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Misleading Fairytale

Misleading Fairytale

Joana Marie


People nowadays enjoy the freedom of choosing someone to marry. Well, Maureen Annaliese is the opposite. Being born in a family who own an empire, she needs to marry a man that her parents chose. She has no problem with it because she read many books, in where the arranged marriage became successful and it was the way that they met their soulmates. However, on the day she will finally meet her fiancé, her parents received a call saying that the man doesn't want to continue with the marriage anymore. Will Maureen Annaliese experience a fairytale where she is the lead character that will get a happy ending? Or will she face a different story?

Chapter 1 First

I stared at the city lights from my glass window. My condominium unit is on the top floor and so I can see the whole city up from here. I let out a sigh as I watched the tiny figure of vehicles, the buildings, and the streetlights. Why does it seem that there's no peace in the city?

It's past midnight but I’m wide awake and I can't sleep. Maybe because, there's a lot of things going in my head right now. I tried to calm myself by watching the city, but I just can't. This place is chaotic, how can I find tranquility here? I planned on going in our house in the province where the mountains and trees might bring serenity and peace in my mind but it’s pretty late so I decided not to go and also, I still have classes tomorrow.

Today, I heard the news that I expected since I was young. But hearing it from my parents during our family dinner made me sad and rushed. I didn't think that they will be looking for a man that I will marry this early. Actually, they already found a guy that is, according to them is 'suitable' for me, but I still don't know who.

I haven't finished my studies yet and I still have two years before I graduate in college. I don't really have any problem with marrying someone my parents chose because I have read lots of stories where they found romance in the arrangement but I still wanted to do lot of things and my 'fiancé' can possibly be a hindrance to it.

Arranged marriage is common and normal in our family. My grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins and even my parents have been arranged. Our whole family own many businesses in different industries all around the world. My great grandparents are the one who started and worked hard for this. I am really privileged that sometimes I felt guilty. We are bound to marry who our parents chose, because we must marry someone who will be beneficial in our business. To be honest, many families who are friends with us are doing the same thing.

Just like what I have said, I don't have problem with it, but I don't want it to be this early. However, I can't fight my parents and relatives. They are scary when I don't follow them, so during dinner I just nodded and agreed. I don't have any choice.

I stopped staring outside and walked to the bed. I removed my silk robe before lying down. I covered myself with my comforter and stared at the ceiling. My room is only illuminated by one of my bedside lamps. It's almost two in the morning and I have a class at 8 o'clock so I need to sleep. I forced myself to sleep by thinking that everything will be alright and that many people has some more difficult problems, and I can't be stressed out with this.

I woke up because of the knocks and gentle calls from outside my door. I can barely open my eyes because of sleeping late last night. My head is aching a bit as I removed the comforter that covers me and left the bed to go to the door. I opened it with my eyes closed and looking so sleepy.

"Good morning, Miss!" I tried hard to open my eyes to see who it is, and I saw one of our uniformed maids. I only nodded at her because I still wanted to go to bed and sleep.

"Miss, we already prepared your breakfast and it's time for you to take a bath or else you will be late to your class" I nodded again not understanding what she said. I turned my back and tried to go back to bed but I felt a hand stopping me.

I looked back and saw the maid holding my arms, "I need to sleep" I complained with my forehead creased.

"Miss, you have a quiz today. You need to take a bath for you not to be late. Your breakfast is ready, and your driver is waiting on the parking lot. I will prepare your clothes while you are in the shower" she explained that to me while pushing me somewhere.

I barely understood what she said but I still managed to hear her saying that I have a quiz today. I am still feeling sleepy, but the maid gently pushed me to enter the shower. I stood there not knowing what to do. I am staring on the wall and thinking what I should do here.

"Miss Maureen Annaliese, do you want me to remove your clothes ?" I looked back and recognized who the maid is. She was one of the maids who took care of me since I was young. I stared at Priscilla wide awake now.

"No, I can manage. Thank you" I smiled gently, embarrassed on how I acted. I always acted like a spoiled brat every morning and it take few minutes before I wake up completely.

Priscilla bowed gently before leaving the shower room maybe to choose on what will I wear. My parents have assigned three maids for me since I was young, and they are still with me until now. They are staying in our family mansion, but when I go here in one of my condo units, my parents sent them here to assist me and to wake me up because I am not really a morning person, because of that they should know the password of my unit so they can enter every morning freely. I sleep her alone every night but when I wake up, not anymore because the maids are here.

The cold water woke up my nerves and now, my brain is functioning completely. Minutes ago, my senses are working but my brain isn't, so thanks to the water for unlocking my nerves.

I spent a long time in the shower and I don't think that I will be late because knowing Priscilla, she will wake me two hours before my class and will rush me saying it's already late when it's not.

After taking a shower, I did my skin care before going out to go to my walked in closet. Priscilla is not here anymore but she prepared variety of outfits that I could possibly wear. I am really into fashion but when I go to school, I wanted to wear simple outfits since I go there to study not to model.

I chose to wear a white fitted cropped top, black skinny jeans and black ankle boots. I also wore some accessories and put some light make-up. After getting my things, I went out to go to the dining room and have a quick breakfast.

