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Fatal Love

" Strip." his cold voice echoed in the room. " Wha. . .aathh ?" my voice came out shaky. " Strip now babe," he asks in an innocent voice tempting me to empty all the bullets in his skull. " No." I mutter as he raises his eyebrows in amusement. " If you don't strip right now, I will tie you on my bed and eat you out until the whole fucking town hears you scream. Then I will fuck you until you forget your name," he whispers as if challenging me. I didnt want to undress my dignity in front of a criminal but being an officer on duty , nothing comes more important than my duty , not even me so . . . I stripped in front of a criminal . --- The Lovestory Of A Cop And Criminal. Almost everyone has heard the lovestory of people who have poles apart but it barely happens that people fall in love with worlds apart. He is a mafia leader , a certified bastard with animalistic cruel acts , he lives in the world of crime and survives on the blood of innocents. She is a badass cop. Not a total good girl but a dutiful officer but she has a secret revenge to complete against the certified bastard. What happens when they fall in love ? But how will they fall in love when they are so different ? And if they do , their story will be a unique one . Why ? She's too clean for his dark world and he's too dirty for her bright world. This is their FATAL LOVE.... [ IS A REALLY DARK STORY . CONTAINS R*PE , VIOLENCE AND TORTUROUS EMOTIONAL TRIGGERING SCENES. STRICTLY 1*+ ]

Chapter 1 01 - ERICA EMERALD

Erica's POV

" India, here we are," Blake yells making people pass weird looks to us.

" Can you just shut up," I grumble picking up my suitcase and walking towards the exit of the airport.

He runs up to me matching my pace with an irritating smile. If only someone gave me permission to kill him, I won't think twice.

" Why should I, India is love." he smiles at the overcrowded place.

"It's full of pollution and nonsense," I mutter looking for a cab.

" Oh come on , India has the most number of intelligent people." he smiles.

" Whatever," I mutter rolling my eyes.

Whatever everyone say but coming to India is the worst mistake I have made and I already know about it by the polluted city.

" Look for a cab , we are running late." I mutter glaring at him as he is flirtingly smiling at girls.

" Blake , for god sake I'll die or kill you out of frustration and anger if you don't get me a cab now." I growl.

" Wanna see a magic babe ?" He winks and sticking his tongue out.

He whistles loudly and the next moment a yellow colored cab is in front of us.

" What the hell did you just do ?" I ask with wide eyes.

" Magic babe." he winks getting in the front passenger seat.

I groan putting my suitcase in and getting in the coffin sized cab , the driver smiles at me to which I reply with a glare and focus on my phone.

Looking out of the window I see a busy city full of people bustling around , people looked happy with whatever they have , group friends were sitting and laughing at their own talks , couples were walking by linking their arms .

This country is beautiful but it gave me a reason to hate it , a reason I can never forget and never forgive this country for it. Because this country took away something really precious from me and now I am getting bound to serve it.

The car comes to a halt breaking my thoughts , we get off and Blake pays the driver while I make my way inside the old spooky house used as our hide out.

I knock the door thrice as a code and the next moment it opens revealing Ashley , my bestie.

" Ash." I sequel throwing myself on her.

" Rica." She laughs hugging me.

" Damn girl you look hot." she says slapping my butt.

" Ash." I glare jokingly at her.

" Ash." Blake dramatically yells running in and pushing me aside.

" Hey Lake." Ashley says patting his back.

" Come on in guys , Lip and sir Isaac are waiting ." she says.

We follow her in the underground secret meeting room where Phillip and Isaac with two other men were sitting.

" Lip." I yell running to Phillip.

A smiles adores his face he sees me , he stands up opening his arms for me. I run into them wrapping my legs around his waist and hands around his neck.

" Rica ." he laughs nuzzling my neck with his nose causing me to giggle.

Phillip is my best friend even more best than Ashley , we are not couples but we are really attached to each other and he often does sweet things for me like buying flowers , teddies and chocolates just to pamper me up.

I get down from me after he kisses my forehead softly. I hug him again placing his head on his chest filling myself with his cologne and warmth , he wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my head quietly cherishing the moment.

" Hey Lip , I'm also here." Blake says dramatically.

Phillip lets go of me and hugs Blake while Isaac hugs me from behind and begins tickling me. I start thrashing in his grasp but he being the most powerful one keeps me in his arms tickling the hell out of me.

" Okay that's enough." Ashley comes to my rescue putting us apart.

" After three months we all are finally meeting." Isaac says smiling adorably at me.

" Don't talk about it dude , how difficult it was to handle a baby while working." I say wiping the non existent sweat on my forehead.

Everyone breaks into a fit of laughter knowing Blake was with me and I'm talking about him. Blake also laughs with everyone not knowing what the actual talk about is.

" Okay guys , this is sir Ian from the Indian army." Isaac says pointing at the handsome man standing in the corner smiling at us.

" Hello officers , nice to meet you." his loud and intimidating voice echoes in the room.

" Nice to meet you too sir." I smile.

" Sit." he gestures.

" Okay so I've arrived here today and I'm going to be with you all throughout this mission as a guide. My name is Jude Ian and you all can call me Jude , no need to go formal." he smiles.

" Okay lets start." Ashley says pointing at Isaac.

" My name is Isaac Owen , I'm an officer from US the third in command , my code name is IO and I'm 26 years old and the most important thing is I love Ashley very much." Isaac smiles.

" Saac , stop." Ashley scolds brushing furiously.

" My name is Ashley Owen , I'm an officer from US , my code name is AO and I'm 25 years old and I'm Isaac's wife." Ashley chirps giving Isaac a flying kiss.

" And you sir ?" Jude asks raising his eye brow at Blake.

" Oh me , I'm Blake Bean and I'm 25 years old , code name is BB . I love color pink the most , my favorite cartoon is Dora the explorer and my hobby is irritating Rica." he smiles at me.

" Who is he ?" Jude asks with a horror filled face.

" Brand ambassador of Nicktoons." I mutter rolling my eyes as everyone bursts into laughter.

" Anyway , I'm Phillip Anderson , code name PA , I'm 26 and from US. I'm the second best sniper of our team and the second in command here." Phillip says with a proud smirk.

" If Isaac is third and Phillip is second in command , who is the first ?" Jude asks.

" I am." my powerful formal voice booms in the room.

" I'm Erica Emerald , daughter of Titus Emerald and Naya Emerald , code name EE. The best sniper and the gold medalist in 2018 training center Toronto , the winner of the most swimming competitions and karate competitions. And the leader of this team." I say in a proud voice which my father always taught me.

" Titus Emerald and Naya Emerald , you're the daughter of them ? Oh my god , you're the Emerald child ?" Jude asks his eyes shining with an unknown emotion.

" I didn't know you belonged to the high blood family." Jude says in a soft voice.

" When Erica Emerald is on duty , she is only a officer like others and no one else." I say with pride dripping in my voice.

" You're just like your father." Jude smiles saluting me.

Get ready all the low life criminals, Erica Emerald is finally here to put you all straight.


No offense to anyone or any country.

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