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With You With Me, we’re for eternity

With You With Me, we’re for eternity



Young sweethearts who were madly In love, has taken the wrong side of life and struggles to survive and went separate lives . After decades of separation they’ve meet again and found that long lost love awakens. But, how can they fight for it again this time when one of them is in the brink of life and death?

Chapter 1 With you with Me, we’re for eternity

First meet..

“She’s really good in gymnastics .” Lemen exclaimed.

“ yeah! She won last year why not let her be the candidate this year. “ Mc Jerry seconded. And then winked to Veinna who was just sitting on her desk pretending not to care for the conversation. She is not bothered if she joins or not. Either way it’s okay with her. She eyed McJerry. She doesn’t like him at all. And while the classroom is discussing The details.. she Wandered outside the windows. She looked at the young boy same her age at 9. With nothing on his hand but a piece of white paper entering the guidance office.

It was after lunch that all of the students come running head to the classrooms and the boy approached and asked her.

“ hello... I am a transferree student. Is this the room of grade III-1?” Asked the boy

“ Yes, it is. Welcome to our school. I am Vein.” She replied with a smile.

“ My name is Joe.” And handed his hand to Vien.

And they shake hands.

Vein thoughts:

‘ this boy is quite handsome. He has a long and thick eyelashes. And two dimples that suits well in his white teeth. His clothes are fine, one could tell that this boy comes from a middle class. He is a bit taller than any boys in the class. Shaking hands is so formal that stunned Vienna maybe it’s what they have been taught in their family. ‘

Vienna went to her desk while Joe continued to walk towards the classroom adviser. Then a few minutes later. Joe stands in the front to Be introduced.

“Class, we have a new student in the room. Go on introduce yourself.” Mrs. Palm says.

“ Hello, my name is John Alcazar. You can call me Joe. Am... I am 9 years old. We just transferred here nearby so please be nice to me. “Joe utters with a smile.

Everybody in the classroom happy to greet him after. And Mrs. Palm led her to his desk.

The boys are in separate rows from the girls. And Joe sits in row 1 in the front. So that everybody can see him.

While he was talking at the front earlier Joe cast a glance to Vienna who sits at the end of row 2. While Vienna never took off her eyes to Joe. That’s why Joe kept his introduction short out of shyness.

‘ He always smiles and his eyes were so bright and he really looks so happy.’ Vienna thought to herself.

While Joe is overwhelmed with his emotions. He couldn’t read Vienna. Her closed watch puzzled him and He can’t even look straight to her eyes.

‘ she’s always looking at me. Did I have something on my face?but.... she’s so pretty. I bet every boys here havE a crush on her.’ Joe thought to himself And so he stopped his introduction and sit into his chair.

Afternoon break came. Everyone circled Joe and asked his whereabouts.

“ Welcome to our school!!!” Lemen Page exclaim

“Hey, Joe Do you like math? Or English? “ Rheanne Sol blurted

“ Hey, you have a reaally long eyelashes..” Ivy Tonder also mused.

Vienna just sits still on her chair while watching her classmates swirling around Joe. She heard her seat mates Joanne and Elly whispers.

“ Joe is so handsome. He is like a chocolate... hihihi” Joanne giggled

“ Yeah! And he has dimples too. I like boys with dimples... I will let him Wright on my slambook to know who he likes in our classmates... hihihi” Elly rep

‘hmmmm...they really starstruck by him.’ Vienna thought.

The math class came and everyone is so excited for the cards game. Addition. Who answers first wins. Vienna hates Math. Though she’s used to play drama and gymnastics shows she is Very shy to stand and participate in the classroom. Very opposite to Rheanne Sol. Very showy and a boastful not to mention a little bully.

Mr. Neon Lake is the kind of teacher who does not waste time. As soon as he steps inside the door, his class started.

“Okay class, clean your arm chair. I don’t want to see any notes or pencils. I just want your brain and your talent in numbers. “ Mr. Neon speaks while walking through the class towards his desk in front of everyone. And took the cards. He then asked the students who they’re going to compete with. Everybody knows that Vienna is not very fond of math. But she is always picked by the boys. And so she beat them afterchool or she wouldn’t talk to them after. That is why nobody would pick her anymore. So she’s now confident that she will never stand at front anymore. And did not study math.

“John Alcazar!” Called Mr. Neon

“ Yes, sir! Present! Joe answered.

“ Pick your opponent! “ says Mr. Neon

“ I want to compete With Veinna Bellara!” Blurted Joe while pointing his fingers on Veinna.

With a half smile on his face.

Vienna was so shocked and stiffened by this transferee boy. Her eyes widened and her knees were shaking.

“Oh my Gooood!!! Why meeee!??!? She almost shouted aloud while standing slowly. Staring at his opponent with a long face. She felt the anger and shame and nervous at the same time. She’s in panic mode and her brain is blanked.

“Shit! Shit! Shit! “ she murmurs to herself. “I would kick his ass after school! “ she talked to herself.

