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Book review | His Promise: The Mafia's Babies

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Book review | His Promise: The Mafia's Babies

In a riveting narrative crafted by the skilled hand of C. Tamika, the tale of "His Promise: The Mafia's Babies" unfolds in a world where love and danger intermingle with devastating consequences. Serena, a woman caught in the throes of an unexpected pregnancy by a formidable mobster, finds herself ensnared in a web of secrets and desires she never foresaw.

As the heir to a ruthless mafia empire, Christian exudes an aura of fearlessness and authority that belies the storm of emotions raging within him. Their unconventional romance, born from a one-night tryst that altered the course of their lives, propels Serena and Christian into a fragile alliance fraught with tension and tenderness. Struggling to navigate the intricacies of their newfound connection, Serena's calm demeanor clashes with Christian's fierce bravado, setting the stage for a tumultuous journey of love and loyalty.

Amidst the backdrop of feigned engagements and hidden truths, the duo grapples with the weight of forbidden emotions and unspoken promises. Bound by the impending arrival of their child, they must confront the shadows of their pasts and the uncertain future that looms before them. As Christian battles to shield his family from harm, Serena strives to fit into a world steeped in opulence and danger, their fates intertwined in a delicate dance of deception and desire.

With each twist and revelation unfurling unforeseen challenges, the duo must confront the looming question of whether their love can withstand the trials ahead. As the boundaries between reality and pretense blur, the true test lies in whether Christian can honor his vow to protect the mother of his unborn child, and whether they can defy the odds stacked against them to carve out a future founded on trust, love, and the fulfillment of a promise that may shape their destinies forever.

My CEO Daddy

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Part 1: His Promise: The Mafia's Babies story line

Part 2: The main characters of His Promise: The Mafia's Babies

Part 3: The most popular chapters of His Promise: The Mafia's Babies

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“His Promise: The Mafia's Babies”

Part 1: His Promise: The Mafia's Babies story line

His Promise: The Mafia's Babies story line

[She didn’t know what she had gotten herself into when she got pregnant by a ruthless mobster, and she had not expected to fall for him.] Getting pregnant by her boss after a one-night stand and suddenly leaving her job as stripper was the last thing Serena had hoped for, and to make matters worse he is the heir to the mafia. Serena is calm while Christian is fearless and outspoken but somehow the two have to make it work. When Christian forces Serena to go through with a fake engagement she tries her hardest to fit in the family and the luxurious life the women live while Christian is fighting as hard as he can to keep his family safe, but everything takes a turn when the hidden truth about Serena and her birth parents comes out. Their idea was to play pretend until the baby was born and the rule was to not fall in love, but plans don't always go as expected. Will Christian be able to protect the mother of his unborn child? And will they end up breaking the rules? But most importantly, will he be able to keep his promise?

Part 2: The main characters of His Promise: The Mafia's Babies

The main characters of His Promise: The Mafia's Babies

Male Character Description:

Christian, the heir to a powerful mafia legacy, embodies a complex tapestry of fearlessness and audacity in "His Promise: The Mafia's Babies." With an outspoken demeanor that belies his internal turmoil, Christian navigates a world rife with danger and deception. A ruthless mobster by lineage, he exudes an air of authority tempered by the shadows of his past. In a twist of fate, his path intersects with Serena's, leading to a precarious dance between duty and desire.

Despite his brazen facade, Christian grapples with conflicting emotions as he confronts the unexpected bond forged with Serena—a woman whose serenity stands in stark contrast to his tumultuous existence. Forced to orchestrate a fake engagement, Christian finds himself immersed in a realm where loyalty and love blur the lines of convention, propelling him into uncharted territory where the rules of the heart clash with the dictates of his dangerous world. As he battles to safeguard his family's legacy while wrestling with hidden truths and unforeseen revelations, Christian must navigate a treacherous path fraught with uncertainty, questioning whether he can fulfill his promise to protect the mother of his unborn child and resist the allure of an undeniable connection that defies all odds.

