes to her ,ignoring her two elder siblings Hardin and Clara waward lifestyle . Clara never liked her,they where real enemies. Arianna finally had admission into the college of her dreams and was finally free from the bondage of her family . What happens when the over religious meet Rico sway . Rico sway a 22 year old guy, his hottest guy on campus and also in the whole of Texas . His also one of the young billionaire, though no one know the source of his wealth . He had many tattoos and piercings all over him,giving him the bad boy look . he never believes the word love infact he desest it . What happens when the two people from different world finally meet. they where two different humans with different characters and beliefs . it was just a night . it was the night that changed everything . I would be posting daily if you guys comment on every episode . Extract from the story . "Rico what are you doing ?' I asked looking at him as he pushed me on the bed and started climbing on top of me with a sly smile on his face . "come ok pumpkin,am not going to hurt you never "he said with sincerity in his voice and I relaxed . I watched him as he slowly pulled off the gown from my body ,this was the guy I had grown to love ,who cares what he is or what he does,all that matters to me is that I love him . when he parted my legs,I stared at him unable to do a thing ,it was as if I went numb in his hands,I was now naked in front of him . I stared at him as he look at my body and I couldn't explain that look ,the fire in his eyes was something I couldn't just explain . "you are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen "he said and I closed my eyes . "the softness of my private part made my eyes open and there he was bent over my legs and sulking me . moans tore out of my mouth and I cried out in pleasure . I was in my whole world of fantasy, nothing matters to me right now . this was the man I loved,no matter what people say about him ,I would love him till enternity. warning: story is strictly 🔞contains lot of sex scene and erotic scene , lot of bloodshed . Brought to you by authoress yole ✍️