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Starting from Julia's curiosity about the Youtube account 'Badbuddy', who would have thought that this would cause a big catastrophe in her life, which was originally peaceful and fine. A figure who uncovers all the riddles of Julia's life, to make all the mysteries that are connected to each other slowly come to the surface. Due to excessive love for Jacob, Julia cannot escape the charm of the young man even though she has been hurt repeatedly. Will the future be better, or is it getting worse?

Chapter 1 01. Beginning

"HUWAAA! Papa! Please wake up, Papa!"

A seven year old boy is seen weeping next to his father's dead coffin. His tears flowed profusely, his sad roar and sobs filled the atmosphere of the funeral home which was starting to be deserted from the relatives and friends who came to mourn.

The boy's older brother named Javier who was standing beside the child who was crying hysterically also shed his tears in silence. His tears fell, she silently shed tears of sadness. jacob tries to look strong in the middle of the sea of ​​wounds that they are now forced to dive into for a reason they never thought before. Why did this misfortune have to befall his little family?

Jacob turned and looked at his brothis with a feeling of tightness filling his chest. Javier, his younger brother, continues to cry lamenting the loss of the people they really care about and idolize. The figure that is used as a role model by all boys around the world, namely the figure of a father they love.

at a relatively young age, both of them must be willing to be left forever by their father.

Now, all that's left is him, Javier and their mother. The ten-year-old then hugged Javier, while trying to give his younger brother peace of mind through words of encouragement that he also addressed to himself.

"Never mind ... stop crying, Javi," he said soothingly. "You know Papa doesn't like to see his boys cry? So, calm down, brother is here with you."

Javier's sobs did not stop, they became even more. With great difficulty, he replied to the words of his older brother, "B-but, Sis ... our father has died — HUWAAA! PAPAhuhuuu, don't leave Javi, Pa! "

Jacob sighed softly as he patted his younger brother's back gently. He also did not think that his papa would leave this quickly.

After learning about the sad news that befell Maria, his wife, the mother of Javier and Jacob, their father who has a history of heart disease suddenly had a relapse. they were all late in calling for help, until the poor man breathed his last without even having time to say anything to all of them.

some distant relatives who had just arrived, looked at the two children who were crying beside their father's coffin with cynical eyes. "Look at those two kids, what a pity," commented one of them, clearly condescending.

"You're right, sisterI heard that Hubert died of shock to hear that his wife was raped and the son of the rich man who raped him was simply released by the police because he had a guarantor who clearly had a lot of money. Who wouldn't be shocked when they heard that? "

"YesI was also surprised to hear that these children witnessed the rape firsthand. Tsk, tsk, how stupid. Maria is definitely not against that coercion, because she really enjoys the touch of men who are younger than her. "

"How sad, huhI heard that she is now crazy and doesn't want to see her children anymore. Maybe it was divine punishment for seducing a young man. "

Jacob, who heard all the slanted comments full of insults, could only be silent. However, he clenched his hands as he closed his eyes tightly. His emotions boiled over in his chest. He felt angry, very angry.

Why don't people have the slightest empathy for them? Why do these people even blame their mothers for being the victims of the madness of the gospel? Why even insult those who have just become orphans? why should those who have such low words?

"Big Brother ...." Javier understood that the scorn was directed at them, he then tightened his hug to his brother. "Sis ... are we pathetic?"

"Psst, calm down," Jacob whispered softly. he still made gentle strokes on his younger brother's back. "Just close your ears, and be strong until all the bitterness of life is over. We can both make it through, my brother. Trust me."


"Thank you for watching this video until the end. See you in our next video!"

as soon as the recording ended, Jacob took off the Line character costume he was wearing. The young man smoothed his black hair for a moment before asking his younger brother, "How did it go?"

Javier, who was checking the camcorders that he used to record his brother, replied, "GoodI will edit it after this. Brother, just rest first! "He replied cheerfully.

Jacob tidied up his utensils and put them back in the drawer. "Later, after this I'll make dinner. What do you want to eat tonight?" he asked his younger brother.

Javier who was fiddling with the camera turned his head and smiled broadly at Jacob. "It's up to you. I'll keep eating it as long as it's what you make," Javier replied softly.

Jacob laughed.

This is their family life now. It's just him and Javier.

Now, Jacob must meet the necessities of life for his little family by making videos and uploading them to Youtube. The income he gets now is much better than the income when he works outside part time. As he had done before.

"Don't forget to study and keep in mind our goals, Javi."

Javier nodded briefly, seeing that his brother had started giving advice. "Of course I will never forget, Brother. No one will easily forget their past wounds. Is that right?"

jacob smiled faintly. His younger sibling has grown bigger and more mature. And that makes him proud. He then returned to say, "Yes, my brother. Whatever it is, be strong and repay the actions of those who have humiliated us. Understand?"

"We prove it, we can be great people."

Javier then saluted his brother. "Ready, General!" he said obediently. "We will prove to the point of making them dumbfounded and astonished!"

The two of them then laughed together with joy. because, they believe that life is about struggle, and they are now struggling to continue living.


In a mansion painted gray, precisely at the Petersons residence. let's go to their family dining room which is being occupied by three members of the family.

"Louis, please wake up your brother in his roomtoday Julia has a math test at school, and she must not be late, "said a woman who has entered middle age, but still has a beautiful face. She turned her head, facing her eldest child.

Meggan, who was busy arranging the spice pots, couldn't wake up his beloved daughter now. Therefore, he also asked Louis to wake up his daughter.

Louis, who was sipping his cup of tea, frowned. "I don't want to, Mahe can wake up by himself, "he replied, placing the cup on the table.

Charlie, who had just come out of the room, then approached his wife who was standing near the sink. "Don't have breakfast?" Meggan asked, fixing her husband's light blue tie. Charlie glanced at the watch on his left wrist. "I don't think so, honey. In thirty minutes the company meeting will start."

