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Love And Intrigues: Crave Your Touch

Love And Intrigues: Crave Your Touch

Xin Zhi


Ethan, the heir of the Firman Family, was forced to marry Sophia, no matter how rich and powerful he was. What made things worse was that his newly-married wife was no other than the one his sworn enemy loved. Their affection was as transient as a flash of an eye. His gentleness was replaced by cruelty, which pushed her down into the abyss of despair. It was hard to tell right from wrong in the battle of love. However, winner takes all. Being involved in this competition, she had no idea whether she was the one they truly loved or just a pawn that they used to restrict each other.

Chapter 1 The Reluctant Wedding (Part One)

In the office on the top floor of YU Group.

A tall and strong man was sitting in a leather chair on a large desk. His hand on the table was constantly lighting up the lighter. As he pressed the button, the lighter flashed with flames. He was holding a long and thin cigar in his mouth, and the ashtray on the table was filled with cigarette butts.

Outside the window, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was clear. If the weather could really be the reflection of people's mood as what it had said, he should be in a good mood at the moment, but his mood was extremely bad.

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door, and his expression didn't changed. His sitting posture also did not change at all, and even the movement of his hands did not change, as if he did not hear the sound.

The person outside the door seemed to have something very urgent. Regardless of anything, he pushed the door open and walked in directly. He was wearing a formal suit and his hair was neat and tidy. When he saw the person sitting there, there was no expression on his face. No one could tell his mood.

He just looked at the person sitting there and said, "Boss, it's time to go..."

It was not until this moment that his body moved. The accumulated ashes fell to the table in an instant, and the fiery red sparks appeared on the cigarette end. He looked up at the person who had come in, reached out to take the cigar between his lips and stubbed it out in the ashtray bit by bit.

"Blue Wolf, what will happen if I don't enter the church?" He said lightly, with hidden anger and helplessness in his tone.

Although he said so, he stood up, took the suit jacket on the back of the chair and walked out.

"The master always has a way!" When he passed him and walked to the door, the man called "Blue Wolf" answered.

The person who was walking out stopped, as if thinking about his words. In the end, he said something irrelevant, "Where is she?" His tone was light, as if he just asked a casual question.

And "Blue Wolf" also replied casually, "I don't know!"

After hearing that, he didn't say anything. He just raised his eyebrows and walked out. However, when he passed the assistant office beside the CEO's office, he couldn't help but slow down until he stopped. But after looking at the closed door for a long time, he strode away without looking back.

The black Bugatti flashed across the busy street like a lightning, followed by a black Ferrari, and the roar of the engine was particularly loud.

"Blue Wolf, is boss going to vent all his anger by driving the car with high speed?" Sitting on the passenger seat of the Ferrari, the Nighthawk, Henry Gong, with a pale face, tightly grasped the belt on one side of the car, but his tone was still calm.

Without saying a word, the Blue Wolf Andrew Deng cast a glance at him and then stepped hard on his foot.

"Blue Wolf, are you revenging on me on purpose?" Henry Gong gnashed his teeth and closed his eyes at the same time.

Andrew said slowly, "If you dare to say anything else, I will throw you out directly."

Henry was about to answer, but when he opened his eyes, he saw that the car was already on the expressway. What if Andrew really threw him out at this time! As far as he knew about Andrew, he must be able to do that. Besides, this was not the way to the church!

"Where is boss going? Isn't he going to attend the wedding?" Henry Gong said with cold sweat. He had a stomachache and could spit it out at any time.

It seemed that Andrew Deng had noticed his sickness, so he said flatly, "There is a bag next to you. You can throw up in it if you want."

But Henry was a man of absolute dignity. If he threw out in the car, Andrew would laugh to death.

"I just feel a little uncomfortable. Keep your bag." Henry resisted the pain and refused.

With a smile at the corners of his mouth, Andrew said, "Then just bear it."

Then, Henry began to restrain himself...

On the highway, two cars were running at a high speed one after another. Seeing that the indicator on the speed watch was still rising, Henry closed his eyes with a wail. His stomach was churning. He touched the bag in the storage compartment, but he didn't touch it.

"Blue Wolf, where is the bag?" Henry asked after trying his best to restrain himself.

Andrew asked indifferently, "Are there not any bags? Then you have to restrain it. "

"You, you..." Henry was too angry to speak.

Immediately, Andrew added, "If you dare to vomit in my car, I will throw you on the expressway."

The expressway is so deserted. Although Henry hated him so much, he had no strength to retort. He was sure once again that Blue Wolf was definitely revenging on him, just because he suggested his boss to send him to carry out a mission in the Sahara.

