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Marriage at a Distance

Marriage at a Distance



When Priya's parents blackmail her into a arranged marriage with rich and cold Raj as part of a business arrangement, she rejects it outright. Spending her childhood alone while her parents hopped around the globe, made her cynical towards anything they proposed. But when a weak moment makes her take the plunge into the marriage, she has no choice but to let her newly-wed husband know how she hates being married to him and how she longs for freedom from him, her parents. He silently lets her go. She decides to never sets her eyes on him again. With divorce settlement still not complete, she decides to pursue her dream of being a creative writer in Virgina Tech University, USA. When she bumps on to her not-yet-ex-husband in coffee shop, her life turns upside down. A problem at her home forces her to move in with Raj and sparks begin to fly with their close proximity.Jealousy, desire, longing take over her entire body mind But does Raj feel the same about her? And what about the fact that he married her as part of business arrangement and not love?

Chapter 1 Marriage in mind

It was a hot afternoon in Arlington. Priya was thankful for the cool air of the coffee place she was in. Sipping her cold coffee and working on her assignment in between to catch up with the deadline was the only thing on her mind now. She was immersed in her assignment when she heard the decorative bell of the coffee shop ring and instinctively her eyes went up to the door.

Her almond-shaped eyes went wide with what she was seeing at the door. For everyone else he was an immaculately dressed dark,tall,handsome man. But for her he was something else.Her hand shook with nervousness and the book fell from her hand to the floor. BANG! That was a mistake. GOD it was a mistake! She thought. He turned towards the sound and instantly their eyes met. He froze for a second. The thin lips of his turned to a sardonic smile. And he was walking towards her. Oh God this is not happening. Is this a dream. Why is he here of all places in the world! Thoughts raced in her head without a stop. Every step he took, her heart beat doubled. She blinked hard as if to rub away what was happening right now. And washed away quickly as she saw him standing at her table with his imposing personality. His great suit fitted him like a glove and he looked even more assertive in it than two years ago. How would she not know her own HUSBAND? Or soon-to-be-ex-husband Raj!

“Well, well, what the hell are you doing here may I know?” , he questioned her with his deep voice . A voice she could never forget.

She wet her parched lips with her tongue and muttered “I-I have come to study here”

His eyes followed her action and she turned red instantly. He pushed his hands into his pockets and said, “Study? Wow! Of all the places you chose this one”

His tone was dripping sarcasm.

This riled her instantly.

“I didn’t know that Arlington was off-limits for common people like us when the elites like you stayed here. Trust me if I knew you were living here, I would have never dreamed to apply here!”, she spewed as warmth rushed to her face.

Raj’s face turned to cold steel with this retort and his lips tightened to a thin line. He just shook his head and said “Oh, I trust you on that. Now that you have made it clear what you think of me, shall we move ahead and talk like two normal adults do?”

“Ok-Ok”, Priya replied with a resigned tone. At least let me get over with it!

He looked down at the empty space next to her on the couch as if asking her permission.She looked at him and nodded. But as soon as he sat down next to her, the warmth of his body filled the space around her and his distinct yet mild cologne made her dizzy and instinctively she moved towards the edge of the couch. She didn't want to look at Raj’s reaction to what she did right now! She wanted to stay away from him literally and figuratively but God seemed to have different plans for her. But she did hear a huge “Sigh” from him.

“Which course are you doing? How long is the course?” He asked in a calm and relaxed tone while she sat there stiff like a cardboard.

She hated revealing things about her life to him. She had made that mistake once and the result was for everyone to see. But this time she decided that it was better to get over with as soon as possible and never set her eyes on him ever!

“I am doing a creative writing course at the University of Virginia. It is a six months course of which three months are already done. Now I am working on my final project and hope to use it to get an internship in India and start living an independent life. There I have told you what I do! ” She almost told the whole thing in a single breath.

“Aha..your precious independence which you always dreamed of isn't it? Glad that you finally found something in life which gives you joy. I had almost given up hope on that one you know. Well congrats and now that I have reaffirmed your thoughts about me, I can leave peacefully.”, saying this, he made the motion of getting up.

That hurt her like a whiplash. To make her feel guilty about being happy was what everyone did right from her childhood! He was no different. Tears welled up in her eyes and she gulped down the thick lump in her throat to avoid him catching her in this weak moment. Oh no! She wouldn’t give him that pleasure. She turned her face away from him and composed herself but heard him swear under his breath. When she finally turned towards him he somehow seemed more expressionless than ever with his lips thinning to a line and yet she could feel his deep dark brown eyes boring into hers.

Though this disconcerted her a little she lifted her chin a bit and replied with, “Well, good for you. I would hate to use up your time any further as well.”

“Priya, if you ever need any help in the city, do reach me out. Ah...before you refuse or start an argument on it, here is my card with all my contact details. Take it..Please.!” He entreated her while he was taking out his brown wallet from the pockets of his snug trousers.

He took out his card and was now stretching out to her.

She let out a deep sigh and took the card albeit reluctantly. And just like that he turned and left leaving her confused and disconcerted even further. She shook her head in dismay as if to rub away the last ten minutes of their exchange, but couldn’t. She tried hard to get back to her assignment but old memories flooded her head and refused to let her concentrate on her work.

“AHHH” , she exclaimed and banged the pen she was holding to the book. He walked in and left the coffee shop with calmness and left her emotions in tatters. Hasn’t that been your weakness always? To remain unaffected by things around her? She taunted herself. She could hardly think creatively anymore. She closed her book and her mini-tab and pushed them into her jute tote bag she had got from India.