Priscilla and two other maids, Bernadette and Cassandra, are cleaning the unit as I leave for school, "Bye! Don't forget to eat on time" I reminded them because sometimes when they are so busy, they tend to forget to eat their lunch and dinner.

I took the elevator to go to the lobby. Dino, my personal driver, opened the door for me and bowed as I went in. I smiled at him before thanking him. He went to the driver's seat, asked me if I'm all good then we drove off.

I arrived at school 20 minutes early, thanks to Priscilla. Unlike other people, I don't have many friends who will wait for me here at school because I don't like fake people who approach me for 'connection'. I know lots of students here in the university owned by the family of my cousin's wife, but I cannot bring myself to call them friends because they are not. I encountered girls my age being nice to me because I am rich, and they wanted me to marry their brothers or cousins. It's nice to have many friends but with the wrong reason, no. I don't want to engage with that kind of fakery.

However, I found one and she's the purest yet the loudest person ever. She's my brother's fiancée and they fell in love during the arrangement. She became my friend before being my brother's fiancée and I know how she hated my brother at their first date. Their story inspired me.

"MAUREEN!" Here she is. I look behind me and saw her running on her high heels. She told me that it was her talent, running on high stilettos. If I believe that I should be simple at school, my best friend slash my other half thinks otherwise. She believes that she should stand out and choose to wear clothes that she bought abroad.

"You don't have to shout my name, Keyla" I told her when she's beside me. Everyone looked at us not only because we are Maureen and Keyla but because of her loud and high pitch voice.

She clung her arms on mine and rolled her eyes "Will you hear me if I call your name like," then she softens her voice “. . .Maureen".

I covered my mouth with my hand before laughing then I noticed our height difference. We are both wearing shoes with heels, but my eye level is only on her shoulders. Why is she blessed with height and I'm not?

Keyla started telling stories. She never ran out of one and when she started talking even if there's a professor, she won't stop. She said that she doesn't want to forget what she will say, and she needs to let it out.

We are in the middle of talking on how my brother lose on a bowling match with her when I noticed a girl surrounded by a group of immature and spoiled brats volleyball players. I stopped walking and watched them. Keyla stopped also and paused on talking.

"Why? What's the problem?" She asked when maybe she noticed that I looked a little annoyed. These volleyball players have watched mean girls so much that they adapted it into real life.

"They are doing it again" I answered, and Keyla followed my stare.

"OMG! The tiny brained ugly gremlins are bullying someone again" I don't know where she gets that terms but I smiled at her before removing her arms around mine.

"NO! You will get involved again, Maureen!" She tried to stop me, but I pulled my arms and walked near them.

We are college already and bullying should be stopped. We are not on high school anymore! If I see this and turned blind eye, then I am not different from these bullies. They are on a very secluded part of the campus, but good thing Keyla and I use this way to go to our classroom instead of the other one where lot of students take.

When I walked near them, I saw the girl crying while her head is lowered. She's wearing only a loose white shirt, jeans, and white shoes. Her bag was on the hand of one of the volleyball players.

"What are you guys doing?" I got their attention by saying that. I heard the sound of Keyla's heels behind me.

One of them got shocked when she recognized who I am. Jemimah, one of the meanest people I know, raised her eyebrows at me.

"You? What are you doing here again? Acting like a hero?" She said the last part sarcastically which earned a laughter from her peers.

I ignored her and walked near the girl, I put her behind me, and Keyla hugged her like she's protecting her. "Give me her bag" I asked her calmly, reaching out my hand for the bag. The girl who looked shocked earlier, was about to give it to me when someone slapped my hands away.

"Ouch!" I bit my lip when I felt how painful my hand is.

"Why are you giving it to her?" Jemimah shouted angrily at the girl and then glared at me.

I don't want to waste my time and fight so I ignored her glare and turned my back at them to look at the girl they are bullying, "I will just buy you a new one, let's go!" I gave her a soft smile to make her feel safe around me. Keyla is holding her arms and we're about to leave when someone pulled my hair.

"Maureen! Oh my god!" I heard Keyla shouting when Jemimah pulled my hair. I am born in a family where I have my own bodyguards that protect me, so I don't know how to fight. I only tried to remove her grip on my hair.

"Hey, stop!" Keyla continued to scream trying to help but Jemimah is a low-class girl who immaturely pulled my hair as if she can hurt me. Well, she did, but wait till her hands get off me. I am my family's princess, and they will not go silent with this.

It's painful so I started tearing up. I think I lost a lot of hair before it stopped. Keyla quickly hugged me and wiped my tears, "It's okay, I'm here" then she kissed my forehead. She also tried to fix my hair, but I stopped her because it hurts.

This is the very first time someone did this to me. I'll promise that she'll not get away with this!

I tried to look at Jemimah, but she was on the floor, holding her butt maybe because it was painful. In front of her was a guy standing tall at around six feet.

"I'm sorry" his voice is low and deep, very manly while offering his hand to Jemimah. His back was facing me so I can't see his face.

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