In the dressing room of the church.

In other people's wedding, the dressing room was always full of people. Relatives, friends, bridesmaids, there were always people coming and going, which was a joyous scene. In this huge space, only coldness and solemnness could be felt.

There were only two dressers and one stylist in the dressing room.

The woman in the mirror was beautiful, like a beautiful woman in the painting, but her face was so pale. The make-up artist was applying makeup for her. Her eyes, cheeks and lips were glowing with vitality.

"Miss Sophia, it's time to wear gloves." The voice of the stylist suddenly sounded.

She seemed to be shocked and suddenly looked up at her blankly, as if the voice of the person in front of her came from another distant space.

The stylist smiled and said softly again, "It's time to wear gloves."

She seemed to be stunned for a while before she came to her senses. She looked at the white gloves in the stylist's hand, folded her left and right hands before reaching out her hand. When the stylist was about to put the other glove on her, she repeated the same move.

"Can you help me wear this necklace?" She turned her head slightly to look at the stylist and spread out her hands at the same time.

The necklace in her hand was shining in the light. The shape of the necklace was a small leaf, half of which was pink diamond, half was blue diamond, and the small diamonds all gave out bright lights.

The stylist seemed to hesitate for a moment. She picked up the necklace in her hand and put it on her snow-white neck.

Through the mirror, she looked at the leaf with his promise. He said that he was like a leaf in the wind, always floating in the sea of people, and he didn't know where he came from. It was not until he saw her that he knew that even if he was a leaf, he still had a person to accompany.

He added, "We will be together all our lives. The pink one is you, and the blue one is me. Without you, I will not be complete."

'We will be together forever. Without you, I will not be complete.' He didn't understand the meaning of this sentence and how heavy it was!

The words were still in her ears, but he disappeared without a word. She had been looking for him for two months, but she didn't get any news.

He made such a heavy promise easily. He knew that she had taken it seriously and engraved it in her heart. But he was heartless to abandon her!

'Noah, since you can't make it, why do you make a promise to me!' A cold smile appeared on her face. She had thought they would have a good future, but she didn't expect him to abandon her.

In the lounge for the bridegroom's relatives and friends.

The wedding of the CEO of YU Group should be a big event in the business world, but there were only a few people in the empty lounge at the moment.

With his head slightly raised, Jacob Yu looked out of the window. No one knew what he was looking at. Behind him, Greg Ren looked in the direction he looked curiously and found that there was nothing special in the sky except for a few white clouds. Greg Ren elbowed at Michael Shao, who was sitting on the sofa, and asked, "What is that guy doing? Is there anything in the sky?"

Michael Shao looked at the person in front of him and said indifferently, "There should be a fairy in the sky."

"Michael, you're married, but you're still thinking about the fairy. I'll call my sister-in-law immediately to see if you can't kneel on the keyboard at night when you go back." Turning around, Jacob glared at the two men on the sofa who were making fun of him.

Then he jumped off the window and said thoughtfully, "Do you think our boss will really marry that unknown woman?"

"Of course he will." Greg Ren rolled his eyes at him and said, "Otherwise, why are we all here?"

Jacob sighed. "I think our boss is so pitiful. His wife is a woman he has never met before." Then, he suddenly thought of something and immediately said, "How about I go to check for Boss first?"

Hearing this, both of Greg and Michael raised their eyebrows at the same time.

Coincidentally, the sound of a car came from outside the window, and Jacob immediately walked out. He saw two cars in front of him rushing into his sight. Before he blinked his eyes, the car in front of him turned around and stopped steadily in many cars with a harsh sound of brake.

Then, the door opened, and a tall man got out of the car. Facing the setting sun, he looked as elegant and noble as a prince.

"Boss is so handsome." After giving a loud whistle, Jacob praised.

Hearing the noise, Greg and Michael stood up and walked to the window.

With a cold face, Ethan Mu walked over, glanced at Jacob, and went straight into the lounge. He glanced around and found that she was not there. Well, she had no reason to be there.

When he came in, Jacob took a look at Greg and Michael by the window. Everyone looked at each other in dismay.

Ethan Mu ignored them and went straight to an armchair. He threw the coat on his arm to the back of the chair, and then leaned back into the chair, pulling off the tie on his neck irritably.

Needless to ask, it could tell from his expression that he was in a bad mood at the moment. Therefore, no one in the room spoke, and the atmosphere was a little embarrassing.

At this time, when Jacob saw Andrew come in, he looked at the back of him but didn't find Nighthawk. He asked curiously, "Didn't Nighthawk come? He called and said he would come in your car."

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