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His Dark Angel

His Dark Angel



Damion Walker is the city's monarch he is cold, unsympathetic and attractive with a dominating aura. Sky is the night angel of Lion's Den Night Club. Sky is a dark enchantress with dark wounds and scars left from her past. Sky is Spirited, Clever, Simple, Closed and outspoken Woman. One night during a late night work shift, Sky unaware encounters the owner of the Night Culb and some how Sky seems to have caught his attention. Sky is like a free bird and he wants to trap her in his cage.

Chapter 1 His Dark Angel Chapter 1 (The encounter)

It was half past 5 in the morning. Sky woke up to the irritating sound of her alarm clock. Rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand as a bright light flashed into her face making her squint her eyes closed scrunching her nose upward. She laid in bed at that thing to the Morning Light.

It was now 5:45 a.m. eventually finding her way out of the warmth of her bed she headed straight to the bathroom to get ready for work. Looking at herself in the mirror her long white blond hair held in a messy bun with loose strands all over.

She quickly took off her pajamas brushed her teeth, washed her face and changed into some warm workout clothes.

Ready for her morning run she made her way out the front door. In a rapid Pace she ran around the neighborhood as the wind blew on her face, the fresh air filled her lungs, blood rushed through her veins and her heart beat rapidly giving her endorphins

It was 6:30 a.m. when she proceeded into the shower and quickly got ready for work.

Dressed in a knee-length dark black skirt that hugged her curves,with a tucked-in white button-up shirt and a pair of black heels.

She held her hair up in a high bun a applied some light makeup and put on her reading glasses.

It was now 7 a.m.she would have to be at work by 7:30 a.m. she made a cup of black coffee grab an apple and made her way to the parking lot getting into her car and driving off.

Arriving at work at 7:25 a.m. she quickly made her way into her office.

Sky worked as an assistant for the CEO of the DW social network company.

"Good morning, sir today you have three meetings. The first at 12 this afternoon the second around 2 and the third at 3 o clock." Said Sky

"Okay thank you Miss Spencer." Jason responded

"No problem and here is your coffee",said sky as she placed a cup of hot black coffee with sugar on the side of his table.

"Thank you",Jason said with a warm smile that soon turned into a frown.

"You look stressed Jason what's wrong", Sky demanded she had noticed that he wasn't looking so well.

"Nothing my boss will be coming today and I stayed up all night making sure everything was in order" Jason replied his voice consumed by fatigue.

"I understand however you should try your best to take care of yourself or you might get wrinkles Grandpa", Sky said as she slowly walked out of his office

"Yeah yeah I know thank you Mom" Jason responded.

Sky has been working for Jason at DW social network company for about a year and they have become friends.

After work....

Sky arrive home around 5 in the evening.

"Uuuuh" she exclaimed as she collapsed into the couch in exhaustion.

30 minutes later, she finally got up to make an early dinner before heading for her night shift at the Lion's Den nightclub/strip club.

It was 7 when she left the house in a long black loose dress ending at the bottom of her knee.

To avoid any unnecessary attention.

"Sky you finally arrived your on serving duty tonight ", Claire stated and made her way to serve some customers in the VIP section .

Claire and Sky were not friends but they would sometimes talk to each other here and there.

Sky noticed how pale and anxious Claire looked and was confused.

Proceeding into the changing room, sky changed into her uniform which was

A red strap crop top which stopped at the top part of her belly button giving View of her piercings and tattoos. On the bottom left side of her waist was written in Black Ink "Arcane"which signified secret, mysterious, understood only by a few and on her top right neckline was written

"Avyanna" which also signified strong, powerful and beautiful.

With a short black skirt that reach the top of her knee caressing her curves and some red high heels.

Letting her long blond hair flow freely over her shoulders finishing off with some black lipstick.

"Sky this is for table five " Kevin shouted, Kevin was working the bartender shift tonight.

"Okay" Sky responded

"And by the way you look hot" Kevin commented with a smirk on his face.

"I know could you please turn up the AC" sky replied giggling. As she made her way to serve Table 5

"No but I know another way to cool you of" Jason responded

"Shut up"Sky exclaimed

"Here you go gentleman" said Sky as she served them their drinks.

"Thank you beautiful so about that date " one of their main customers who replied.

"Forget about it Chris" Sky responded as she made her way to go and serve the other customers, it wasn't that they weren't really good-looking it's just that she wasn't looking for anything Serious at the moment.

Sometimes her and Jason would hook up but that was as far as it went.

It was now 8:30 p.m. sky was on her break when one of her co-workers, Linda came up to her with sweat dripping from her forehead down face scrunching her eyebrows towards her nose with the slight frown.

"What's wrong" Sky asked

"Um can you please serve room one in the VIP section, Claire is not feeling well" Linda responded.

"Is she ok" Sky questioned

"Well the boss is here and Claire is very anxious she's only been here for a month and am to frightened to go" Linda answered.

《Is he that bad wait is he here》Sky thought to herself.

"Fine I will go but you owe me one" Sky exclaimed

Sky slowly got up from her bar seat grabbed the plate of drinks and proceeded into the VIP section.

"Pardon me I got your drinks" Sky spoke while entering the room and placing the drinks on the on the table. In e room there was one man who sat comfortably in his seat and two other guys who look like bodyguards standing at both sides of the entrance.

The man in the chair stared at her deeply giving her chills.

He appeared tall with the dark coffee tan, chiseled black beard and short spiky hair brushed to the upper left, with the straight nose, a finely structured Square Face dark brown eyes that almost appeared black.

《Omg no wonder Claire got sick this guy looks like the ultimate sin 》Sky thought to herself

Today Damion was visiting the other side of the city to take care of some business also check up on his new nightclub he recently opened early this year, stop for a drink and maybe find someone for the night.

He was sitting down in the couch when he suddenly heard a deep sexy feminine voice. It was the waitress. She was gorgeous wh a long light blond hair that stopped at at her breasts, light brown eyes and long dark brows and lashes with an oval defined face. She was in uniform and he could see her perfect curves, long thick legs, small waist, perfect breast and her round plumped juicy lips colored in a shade of dark

《Beautiful 》he thought to himself

Carefully observing her, and when her eyes finally met his she found him smirking at her and his eyes seemed to have gotten darker.

Taking her eyes off him she proceeded to the exit.

But was blocked by the two bodyguards standing at the door.

" um excuse me please", she mumbled as she tried to find her way out period

《Shit I should have said no》 Sky thought to herself.

Turning around to find the man towering over her.

"Am sorry sir do we have a problem" Sky questioned in a calm voice however you could hear the warning in her the tone of her voice.


Author's note

I know this chapter was probably short so please forgive me this is my first story.

Please have patience am very new to this story writting system and still learning how to improve.

If you have any suggestions,or things you don't like about the story feel free to comment.

Thank you 💞

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