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Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!



Lights, Camera, Action! Follow Li Yao in her daily life with the many people she loves and cares about and discover the many mysteries, plots and schemes around her! She looked at him and smirked. "Brother Minzhe, I am lazy because I have the right to be lazy." He raised an eyebrow over her statement. "Since when did our constitutional law has that kind of right for its citizens?

Chapter 1 Li Yao

Friday afternoon —

The school bell rang. The once silent and abandoned hall was immediately filled with boys and girls walking out their classrooms carrying their bags, books, cellphones and other things you would normally see a student should at least have. In pairs, in groups, there were also lone wolves scattered among them.

Ah, highschool...

The busiest and scariest years in the life of a student as some, if not most, would say. But they said it was also the most memorable years; hence, they must cherish them well... especially Friday during this time...

... as it signified the end of the hell week they went through. Students can finally relax and unwind. Going back home and seeing their families, going to malls, partying, gaming and many other activities that can give one freedom and pleasure for more than 48 hours.

48 hours.

It seemed like a long time for some, but it was definitely short for others. Some did not even have the luxury to have it.

Like Li Yao —

— a third year student of Class 3, one of the lone wolves 'scattered' among the students.

Standing at the height of 164 cm, her slim figure in her HS uniform silently traversed the hall. Walking down the stairs in light steps, her presence quickly blended with the environment like air making her... non-existent... invisible...

That was what she wanted though ...

Her long, silky black hair cascading behind and dancing to the rhythm of her steps should have been a beautiful sight. Her big deep eyes that were as calm as still waters should have drawn one's soul. Her long eyelashes that were normally down hid this tranquility though. Her thin eyebrows, exquisite nose and pink lips were remarkable features in her small face.

Li Yao was beautiful. Though her skin complexion is not as white as jade, she was still beautiful. In fact, her skin complexion sat between fair and medium. Not that it matters to her though.

But in a small society called school, standards of beauty remained, let alone competitions of it like it was some exams students, especially girls, liked to take seriously to be the top scorer.

The top beauty.

That was a twisted logic.

A twisted idea people of that ages had in their minds. And this was only one aspect, like one subject one needed to study to pass.

There were also wealth, power and social influences that students seemed to like competing for. Not that you can blame them for treating every little thing as a competition when they were in school when such idea had already begun existing in their own family. Heck, even before their births.

So who (what) is to blame?

Ancestors? Grandparents? Parents? Servants?

Or the children themselves?

The enviroment? The internet? The laws?

Or the whole world itself?

W... Wait...

Why was the notion of 'blame' even exist in the first place? Was it wrong for such a competitive behavior to exist? Wasn't it a good thing to boost growth and development of a child to prepare him or her once they stepped into the society as adults and work?

Sigh... One's mind was going too far once more...

Li Yao thought to herself, pursing her already straight lips more.

She prolly only had herself to 'blame' in the end.

Maybe she was right. Maybe she was wrong. She did not know but one thing was for sure.

She was tired... She just wanted to...

... lie down and sleep!

It was already 5:12 pm when she reached the gate of the school. She stopped at one side, leaning on the brick wall. She placed her black backpack in front, opening it to get a black cap. As she looked down, her eyelashes covered her what now indifferent eyes.

Putting on the cap, she walked to the bus stop 100 meters away from the school's gate and waited.

Li Yao was beautiful...

... but because of her almost non-existent presence, she looked 'normal' or 'average' for outsiders. Her aura was simply like how most people were.

And that was heaven. At least for her who valued solitude and... laziness...

She could have been a gem. Unfortunately, she did not want to.

Heck! That would mean more work and less time to idle around!

After 18 minutes of waiting, a bus arrived. She hopped on, sitting wherever vacant. It took 20 minutes to reach the Town Library. She got out and walked to the entrance where two guards on blue uniform stand. She removed her cap, putting it back inside her backpack. Greeting the guards with a slight bow, she entered the building.

She was a regular here every Friday for more than 2 years and counting. Hence, the guards and employees were already familiar with her and noticed her despite her 'extraish' presence.

She walked to one of the counters where a middle-age woman in black glasses sat behind.

"Aunt Mian." She softly called.

Aunt Mian looked up. Her warm eyes getting gentler, her straight lips slowly smiling, revealing slight wrinkles on her white face.

"Yaoyao." She greeted back. She then eyed the well-placed binders on her desk and got the first two atop.

Li Yao placed her backpack atop the counter before getting the binders from the lady.

"Can you finish these two before we close? Unexpectedly, these are urgent files that I just received after lunch. Someone will arrive at 8:30 pm to pick them." Aunt Mian informed guiltily.

Had she have the capability to do it, let alone decline, she would have done it already... but she was merely a regular employee with not much ability or authority...

"I understand. Don't worry, Aunt Mian. I'll finish them on time." Li Yao responded.

Aunt Mian softly sighed as she looked at the 18 year old girl with pity. "Be mindful of the time. When it's 8pm, return here to have your dinner. Don't skip, okay?"

"Hm." Li Yao slightly bowed at her before walking to her left where she would plunge herself once more to the sea of books. Tall shelves welcomed her like waves crashing her eyes and mind.

The Town Library was the oldest building in SH city. While it was a public library, its value was as important as a national one for some information one could never find in a National Library... yet. And this knowledge is only known to select important figures of the city.

Not counted as 'important', Li Yao did not have the choice but to be part of this group. And she sure bore great responsibility and pressure on her small shoulders for knowing things she shouldn't have known and cannot afford to disclose even after her death.

Not that it mattered to her though.

She directly headed to the Special Archives section situated at the second floor. It was almost 6 pm and the employees in the second floor can be counted with a hand. She occupied the farthest long table from the stairs, sitting down as she placed the binders atop the table.

Without delaying any further, Li Yao began reading the contents of the first binder.

[Case 073]

This was written on the first page.

When Li Yao began doing this job, she was shocked at first for she knew well that these 'cases' were information she should not know. These cases were goddamn classified as confidential and can pose as threat to the existence of the country should they fall to the hands of enemies.

Signing an NDA was a given but it did not loosen the rope wrapped around her neck at all. Heck, it tightened it even more suffocating her existence. She could die anytime should they deem her a threat or a 'spy'.

Luckily, 'they' still need her 'help'... Now she was not sure anymore. Not that she bothered to care to know. Her life had always been full of uncertainties for this past 18 years anyway...

Security being one of them. Then there was safety.

There were her education and job.

Her self-control was also getting out of hand lately.

Ah... How she missed her siblings...

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