The main characters of His Promise: The Mafia's Babies

Female Character Description:

Serena emerges as a resilient figure in the tumultuous landscape of "His Promise: The Mafia's Babies," her journey marked by unexpected twists and forbidden emotions. Initially unprepared for the consequences of a fleeting liaison that led to pregnancy by her formidable boss, Serena finds herself thrust into a world where danger and desire intertwine in ways she never imagined. Leaving behind her past as a stripper, she embraces a new role alongside Christian, the enigmatic heir to the mafia, despite the daunting challenges that lie ahead.

With a tranquil demeanor that masks a wellspring of inner strength, Serena grapples with the harsh realities of her circumstances, navigating a delicate balance between assimilating into Christian's opulent yet perilous world and protecting her budding connection with him. Tasked with adhering to a facade of a fake engagement, Serena treads a precarious path where the boundaries between pretense and authenticity blur, setting the stage for a collision of hearts that defies predetermined expectations. As hidden truths unravel and the specter of her birth parents looms large, Serena's resolve is tested alongside her burgeoning affection for Christian, challenging her preconceived notions about love, loyalty, and the price of keeping their promises in a world where breaking the rules may be the only path to true liberation.

Part 3: The most popular chapters of His Promise: The Mafia's Babies

His Promise: The Mafia's Babies Chapter 7

After I felt emotionally numb for several hours I decided to call the doctor and had scheduled an appointment for the same day.

Taking yet another pregnancy test to confirm the pregnancy had to be one of the most difficult things I had ever done.

Hearing the baby was the size of a blueberry was enough reason for me to ignore the doctor all throughout my first ultrasound. I used to dream of this moment and had expected it to be a bit different, but it was the complete opposite. I was devastated.

I did not know how to ask for a referral to an abortion clinic but I managed to do it. If I removed the baby now, I wouldn’t get too attached to the idea of something living inside of me. Right?

Yes, that was what I was going to do. I was going to live my life and move on as if nothing happened and after I got rid of the baby, everything would go back to normal, there was no reason for me to be stressed and that’s why I had decided to go to work as usual.

I didn’t want an abortion. What I truly wanted was to raise my child and have something completely of my own which I could love and treasure.

Despite it not being the first time, the idea of stripping while a tiny human loved inside of me made me sick, and was definitely not something I was going for. “Enzo,” I called out before he got the opportunity to close the door to his office. He turned around with frowned eyebrows and a big smile on his face. He was probably happy because I had approached him for the first time in the half-year I had worked here and that for once it was not the usual other way around. “Do you think you can schedule me behind the bar for tonight?”

Enzo guided me to his office and closed the door. He repeated the same routine as yesterday and held his hand against my forehead, as if he was trying to find something. “Are you sick again?”

His Promise: The Mafia's Babies Chapter 8


Christian looked at his best friend, Isobel and observed how she held a conversation with Marc and Johnny. To others Isobel seemed close to perfect, she was beautiful to look at, smart, educated, kind, and Christian could not disagree with that.

In the past, Francesca had always been outspoken over how perfect Isobel would be for Christian. Isobel did not seem to mind that much, but those comments made Christian feel uncomfortable. It had not only been Francesca but a huge majority who thought the same, but for Christian that was a no-go. Anyone but Isobel.

He did not liked her in that way and ignored the crush she had developed, although he did felt bad because she was hungry for his attention, and he took advantage of her. He made clear that he was wasn’t looking for a relationship, but Isobel didn’t cared and kept fighting for his attention in the hopes he would eventually change his mind.

“Chris, what’s your take on this?” Marc had asked him. Christian who hadn’t paid any attention to the conversation blinked his eyes and shrug his shoulders. “They’re talking about their anime stuff again.” Johnny yawned, exhausted.

Marc was Christian’s bodyguard, so being around Christian was his job—but for Johnny it was different. Johnny was Christian’s favorite cousin and probably the most sane one. The two had the same age and had been close ever since they were in diapers. “My take on this is the same as Johnny’s yawn, I don’t care,” Christian spoke, while Isobel stared at him with a dissappointed pout on her face.

“While you think about your actions and how they keep on hurting me, I’ll take a look and see if I can help Emmanuella.” Isobel scoffed and got up from the couch before she stormed away.

