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Divorced at 20

Divorced at 20

Mary Lou


Laurie never thought she'd be a divorced woman at the age of twenty. She fell in love with Ken, a pastry chef in France, and married him in the same year. But, her life turned upside down when she caught him in bed with another woman. Laurie decided to go back to her hometown, fixed herself, and forgot about her ex-husband. She was at the peak of her career when Ken came again into her life, but not to win her back, but to make her regret leaving him five years ago.

Chapter 1 0. Anniversary

“I ENVIED Ken because he has a loving wife like you, Laurie,” Felix, the bartender in Ken’s restaurant and bar in Paris, told Laurie with a kind smile. “Do you have sisters? I wanted to marry a woman like you.”

Laurie laughed at the man’s joke. “I have two brothers,” she said. “But I have a lot of female cousins. Do you want to meet them?”

Felix groaned. “If Ken would allow me to go with you in the Philippines, then why not?” he said and smiled. “If all the women in your country are like you, I’d love to explore them.”

“Now you sounded like a playboy. And, it’s no, no,” she said and put a ribbon on her anniversary gift for her husband. “Did you know why I fell in love with Ken and married him without having second thoughts?”

The man looked at her questioningly. “Aside from being handsome, are there any other reasons?”

“Of course!” she said with a chuckle. “I chose him because he showed me that he’s willing to do anything to make our relationship happy and healthy. That he will love me until his last breath. And, that is what I only wanted for a man: Loyalty and his kind heart.”

Whistles and giggles from restaurant staff roared inside the kitchen, making Laurie laughed. “We also witnessed how our Chef courted you. Chef Ken really loves you, Laurie. You really deserved each other,” Felix said and tapped her shoulders. “And, I know that this surprise dinner for him will move him in tears again. Just like the night that you said ‘yes’ to his proposal.”

A warmed smile formed on Laurie’s lips as she remembered the day that Ken asked her to be his wife. As soon as she said ‘yes’ to him, Ken married her on the second day, and she officially became Chef Ken’s wife at her age of nineteen. Laurie was still madly in love with Ken for over a year now.

“Ken is the only man that I will share my life with,” Laurie murmured. “And, for our first anniversary as husband and wife, I’ll make sure that he’ll be the happiest man in France.”

Laurie finished the plating of the garlic pasta. Every food on the table was Ken’s favorite. She even asked all the staff to help her prepared for this day because she wanted to surprise her husband.

“Laurie, aren’t you done?” Felix asked her when he saw her still looking at the well-designed fine dining table inside the kitchen. “It’s perfect. You can now chill out and put on some makeup.”

Laurie cupped her cheeks. “Do I look bad now?” She consciously fixed the strands of her hair that fell on her neck because she was too busy preparing the surprise dinner. She looked at her wristwatch, it’s almost seven p.m, and she told Ken to meet her at his resto-bar at eight. She only has an hour to prepare.

“Ah, Filipa,” she called one of the dining staff. “Could you check on here while I change at the comfort room?”

The French woman nodded and stood beside the table. “I’ll take care of this,” she said in the French language and smiled at her. “Look your best, Laurie.”

Laurie returned her warm smile before she scurried towards the comfort room. All Ken’s employees in his resto-bar were kind to her. That was also one reason why she adjusted quickly to the kind of living that Ken has. Laurie is a freelance makeup artist and has been working with different fashion events in Paris. At her age of nineteen, Laurie was on her way to reaching her dreams of being a cosmetologist. But, it all changed when she met Ken. In an instant, to be with Ken became Laurie’s greatest dream. And, she doesn’t have any regrets about choosing him over her career.

She put on red lipstick to make her smokey makeup look complimented her revealing black dress. The last time she wore a dress like this was on their first date. She intentionally chose this kind of dress because she wanted to seduce him, and she succeeded.

Laurie chuckled at the memory of Ken staring at her as if she’s an angel from heaven. “I will make him drool over me again,” she said and whisked perfumed on her pulse points.

At precisely eight p.m, Laurie walked out of the comfort room. All men in the dining area turned their heads in her direction. Her long and black hair was swaying on her hips as she walked towards the kitchen. But Ken hasn’t arrived yet.

“Maybe Chef Ken was caught in the traffic,” Felix said when he noticed her disappointment. “Filipa, can you call Chef Ken and ask where he is?”

“I’ll do it,” Laurie said and took out her phone. But she can’t reach his phone. “Unattended,” she said with a sigh. “Maybe he’s on his way,” she smiled. “I’m sure he won’t forget our anniversary.”

Two hours have passed, and Ken is still not coming. The nightshift staff has arrived and now preparing for their duty at the bar. Laurie looked at her wristwatch; it’s already ten p.m…

“Laurie, I think Ken won’t make it tonight,” Felix told her. “Let’s call it a day, okay? I’m sure Ken has a valid reason for not coming, right?”

Laurie tried her best to fight back her tears. “Of course…”

“Filipa and the other staff will take care of this. You should go home and have a rest,” Felix said and gave her a peck in the cheek. “Do you want me to book you a cab?”

She raised from her seat. “No, but thanks, Felix. I’ll just change my clothes and walked home. I need fresh air to breathe.”

As soon as Laurie stepped out of the restaurant, her tears fell on her cheeks. This is the first time that Ken failed to show up on their dates. He always makes time for her, and if he wouldn’t make it on time, he will call to inform her because he doesn’t want her to wait like this. But now is different.

“And, of all the day, why on our first anniversary, Ken?” She hailed a cab and continued crying on her way home. Where are you, Ken? She tried to call him again, but his phone is still unattended.

When she got out of the cab and looked at their house, Laurie noticed the lights on their bedroom were open. With hopes that Ken prepared a surprise for her, Laurie hurried upstairs and slowly opened their bedroom door.

“Ken—” Laurie stopped and gasped. Her knees felt weak and her heart skipped a beat while staring at the two naked persons lying on their bed. “Ken…?”

Ken shifted on his side and looked at her. “Laurie…?” he sat up, making the naked woman on his side woke up and wrapped her hand on him. He looked on his side and was shocked to see the woman. “Laurie, I will explain—”

“No…” she cut off in between tears. “What I saw is enough…” Before he could speak, she pulled the door closed again and hurried down the stairs. She heard Ken called her name, but Laurie ignored him.


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