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Putnam's Word Book

Putnam's Word Book by Louis A. Flemming

Chapter 1 No.1

ice, n. Associated words: igloo, iceberg, glacier, floe, icicle, frazil, avalanche, curling, skate, skee, skating, skeeing, brash, glare, serac, crampoons, calk, glaciate, glaciation, creeper, anchor ice.

iced, a. chilled, frappe.

Iceland moss. lichen.

icy, a. glacial, glacious.

idea, n. conception, notion, opinion, fancy, impression; intention, design.

ideal, a. faultless, consummate, perfect.

idiocy, n. imbecility, foolishness, fatuity, folly, senselessness

idiot, n. imbecile.

idiotic, a. imbecile, foolish, fatuous, senseless.

idle, a. leisure; vain, unavailing, futile, ineffectual; indolent, slothful, inactive, lazy, otiose.

idleness, n. indolence, sloth, inaction, laziness; futility, vanity. Associated word: Cocagne.

idler, n. sluggard, drone, lounger, loafer, dawdler, donothing.

idol, n. image (of a divinity), effigy, graven image; Juggernaut. Associated words: idolater, idolatrous, idolatry, idolize, iconoplast, iconoclast, iconodule, idolomania, iconography, iconology, idoloclast, iconomachy, ting, iconolatry.

idolize, v. deify, worship, adore.

ignis fatuus. Will-o'-the-wisp, Jack-with-a-lantern, decoy.

ignoble, a. humble, plebeian, untitled; base, dishonorable, low.

ignominious, a. dishonorable, shameful, infamous, disreputable.

ignominy, n. disgrace, dishonor, reproach, obloquy, shame, humiliation.

ignoramus, n. dunce, illiterate, sciolist, wiseacre, dullard, simpleton.

ignorance, n. illiteracy, inerudition, unenlightenment, nescience; quackery, charlatanry.

ignorant, a. illiterate, inerudite unenlightened, uninformed, unlearned, untaught, uneducated, unlettered, nescient; quackish, charlatanic. Antonyms: educated, instructed, schooled, trained, proficient, learned.

ignorantly, adv. unknowingly, unconsciously, inadvertently, unwittingly.

ignorant person. ignoramus, illiterate.

ignore, v. disregard, slight, connive, overlook.

ill, a. ailing, sick, unwell; evil, unfavorable, adverse, bad.

ill at ease. uneasy, uncomfortable, anxious.

ill-boding, a. ominous, inauspicious.

illegal, a. illicit, unlawful, contraband, unlicensed, illegitimate.

illegality, n. unlawfulness, illegitimacy.

illegitimate, a. bastard, adulterine; illegal, illicit; spurious.

illegitimate, v. illegitimatize, bastardize.

illiberal, a. ungenerous, parsimonious, stingy; narrow-minded, bigoted.

illiberality, n. parsimony, stinginess; narrow-mindedness, bigotry, intolerance.

illicit, a. prohibited, unlawful.

illness, n. malady, sickness, disease.

illogical, a. fallacious, sophistical, unsound.

illusion, n. mockery, hallucination, chimera, phantasm, delusion, glamour.

illusive, a. delusive, illusory, chimerical, mocking.

illustrate, v. elucidate, picture, demonstrate, exemplify.

illustration, n. elucidation, exemplification; comparison, example, simile.

ill-will, n. malice, resentment, grudge, rancor, malevolence, antipathy, hatred.

image, n. statue; effigy, figure; ikon, eikon; idol.

image breaker. iconoclast, idoloclast, vandal.

image breaking. iconoclasm, vandalism.

image worship iconolatry, iconoduly.

imaginary, a. fancied, visionary, chimerical, illusive, phantasmal.

imagination, n. fancy, conception, notion, conceit, figment, phantasm.

imagine, v. conceive, fancy; think, suppose, opine, apprehend.

imbecile, n. idiot, witling, fool.

imbecility, n. idiocy, fatuity, foolishness, amentia.

imbedded, a. enfonced.

imitate, v. copy, ape, counterfeit; personate, impersonate, mimic, simulate; parody, caricature.

imitation, n. copy, counterfeit; mimicry, impersonation, mimesis; pasticcio; parody, travesty, burlesque; onomatop?oea.

imitative, a. apish, copying, mimicking, mimetic; onomatopoetic.

imitator, n. copyist, follower, mimic, mime, ape, echo, impersonator.

immanence, n. inherence, indwelling.

immanent, a. inherent, indwelling.

immature, a. undeveloped, embryonic, crude, unripe, premature, untimely.

immediately, adv. instantly, forthwith, directly, straightway, at once, now, instanter. Antonyms: hereafter, by and by, after a while.

immense, a. vast, infinite, illimitable, immeasurable.

immerse, v. submerge, plunge into, dip, immerge, douse; engross.

immersed, a. submerged, plunged into; engrossed, absorbed, occupied.

immersion, n. submersion, immersing; engrossment, absorption.

immoderate, a. excessive, exorbitant, inordinate, intemperate, unrestrained.

immodest, a. indecorous, indelicate, shameless; lewd, unchaste, obscene.

immodesty, n. indecorum, indelicacy, impudicity; lewdness, unchastity, obscenity.

immoral, a. licentious, dissolute, vicious, profligate, loose, illicit, rakish.

immorality, n. vice, licentiousness, depravity, profligacy, obliquity.

immortality, n. deathlessness, athanasia; perpetuity.

immovable, a. fast, permanent, impassive, firm, steadfast.

impact, n. collision, forcible contact; force.

impart, v. communicate.

impartial, a. equitable, fair, disinterested, unbiased, unprejudiced.

impartiality, n. fairness, equity, disinterestedness, justice.

impassable, a. impenetrable, pathless, impervious.

impatient, a. restless, restive, fretful, eager, impetuous.

impede, v. retard.

impediment, n. obstacle, barrier, obstruction, stumblingblock.

impending, a. imminent, threatening.

impenetrable, a. impervious, imperforable.

impenitence, n. incontrition, obduracy, impenitency.

impenitent, a. incontrite, unrepentant, obdurate, incorrigible, recusant, relentless.

imperative, a. binding, compulsory, obligatory, imperious, peremptory.

imperfect, a. defective, faulty, deficient, undeveloped, abortive, fallible, frail, errable.

imperfection, n. defect, blemish, shortcoming, infirmity, foible, deformity, disfigurement, vice, frailty, fallibility.

imperious, a. despotic, magisterial, domineering, dictatorial, tyrannical, imperative.

imperishable, a. permanent, indestructible, enduring.

impersonate, v. personate; personify.

impersonation, n. personation, impersonating; impersonification.

impersonator, n. mimic, personator, mime, actor.

impertinent, a. irrelevant, inapplicable, impudent, saucy, rude, insolent, malapert, flippant.

impervious, a. impermeable, impenetrable, imperviable.

impetus, n. momentum, force, impulse, incentive.

impish, a. malignant.

implacable, a. unappeasable, vindictive, pitiless, irreconcilable.