"I'm afraid I won't get there."

Feeling that her husband's long tie was neat, Meggan then stepped back a little. then looked at her husband's handsome face with love. "Really? All right, but wait a minute. I'll prepare you a lunch, so you can eat it at the office."

Charlie just nodded, turning back to check the watch on his hand. He also moved toward his eldest son, then asked while grabbing a glass of coffee that was already available on the table, "How is your restaurant business, son?"

Louis glanced at his papa, then replied in a tone that was a little reluctant, "Good enough, Pa. Everything is going well under my controlIt is just ...."

"It's just what?" asked Charlie. "You haven't got into any trouble, have you?"

Not long after, Meggan came and gave her husband a medium-sized light brown lunch box. "Here, honey," he said to Charlie.

Louis took a deep breath. "It's just that I want to lead the company and be CEO just like Papa," said Louis hopefully. "I don't want to be the owner of a restaurant. I want to be a businessman like Papa ...."

Louis was busy expressing his heart, while the father was busy staring at Meggan's face. "Thanks, honey," said Charlie. He then grabbed Meggan's waist, and took her into a very loving embrace. They kissed hotly, until a slightly disturbing sound was heard.

they are busy making love to the point of ignoring their eldest son who witnesses their actions.

Louis immediately turned his eyes, amused to see the behavior of his parents who looked like a pair of teenagers who were in love. "I'm going to wake Julia up," he said dryly as he walked away, leaving Charlie, who had just opened his kiss with Meggan.

"Take Julia to school later!" shouted Meggan before her son climbed the stairs.

Louis quickly replied, "No!" The man then hurried up the stairs.

"Tsk, that kid really!" grunted Charlie.

"Come on, honey. Wasn't Louis that way all the time?" Meggan tried to calm her down.

Charlie then smoothed his tie one more time. His expression looked displeased. There was resentment he felt. "Yes, you are right, my wife," he said coldly. "At least I made the right decision then."


Louis climbed the stairs to the second floor with an expression on his face too cold. Even like a person who has no heart at all. His parents never loved him. His parents were never happy with his presence in the house. In fact, those two weeks were his time off from work that was sickening.

The food business really doesn't fit with Louis's personality who basically wants something more.

he wants to have a company in his own name. Become the founder of a large company. The man's frustration peaked when he was again ignored by his father whenever he discussed company matters.

The long footsteps of the man who had entered his ripe age stopped in front of a wooden door painted dark brown. In front of the door, hung a wooden ornament in the form of a coconut tree carved with a person's name.

Louis remembers very well that the hanger was a gift from his father for Julia which he bought from a tropical island in Southeast Asia. If he remembered correctly, Charlie bought it in Borneo.

Unlike him, his parents are so cute about the girl in this room. all decisions in their family, must be made in consultation with the daughter. Louis felt that the boy had taken all his rights.

"Tsk, what's so good about this thing," grumbled Louis as he felt the door hanger in front of him. He then went into the room and walked towards the window which was still closed by the curtains.

"Julia, wake up!" Louis, who had finished opening the window, then approached his sister's bed and shook Julia's body hard. there is no more effective way to wake a person than to pour water or shake the dreamer's body.

"Hey, you have a test today at school, right? Get up quickly ...."

"Hmm." Julia, who had woken up from sleep, immediately changed her position to sit down. his eyes were still half closed, and his hair looked messy. Typical of people who just wake up. "Hmm, yes, okay, I'll take a shower first," he said hoarsely to his brother.

"Hurry down and have breakfast." Louis then went out of his sister's room to provide privacy. closed the door tightly, then left the room silently. He really understands Julia's cold nature who doesn't talk much.

The same trait as her, and Louis laughed funny.


"Brother Louis," called Julia to her brother. at that time, they were on their way to school. Louis, who was focused on driving, did not even glance at him, but the man still answered the call from his younger brother, "Hmm, what's wrong?" he asked dryly.

louis slowed down when he was almost at their destination, Julia's school. His latest black car stopped right in front of the large gate of the Julia school building.

the girl looked at the crowd of schoolgirls who happened to pass through the half-open car window, her face was flat when she saw the children. "You don't have to bother picking me up later," said Julia coldly as she took off her seat belt. too cold for a little sister her brother had just escorted. "I came home with Hana."

Louis cleared his throat softly, his throat a little itchy and his lips felt dry. The weather in the city has been not good lately, making anyone catch flu and colds. after this, Louis will go to his regular pharmacy to buy medicine.

He then glanced at Julia, who had a flat expression. The girl's indifference was seen again.

"Are you sure? Brother will still pick you up after school, and wait for you in this place," he said just pleasantly. indeed, he wants?

To be honest, Louis didn't even intend to pick up his younger brother. Taking his younger sibling to school as he does today, solely because of his mother's orders. This does not mean that he did all of this because he was worried about his sister's safety.

julia who heard Louis's words immediately turned quickly to the man with the thin mustache who was sitting in the driver's seat. His expression looked like he didn't want to be denied. "I said I don't want to, it means no, Sis!" after raising her voice a little, Julia then got out of the car without feeling guilty.

The door slammed hard, making the students who happened to pass the black BMW car of the Petersons staring at the girl with astonished eyes. however, Julia ignored all the questioning stares. He doesn't care at all if it becomes a topic of conversation among the students at his school.

"That girl's attitude is too much!" Louis commented as he stared at the back of his younger brother who began to move away from the eye. "No wonder he's — ah, never mind."

Louis then slowly stepped on the gas pedal, and left the all-girls school area where his little brother attended school with a feeling of frustration that filled his chest.

Louis also swore to himself, would not want to take Julia to school again.

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