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Given up on love

Given up on love



She fall in love with a Fourth year. Dated for four months separated and finds out to be pregnant but she is ordered to abort by the same man she dearly love.....

Chapter 1 Love at first sight

Bored, Riley drags her heavy legs back to the girls dormitory after a blunt lunch.people casts her strange looks but she doesn't seem to notice.

She remembers yesterday's movie, where the female lead finds her first love through a romantic set. She was walking down the corridors when knocks on a hard mass sending her books to fall. Startled she looks up to meet a pair of blue crescent shaped eyes.she is left dazed seemingly being swallowed by those magical orbs.

The four pairs of eyes are fixated at each other, like there isn't any thing existing besides the two of them.The male lead clears his throat leaving the female lead scarlet red with embarrassement.

Her heart thumps loudly making her ears more hot. She reaches on the floor to pick her books, when she knocks head on with the male lead. Which causes her to stumble back. Braising her self for the pain which never comes. She feels a strong hand on her waist when she comes back to her senses.

The first thing she thinks of when she comes back to her senses is to push the hand holding her away. But when she touches the hand her skin starts burning and she feels like she is being electrocuted.

She hurriedly frees herself and bent down to pick her stuff before scurrying away like a scared cat.

Riley feels a pat on her shoulder which brings her back to her tracks. She notices she's in the corridor to her room which is on the third floor. Turning back she finds a light skin young man who is taller than her which makes her to raise her head to see him specifically his looks.

She finds herself in a trance when she sees the face of the person in front of her.He is tall probably six feet, sharp jaw, a straight nose, bushy eyebrows, long eye lashes like fans casting a shadow on his sharp cheek bones. 'this is agreek god' she thought

Riley is brought back to her senses by a magnetic voice which sounds like music to the ears. " Hi am Aiden"

She stammers " h...hi am Riley"

" Wow what a beautiful name! " he exclaims with a big grin on his face. 'what a beautiful smile' Riley thinks in a daze. " Hey can we talk somewhere" Aiden asks while staring at Riley

" What an angel" he continues mumbling to himself.

"What....what" Riley stutters with an obvious blush on her chubby cheeks.

"Can we chat " he repeats

"Sure. ..but..." She stutters unable to express herself.

"We can talk another day, if we exchange contacts" Aiden suggests.

After exchanging numbers Riley stares at his back until he disappear. Back in her room her face is still hot and her heart is pounding loudly *thump thump thump*.

Riley spends her day in a daze after the encounter with Aiden.

A day passes after the encounter and she haven't heard from Aiden .This makes her slightly disappointed." Why a my thinking of him even, I barely know him he is just some strange man " she thought to herself.

Later that evening Aiden calls and her that he wants to meet her. They decide to meet at the entrance of the girls dormitory. The later go to Aidens room. She gets to know Aiden is a forth year student at the faculty of biochemistry.

They talked at length with each other and got to know each better. Aiden proposes to Riley to be his girlfriend which she readily agrees.

Riley is happy that she has forgetten about her friends Darly and Leon .she is immersed in her excitement of having a new boyfriend and a senior at that.

That night there is a fresher's party. Riley is too excited which makes her drink bear can after can until she wasted.

Aiden being a gentleman goes to the party hall to look for his girlfriend. Riley is touched by his care and clings on him in her state upto her room.

Aiden takes good care of Riley until morning. Riley open her eyes and she is met with the dazzling lights from the window and a splitting headache.

The headache makes her groan in pain when she turns. She gets up to wash her face and drinks a glass of milk before going to class.

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