implant, v. instill, inculcate, ingraft, infix.

implied, a. tacit, inferential.

implore, v. beseech, supplicate, entreat, obsecrate.

imploring, n. supplication, obsecration.

impolite, a. discourteous, inurbane, rude, uncivil, disrespectful, saucy, insolent, impertinent, churlish, brusque, unamiable, surly, gruff, boorish.

impoliteness, n. discourtesy, inurbanity, incivility, impertinence, insolence.

importance, n. moment, materiality, consequence; pomposity, self-importance.

important, a. momentous, material, essential; pompous, consequential.

impose upon. delude, dupe, deceive, victimize.

imposing, a. impressive, stately, majestic, august.

impossibility, n. impracticability.

impossible, a. impracticable, unfeasible, unattainable.

impostor, n. pretender, cheat, charlatan, mountebank, quack, deceiver.

imposture, n. fraud, imposition, charlatanism, deception.

impracticability, n. unfeasibility.

impracticable, a. impossible, unfeasible.

impregnate, v. fecundate.

impregnation, n. fecundation.

imprison, v. incarcerate, immure.

imprisonment, n. incarceration, durance, immurement, duress, confinement, commitment.

impromptu, a. improvised, offhand, extempore, extemporaneous.

improper, a. indecorous, unseemly, indecent, inappropriate, wrong, solecistic.

impropriety, n. unsuitableness, unfitness, indecorum, barbarism, solecism.

improve, v. amend, ameliorate, rectify, better, mend; utilize, use; gain, get better.

improvement, n. betterment, amelioration; meliorism; utilization.

improving, a. ameliorative, beneficial, amending.

impudence, n. insolence, impertinence, effrontery, rudeness.

impudent, a. insolent, impertinent, flippant, pert, brazen, saucy.

impulse, n. motive, incentive; impulsion, impetus.

impulsive, a. passionate, capricious, hasty; impellent, propulsive.

impure, a. tainted, defiled, contaminated, polluted, vitiated, infected; adulterated, alloyed, sophisticated; unchaste, lewd, indelicate, indecent; barbarous, vulgar, hybrid.

impurity, n. defilement, contamination, taint, pollution; adulteration, alloy, sophistication; unchastity, lewdness, indecency, indelicacy; pl. garblings, garbles.

inability, n. incompetence, impotence, incapability, incompetency, inefficiency, disability.

in a body. altogether, en masse.

inaccuracy, n. inexactness, incorrectness, impropriety.

inaccurate, a. incorrect, inexact, erroneous, faulty, wrong.

inaction, n. inactivity, inertness, stagnation, idleness.

inactive, a. inert, motionless, quiescent, dormant, inoperative, sluggish, stagnant, dilatory, latent, passive, torpid.

inactivity, n. inaction, passivity, inertia, lethargy, dormancy, stagnation, torpor, latency, sloth, Fabian policy.

inadequate, a. insufficient, deficient; defective, incomplete, imperfect.

inappropriate, a. unsuitable, unbecoming, inapplicable.

inapt, a. irrelevant, unsuitable, inept, inapplicable.

inattention, n. inadvertence, abstraction, heedlessness, disregard, neglect, remissness.

inattentive, a. heedless, absent-minded, inadvertent, unmindful, careless.

inbeing, n. inherence.

inborn, a. congenital, inherent, innate, instinctive, ingenerate.

incapable, a. incompetent, disqualified, unfit, insusceptible.

incarnation, n. incarnification, Avatar; personification.

incautious, a. unwary, inconsiderate, indiscreet, thoughtless.

incense, n. Associated words: thurible, censer, thurification, thurify, frankincense, cense, thurifer.

incentive, n. motive, spur, incitement, stimulus, inducement provocation.

incident, n. event, happening, episode, occurrence.

incidental, a. casual, accidental, oontingent, fortuitous; subordinate, collateral, accessory.

incite, v. instigate, stimulate, arouse, goad, spur, impel.

incitement, n. stimulus, instigation, incitation, spur, incentive.

incivility, n. discourtesy, rudeness, incomity, inurbanity, disrespect.

inclination, n. leaning, slant; tendency, propensity, proneness, penchant, predilection.

incline, n. slant, slope, ascent, descent, grade.--v. lean, tend, dispose.

inclose, v. surround, encircle, circumscribe, encompass, enclose.

inclosure, n. surrounding, closure, barrier, fence, corral, stockade.

include, v. comprise, comprehend, inclose.

inclusion, n. comprisal.

income, n. revenue, proceeds; tontine, annuity. Associated word: fructuary.

incomparable, a. peerless, matchless, transcendent, inimitable unrivalled, unapproachable.

incompetent, a. inefficient, unqualified, incapable; inadequate; unfit, unsuited.

incomplete, a. unfinished, defective, imperfect, deficient, partial, inchoate.

incomprehensible, a. inconceivable, abstruse, unfathomable.

inconsiderate, a. thoughtless, heedless, inattentive, careless.

inconsistency, n. discordance, incoherence, contrariety, incompatibility.

inconsistent, a. disagreeing, incoherent, contradictory, discrepant, incompatible.

inconstancy, n. fickleness, mutability, variableness, instability.

inconstant, a. fickle, changeable, volatile, flighty, mercurial, variable.

inconvenient, a. unhandy, incommodious, inopportune, untoward.

incorrect, a. inaccurate, erroneous, inexact, wrong; ungrammatical, solecistic.

incorrectness, n. inaccuracy, inexactness, error; impropriety.

increase, v. augment, advance, enlarge; multiply, be prolific, wax; aggravate, enhance, extend, augment, intensify, exacerbate, amplify, magnify, heighten, accelerate.

increase, n. augmentation, accretion, increment, accession, amplification, addition, accrument.

increase of motion. acceleration.

incremate, v. cremate, incinerate.

incremation, n. cremation.

incumbent, a. obligatory, imposed, binding.

incumbrance, n. hindrance, impediment, incubus; mortgage, claim, lien.

incurable, a. insanable, irremediable, immedicable; irremedicable, irreparable.

indebtedness, n. obligation; debts, liabilities.

indecency, n. immodesty, indelicacy, shamelessness, obscenity, ribaldry, lewdness.

indecent, a. immodest, obscene, indelicate, shameless, ribald, lewd, unchaste.

indecision, n. vacillation, indetermination, irresolution, wavering, inconstancy.

indecisive, a. inconclusive, vacillating, hesitating, irresolute, wavering.

indefatigable, a. untiring, persistent, unremitting, sedulous, unflagging.

indefinite, a. vague, indeterminate, equivocal, ambiguous, inexplicit, inexact.

indelicacy, n. unrefinement, rudeness, indecorum, immodesty.

indelicate, a. unrefined, indecorous, immodest, unchaste, rude, vulgar.

indemnity, n. security, insurance; restitution, reimbursement, indemnification.

indentation, n. bruise, notch, depression, indenture, serrature, jag, engrailment, crenellation.

independence, n. freedom, self-government, liberty, autonomy; opulence, affluence.

independent, a. self-governing, autonomous; self-reliant; exclusive, irrespective; affluent.

