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Sanjana - a strong and independent girl in an arranged marriage set up gets married to Akshay Singhania--the typical arrogant, rude and domineering CEO. Sanjana is not someone who will let you walk all over her and Akshay is the one who wants everyone to walk on his whims. What happens when these two are thrown in a relationship that too of a marriage--sparks are bound to fly. Of hate or of love?

Chapter 1 Change

Female Protagonist: Sanjana Kashyap--24y

Profession: IAS Officer, Posted in Jodhpur, Rajasthan


Male Protagonist : Akshay Singhania--28y

Profession: CEO & Owner- Singhania Corporation, Mumbai, India



10:00 o' clock

26th September 2015

District Collector Office

Jodhpur, Rajasthan

Every single person working in the office was on their toes, trying to arrange each and every single thing perfectly as the District Collector of Jodhpur district will be arriving with the MLA in almost 15 minutes.

The meeting will be held between the executive officer and a part of state legislature with the objective of opening of 20 schools in district for the girl child.

Jodhpur even though is a developed city but the villages under this district are still backward and the rate of the education for girls is very low.

So, to improve the literacy rate of the girls in district this meeting was held.

At exact 10:15, a beautiful woman entered the office accompained by a 52 year old politician decked in white kurta-payjama.

"Sir, Welcome to DC's office." The woman greeted professionally.

"Thank you, Ms. Kashyap."

"Sir, thanks to you for taking out time to come for this meeting."

"Its a noble cause, Ms. Kashyap, so I have to come."

"Absolutely Sir, your social works are indeed prominent and will definitely help you in fetching the votes for the upcoming elections."

"You can count votes as additional benefit of my passion of helping people."

"Yes sir, so can we start our discussion?"

"Let's do this." Replied the MLA.

After a detailed discussion of 2 hours, the location, budget and infrastructure was decided.

The woman escorted the politician out and thanked him profusely for his contribution in the task.


Sanjana's POV:

"Sanjana, your mother is trying to call you from past 20 minutes." My assistant informed me.

"Thanks Jyoti, I will call her after completing the paper work, it will take half an hour max."

"Ma'am." With that she left.

I started doing the paperwork but is interrupted by Jyoti.

"Jyoti, my mother? " I questioned even after knowing the answer. My persistent mother does not have patience.

"Yes, she is on the line." She handed me phone while replying to my question.

"Thank you, Jyoti you can go on your lunch break."

With that she was out.

"Good Afternoon Mumma, how are you?" I greeted my sweet mum. She, my dad, my brother, his wife and my elder sister lives in Delhi.

My father, brother and my bhabhi work in MNCs while my elder sister is completing her masters. My mother is a school teacher. I am youngest in the family and unmarried among us three.

My brother - Siddhanket is 30 and married to his wife- Kavya for almost 5 years. My sister Shivika is studying to be a professor and is married to Nandesh Sharma who is a doctor by profession and is a resident of Chandigarh. My sister is staying in Delhi for completing her education.

"I am trying to reach you for an hour but what I can do when my daughter does not have time for me?" My mother taunted me.

"Mama, I am sorry. I was in an important meeting with M.L.A. "

"I see. When are you coming home?" She asked me.

"It depends. As soon as my work will be finished I will board the flight. You just handle Kavya."

"I understand, don't worry I will talk to Kavya. Y finish your work."

We bid our byes and with that I hanged up the phone. I called Jyoti in my office and instructed her to complete all the work by today only.

Fortunately, Iwas finished by 8:00 in the evening and it was all thanks to my colleagues for extra hours they put in.

Now, I will be able to catch the morning flight and attend Kavya's baby shower. Yes, she is pregnant and soon there will be an addition of new member in our family.


08:00 o'clock

27th September 2015

Domestic Terminal

Indira Gandhi International Airport

New Delhi


I landed at airport and was booking a cab on my phone when I collided with a lady decked in an expensive sari.

The collision between us resulted in scattering the papers she was carrying in her hands.

"I am so sorry. I was not paying attention while walking." With that I immediately scoot down to collect papers and give it to her.

"No problem, young lady but next time be careful."

"Absolutely, it was a lapse of judgement on my part and from next time I will refrain from repeating the same mistake."

"By the way, I am Neelanjla Singhania."

"Sanjana Kashyap, Ma'am." And with that we departed our ways.


14:00 o'clock

Singhania Mansion


Neelanjla Singhania was sipping her cup of tea when she suddenly remember the girl who collided with her. That girl was beautiful, innocent but at same time smart, confident and strong.

The way she handled was elegant and classy. It can be easily deduced that she is well educated.

She immediately dialed the number of her son's trusted security advisor Alex Jameson.

"Alex, I need you to find me information. I only know her name and residing place. "

"It will not be a problem but it can take 2- 3 days."

"Okay, I want you to find each and every information available about Sanjana Kashyap by tomorrow ."

"Sure, all the information will be delivered to you."

"Alex, do me a favour. Make sure to keep my son out of loop."

"Ma'am. "


9:00 o'clock

Flat-15- B, DLF Apartments

Vasant Kunj

New Delhi

Sanjana's POV:

As soon as I enter the house I was surrounded by my cousins and aunts as it was a ladies function all the males were send out.

I love surrounded by my family. I was youngest among all the cousins and was loved by all. So, I enjoy all the love and attention I get.

The whole house was decorated beautifully and the light music playing in the background was giving hint of a child shower being held.

I gave Kavya the babycare kit and the cute clothes I have bought as gift.

The function was peacefully completed. After the function was finished we all cousins were talking of our future plans.

"Sanjana, you are well settled career wise and unmarried among us. What are your plans : arrange marriage or love?" My cousin Devyani asked.

"I appreciate your concern for my marriage. It will happen when time will come and you know that Mumma and Papa are against being in a relationship before marriage. I respect their views, so no boyfriend."

Our conversation was interrupted by Mumma calling us all for lunch.


11:00 o' clock

29th September 2015

Mr. TejPrakash Kashyap recieved a call from Neelanjla Singhania where she informed him about his youngest daughter being

Prospective bride for her youngest son Akshay Singhania. He responded to her that they can meet and see how it proceeds.

"Lata, call Sidhanket, Kavya and Shivika. I need to talk about something important."

"Sure, give me a minute."

After few minutes all were settled in master bedroom. TejPrakash asked "You all must be thinking why I called you here?"

"Yes Papa." Shivika replied to him on behalf of everyone.

"Just few seconds before I recieved a call from Neelanjla Singhania."

"Neelanjla Singhania but we don't know any, right?" Kavya asks confused.

"Personally no but you might have got an idea who I am talking about."

"Yes Papa, Akshay Singhania's mother." Siddhanket answered.

"But Papa, why will she call you and what can be the reason?" Shivika questioned.

"She wants Sanjana to be her daughter-in- law or more precisely as Akshay Singhania's wife."

As soon as the words left TejPrakash's mouth there was a pin drop silence in the room.

Akshay Singhania is a force to reckon with. The richest and most powerful man in the world. Controversy free famous life but in business world he is called The Devil because he does not tolerate disrespect, negligence and mistakes.

"Lata, what's your view on the prospective relation? "

"What did you said to her?"

"Just this, let us mingle with each other first and if everything is good then why not. "

"Yes, This is good. Let us meet first and it will be good if Sanjana will meet them first after all she will have to spend her life with them." Lata concluded.

"Yes, it will be best."

Everyone agreed and left for their respective rooms.


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