His Promise: The Mafia's Babies Chapter 9

A few days had passed, and I was still three months pregnant. Absolutely nothing had changed and I still felt like crap.

After finishing up my week behind the bar it was finally weekend and somehow I managed to call in sick. Telling Christian was out of the question, and so was Lucio. He was surprised to see me in the kitchen but luckily didn’t payed much attention to it. After all, it where he wanted me all along.

I knew I already wasted my cards, so if I were to go to the club tonight I most likely had to start dancing again. I couldn’t do that, not with a baby in my belly.

After I had looked up several job applications, I had quickly found out that no one was waiting on a college drop out.

My hands grasped the abortion clinic booklet and I held it tightly. Why did it had to be this difficult?

The most logical solution would’ve been to go with my original plan and to abort the baby as soon as possible.

Yes, I wanted something of my own but I also wanted to give my child the life it deserved. Adoption was out of question because I knew myself very well, I got too attached way too quickly and would never be able to give up my child. Although keeping the baby was something I did not have the heart for even if I wanted to.

I looked down at the contact number at the back of the booklet and typed the number on my phone. Realization hit me when someone had actually picked up. I expected getting an abortion was a one second job, but it clearly wasn’t.

I did not prepare myself for all the questions which followed, including the question of why I wanted the abortion in the first place, but what was I even thinking?

My answers weren’t strong enough, and anyone could hear the doubt in my voice, so the nurse scheduled an appointment for the next day so we could discuss it more.

His Promise: The Mafia's Babies Chapter 10

I walked into the clinic with my hoodie pulled over my head and tried to avoid all eye-contact. I had hoped for it to be a quick visit, just like I had expected them to remove the baby as soon as possible, but it wasn’t anything like that.

I woke up feeling anxious and perhaps even a bit excited, because I believed I couldn’t wait to get rid of the baby, but it didn’t took long before reality kicked in. There was this feeling of guilt and also the bit of excitement of finally having something of my own. Something I didn’t had to share.

If I kept the baby I would never be alone, but if I kept this baby it would be yet another mouth to feed and babies were expensive. Google was my best friend, the costs of $13.000 a year shocked me and was something I couldn’t afford.

That amount of money on top of what I had to pay to take care of myself sounded ridiculous and unrealistic. For me to make that much extra I would have to work as hard as a horse. Who would even watch the baby? Day care was just as expensive.

As if speaking over the phone wasn’t enough, I had yet again another assessment appointment before the date for the abortion would even be arranged. As each day passed by I got more and more attached to the baby growing inside of me and at times would even touch my flat tummy which barely showed any signs of pregnancy.

I understood both the counselor and doctor were doing their job, but questions as to why I wanted to have an abortion, and where the father was made me doubt myself and wonder if it was more so fear over money. Fear of having to do it alone and fear of not being able to tell Christian, because I was afraid for rejection. The last thing I’d expected someone like Christian to do, was to accept the baby with open arms. Would he even like children? Did he even want children?

Every now and then the counselor asked me if I was still sure about my decision, and that would probably be due to the fact of me pulling strange faces after hearing about the process, associated risks and complications, and most of all, my face when I heard the price and learned that it was not covered by my insurance.

His Promise: The Mafia's Babies Chapter 11

Today was the day.

I was going to tell Christian the truth about my pregnancy. Even though I hate to admit it, Marc was absolutely right. It made no sense to hide or to run away from the situation when he was going to figure it out either way, so it would be for the best if it came from me.

I looked at the leather jacket in my hands and straightened it. It was the same jacket he had given me the day he had brought me home and I had yet to return it, he didn’t even ask for it.

I know I was over-analyzing things as usual but if he was going to treat the baby like the jacket I did not had much expectations. To be honest, I didn’t had any expectations at all so I was prepared for the worst. I did not want his support, I did not want his money, I just wanted him to know and that’s all. The last thing I planned on doing was forcing him to be a dad when I wasn’t all that ready to become a mom.