Indian, n. (aboriginal American) red man; (of mixed blood) metisse, ladino, mestizo, guacho, griffe, mameluco, half-breed. Associated words: tepee, wigwam, tomahawk, lodge, wickiup, sachemdom, pueblo, calumet, totem, totemism, powwow, roanoke, coup, gens, Manito, pogamoggan, potlatch, chinook, runtee, travail, travois, strouding.

Indian blanket. stroud.

Indian chief. sachem, sannup, sagamore, brave.

Indian child. papoose.

Indian money. wampum, seawan, suckanhock, colcol, peag, hiagua, kopkops.

Indian prince. Maharajah, Rajah.

Indian princess or queen. Rani, Ranee.

Indian woman. squaw, mahaly.

India rubber. caoutchouc.

indicate, v. designate, betoken, signify.

indication, n. designation, signifying; symptom, evidence, sign, token, manifestation.

indicator, n. (as in a hotel) annunciator.

indictment, n. accusation, charge, arraignment, crimination.

indifference, n. apathy, coolness, negligence, unconcern, nonchalance, insouciance; mediocrity, inferiority; neutrality, impartiality, disinterestedness.

indifferent, a. disinterested, unconcerned, nonchalant, perfunctory, apathetic, insouciant; neutral, impartial; mediocre, passable, tolerable.

indirect, a. roundabout, circuitous, tortuous.

indiscreet, a. unwise, imprudent.

indiscretion, n. unwisdom, folly, imprudence; misstep, lapse.

indisposed, a. averse, disinclined, unwilling, loath, reluctant; sick, ill, unwell.

indisposition, n. disinclination, averseness, reluctance, unwillingness.

indisputable, a. undeniable, incontestable, indubitable, incontrovertible.

indissolvable, a. indissoluble.

indocile, a. intractable, refractory, unruly.

indolence, n. idleness, laziness, indulgence, sloth, inactivity, faineance.

indolent, a. lazy, slothful, supine, dronish, listless.

inducement, n. incentive, incitement, motive, stimulus.

indulge, v. satisfy, gratify, luxuriate; humor, pamper, cocker; grant, allow, permit. Antonyms: mortify, deny, suppress, restrain.

indulgence, n. humoring, pampering, gratification; kindness, favor, lenity, forbearance; absolution. Antonyms: mortification, denial, restraint, non-indulgence.

indulgent, a. forbearing, kind, lenient, lax, merciful.

industrial science. technology, polytechnics.

industrious, a. assiduous, diligent, sedulous, persistent, hard-working. Antonyms: idle, indolent, inactive, lazy.

industry, n. assiduity, diligence, activity; labor, work, exertion, efforts.

indwelling, n. immanence, inherence.--a. immanent, inherent.

ineffective, a. ineffectual, unavailing, inefficacious.

inefficient, a. ineffective, inefficacious; slack, remiss, incompetent.

inelastic, a. inductile, inextensible, rigid.

inelasticity, n. inductility, inextensibility, rigidity.

ineligible, a. disqualified.

inequality, n. disparity, disproportion, unevenness, irregularity; unfairness, injustice; inequation.

inexcusable, a. unpardonable, indefensible, unjustifiable, unwarrantable.

inexhaustible, a. exhaustless.

inexorable, a. unyielding, relentless, implacable, unmovable, unrelenting.

inexperienced, a. untrained, unpractised, undisciplined, raw, unskilled.

inexpert, a. maladroit, unskillful, bungling.

inexpressible, a. ineffable, unspeakable, unutterable.

infallibility, n. inerrability.

infallible, a. inerrable, unerring, sure, certain, undeniable.

infamous, a. disreputable, ignominious, scandalous, opprobrious, odious, heinous.

infamy, n. disgrace, ignominy, odium, obloquy, opprobrium.

infancy, n. babyhood; minority, nonage, pupilage.

infant, n. baby; minor.

infantile paralysis. poliomyelitis.

infatuate, v. enamor, charm. Antonyms: repel, disgust, disillusionize.

infection, n. contagion, contamination, vitiation, pollution.

infectious, a. contagious, pestiferous, epidemic, vitiating.

infer, v. deduce, imply, gather.

inference, n. deduction, conclusion, illation, corollary.

inferior, a. poorer, lower, subordinate, menial, minor, mediocre, subaltern.

inferior, n. subordinate. Antonyms: peer, equal, superior.

inferiority, n. subordinacy, mediocrity, deficiency.

infidel, n. free-thinker, atheist, unbeliever, skeptic.

infirmity, n. See weakness.

inflammable, a. combustible, accendible; irascible, irritable, excitable.

inflammation, n. phlogosis; phlegmasia. Associated words: phlogistic, phlogogenous, antiphlogistic, demulcent delitescence.

inflammatory, a. phlogistic; seditious, incendiary.

inflate, v. expand, enlarge, distend.

inflated, a. distended, blown up; bombastic, pompous, grandiloquent, declamatory.

inflation, n. distention, expansion.

inflection, n. modulation, accent.

inflexibility, n. rigidity, stiffness; firmness, pertinacity, obstinacy, steadfastness.

inflexible, a. unyielding, rigid, impliable; immovable, resolute, steadfast.

influence, n. sway, control; persuasion, restraint; authority, ascendency, prestige.

influence, v. move, persuade, induce, sway, control, prevail upon, actuate, impel.

informal, a. unceremonious, unconventional, easy, natural, unconstrained.

informality, n. unceremoniousness.

information, n. knowledge, intelligence, instruction; (Law) complaint, accusation.

infringe, v. violate, transgress; encroach, trespass, intrench.

infringement, n. transgression, violation, breach, encroachment, trespass, intrenchment.

in full. unabridged, at length.

ingenious, a. inventive, resourceful.

ingratitude, n. unthankfulness.

ingredient, n. constituent, element, component, part.

inhabitant, n. dweller, denizen, residentiary, resident, citizen. Antonyms: sojourner, pilgrim, visitor.

inherent, a. innate, adhering, inexistent, inborn, inalienable.

inheritable, a. hereditable.

inheritance, n. heritage, patrimony, legacy.

inhuman, a. savage, barbarous, fiendish, brutal, cruel.

inhumanity, n. cruelty, brutality, barbarity, mercilessness.

injection, n. immission, injecting; enema, clyster, lavement.

injure, v. damage, harm, hurt, impair, disfigure, maim, mar, wound.

injurious, a. hurtful, harmful, detrimental, pernicious, deleterious, baneful, noxious, maleficent, prejudicial; defamatory, derogatory, detractory.

injury, n. damage, detriment, harm, hurt, wound, impairment, mutilation, defacement, violation, lesion. Associated words: vulnerable, vulnerability, invulnerable, invulnerability, inviolable, vulnific.

injustice, n. inequity, unfairness; grievance.

inkling, n. hint, intimation, allusion.

inkstand, n. standish.

inky, a. atramentous, atramental, atramentarious.

inlaid work. marquetry, parquetry, mosaic.