The weather was beautiful with clear blue skies inviting her to walk back to her bed-sit apartment two miles away. She could have taken a bus as well but she decided that a walk and cool breeze would clear her head and help her get back to her normal self. She got out of the coffee shop with her quick gait and waited to cross the road. The cool breeze was refreshing and she breathed in some fresh air as her eyes closed to soak in the atmosphere. As the walk signal turned green, she walked across the road onto the cobblestone pavement. As she walked her thoughts drifted two years ago.How could she forget that day?

Priya was entering the bungalow style home after her college hours when she found Mr.Sharma along with her parents chatting away in the large sitting area. The sitting area was flanked by two arching stairways both landing on a floor which housed all their bedrooms. She hesitated to enter the house and lingered at the doorway in two minds when she heard her name being spoken.Her heart stopped for moment and she instantly stepped back and stood behind the door. She heard Mr Sharma speak

“You know about Raj don’t you? He is back from the US finally to help me out with the business. You know that he lost his mother when he was just five and now my health has not been keeping up as well. I worry that I will leave him alone and leave this world.” He told.

“Yes, yes I totally understand . This is the worry we all have isn’t it?” , told Priya’s father as a matter of factly.

Well this was NOT true in her case. They never loved her and she knew it was all pretense

She thought bitterly.

“Well I had a proposal for you. First hear me out. I will be frank. I was thinking we can have a marriage arranged between Priya and Raj. Of course, let the children talk to each other first”, Mr Sharma told in a hesitant manner.

Priya’s jaw dropped. This was not happening!

Then she heard her father speak.

“Oh what did you say? Priya? Are you joking?”, he replied with a surprise in his tone.

“Oh I am not. I was thinking, once Raj is your son-in-law he could help you out with the revival of the plant as well”.

There was silence.

“Sharma Ji , you know that I need huge capital to revive the plant and I am approaching many banks to help me out for an investment.”, Mr Malhotra replied with some hesitancy

“Oh I know all about that. We can go through the details later. But first tell me what do you think about my marriage proposal? Will Priya agree. Raj will , I am sure. “, Mr Sharma asked with serious tone.

Mr Malhotra laughed nervously.

Priya’s mother intervened and said

“We are perfectly ok with it. When will Raj come and visit us? Priya will also agree.” , she told confidently.

Priya’s anger knew no bounds. She wanted to scream her lungs out.

What did she mean by “Priya will agree?” . Was she some toy who could be manipulated the way they pleased? She was 21 for God’s sake. They were never available when she grew up and now they are making the most important decision of her life! She will never let this happen.

She felt nauseated to hear the rest of the conversation and she ran out of the iron gates, across the garden onto the free pathway and let out a big breath. She decided to go to the nearby library and stay there awhile. She wanted to be away from her parents as long as possible!

Library was her sanctuary for years now. This was one place she would come to whenever it became impossible at home. And because of that she started reading. Reading books of all kinds proved to be so therapeutic. It healed her wounds and opened up a world of dreams. But today she was in no mood to read. Her face was still warm with the heat she felt when she heard her mother say “Priya will agree” .

She had spent her whole childhood alone accompanied with guilt. She had parents but never had a mother and father. Her father was always travelling around the globe because of his business engagements and her mother insisted on travelling with him leaving Priya at the mercy of nannies. A nanny a month , that was how Priya grew up. Since her childhood she could feel her mother’s indifference towards her and her father’s lack of warmth. She never got a hug nor a kiss. There were no dinner times with parents, no playdate weekends with Papa. Every fortnight they travelled out of the country. She still remembered the day when she was 8 years and she had begged her mom and dad to stay back for her birthday. Her father told her a curse “ I must attend this meeting otherwise we may lose a great deal” and she wondered what “deal” meant at that time and how important could it be compared to her birthday? She shed tears, howled in front of her mom who was packing her bag. Her mom had told her “I have planned your party perfectly. You can have your cake cutting, friends and games at home. Nanna aunty will take care of everything. Now do not spoil our moods before we leave”.

That was the story everyyear. By God’s grace she found great friends at her school and college and the love she received from them had turned her into a amiable, happy person. She learnt to accept her parents as they were and soaked in the little love she received from them wholeheartedly. Though deep in her heart, she sometimes wondered why they treated her the way they did? And today was that moment.

Was her life a mere “deal”? In India, arranged marriages were common but she never wanted to go that route. She had wanted to build her career first, make a name for herself , meet different people. And if in the course she meets someone, then she would take that path. But what was being discussed now was like a slap on her dreams. No this was not going to work.

I need to do something!

She made up her mind and headed home. It was nine’o clock already. She removed her sneakers and socks and entered home. As she entered she found her mother and father waiting for her in the sitting room.

She saw them and quickly moved towards the stairs when she heard her father say

“Priya , I have something to talk to you about”

She turned back and said “Me? Are you sure? I am surprised since you never spoke like this ever Papa”.

“It is important matter Priya. Otherwise I will never disturb you”, he told her in a very quiet tone.

This somehow disconcerted her.

He continued “Mr.Sharma is a close business associate of mine. He has proposed a marriage between his son Raj and you. I feel it is a great match. Raj is a great boy and Mr.Sharma is a very good man.What do you think ?”

Priya sucked in her breath and said,” Well, ok, will you let me meet him at least once?”

Priya’s mother and father were delighted as soon as they heard it.

“Now that you told me what you need to , shall I go to my room?” , Priya told sternly and turned her back towards the staircase. But she had a smile on her face. A deep curved smile!

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