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It was all a Lie

It was all a Lie



H-how could you do this to m-me..? John.? Lisa look I'm sorry- Sorry is not enough for all the things you’ve done to me if I didn’t remember everything you wouldn’t even tell me the TRUTH would you while backing away from john I didn’t have a choice either WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DON’T HAVE A CHOICE NOBODY FORCED YOU TO DO THIS She ran outside as fast as she could through the woods but what she didn’t expect was for john to keep up with her JUST L-LEAVE ME ALONE ALREADY! She says as she stumbles G-get away from m-me.. Let’s get you home john said N-no that place is not my- she didn’t get to finish her words because she was kissed by john and was feed some sleeping pills

Chapter 1 Kissed by Sam

The sun was setting and lisa was at the garden admiring the flowers with her boyfriend john

She giggles as she looks at her boyfriend and said John i hope we could always stay like this you know

He says me too while smiling at her

They stayed liked that for a couple of minutes before returning to their own apartments

Well see you tomorrow john as she kissed him

See you tomorrow babe

The next day At lunch

Lisa is in the library since she loves reading many types of books but then her boy best friend Sam came by and as she was going to say hi he kissed her but she pushed him off immediately but what she didn’t expect was that his boyfriend’s best friend Tim saw them kissed

What the hell Sam you know that i have a boyfriend! But Sam just came forward and kissed her again but then someone came and punched Sam on the face and made him stumbling back

It was her boyfriend John

John looked at Lisa with so many emotions in his eyes like disappointment,rage, disgusts and some other emotions that are hard to tell as they looked at each others eyes

But as Lisa was still lost at figuring out what were the other emotions she was suddenly dragged by the hair

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