inland, a. interior, internal.

inlet, n. entrance, ingress; bay, recess, bight, estuary, cove, frith, bayou.

inmate, n. occupant.

inn, n. lodging house, tavern, hotel; cabaret, caravansary, khan.

innate, a. inborn, inherent, native.

inner, a. internal, interior; obscure, esoteric, innermost parts, recesses, penetralia, sanctuary.

innocence, n. blamelessness, guilelessness, guiltlessness, impeccability, inoffensiveness.

innocent, a. blameless, guileless, guiltless, impeccable, inoffensive, sinless, artless, inculpable, irreproachable, irreprehensible, inerrable, irresponsible, virtuous, unsophisticated.

inquiring, a. curious, inquisitive.

inquiry, n. question, query, interrogation; research, investigationm scrutiny.

inquisitive, a. inquiring, mousing, curious, intrusive, prying, meddlesome. Antonyms: indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested.

insane, a. demented, crazy, mad, deranged, delirious, dementate; paranoiac. Antonyms: sane, rational.

insane asylum. bedlam, bethlehem, madhouse, retreat.

insanity, n. dementia, alienation of mind, madness, lunacy, craziness, derangement, frenzy, delirium, mania, hallucination, aberration of mind, bedlamism; paranoia, monomania. Antonyms: sanity, rationality, lucidity. Associated words: alienist, alienism.

insatiable, a. unappeasable; voracious, rapacious, omnivorous.

inscrutable, a. incomprehensible, inexplicable, unsearchable.

insect, n. Associated words: entomology, entomologist, entomologic, chrsalis, pupa, cicada, cocoon, credpitaculum, entomophilous, entornophily, entomtaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepidopterist, larvarium, stridor, stridulate, stridulation, silphology, stridulatory, nymph, horismology, imago.

insect-eaters, n. pl. Insectivora, Entomophaga.

insect-eating, a. insectivorous, entomophagous.

insect powder. insecticide, pyrethrum, entomologic, chrysalis, pupa, cicada, cocoon, crepitaculum, entomophilous, entomophily, entomotaxy, entomotomy, insecticidal, insectifuge, insectile, larva, lepidopterist, larvarium, stridor, stridulate, stridulation, silphology, stridulatory, nymph, horismology, imago.

insect-eaters, n. pl. Insectivora, Entomophaga.

insect-eating, a. insectivorous, entomophagous.

insect powder. insecticide, pyrethrum.

insecure, a. risky, unsafe, precarious, rickety, unstable, dangerous.

insecurity, n. unsafely, risk, instability, precariousness.

insensibility, n. unconsciousness, torpor, coma, narcosis, lethargy, numbness, narcoma, insusceptibility, an?sthesia, stupefaction, stupor, carus.

insensible, a. unfeeling, numb, insensate, torpid, unimpressible, unsusceptible, unconscious; imperceptible, gradual, imperceivable.

inseparable, a. indivisible, indissoluble.

insert, v. interpolate, intercalate, interject, ingraft, inosculate.

insertion, n. interjection, interpolation, intercalation, inosculation.

inside, a. internal, inner, interior.

insides, n. pl. entrails; penetralia, recesses.

insight, n. discernment.

insignificance, n. unimportance, pettiness, immateriality, triviality, inanity.

insignificant, n. meaningless; unimportant, immaterial, petty, trivial, paltry.

insincere, a. disingenuous, dissembling, false, hypocritical, affected, deceitful.

insincerity, n. duplicity, disingenuousness, hypocrisy, dissimulation.

insinuation, n. innuendo, intimation; ingratiation.

insist, v. persist, press, urge, contend.

insistence, n. persistence, pertinacity, importunity, urgency, contention, instance.

insistent, a. persistent, importunate, insisting.

insnare, v. ensnare, entrap, seduce, inveigle, allure, entangle.

insolation, n. sunstroke, siriasis; sun bath.

insolence, n. impudence, contumely, impertinence, contumacy, effrontery, disrespect.

insolent, a. impudent, contumelious, overbearing, disrespectful contemptuous.

insoluble, a. indissoluble; unexplainable, insolvable, inexplicable.

inspect, v. examine.

inspiration, n. inhalation (breathing in); divine afflatus, theopneusty.

inspiring, a. inspiriting, elevating, promethean.

in spite of. notwithstanding, despite, nevertheless.

install, v. instate, induct.

installation, n. induction.

instance, n. persistency, request, solicitation, urgency; example, case, illustration.

instantly, adv. immediately, forthwith, at once, instanter, urgently, persistently.

instep, n. metatarsus, acrotarsium.

instruct, v. teach, indoctrinate, edify, enlighten, coach.

instruction, n. nurture, tuition, teaching, information, indoctrination, inculcation, education, admonition; edification, enlightenment; prop?deutics.

instructive, a. edifying, didactic, preceptive, mentorial; prop?deutic.

instructor, n. teacher, preceptor, tutor, master, coach, mentor, counselor, monitor, trainer.

instrument, n. tool, utensil, implement; agent, means, medium.

insufferable, a. intolerable, unendurable; detestable, offensive.

insufficiency, n. deficiency, inadequacy.

insufficient, a. inadequate, deficient, incommensurate, lacking.

insult, n. indignity, affront.

insult, v. offend, affront, flout.

insulting, a. offensive, contemptuous, contumelious, scurrilous.

insurance, n. assurance, indemnity.

insure, v. assure, indemnify; underwrite.

insurgency, n. revolt, rebellion, insubordination, mutiny.

insurgent, a. rebellious, mutinous, insubordinate, insurrectionary.

insurgent, n. rebel, revolter, mutineer, insurrectionist.

intaglio, n. diaglyph. Antonym: cameo.

intelligence, n. knowledge, discernment, insight, acumen.

intelligent, a. clever, discerning, astute, bright, knowing, apt, sensible.

intemperance, n. excess, immoderation, debauchery.

intemperate, a. immoderate, excessive, unrestrained.

intend, v. design, purpose, propose, contemplate, plan.

intended, n. fiancé (male), fiancée (female).

intense, a. extreme, excruciating.

intensify, v. aggravate, exacerbate, heighten.

intention, n. design, plan, purpose, aim.

intentional, a. deliberate, premeditated. Antonyms: unintentional, inadvertent, accidental.

intercede, v. mediate, interpose, propitiate.

intercession, n. mediation, interposition, propitiation.

intercessor, n. mediator, interceder, propitiator, make-peace.

interchange, n. reciprocation, reciprocity, permutation; alternation.

interest, n. concern; share, portion, part, participation; advantage, benefit, weal, behoof; usury. Antonyms: boredom, ennui, indifference, unconcern.

interested, a. concerned; prejudiced, partial. Antonyms: disinterested, unconcerned, bored.

interfere, v. clash, conflict; intermeddle, interpose, intervene.

interference, n. clashing, collision; intermeddling, interposition, intervention.

interlining, n. interlineation.

interloper, n. intruder, interferer.

intermediate, a. intervening, interjacent; interlocutory (Law).

