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Sometimes, life doesn't give you what you wish for, even when you work on it. After my university program, I wasn't able to get a white-colar Job. I gave up after some years and decided to work anywhere I find a job. Finally I found one but wasn't the type I wish for, being under somebody is what I use to avoid. Now, not only that I am under somebody but under a bossy lady, a lady who commands respect and makes her workers tremble in fear whenever she's around. Our relationship went more than a boss and a worker and eventually, she had my baby. Being a bossy type who things she can commands things to her good, a lady who think she can control everybody. She chased me away and kept me away from the baby's sight. I might be a gentle type but not to the point of denying myself my right. Going through things in life and soaking my hand in most terrible things resulted in total destruction of my personality which eventually took my life. This story is filled with, love, hatred, denial, and revenge with vengeance.

Chapter 1 First Visit

Everything started as a joke, I thought I was dreaming until I felt it so boisterous. I attempted to recuperate from the visual deficiency that took some plentiful seconds to recuperate from.

Mr's Amaka is the name, the name I can never disregard in a rush, the name that sends chill down my marrow. She has this refined air, and a bossy character that can never be taken for granted. Despite the fact that she's half taller than a dwarf, yet you dare not look pass it for your own security.

She's to be sure a supervisor who orders chains of organizations and more than 500 specialists hiding around her finance. Everybody under her has consequently offered his or her confidence to her quick fingers and well coordinated abuses.

Scarcely would one be able to work under this air without leaving. I recollect at the point when I initially met her, my supervisor to be, I thought my great looks and appeal that can mellow even the fiend himself could cloud me from her hooks, even in spite of the fact that I was implied about her ability, in what capacity can I decrease a proposal following quite a while of living with simply my accreditations as the solitary thing I have accomplished.

I recall her investigating me with a piecing beams of scorn in her eyes, and wryly trowing words at me that made me excessively reluctant.

After what appear as though an hour with the fallen angel I was at long last given the work. My first day was somewhat simple, because of my understanding partners who covered my inconspicuous mistakes sometimes. In spite of the fact that it was a shopping center with all segments all around supplied with imported products, and being a below average upper graduate of Business administrator, I was exposed to the most reduced evaluation of deals work force, however it never irritated me that my supervisor is a auxiliary school holder, all I thought about was my month's end pay.

At some point, my supervisor requested that I proceed to fix her loft, " is that aspect of my responsibilities? " I asked in shock, the answer I got alarmed me.

"everything is part of your work here!" she said.

I swallowed my pride and follow her home. Her home talks cash in every last trace of what is tasteful and refined. I was approached to do her clothing and that of her curiously large three young ladies. How I bit the bullet thinking of the fact that it is so difficult to land another position. It took me near the entire day to complete, of which nothing was returned for my work not to mention a tip, After that day, in this manner I was approached to do some debasing and undermining tasks with a lash of "it's aspect of your responsibilities! in the event that you don't care for it, you quit!

Besides, thousands are sitting tight out there for your work! ".

Tattle has it that she killed her husband in other to be ready to pick up hang on his riches. The one who was an oil magnet and a big deal business man abroad. However, how is that my business since I scarcely tune in to chatter.

One exceptionally dedicated evening, I was considering how seriously my life had ended up, not knowing the turn destiny was incubating until my co-laborer surged to me with her telephone close by and said. "madam

needs to talk with you."

I was overpowered with an over-burden fit of anxiety that I restrained with all the resolution I can accumulate. "hi mama" went my delicate voice. As common the definitive voice that I am yet to get use to directed. "Come to my house, now! " and she hung up.

I got to the house considering what way of picture discoloring errands has she concocted. Her voice called from the upstair. I followed the enticing voice, and it at long last prompted her bed room. It was to a greater extent a top class, five star inn, than just a room. She was lying on her larger than average bed clad in her luxurious straightforward nightie. My brain talked the truth yet I shook it aside because I believed I don't fit in her spec.

She has totally seared my mind to accept that I am of the class, 'less zero'. There I was and there she was gazing at me as in spite of the fact that I was her #1 film. Finally she sat up, took up a lotion and said in an alternate and Or maybe mitigating tone that has never come from her.

"Please I need a back rub ". I approached her like a zombie in my bewilderment thinking what she has at her disposal. I took the balm from her, and she extended on the bed looking down. What's more, unclad her reasonable enormous legs that were honored with collapsed skin and unpleasant patches because of abundance fat with thick blue vains up to the degree that I could see a piece of her can.

I remained still, lost in the stun of the scene playing before me until her bossy voice shook me from my trans. "What's up with you this kid?! Will you do what I asked you to before I blow up at you?!"

I took from the treatment and spread my fingers on her monstrous thighs, adhering to the directions of her fingers, claimed as much weight required. Furthermore, at that point I heard her state something that resembles "up".

I pulled out my fingers, remained back in stun. She turned and said to me in her typical vindictive tone.

" is it accurate to say that you are distraught?! Do you believe am down with your credulous misrepresentation of a decent kid? Try not to get me angry now, will you do what I asked you to?". I didn't say anything, only did as I was told. Despite the fact that I considered her to be the last lady that can stir me.

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