I got out of the car and made my way to the front of the club. The back door was something I would not be using today, because even though the girls weren’t here yet I didn’t want any of the staff to be in my business or to put two and two together about why I was here, looking for Christian, while I was supposed to be sick.

I stood on my tippy toes to reach the small doorbell and hoped for it to get answered by someone decent who wouldn’t be asking too many questions. “We’re closed.” A voice I had recognized as Gio growled. Out of all people, it just had to be him.

“It’s me, Serena!” I called out, as I tried my hardest to hide my nerves, but he didn’t make it easy. “Serena who?”

Serena who? After a half-year of working at the club, I had at least expected him to know my name by now. “Serena Reyes?” I spoke unsure. It was cold enough as it was and the fact that he was interrogating me really didn’t make it all that better. “System says you’re sick, what is your business here?”

Since when did they do stuff according to the system?

Part 4: Recommend 10 novels similar to“His Promise: The Mafia's Babies”

If you like Forced Love romance novels, I recommend 10 books similar to "His Promise: The Mafia's Babies".

1. Desperate For My CEO Baby Daddy

author: Yanah

Desperate For My CEO Baby Daddy

Desperate For My CEO Baby Daddy

Paris, the city of love. Or is it? For the billionaire CEO of LeBlanc Multinational Companies, Adrien LeBlanc, love is out of the picture as his main goal is expanding his company. Poor and beautiful Camille Vincent is employed as a secretary in his company as a charity case and he treats her as arrogant as he treats everyone else in his company. Marie, his mother, who is not in support of the playboy lifestyle he leads, offers Camille a proposal to get intimate with Adrien and bear a child for him, in exchange for money to treat her sick mother. Camille agrees and begins her mission of getting closer to Adrien who gradually begins to enjoy her company. Her mission becomes obstructed when she gives into Adrien's sexual demands and he treats like a nobody and wants nothing to do with her. Just when she finally begins to fall in love with him. Even worse, she is already pregnant with his child. Can she win her billionaire CEO'S heart once and for all?

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Chapter 1 MR. CEO

“Get out of my sight you incompetent thing!  Mr. Clark screamed, holding the broken pieces of his most expensive vase in his trembling hands.

The maid, Camille, stood far apart, shaking visibly and most importantly, waiting.  Waiting for the words that would determine her next line of action.

She had committed the most unforgivable act and she knew that Mr. Clark would never consider the fact that she had been the family maid for several months.

Then she remembered that Mr. Clark did not like to repeat himself, so she already knew her fate.

Taking one last glance at the fury in Mr. Clark's eyes, she scurried away holding back the tears in her eyes.

"I will consider the fact that you have served us for several months and that my kids love you.  But never forget that these are the only reasons you are still here.  One more strike and you are out!  Do I make myself clear, Camille?!"  Mr. Adrien warned, his bold voice resounding throughout the room.

Camille shivered a little, before answering.

"Ye…yes, sir Clark.  Thank you so much" she nodded, tracing the lines on her hands.

Mr. Clark was ruthless and she was lucky that the very few people that mattered to him loved her.

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2. Love's Second Design

author: Rising Star

Love's Second Design

Love's Second Design

After three years as a dedicated housewife, Jessica's efforts to save her marriage ended in relentless heartbreak. Resolute, she divorced Aaron. Rising from the ashes, Jessica transformed into a renowned designer and business tycoon, building her empire without relying on her family's wealth. Her success and independence attracted many admirers. With pride, Jessica declared, "I'll never regret my divorce." However, Aaron returned, filled with remorse. "I deeply regret it. Please, my dear ex-wife, let's try again. Let's mend our relationship and remarry." Would Jessica, now empowered and at a crossroads, choose to rekindle love?

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Chapter 1 The Divorce

"I didn't push Hallie."

For the nth time, Jessica Curtis reiterated to Aaron Morley that she wasn't the one who pushed Hallie Gordon down the stairs. 

But Aaron was clearly unconvinced. 

"So, what're you saying? That she fell down the stairs on purpose? Jessica, just look at how high this flight of stairs is! Hallie even broke her leg! Do you really think she'd do that on purpose?!"

