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REBEL- The Elemental

REBEL- The Elemental



--------------- No matter how fast you run away, it's rare to hide from your destiny.........! Because destiny has its own way to find you.......! ---------------- Rachael Santiago, the most powerful stoicheiódis (the Greek word for elemental) in the history, with her ability to control four elements of the earth, air, water, fire, and lighting. She is known as a lethal weapon, with her special gifts and darkness to kill mercilessly as a mafia queen, nobody dares to challenge her...., until now. What would happen when Xavier meet Rebel? Will he be able to redeem her from the shadows of her past and make her accept him as her significant other? And let go her unknown revenge which she is eager to take? What will happen when she found out real identity of Xavier? Continue reading to finds out the hidden secrets of Supernaturals Secret society, Synx. -------------------

Chapter 1 "Rise of Rebel"

***Hey guys this is the beginning of my new story ' Rebel ' I hope you all support me.***

***Warning!! All my stories are rated ( 18+ ) contain violence, abuse, languages, and sexual content.***

***Enjoy Reading 😘***


No matter how fast you run away, it's rare to hide from your destiny.........!

Because destiny has its way to find you.......!


A tiny figure running in the darkness of the alleyway. A fourteen years old girl, huffing incapable to get enough oxygen for her lungs. Her tiny frame is trembling like a leaf, cheeks are stained, tears dripping as a stream. And her shaky hands hold a small shiny object pressed to her chest, as her life depends on it.


Rachael P. O. V

Let me introduce myself, I'm Rachael Santiago, daughter of Raphael and Vanessa Santiago, my parents are the council members of a secret society of the supernatural like us, Synx, and the owner of Santiago groups of companies.

Supernaturals or gifted or part human, you name it. In short, humans, who are carrying magic in their bloodline, and can do stuff no mundane blood can.

Every member of the special families or as we called clans have different and unique gifts of their own. We obtain our gift from birth, we can feel it within us.

Due to the incapacity of the human body to control such extreme powers, we can't control it till we cross the age of majority limit, sounds cool. Right? First I thought the same...but not anymore.


The girl running in the dark alley is none other than me, myself. I gobbled a few breaths, dropping to my knees. I cuddled my body against the cold stone wall beside the dumpsters, supporting my worn-out self, to hide from my intruder's gazes. Not caring about the water show of my eyes.

I have nowhere to go, but daddy said to me to run as far as I can, and soon he will come to find me. He gives no answers to any of my questions when he hands me a crystal and says 'run as far as you can'. we all were in the clan mansion's backyard when we were attacked by our rival clan. Because they wanted something from us, but I don't know what exactly.

Footsteps follow my trails, booming in the darkness of the chilled alleyway, they are getting nearer. I panicked as I was trying to think what am I going to do now?

Self Defense was one of the compulsions in my clan. Dad taught me well, but how can a small girl like me fight against two well-built men? But I know, I have to do my best as I'm out of choices here. I wiped my tears to shake off the blurry view.

One of them steps near the dumpster. I hold the crystal tightly against my chest and lean back further in the wall. I know I have to do something now. I look around, to find something to defend myself but nothing, just some pieces of wood are scattered here. I picked up one and ran my finger at its tip, not sharp but I prayed its work. He takes another step as he turns towards my side. I run out from the shadows to plant a kick on his left knee and stab that wood in his shoulder as hard as I can.

He let out a scream of pain as lost his balance for a moment, dropping on the ground grunting in pain. I took the opportunity to run for another one, who was shocked by my sudden attack. I kicked him in his knee exactly with full force.

Thank God daddy trained me well, otherwise, I don't stand a chance, I thought as I ran off in a different direction from them. My knees are about to give out, but I manage to reach near the road, staying hidden in shades, in the hope of finding some help.

I saw a flashlight in the distance, and soon a car came into view. I knew it's the last chance of my survival, because I had no more strength to run, and sooner or later they would find me.

With a last bit of strength, I run out from the shades towards the car for my dear life. In the middle of the road was waving my hands in the air as a universal sign to stop. I know it's crazy to stand in the middle of the road, and on top of it in front of the running car, but I'm desperate now. The car slows down when a piercing sound thunder, from behind me.... A gunshot.

I felt something wet, liquid wetting my shirt before unbearable pain sprouted in my chest. The second time, I dropped down on my knees, in the middle of the road. I looked down, touched the wet spot with my finger, where my heart is to find it coated with blood.

My blood. My eyes widen in realization, and my head starts spinning before I fall on the ground as darkness starts engulfing me.

But I was able to sense commotion near me first, a car's tires screeched, several gunshots then someone's shouting, screams.

Soon I feel two strong arms picking me up in the air, hold my cheeks against something hard and start moving.

I lost all my energy but still, just one last thought kept running through my mind before darkness took possession of me-

'I want to live.'


I step back in my consciousness with the sound of machines beeping and the dreadful smell of medicines aren't helping either. My body is numb, I can't feel anything. No pain. Neither can move any muscle.

The sound of machines and the smell of medicines indicate that I'm in a hospital room. How can I get there? Who took me to the hospital? And why can't I feel anything, I remember I shot in the heart, so, I should be dead by now. Shouldn't I?

The sound of heavy metal broke my trail of thoughts, I shot open my eyes to close them instantly. I'm so weak from blood loss as I can't even stand a mere contact with light. I feel someone's presence near my bed as I can hear them talking.

" ... take her with you....home "

" You...can't, Mr. King..... you are not ... legal guardian "

" What about......family "

" ..... her ....... dead "

I don't understand what they are talking about, but I heard men's voices.

'Are they talking about me? But why? Where they are taking me. I don't recognize these voices. Who are they? Why are they helping me, a mere stranger or they knew about me... About my gifts, and want to take advantage of my powers.'

'What if they are the same clan's people from whom I was running, who attacked my home..... home.... mommy, daddy, and Derek.'

'Where is my family, daddy said he found me when everything will be normal? But why is he not here? Why am I still alone? What if I am lost, or worst kidnapped?'

With these thoughts, I feel my heart beat madly in my chest case.

'What if I'm kidnapped and never find my way back home, I want to go home, I want my mommy and daddy. I want to go back to my clan. Where are you, daddy? Please find me fast.' I pray to whoever angel is listening to me.

Before I heard a woman's voice said "Yes boss." and I lost in darkness again...

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