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The love that untold and brought hatred to both of them, they can't say what they really feel for each other after they are just fake lovers,

Chapter 1 Unexpected

Its already dark when I left the hospital, It's been 6 years when I left my home town,

I call for a taxi,

before I get hospitalized, I bought a house here in Tualan City,

Finally Im home,..... Auuhhhhh... So tired, that was last check now I'm sure Im fine..

My name: Katrine Reader Green

24 y/o. Married to David GReen


5"11 ft

51 kilos

Oh Im sleepy, I clean my exhausted body first before I went to bed, maybe because of tiredness, I fallen asleep as soon as I touch my pillow and blanket. ....

...wake up .... Wake up... Wake...

Oh!.. Sheeeet.. So loud! That fucking alarm clock can't you just ring again after 5 mins?

Oh right Im getting up. YAAAWWWWNNNN!!!

Im still sleepy but I drag my body to the bathroom and take a bath

10 minutes later, ....

I just Finnish drying my hair when....

Psst.. Then vibrated

. I get my phone under my pillow, and open it.. there's a message .. Its from my friend

Luna Fu ...

24 years old

5"6 ft

55 kilos

Trina I will wait for you at the front of the company,

She always waiting for me, just to talk about her love life

I arrive at the front of the company where Im working as clothes designer

.... There she is, waving her hand at me, ... Luna good morning,..

TrinA have you heard? Base on what I heard from our colleague's, We will have a new management from this day,

...huh?? But why? As far as i know we don't have a problem in the past management right?

..... That's it, Trin but as Melody said, president. Matthew sold this company to the one of his friend from Tualan city,

"Tualan city? ? ", i thought, " no that can't be, i hid so well I even change my name into Trina Green" just as I was about to ignore the rumor, tthere was a crowds at the entrance of our company,

...... Aaaahhhh god, he's so handsome, all of our colleague's form in lines , and said in unison

Good morning president DAVID Green... But David just Ignore them and walk straight to me and said, ....'"come to my office now"

All of my company colleague's look at me in strange way and to David,

but I refuse and turn my back from him, just as I was about to take a step he grab my hand and pull me back and said,

..... Trina what's wrong with you? We have been married for 6 whole years but still your treating me like you don't know me, you thought you hide so well? Then I think I should say this, YOU CAN'T HIDE from me anymore, now that Im here you can't leave me even going to comfort room..

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