The more Aaron said, the colder his tone became. "This is your fault. You have to own up to your mistake and apologize to her."

"Apologize?" Jessica echoed in disbelief. Smiling bitterly, she couldn't help but ask, "Is Hallie really that good?"

Jessica and Aaron had been married for three years now. 

Three years ago, she had given up on her career to stay at home to take care of Aaron. She got up early to prepare breakfast for him, and she wouldn't go to bed until she had finished cleaning the entire villa. Despite being a housewife, she was busy all day. By the time she'd finally get to lay in bed, sometimes Aaron would come home drunk, and she'd have to get up to whip up some warm soup for him. 

Her mother-in-law looked down upon her, and her sister-in-law never took her seriously. The two vicious women tried every means to make things difficult for her, rendering her daily life tortuous. 

Still, she endured it all—for Aaron's sake. 

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3. Shotgun Wedding: Married To An Undercover Billionaire

author: Rock La porte

Shotgun Wedding: Married To An Undercover Billionaire

Shotgun Wedding: Married To An Undercover Billionaire

Rhonda was a lover girl to a fault. After her boyfriend of many years lost his job, she didn't mind paying his bills. She put his needs before hers. She also babied him so he wouldn't feel depressed. And how did he pay her back? He cheated on Rhonda with her friend! Rhonda was so heartbroken. To spite her cheating ex, she seized the opportunity to get married to a man she had never met. Eliam—her husband was a traditional man. He told her that he would be responsible for all the bills at home and she didn't have to lift a finger. Rhonda sneered at him, concluding that he was one of those men who loved to boast about their ability. She thought her marriage life would be a living hell. On the contrary, Eliam turned out to be a doting, clingy, and understanding husband. He cheered her on to climb the corporate ladder. More so, he helped her with the housework and gave her the free hand to decorate their home. It didn't take long before they began to lean on each other like a team. Eliam was a problem solver. He never failed to come through for Rhonda whenever she was in a dilemma. At a glance, he seemed like an ordinary man, so Rhonda couldn't help but ask him how he was able to do so many difficult things. Eliam humbly brushed it off. In the blink of an eye, Rhonda rose to the top of her career with his help. Life was beautiful for them until one day. Rhonda stumbled on a global business magazine. A man on the front page was staring back at her. He had the face of her husband! What the hell! Was he a twin? Or was he hiding a big secret from her all this while?

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Chapter 1 I Am The Owner Of This Apartment

It was summer, and the sun was blazing in the sky.

Rhonda Horton was handing out leaflets at the entrance of a shopping mall.

Just then, she saw a young man and woman walking hand in hand into the shopping mall nearby.

Rhonda's eyes widened when she realized it was her boyfriend, Santino Byrne, and her best friend, Cristina Grey.

Santino had told her that he was going for an interview today.  She wondered what he was doing here.

Rhonda's lungs constricted.  She hurriedly followed them.

However, she lost sight of them when she entered the mall.

Rhonda frantically ran around.  Just then, her phone rang with a message.  It was a transaction notification of her credit card.

Santino had bought a piece of jewelry worth 49, 998 dollars.

Rhonda let out a startled gasp.  It was almost half of her annual income.

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4. My Beloved Hated Wife

author: mind's pen

My Beloved Hated Wife

My Beloved Hated Wife

Tovia wanted freedom through her marriage, but like every other thing, her father already have her marriage planned too. After knowing that her father was going to give her hand in marriage to Jerry Wood from the most notorious and dangerous gangster family in the city for a business deal, Tovia decides to take her destiny by her own hand to go against the marriage. She propose a contract marriage to her college friend Andre Martin who is a stammer and nobody but it's turns Andre is a rich billionaire, and the boss of the underworld.

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Chapter 1 Tovia

"Tovia!  Tovia!"

That morning, her father had called her, shouting her name as she prepared to go to college.

"What is it this time again?"  Tovia murmured angrily as she descended the stairs.

"Don't you hear me calling you?"  Mr. Page lashed out at his only daughter and child, but she only stood with an angry face, looking at her father.  Tovia knows that whenever her father starts calling her like that, there has to be something that she will regret later.