intermittent, a. remittent, periodical, recurrent.

internal, a. inward, interior, inside, inner; esoteric; intrinsic; inherent.

interpret, v. construe, translate, render.

interpretation, n. rendering, rendition, translation; exegesis, exegetics, hermeneutics, isagogics, anagogics, dittology.

interrogation point. eroteme.

interval, n. interstice (space between); interim, meantime

intervening, a. intermediate, interjacent.

intervention, n. interference, interposition; mediation, intercession.

intestines, n. pl. entrails, bowels, inwards, guts; omentum, caul, vermiform appendix, colon, rectum, hindgut, enteron, c?cum, ileum, ileus, volvulus, jejunum, duodenum, alimentary canal; chitterlings. Associated words: enterology, splanchnology, enterography, splanchnography, enteropathy, enteroplasty, enterotomy, enteralgia, enterolith, enteritis, intestinal, enteric, crypt, peristalsis, vermiculation, alvine, viscerate, visceration, eviscerate, evisceration, disembowel, disembowelment.

intolerable, a. insufferable, unendurable.

intolerance, n. bigotry, dogmatism, illiberality.

intolerant, a. bigoted, unforbearing, illiberal.

intrenchment, n. earthwork, fortification; encroachment, infringement, invasion, inroad.

intricacy, n. complication, entanglement, complexity.

intricate, a. complicated, entangled, involved, labyrinthian, mazy.

intrigue, n. conspiracy, machination, cabal, plot; amour (illicit love affair), liaison.

intrigue, v. plot, scheme, machinate, cabal.

intriguer, n. machinator, plotter, schemer, Figaro, intrigant, intrigante (female).

intriguing, a. scheming, Machiavelian, wily.

intrinsic, a. inherent, innate, real, genuine. Antonym: extrinsic.

introduction, n. preface, proem, exordium, prelude, prolegomenon, prologue, foreword; presentation; interpolation interposition, initiation.

introductory, a. preliminary, proemial, prefatory.

intrude, v. infringe, invade, encroach, obtrude, interlope.

intrusion, n. encroachment, obtrusion, infringement, interloping.

intrusive, a. obtrusive. Antonyms: unintrusive, unobtrusive, retiring.

intrust, v. commit, confide.

invade, v. infringe, encroach, trespass, intrench, trench.

invalid, a. null, void, of no efficacy; baseless, unfounded.

invalid, a. valetudinary.

invalid, n. valetudinarian.

invalidate, v. annul, abrogate, cancel, quash, nullify.

invalidation, n. nullification, abrogation, annulment.

invalidism, n. valetudinarianism.

invasion, n. irruption, foray, raid, aggression; violation, infringement, encroachment, intrenchment.

inveigle, v. wheedle, seduce.

inveiglement, n. wheedling, seduction.

investigate, v. probe, sift, examine.

investigation, n. examination, inquiry, research.

invidious, a. objectionable, offensive.

invincible, a. indomitable, unconquerable.

invisible, a. imperceptible, microscopic, evanescent.

invitation, n. bidding, call, summons.

invite, v. bid, ask, summon; allure, induce, entice.

invocation, n. prayer, supplication.

involuntary, a. uncontrollable, instinctive, automatic, compulsory, forced.

inwards, n. pl. entrails, intestines, bowels, guts; viscera; giblets, inmeats, umbles.

iota, n. scintilla, tittle, atom, mite, jot, whit, bit, particle.

Ireland, n. Erin, Emerald Isle.

iridescent, a. prismatic, nacreous.

iris, n. flower-de-luce, fleur-de-lis, flag.

Irish, a. Hibernian.

Irishman, n. Hibernian, Milesian, Teague, Pat, Paddy.

iron, v. smooth; mangle.

irons, n. pl. fetters, chains, handcuffs, shackles, manacles, hampers, gyves.

ironworker's pneumonia. siderosis.

irrecoverable, a. irretrievable.

irregular, a. inconformable, abnormal, anomalous, exceptional, unsymmetrical, unusual, erose, baroque, aberrant.

irregularity, n. inconformableness, abnormality, asymmetry, anomaly, aberration, intermittency.

irreligious, a. ungodly, impious, godless, sacrilegious, blasphemous, profane.

irresolute, a. wavering, vacillating, inconstant, fickle, double-minded.

irresolution, n. indecision, vacillation, inconstancy, fickleness.

irresponsible, a. unaccountable, unanswerable, unreliable.

irritable, a. irascible, fretful, spleeny, choleric, petulant, fiery, captious, splenetic.

irritate, v. intensify, stimulate; provoke, vex, annoy, offend, chafe.

isinglass, n. fishglue, ichthyocol, ichthyocolla; mica; carlock.

island, n. isle, eyot, holm, islet; atoll. Associated words: insular, insularity, archipelago, lagoon, coral, maroon, marooner.

isolate, v. insulate, segregate, dissociate, detach, separate.

isolated, a. insulated, separate, solitary, segregated, sporadic.

isolation, n. insulation, segregation; loneliness, solitude.

issue, v. gush, disembogue; sally forth, debouch; proceed, emanate, ensue, follow, result.

Italian laborers. Associated word: padrone.

Italian paste. macaroni, vermicelli.

itch, n. psora, scabies; prurigo; sycosis (barber's itch); eczema; pruriency.

itching, a. tingling, prurient.

ivory, n. Associated words: eburnean, eburnine, eburin, eburnification, eburnation.

ivy, n. Associated words: hederaceous, hederal, hederic, hederiferous, hederose.


Jab, n. (Colloq.) thrust, punch, dig.

jabber, n. gibberish, chatter, gabble, babble.--v. gabble, gibber, babble, chatter.

jackass, n. donkey; dolt, simpleton, witling, ignoramus, fool.

jacket, n. coat, jerkin, blouse, spencer, bolero, pea-jacket sontag, blazer, sweater, reefer, jersey, jumper, cardigan jacket, grego, garibaldi, camisole, temiak (Eskimo); cleading.

jade, n. nephrite, jadeite; nag, plug; hussy, wench, quean.

jag, n. notch, cleft, barb, protuberance.--v. notch.

jagged, a. cleft, jaggy, notched, serrated, erose, sharp.

jail, n. prison, lockup, calaboose, workhouse, limbo.

jail bird. prisoner.

jailer, n. warden, turnkey, sheriff.

jail fever. typhus fever.

jam, n. preserve, conserve; crowd, throng, crush.

jam, v. squeeze, crowd, press, wedge in, bruise.

jamboree, n. (Slang) carousal, revelry, carouse, spree.

jangle, n. clashing, clang, discord, dissonance; wrangling, quarrel, dispute, altercation.

jangle, v. clash, clang; quarrel, wrangle, dispute, altercate.

jangling, a. discordant, dissonant, clashing, inharmonious.

janitor, n. doorkeeper, porter, concierge; (female) janitress, janitrix.

