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So Called Destiny

So Called Destiny



God Know's best For You, all it need is your acceptance... To love and to be loved is a great gift of god. Sometimes all it required is to accept your heart and to walk just believe in Destiny . Ara who was a spoiled young daughter of rich business man Mr Kim Jong now wife of a Business minded Alen Chen.... which is hard for her to accept......

Chapter 1 Escaping..

Ara's (POV)

"God knows best for you all it need is your acceptance " said Tia sitting next to me in car

while I was just busy in my phone..... ya just to ignore her dame good talks or you can say speech.........

"Please stop it we still have a time to look back Ara" Said Tia .......

"But I have decided to live my life I mean enjoy my life.... and I will not go back to that hell home........ " I said with full confidence. because now I don't have any thoughts to back to home.......

"Than be ready to face the consequences miss kim Ara ....." said Tia

"I can't believe you really my childhood friend " I said while rising my eyebrows

yes really it's sometime doubt me.......

"But it is not good to run away from your own house " Tia

" Is it a House or a hell " I said

( by then we have reached to airport )

After 5 Hours of Flight we finally landed to Korea ...... yes this city is connected with my childhood and I love to be here....... god it feel so good.......

" Hopefully I can live know on my own terms " Happily I said hugging to my Baby Tia.

"Ok now I need a food and Long sleep " said Tia.....

We booked one room and was relaxing unaware of upcoming Thunderstorms......

Definitely a Thunderstorms to run away from my home to stay away from bodyguards and My Dad .......

It was just few hours I started miss my Paa but I hate it how he controls my life according to his rules and terms. .....

How dominating it is when some one try to control you.... this is what I just hate.... He love me and I don't doubt that but Just because of security reasons why he stop me from making my choice..... But what ever Paa I Love You...... but I will not come back soon...... . . . .

In S City.......

In Kim Mansion

" What the hell are you guys were doing ......? " a loud voice of Mr Kim Jong echoed in the living room......

He was about to slap guard when his secretary Entered and informed about the location of Ara and Tia.

"Get my Private Jet ready I want to Meet my Daughters now.. ......" Mr Kim

"Ok " said secretary general

He was burning in anger not because of his spoiled daughter because of this dame man's who can't do there work properly.

On Other side he was actually getting nervous thinking what were his daughter must be doing.......

Are they safe or not...... ??

Ara's (POV)

After our rest we have decided to go for shopping literally speaking I hate this but Tia love shopping so we have to do that..........and than my actually favorite work.......to try few new dishes of Korea ....... and I really really love this taste.......

Just Wow.......

"O god it's so beautiful " said Tia held the dress...m

"Yes it is......." I said with smile

it took about 2 hours when we have finally completed with our shopping

and we went to the top famous restaurant to have our meal .....

" its delicious " I said enjoying my dish......

what I need is just food and sleep but my father always forced me to get up early even after I have completed my studies now he want me to work in his Company But I was just interested in being a designer .......

After completing our meal we headed back to our hotel room. while I was about to unlock my door some one hold my hand and I turned to see and was shocked to see my Father.

All I just do I Smile. ......

" Oh Paaa how I missed You " I said because I want to change the topic.

He smiled and hugged me than hold my and Tia hands he rush towards the car.

we silently sat in and Paaa have not uttered a single word. His Silence was killing me from inside..... Yes when ever I do any mischief he never scold me but remain silent ignoring me....

And It's Hurt.

We reached my to our home or My Golden Cage.......

Finally he said

"I have not accepted this from You Tia" He said while looking at Tia

" Uncle I have try my best to stop Ara from running but you Know I can't win in front off her" Said Tia

I looked at her face like seriously yes! i mean it's me ..... but do this needed to be informed.......

"Ok I understand you my child " He said.

I felt like am I even existing or not they just ignored me

"Now go and get rest we have meeting to attend tomorrow ....... " He said

" Ok " Tia said and walked away to the room.

Tia is a daughter of my Father's best friend but in and car accident Tia's parents and my mom Die.

After than My father bring Tia to our home i was just 3 years old at that time.......

Dad love me and Tia equally some time I feel he love Tia more than me but it's ok because even I love her a lot.....

Now my Father turn towards me and said "All I want is you to make a Choice Get married or just stay at home forever without going out"

I was shocked " How can you do this to me Paaa".......Get Marriage now no never.......

" I have lost my wife than my Best Friend because of business Enemy all I have is just You and Tia .Tia is responsible and participat in business activities but you just hang around risking your life " Paaa said with tears in his eyes ......

"But I'm not hanging around i am looking for inspiration for my design Paa "I said with innocent face

" Ok than get married and than do what ever you want " Dad said

"But why to get married "I said

"I have fixed your engagement ceremony on next week ....." Dad said

"what "I said with shocked face like seriously Paaa with out even asking me......

"no more discussions " He said and went back to his work.

I ran towards the room of Tia because she is my only hope right now......

"Help me Tia " I said with sobbing

I explained every thing to Tia.

"I will talk to Uncle don't worry Ara " she said while hugging me.

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