"Prepare yourself tonight.  We are both meeting the Woods," Mr. Page said, adjusting his tie.

"The Woods!"  Tovia squeezed her face, looking ugly.

"I have already finalized your marriage with Jerry.  So we need to meet with them tonight to talk about the wedding preparations," Jones added nonchalantly.

"No drama, you hear me?"  He warned as he dashed out of the mansion, with his assistant following closely.  Tovia stood still, like she had just been struck by heavy lightning.  It takes a while for her to crawl back into her room.

Sitting in front of the mirror in her room, she stares at her reflection as if she has lost the sense of time.  Suddenly, she yells.

"I hate myself!  I hate myself!"  Hot tears flow down her cheeks as she cries.  Her face turns sore because of anger.

"How could he?  How could he do that to me?"  Tovia cries and starts to throw all the things on her dressing table away furiously.  The sound of things shattering attracts Maggie, the househelp, who is working downstairs.  She quickly runs to Tovia's room.  Maggie had already secretly heard Mr. Page talking to Tovia about the marriage that morning.

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5. Scars Of A Broken Bond

author: Calv Momose

Scars Of A Broken Bond

Scars Of A Broken Bond

Dear readers, this book has resumed daily updates. It took Sabrina three whole years to realize that her husband, Tyrone didn't have a heart. He was the coldest and most indifferent man she had ever met. He never smiled at her, let alone treated her like his wife. To make matters worse, the return of the woman he had eyes for brought Sabrina nothing but divorce papers. Sabrina's heart broke. Hoping that there was still a chance for them to work on their marriage, she asked, "Quick question,Tyrone. Would you still divorce me if I told you that I was pregnant?" "Absolutely!" he responded. Realizing that she didn't mean shit to him, Sabrina decided to let go. She signed the divorce agreement while lying on her sickbed with a broken heart. Surprisingly, that wasn't the end for the couple. It was as if scales fell off Tyrone's eyes after she signed the divorce agreement. The once so heartless man groveled at her bedside and pleaded, "Sabrina, I made a big mistake. Please don't divorce me. I promise to change." Sabrina smiled weakly, not knowing what to do...

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Chapter 1 Their Baby

"Ma'am, our examination indicates that your uterine wall is unusually thin, making the fetus's position precarious.  It's essential to exercise caution with your diet and physical activities," the doctor explained, holding out a piece of paper to Sabrina Chavez.  "Here, take this.  Go get the medicine."

"Understood, doctor," Sabrina responded, carefully taking the prescription from the doctor.

The doctor emphasized, "Make sure to take good care of yourself.  This is a serious matter."  A thin uterine wall can increase the risk of miscarriage.  It is unfortunate that many women who experience a miscarriage face difficulties conceiving again.

"Thank you, doctor.  I'll take care of myself," Sabrina assured him, a resolute smile playing on her lips.

Having been married for three years, she had eagerly anticipated this baby for the same duration, and she was determined to do everything in her power to protect it.

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6. One Night Stand

author: Favor-V-April

One Night Stand.

One Night Stand.

She went to a club with her friends to drink for the first time after finishing her third-year examinations. Gabriella was a 21-year-old virgin who had never kissed anybody before. She met a stranger at a club, accompanied him to a hotel, had her first kiss, and lost her virginity. She enjoyed herself. When she awoke the next morning, the man was gone,  He left. She found out she was pregnant a few months later. She continued to go to the hotel in the hopes of running into the man, but after four months, she gave up. He abandoned her, leaving her to face the situation alone. She dropped out of university to raise her son. She returned to school a year later to complete her studies and get her degree. She then saw the person she had slept with on TV and realized he was now engaged, as well as the fact that he was the well-known multi-billionaire Javier Hills. What would his grandma do when she finds a boy who looks just like her grandson?

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Chapter 1 Last day

~Gabriella’s POV~

It was late afternoon when I wrote my last exam for my third year.     I was waiting for my friend Chloe and her boyfriend Alex outside.     I was pleased to learn that next year would be my last year.     For someone like me, I had to give it my all.