Japan, n. Nippon, Flowery Kingdom. Associated words: Japanese, geisha, coolie, Mikado, samurai, shizoku, heimin, kwazoku, Mongol, Mongolian, kimono, Dairi, daimio, saki, Tycoon, Shogun.

japan, n. lacquer, varnish, enamel.

jar, n. crock; gurglet; shock, jolt, vibration.--v. jolt, jounce, shock, discompose, unsettle; grate.

jargon, n. gibberish, drivel, babble, gabble, twaddle, bosh; cant, slang, flash, argot, dialect.

jaundice, n. icterus.--v. prejudice.

jaundiced, a. prejudiced, biased, warped.

jaunty, a. airy, showy, finical, affected, fine.

jaw, n. Jawbone, jowl; maxilla (upper jaw); mandible (lower jaw).

jaw, v. (Low) scold, upbraid, berate, clamor, rail at.

jawless, a. agnathic, agnathous.

jaw muscle. masseter.

jayhawker, n. guerrilla.

jealous, a. suspicious, distrustful.

jealousy, n. suspicion, distrust.

jeer, v. mock, deride, ridicule, taunt, jibe.

jeering, n. mockery, derision, ridicule, scoffing, sneer, taunt.

jellylike, a. gelatinous, colloid.

jeopard, v. imperil, risk, expose, endanger, hazard.

jeopardize, v. jeopard.

jeopardy, n. danger, peril, hazard, exposure.

jerk, v. twitch, yerk.

jerked beef. charqui.

jerky, a. abrupt, unconnected.

jest, n. joke, witticism, quip, jeu d' esprit, Joe Miller.

jest, v. joke.

jester, n. joker, wag; buffoon, merry-andrew, clown, harlequin, zany.

jesting, n. joking, jest, raillery, banter, persiflage, facetiousness, badinage, jocularity.

jesting, a. waggish, jocular, facetious, sportive.

jet, v. spurt, spout, gush; protrude, project.--n. spouting, spurt, gush.

Jew, n. Hebrew, Israelite, Judahite, Judean, Semite, Yid; Rabbi, Sadducee, Pharisee, Levite. Associated words: Yiddish, ghetto, kosher, tref, Talmud, kittel, sephardic, Sanhedrim, synagogue, Jewry, Judaism, judaize.

Jewish, a. Hebrew, Judaic, Israelitish, Hebraic, Semitic.

Jewish beggar. schnorrer.

Jewish marriage broker. schatchen.

jewel, n. gem, brilliant.

jewelry, n. jewels; bijoutry.

Jew's pitch. asphaltum, bitumen.

Jezebel, n.virago, she-devil, fury, Gorgon, termagant.

jibe, v. (Colloq.) agree, harmonize, fit.

jiffy, n. (Colloq.)moment, instant, second, trice.

jill, n. coquette, flirt; sweetheart, gill.

jilt, n. coquette, flirt.

jingle, n. tinkling, jingling, tintinnabulation; rhyme.--v. tinkle.

job, n. task; situation, position.

jocose, a. facetious, waggish, sportive, merry, jocular, humorous.

jocular, a. jesting, jocose, sportive, merry, waggish.

jocularity, n. jesting, waggishness, waggery, facetiousness, drollery.

jog, n. shake, jolt, jar, shove; hitch, break.

jog, v. push, shake, jostle; suggest to, notify, remind.

johnny cake. hoecake, corncake.

join, v. connect, couple, unite, combine, associate, add, append, annex, link, conjoin, mortise, dowel, splice, knit, dovetail, mingle, coalesce, unify, confederate; abut. Antonyms: disjoin, disconnect. See separate.

joiner, n. link, coupling, bond; woodworker, carpenter.

joint, n. gimbal joint, dove-tail joint, joggle joint, mortise joint, miter, dowel, scarf joint, rabbet joint.

joint, n. articulation; suture, commissure, knuckle. Associated words: arthrology, arthrography, synosteology arthrectomy, synovia, articular, bursa, synovial, internode, internodal, anchylose, dislocate, dislocation, luxate, luxation.

joint, a. combined, joined, united.

jointed, a. articulated, hinged; knotted, gnarled.

jointless, a. acondylous, anarthrous, inarticulate.

joke, n. jest, witticism, jocosity, sally, jeu d'esprit, quip, quirk, Joe Miller.

joke, v. rally, banter, jest.

joking, n. jesting, rallying, banter, persiflage, jocularity, waggishness.

jokingly, adv. sportively, jestingly, waggishly, jocularly.

jolly, a. jovial, vivacious, congenial, convivial, mirthful, sportive, gay, facetious, boon, waggish, jocular, jocose, witty, blithe, sprightly, cheery.

jolly, v. (Colloq.) make good-natured, joke, jest, cheer, encourage.

jolt, n. jar, shock, jounce, jolting.--v. shake, jar, jounce.

jot, n. iota, point, tittle, bit, mite, atom, scintilla, ace, particle, whit.

jotting, n. memorandum, note, entry.

jounce, n. jolt, shake, jolting.--v. jolt, shake, jar.

journal, n. day-book, daily register, record; diary; periodical, publication, magazine, gazette, ephemeris.

journey, n. trip, tour, pilgrimage, excursion, travel, jaunt, peregrination. Associated words: itinerary, itinerancy, viatic, viaticum.

journeyman, n. handicraftsman, artisan. Antonyms: apprentice, amateur.

joust, v. tilt.

Jove, n. Jupiter.

jovial, a. jolly, mirthful, gay, merry, sportive, hilarious, gleeful.

joviality, n. gayety, jollity, sportiveness, liveliness.

joy, n. gladness, exultation, jubilation, mirth, festivity glee, elation, merriment.

joyful, a. joyous, glad, elated, jubilant, exhilarating, happy, buoyant, merry, encouraging, felicitous.

joyous, a. joyful.

jubilant, a. joyful, exultant, triumphant.

jubilation, n. rejoicing, exultation, triumph.

Judas, n. betrayer, traitor.

Judas, a. traitorous, treacherous, disloyal, perfidious.

judge, v. adjudge, adjudicate, try; discern, distinguish, discriminate, decide; esteem, think, consider, reckon, deem, regard; arbitrate.

judge, n. justice, judger; arbitrator, arbiter, umpire, referee; connoisseur, critic; puisne; deemster (Isle of Man). Associated words: judicial, judicially, judicable, judicatory, judicature, judiciary.

judges, n. pl. judiciary.

judgment, n. decision, adjudication, arbitrament, arbitration, adjudgment; sentence, decree, verdict; discrimination, discernment.

judgment-seat, n. court, tribunal, bar, judicatory.

judicial, a. judicative, judicatory, juridical, judiciary.

judicious, a. prudent, discreet, well-advised.

jug, n. pitcher, ewer, demijohn, flagon; bellarmine, long-beard.

juggler, n. prestidigitator, magician, conjurer; cheat, impostor; jongleur.

jugglery, n. sleight of hand, legerdemain, prestidigitation, magic, conjuring; imposture, trickery, hankey-pankey.

juice, n.. sap, lush; must.

juicy, a. succulent, sappy, lush, luscious. Antonyms: juiceless, sapless, dry.