While Mr. Neon choose his card for us. Joe face towards Veinna. Wearing a big smile on his face. But Veinna is so angry that she couldn’t stand to look at his opponent.

‘Oh... she’s fuming with Anger. Now, I know her weakness. She hates math. She’s still pretty even if her face turns red.’ Joe thought

“Alright! John and Veinna. Place yourself inline to the last row of the seats. And whoever anwers First will have to step forward towards the board. Whoever reached the board first is the winner. “

Mr. Neon Elaborates

Veinna’s heart leap a thousand miles. And sweat comes rolling fast. And she cursed Joe for coming to their school. She wants to cry.

“ Sir, Please....Can You change me?!?please choose someone else!!!? “ begged Veinna

“ Go now to your place Veinna, You we’re being picked today. You should do your best. And don’t be shy to our new student here.” Sigh Mr Neon

While walking towards Joe who is so excited for the competition she whispers softly but with greeted teeth” I will never befriend you! “ Veinna tells Joe

“ shhh! The game starting” replied Joe with a grinned on his face

Everyone in the class anticipated the result that Vienna will lose. But they are all waiting for Joe’s performance. Especially the girls.

“Goodluck Vein!!! “ shouted Mc Jerry

“ Goodluck Joe! After the class.... hahahaha!!!” Olmar Peter shouted

and so it begins..everybody is quiet now...

“19+22 = equals to what?” Sir Neon asked

With a split second while Veinna is counting her math in her fingers at her back. Joe anwers “41!!” Then he stepped forward.

Everybody is amazed and clapped their hands.

“ woooohh” shouted Rheann

“Wow!!!” Lemen while clapping her hands

“Goodboy!” Says Mr Neon. Then he took another card.

“Shit! I hate you! I hate you!” Murmurs Vein in silent.

“ 35+14 equals to? “ Mr Neon Asked

“49!” Shouted Joe and stepped forward and laughed. Then he turned around to see Veinna.

‘ Oh-ow! She’s sweating In anger. ... maybe i shouldn’t answer in the next round. She could eat me alive.’ Then turn about pace. Facing the teacher. Everybody is admiring him now. While clapping their hands. His smiles gone.

“ very good, John. Keep up Veinna” says Mr Neon and then took another card

“ 12+12 equals to what?” Asked Mr Neon

Veinna was ready to accept her fate and believed to stay on her place and just eat the humiliation. But Joe never answered the question nor turned his back to face her. Everybody is waiting for the two competitors to answer. So Veinna understood that he is giving a way for her. So she slid her hands at the back and counted. It a took awhile and she blurted.

“ 24 sir!” And she’s a bit shy to take the first step forward.

“ wooooh go! Veinna!” Clapped Mc Jerry and the other classmates

“ hi hi ... Joe is such a considerate person! I like him more now! “ blurted Elly

Vienna while looking at the back of Joe. Talking to herself in a tiny voice.. almost like whispering to Joe...” I will wait for you at the gate after this!”

‘She’s really angry at me right now. Good! Then we’ll see at the gate’ Joe answered to himself after hearing Veinnas words.

Then Joe took all the answers to himself and walked fast to the front. And won the competition. Everybody is admiring him and greet him with adornment. While Veinna stood still where she’s at and never get the chance to stepped forward anymore. With her humiliation she sat at her chair frustrated and fuming.

“ it’s okay.. you we’re just so shy and he’s just fast. That’s all!...” Lemen comforting words to Veinna.

“ after all, beauty does not rule the brain to you huh! “ blurted Rheanne

“ it’s alright my friend... next time will raise the flag on our behalf. Arrrgh! We lost again!” Ivy exerted

While the boys sulking on their victory. Laughing and whimpering.

“ okay the competition is finished! Congratulations to the participants. John congratulations and Veinna don’t forget to practice at home. Remember, Practice makes perfect! Got it Class?... now, take notes for your Assignments. Make sure to pass this tomorrow.” Mr. Neon moves on while writing on the balckboard.

Meanwhile, Joe is a little vexed now. After knowing the humiliation for Veinna. He felt a little guilty about it. She couldn’t turn his head. Eventhough He is facing the blackboard he felt the pangs stinging at his back. He can see Veinnas image staring and fuming towards him.

‘She’s so childish. She can’t accept defeat. What can I do now? maybe I should go far away from her from now on’ Joe thought to himself.

“ hey, Joe.. be careful after school. Veinna is vicious when it comes to defeats especially math. Don’t pick her next time. The last Time I picked her twice not minding her first warning. I was stricken at my palm with her pencil. Everybody learned it from then. So nobody dared picked her anymore.” Randell Tapped him at the back after telling.

“Whaaatt?!? Really!??! Shocked Joe couldn’t helped but turned his head towards Veinna and to his surprised She haven’t yet took her eyes off of him. “ Gosh! What a...! “ he didn’t finished his words and took off his attention to Veinna. Now he knows that Veinna is seriously taking it all.

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