I don’t have enough money to pay for my education.     So, I made sure my grades were good enough to qualify for a scholarship.     Chloe has been studying on a scholarship since she began university.

But she failed several of the classes and the scholarship stopped providing her with financial assistance.     Alex has been paying her tuition since then.     Alex appeals to me.     He has the funds and backs Chloe.     They’ve been together since their second year and adore one another.     Alex’s parents adore Chloe as well.

They truly adore her more than their son.     When the two argue, they always side with Chloe.     I hope I can find someone like Alex.     He’s very kind and so sexy.     Chloe and I grew up together at the orphanage.     We were both booted out when we were 18 years old.   

We continued together after that, but when Chloe reached 19, Alex moved in with Chloe, and I now have the place to myself while studying and working part-time.

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7. Blinded By Love Want You Only And Forever

author: Dreaming Girl

Blinded By Love: Want You Only And Forever

Blinded By Love: Want You Only And Forever

He came to her rescue when she was in trouble. In that strange city, she spent a wild night with him, a man she just met. After she came back and continued her daily life, she ran into him and found out how powerful he was. They came from two different worlds, but she couldn't help falling for him. However, all their sweet moments were nothing more than a part of his conspiracy. Overwhelmed by desperation, she broke down and left away. But he came to her again.

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Chapter 1 Surprise

With her suitcase in her hand, Lucia walked into the front yard.

For two weeks, she had been on a business trip.  She came back a day earlier than expected and did not tell her boyfriend Jonah about it, because she wanted to surprise him.  On her way back, she already texted Jonah and asked what he was doing right now.  He replied soon.

He said that he was going to sleep early tonight and would pick her up early tomorrow.

Jonah had been so considerate.  Imagining the surprised look on his face, Lucia could not help but hasten her steps with a smile.

Using the key that Jonah had given her before, Lucia opened the door.  She left her suitcase in the living room and went straight to his room, but there was no one.

'Wasn't he going to sleep?  Why is he not here?'  The thought perplexed her.

After searching, she heard a man's gasps and a woman's groans coming from the balcony.

The man's voice sounded a lot like Jonah's.  Upon hearing that, Lucia thought that something must be wrong with her ears.  However, that was not the case.  They had been in a relationship for seven years now.  How could he be with another woman?

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8. The Hearts Beloved Spoiled By The Disabled CEO

author: Maura-Dylan

The Heart's Beloved: Spoiled By The Disabled CEO

The Heart's Beloved: Spoiled By The Disabled CEO

Novalee found herself falling right into the trap set by her cruel ex-husband and cunning sister, only uncovering the truth upon giving birth. Six years later, she returns with her beautiful, talented child. Successfully taking revenge upon her malevolent sister and ex-husband, and after confronting her heartless father, she becomes unintentionally entangled with the rumored cruel and physically-disabled CEO—Millard. From that point onward, a series of troubles arise. "Novalee, sign this contract. I'm here to support you." "Novalee, you're the only one in my heart; there’s no one else but you." However, her son stands in opposition. "You want my mommy? Do you seriously think we’d agree to that?" Despite her attempts to escape, the CEO refuses to release his grip. Eventually, it becomes public knowledge—the cruel CEO took a stand for a woman!

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Chapter 1 Delivery In The Wild

It was a dark night.

Clutching her swollen belly with gritted teeth, Novalee Webb scuttled for refuge.  Her once-white cotton dress was smeared with blood.

Blood was still trickling down her legs!

Damn it!  She was about to give birth!

Her strength was failing.  She could no longer flee!  She'd been on the run for what felt like eternity, and she was sure that despicable couple couldn't reach her now.

Novalee's eyes darted about.  She saw nothing but fields of grass.

Tenderly feeling the uneasy child within her, she whispered, "My little one, should your mom bring you into this world in the wild?"

A sudden contraction seized her, causing her to wail in agony!

Half an hour later, the cry of a newborn baby shattered the serenity of the wilderness.

With sweat, Novalee's hair clung to her cheeks, and her lips were marked by rawness and blood.  Yet, she took no notice of it.  Disregarding the discomfort, she reached out with pure joy to hold her precious newborn child.

