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Always by your side

Always by your side



Everything seem to change when Lenny Smith met the biggest rich cold CEO of Ho Empire company, David Ho. Lenny Smith got herself pregnant with David Ho child and was force to married into the Ho family. Without love between them from day one, everything seem to turn the opposite way.

Chapter 1 That night.

" Lenny! Why are you still standing there. We need to celebrated." shouted Rina John.

Rina John was Lenny Smith childhood friend. Rina is a senior nurse at Ho hospital. It was owns by COE Mr David Ho group. Rina and Lenny have been together since they were 4 years old. They called themselves blood sister even though they are not in reality.

Rina felt happy for Lenny manage to entered Ho Empire company as Mr David Ho secretary the biggest rich CEO in town.

"I dont feel like celebrating. Let's go home Rina." Stroking her forehead.

"What the matter? Are you afraid of being Mr David secretary?" Rina move forward to hold Lenny hand. " I heard rumors that he is cold arrogant and rude. I afraid i might not last for a month there." Lowered her head bit her lip nervously. " Dont worried even you don't last for a month i still here to help you find another jobs. But right now you have to be confident and be positive that this is a great news for you." Rina hug Lenny tightly in her arm ensuring her everything going be fine and pulled Lenny towards Sunshine bar.

In the private room of Sunshine bar, David Ho who sitting crossing his leg holding a glass of wine iooking outstanding smart, handsomely

and tall together with his cold eyes flipping document. He was having a meet up with other company's who wish to collaborate with him.

Behind Mr David on his left was his two bodyguards. On his right was his loyal assistant Kim du who have been with him for the past 10 years. David was in a good mood and decided to drink as he please. He have a suite on the 26th storey room 969.

Lenny who have empty one bottle of wine was slightly drunk while Rina watched Lenny and amused by her. Rina feel vibration in her purse. " Hello susan, what up?" Susan is Rina junior nurse. " We have emergency in the ER now. There are cars accident we need more hands."

Rina was in a hurried. She told Lenny that she have book her a room for tonight that is room 696. Lenny refused Rina helping hand as she took the room card entering the lift. Lenny who is tipsy holding the card upside down walking toward room 969 instead of 696. She tried to open the door but the door do not read her card. Without her knowing the door was open and she was pulled inside and was thrown to the bed. She could smell a man cologne and wine breath above her. Her dress was torn apart and she feel that her body was run by truck.

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