jumble, v. confuse, disarrange, entangle, mix

jumble, n. disorder, confusion, disarray, mixture, entanglement, chaos, hodgepodge.

jump, v. spring, bound, leap, hop, caper, vault; bounce, jolt.

jump, n. leap, spring, bound, hop, vault, caper, jolt.

junction, n. union, coalition; juncture.

juncture, n. joint, seam; crisis, conjuncture, point, exigency.

jungle, n. thicket, brake, boscage, brush.

junket, n. delicacy, sweetmeat; feast, banquet.--v. feast, banquet, regale, entertain.

junta, n. council, tribunal, assembly, convention.

junto, n. secret council, cabal, clique, faction.

jury, n. Associated words: impanel, panel, venire, venire, facias, tales, talesman.

juryman, n. juror.

just, a. upright, honest, conscientious, honorable, straightforward; condign, merited, deserved, due; reasonable, conscionable, equitable, fair; unbiased, impartial correct, exact, accurate, proper, appropriate. Antonyms: dishonest, inequitable, undeserved. See unjust.

just, adv. precisely, exactly; closely, nearly, almost; barely, scarcely, only.

justice, n. justness, quity, impartiality; judge. Antonyms: inequity, injustice.

justifiable, a. warrantable, defensible, vindicable.

justification, n. vindication, exuplpation, exoneration, defense.

justifier, n. justificatior, vindicator, defender.

justify, v. vindicate, warrant, excuse, exonorate, exculpate, absolve, defend.

justle, v. clash, bump, jostle, collide.

justly, adv. honestly, fairly, equitably, impartially.

justness, n. justice, fairness, equity, impartiality, condignness.

jut, v. jut out, project, protrude.--n. projection, jutt.

jutting, a. projecting, protruding.

jutting out projection, projecture, protrusion

jutty, n. pier, mole, jetty.

juvenile, a. youthful, young, immature.

juvenility, n. youthfulness, immaturity.


Keel over. (Colloq.) overturn, capsize, tip over.

keen, a. sharp, acute, trenchant; penetrating, shrewd, astute, discerning; piercing, poignant, excruciating, a crimonious, mordacious, bitter, intense, severe; eager, ardent, ravenous, vehement.

keep, n. custody, charge; maintenance, support; stronghold, donjon; condition, case.

keep, v. detain, restrain, hold, retain, repress, withhold; preserve, conserve; maintain, continue; guard, shield, defend, protect, screen, preserve; entertain, harbor; observe, adhere to, fulfill; commemorate, celebrate, solemnize; support, sustain, provide for.

keep back. reserve, withhold; restrain, repress, check.

keep company with. associate with, accompany, go with.

keep down. hold in subjection, restrain, hinder, subdue.

keeper, n. warden; superintendent, curator, custodian, guardian, attendant, defender, overseer.

keep from. abstain from, refrain from.

keeping, n. holding, restraint, custody, guard, guardianship, protection, tutelage; detention, retention; maintenance support, subsistence, board; conformity, congruity, harmony, consistency, correspondence; observance; celebration, commemoration, fulfillment.

keeping back. reservation, reserving, withholding; restraint, repression, checking.

keep on. proceed, continue, persist.

keepsake, n. memento, souvenir.

keep to. adhere to.

keep under. hold in subjection, subdue, mortify.

keep up. maintain, continue.

kelter, n. (Colloq.) condition, order.

kernel, n. seed, grain; nucleus; gist, core, pith, substance, essence, marrow. Associated words: enucleate, enucleation, exacinate, exacination.

kerosene, n. coal oil, petroleum.

kettle, n. caldron (a large kettle).

kettledrum, n. tympano; pl. tympani.

key, n. Associated words: claviger, clavigerous, cleidomancy, escutcheon, lock.

key, n. pitch, tone.

key, n. clew, solution, guide, explanation, elucidation, clavis; wharf, quay; forelock, cotter, bar, pin; samara.

keyboard, n. clavier.

kick, v. spurn, calcitrate, recalcitrate, winch; resist, oppose; recoil.

kick, n. kicking, opposition.

kicking, n. spurning, recalcitration, calcitration, winch; opposition, resistance.

kicking, a. recalcitrant, calcitrant, resistant.

kiddy, v. (Slang) deceive, outwit, hoax.

kidnap, v. abduct.

kidnapper, n. abductor, man-stealer.

kidnapping, n. abduction.

kidney, n. Associated words: nephrology, nephrotomy, nephritis, renal, emunctory, nephritic, loins, reins.

kidney, n. sort, kind, variety, disposition.

kidney-shaped, a. reniform.

kidney stone. nephrite, jade.

kill, v. slay, slaughter, murder, assassinate, butcher, despatch, execute, lynch, massacre, burke, immolate, guillotine, decimate, destroy, blast; counteract, neutralize; quell, extinguish.

killer, n. slayer, murderer, butcher, assassin, assassinator, executor, destroyer.

killing, n. slaying, slaughter, butchering, butchery, assassination, massacre, strangulation, immolation, holocaust, execution, fusillade, carnage, murder, manslaughter, chaud-medley, lynching, guillotine, burkism, garrote, chance-medley, decimation, assideration, destruction, blasting; counteraction, neutralization.

killing, a. fatal, mortal, deadly, destructive; captivating, charming, fascinating.

kilt, n. filibeg.

kilter, n. (Colloq.) condition, order.

kin, n. relationship; relatives, relations, kindred, kinsfolk, kinsmen.

kin, a. kindred.

kind, a. indulgent, compassionate, merciful, lenient, clement, benignant, gracious, benevolent, kind-hearted, forbearing, benign, beneficent, humane, obliging.

kind, n. variety, genus, species, strain, breed, nature, genre, sort, style, character, description, kidney.

kind-hearted, a. compassionate, lenient, clement, kind.

kindle, v. enkindle, fire, ignite, incite, inflame, rouse.

kindling, n. enkindling, incitement, accension.

kindly, a. kind.

kindness, n. compassion, benignity, benevolence, kindliness, graciousness, clemency, compassionateness; favor, service, good turn.

kindred, n. relationship; relatives, relations, kinsfolk, kin, kinsmen.

kindred, a. related, congenial, allied, similar.

kine, n. pl. cows, cattle.

king, n. monarch, sovereign, potentate, regulus. Associated words: regicide royalty, regnal, regnant, regnancy, regalia, viceroy, camarilla, dynastic, dynasty.

kingdom, n. empire, dominion, sovereignty, monarchy, realm.

kingly, a. royal, regal, monarchical; sovereign, august, majestic, grand. Antonyms: servile, mean, abject, slavish, unkingly.

king's evil. scrofula.

kink, v. snarl, become entangled.

kink, n. snarl, knot, entanglement, twist; crotchet, whim, caprice, eccentricity.

kinky, a. snarled, tangled, knotted; crotchety, eccentric, capricious.

kinsman, n. relative.

kiss, v. osculate.

kiss, n. osculation, buss, smack; pax (kiss of peace).