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9. Substitute Marriage Falling For My Ugly Wife

author: Randy Vitkosky

Substitute Marriage: Falling For My Ugly Wife

Substitute Marriage: Falling For My Ugly Wife

"Love finds you in the strangest places." Marriage wasn't on Marcus's agenda. He was enjoying life as the most eligible bachelor until his family began to mount pressure on him. After a time, he had no choice but to get married to a woman he didn't even know. His close friend teased, "You lucky bastard! Your wife must be gorgeous." When Marcus thought of the woman who slept with a mask on in his bed, his blood boiled. What was gorgeous about her? Humph! "You had better stop it. One more word and I'll make her yours!" he cursed. Marcus thought he was going to be a miserable married man. However, he received a surprise when his marital life turned out to be the exact opposite. Curiosity killed those around him after some time. His friend asked again, "I know you don't like talking about your wife. But can you describe to me what exactly she looks like? Why does she always have a mask on?" This time, Marcus's lips curved into a smile. "My sweetheart is beautiful and adorable. Lower your gaze whenever you see her. If I catch you staring at her, I'll make you go blind." Everyone's jaw dropped when they heard that. They looked at him like he was crazy. One day, Marcus's wife suddenly packed her bag and declared, "I can't do this anymore. I've had enough of your humiliation. Please, give me a divorce!" This request hit Marcus like a bolt out of the blue. When he saw that she was being dead serious, he held onto her with both hands and begged, "Honey, please don't leave me. I promise to treat you better. If you want, I can give you the whole world. Stay with me!" And so, a new phase began for the couple.

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Chapter 1 Married The Ugliest Woman Of The Town

No one would have thought that the Thomas family, the most powerful clan in Preagend, would be fooled like this.

In a large and lavish bedroom, a tall, well-dressed man seized the woman in the magnificent bridal gown by the neck in an outburst of rage.

"You're not Mia!  How dare you and your family trick me into marrying you?  You must be tired of living already," he growled.

The woman was forced to tilt her head back, but her slender and attractive neck failed to elicit any sympathy from the man.

"Let… let go…"

Half of her features were obscured by a white mask, revealing only her strikingly beautiful eyes, which were starting to water now.

"Let...  let go..."

Her cheeks flushed, and she sputtered in distress.

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10. Monster

author: Mona Curtis



His hand wrapped in her hair, yanking her face up to him to look into his angry eyes. "Tell me where the fuck is he?" He growled, making her shudder in fear. "Tell me now!" "I..I..won't..." she whimpered due to a sharp pain shot through her skull. He grabbed his pistol and pressed it right on her temple, snarling, "Are you going to tell me or do you wish for death?!" "I want to die…" she cried out. Anger roared through him, he pressed the gun in her temple wanting nothing more than to kill that bitch right that moment but something snapped inside him when his eyes fell on her body, and a cruel smile curved his lips. "Not before getting a taste of you!"

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Chapter 1 Her Cruel Aunt

“Hurry!  Get them ready as soon as possible,” my aunt growled at me while pointing at chopped vegetables that were sitting on the counter, uncooked.  She walked up to the pot, smelling the meat that was prepared by me for the Christmas party.  “Where are the starter?”


In such a hurry, I forgot to prepare the tomato and broad bean salad that was her favorite.

“Where the hell is the starter?  The guests will be here at any moment.  What’re you doing!”  She yelled into my face.

I bowed my head down, fixing my gaze to the floor.  “S-Sorry…” I mumbled.  “I forgot to prepare.….”

Before I could complete myself, she slammed her hands against the counter, jolting me. 

“What did I tell you?  I warned you that this is your last chance.  Your single mistake may take you and your useless brother out of this house!”  

“Please, ma’am…” I whispered, clutching the fabric of my apron because of the terror that was gripping my chest.  She was my father’s stepsister, but she had never allowed me and my brother to call her Aunt.  She behaved to us like we were her pets.  “It…. It will be ready in time.”  I couldn’t stop myself from stuttering.  

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