kissing, n. osculation.--a. osculant, oscillatory.

kitchen, n. cookroom, cuisine, scullery (back kitchen); galley (Nautical). Associated words: scullion, culinary, olitory.

kith, n. acquaintance.

knack, n. gimcrack, trinket, toy, plaything, knickknack, kickshaws, gewgaw, bauble; skill, readiness, aptitude, proficiency, dexterity, adroitness; trick, device.

knarl, n. knot, gnarl, knag, knurl, node.

knarled, a. knotted, gnarled, knurly, gnarly, knotty, knurled, knarred.

knave, n. villain, rascal, scamp. See scoundrel.

knavery, n. villainy, rascality, scoundrelism, chicanery, knavishness, roguery.

knavish, a. unprincipled, rascally, villainous.

knee, n. Associated words: genuflect, genuflection, ham, hock, gonitis, stifle, geniculate, dib, quadriceps.

knee breeches. smallclothes, knickerbockers.

kneecap, n. patella, kneepan.

kneeling desk. priedieu.

knees, n. pl. marrowbones.

knickerbockers, n. pl. knee breeches, smallclothes.

knickknack, n. gimcrack, gewgaw, bauble, trinket, knack, curio, bric-a-brac.

knife, n. dagger, stiletto, dirk, poniard, bowie-knife, misericorde, anlace, yataghan, machete, bolo, handjar, skean, creese, barong, sword, billhook, saber; scalpel, lancet, bistoury; jackknife, pen-knife, pocket-knife. Associated words: cutler, cutlery, sheath, sheathe, unsheathe, scabbard, cultrivorous, cultrate, cultriform, tang, scale, spring, blade, kick, spatula.

knight, n. man-at-arms; champion, partisan, lover, gallant.

knighthood, n. chivalry. Associated word: accolade.

knightly, a. chivalrous, gallant.

knob, n. excrescence, boss, lump, tubercle, knop, stud, hard swelling; finial, knosp.

knock, v. rap; clash, bump; strike, beat.--n. blow, stroke; rap.

knock about. (Colloq.) wander about, saunter, stroll.

knock down. fell, floor, prostrate.

knockknee, n. inknee.

knock under. yield, submit, give in.

knoll, n. hillock, mound.

knop, n. See knob.

knot, n. entanglement, snarl, intricacy, complication; cluster, group, band, bevy, gang, company; joint, node, knag, burl, gnarl, knob, nodule, nodosity; tuft, bunch.

knot, v. entangle, tie, snarl. Antonyms: disentangle, unravel, untie.

knotted, a. knurled, knaggy, gnarled, gnarly; snarled, entangled, interwoven.

knotty, a. knotted, gnarled, crossgrained; intricate, difficult, complicated.

knowable, a. ascertainable, cognizable, cognoscible, intelligible, recognizable. Antonyms: unknowable, unascertainable, incognoscible, unrecognizable.

knowall, n. (Colloq.) wiseacre, quidnunc.

knowing, a. intelligent, sagacious, wise, clever; expressive, significant; (Colloq.) artful, sharp, cunning.

knowingly, adv. consciously, intelligently, wittingly, designedly, sagely, purposely, sapiently, significantly, expressively.

knowledge, n. learning, lore, erudition, culture, enlightenment, attainments, information; cognizance, apprehension, cognition, understanding, ken; omniscience (universal knowledge); prescience (foreknowledge); polymathy. Antonyms: sciolism, ignorance, inerudition, dilettanteism pedantry, unfamiliarity.

knuckle bones. dibs.

knuckle to. (Colloq.) submit to, yield, cringe, obey.

kodak, n. camera (portable).

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The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King

The 5-time Rejected Gamma & the Lycan King



COALESCENCE OF THE FIVE SERIES BOOK ONE: THE 5-TIME REJECTED GAMMA & THE LYCAN KING BOOK TWO: THE ROGUES WHO WENT ROGUE BOOK THREE: THE INDOMITABLE HUNTRESS & THE HARDENED DUKE *** BOOK ONE: After being rejected by 5 mates, Gamma Lucianne pleaded with the Moon Goddess to spare her from any further mate-bonds. To her dismay, she is being bonded for the sixth time. What’s worse is that her sixth-chance mate is the most powerful creature ruling over all werewolves and Lycans - the Lycan King himself. She is certain, dead certain, that a rejection would come sooner or later, though she hopes for it to be sooner. King Alexandar was ecstatic to meet his bonded mate, and couldn’t thank their Goddess enough for gifting him someone so perfect. However, he soon realizes that this gift is reluctant to accept him, and more than willing to sever their bond. He tries to connect with her but she seems so far away. He is desperate to get intimate with her but she seems reluctant to open up to him. He tries to tell her that he is willing to commit to her for the rest of his life but she doesn’t seem to believe him. He is pleading for a chance: a chance to get to know her; a chance to show her that he’s different; and a chance to love her. But when not-so-subtle crushes, jealous suitors, self-entitled Queen-wannabes, an old flame, a silent protector and a past wedding engagement threaten to jeopardize their relationship, will Lucianne and Xandar still choose to be together? Is their love strong enough to overcome everything and everyone? Or will Lucianne resort to enduring a sixth rejection from the one person she thought she could entrust her heart with?

Sold To Alpha Isaac

Sold To Alpha Isaac



"I will work for you till I pay back the amount in full.. I want to be a maid.. Please… I don't want to be a breeder" I started to plead once everyone left the ward.. He saw her begging but his stone cold heart didn't melt. "I never tasted a weak duckling Alpha.." He smirked and walked toward me.. I walked back with fear till I hit the wall. "I am not weak." I said in a low tone and tried to push him away.. But his solid body didn't move an inch.. I could not breathe properly because of his aura.. "I will make you beg me for pleasure…" His words disgusted me. I didn't talk back as his Alpha tone was overbearing.. I felt weak wherever he was touching me.. "You will be my toy till you get pregnant.." I turned my head away with disgust but he touched my cheek roughly and caught my chin. He made me look into his eyes.. His hand covered my neck and gripped it hard.. "I will come to you every night to f**k you.." His eyes became devilish as if he was looking at his prey.. Suddenly I felt scared of him more.. and my breathing became suffocating.. He is pressing my windpipe to make me suffer… My eyes become red while I shake my head slowly... "No… no.." I murmured and I forgot to breathe in his presence.. He was scaring hell out of me.. "Girl.. You will be lucky if you get pregnancy soon otherwise I will have my ways to f**k you.." I dropped my eyes not able to hear such f***y words.. Tears rolled down my cheeks when he loosened his grip.. I don't want to believe that my father sold me as a breeder.. I can't accept it.. "If you agree or not.. it doesn't matter.. spread your legs when I come to you.." He pushed me back again and the tip of his nose touched my cheek while I looked at him scarily.. He nibbled on the crook of my neck and kissed my sensitive places… "Remember I am your Alpha from now on and don't you dare to say no…" he said huskily and pushed me back fiercely.. His cruel and harsh words made me fall back on the ground..

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