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Her Majesty

Her Majesty



18+. PG. SL Brittany is a 17 years old girl who fell inlove with a college senior and also a business man. She was shy, beautiful, always wear eye contact to hide her blue eyes. He was 22, rich, handsome, loving and also a playboy. Those he have fucked doesn't say less about his skills in bed. He wasn't stinch, he give girls money and leave them, they always want more from him, but he only sleeps with those he wants more than once. Brittany knew nothing about this playboy, coase he always hides it. He thought his parents know nothing about him, but they know it all. Brittany met Shawn in a time she needed a ride to see her mother, he came to her rescue. Then their story began.

Chapter 1 High school

It was heavy raining, school was out and everyone was rushing home in their rides. Their parents came and get them. Some left with their boyfriends.

Belle was standing on a hall way. She looked at her boyfriend Justin Truth AKA JT. "Justin please go, my parents won't be happy if they see me and you together. Please understand, i will take my usual transport to the hospital." Brittany looked emotional.

"Okay, give me a kiss, i will see you later" Justin flirted with her and then kissed her and left. She stood there just staring at his back.

She love Justin, but her love for him jas been tested by a face she saw once. She didn't know whether it was fantator she really fell for him. His eyes charmed her, they intoxicated her.

What will she do if she see him again? He told her that he will see her again and promosed to sweep her feet from the ground.

It's been three weeks and she can't get him out of her mind, she was going crazy.

She went out and waited for her school taxi, but it was late. When she was busy playing games on her mobile waiting for a taxi she felt a car stopping in front of her.

She lifted her head thinking that the taxi has came, she couldn't believe eyes, a handsome face was her.

"Hello beauty, i thought that was you when i passed by. Why are you sitting alone? " Shawn gave her a naughty smile.

Brittany blushed and looked away. "I'm waiting for my ride" she tried to remain calm, but she couldn't control herself she kept on blushing.

He looked at her keeping his smile on. It was as if he didn't know that his smile rocks her bottom up. "Get in, you shouldn't stay in the cold for so long"

She was tempted to get in, but the consequences of being next to him couldn't be said. "No thanks. I wouldn't wanna bother, besides we are not heading the same way".

"Wherever you are going i will take you there. I'm free and don't mind. " he winked to lure her in. "Don't say no, tell me where you are going and i will be lighted to take you there"

She was unable to refuse his handsome face, she just blush and he could tell that something was bothering her, but he didn't wanna press it. She was worried about her mother, she wanted to see how she was doing.

"Im going to the hospital, you see it will be a boring ride" she said it as a question although e was making a statement.

"Get in the car and i will decide what is boring and what is not. Besides i am a man and i know how to make this ride less borig. Didn't i promise you to make you feel nice? Let's go.

He saw that she wanted to refuse so he cut her before she started talking. "It will be boring only if you are going to have an abortion "

"Okay, shut up" she was blushing. She stood up and get in the car, her cheeks flushed. She couldn't look at him. She stared outside.

He started the car and drive away, those who were sitting away from her were jealous of her.

She remembered the first time she saw him, she was at shopping and bumped into him. She apologized, but when she looked at his face, she just lost control of her body, her cheeks became flushed in an instant.

He saw her pretty face and she couldn't look at him straight in the face. He saw how shy she was and told her that when he see her again he will give her a good time and she better not refuse to repay for bumping into her.

"So you are in high school" he chuckled and look at her and continue driving, his voice brought her back to reality.

"Huh" she was lost

He looked at her and smiled more. "You will get me arrested for child abuse. I know you look young, but i thought that at least you might be in college"

She blushed even more, speechless. She looked away fast. "So how old are you? " He looked at her and asked

She stole a glance at him. "17" she smiled and added "almost 18, will be in two months"

"so i have to wait two months to have fun with you? He looked at her flushed and laughed. "Why are you so shy?... Do you have a boyfriend? "

She didn't expect him to ask her such a question, she choked on her own saliva and coughed. He gave her water.

"Yes i do" shw looked at his calm face and qondered what he was thinking, but she couldn't guess what was on his mind.

He kept silent and kept on driving. He only ask her which hospital she was heading to. He drove her there and went to the hospital parking.

"Here we are, so i guess i will see you after two months" hw gave her a knowing smile and she looked at him very fast seeing how naughty he was. Beforw she could turn her head away, he caught something in her eyes.

"Look at me" she didn't know why but she did, blushing. "Why"

"Are you wearing eye contacts? " he asked staring in her eyes, but she couldn't keep eye contact with him she looked down.

"What eye colour do you have? Look at me" he hold her face trying turn her to face him

She blushed and closed her eyes. "They are blue" she didn't open her eyes still.

"Please, take them off. Lemme see your eyes, please don't refuse" he let go of her face.

She blinked her eyes before she turns away and remove them. She haven't removed her eye contacts for anyone, evdn her boyfriend Justin doesn't know that her eyes are black.

She closed her eyes and opened them again, she smiled and turn to look at Shawn again. He hold her chin and urged her to open her eyes.

She blinkes her eye lashes before she opened them and found him staring into her eyes. She had dark blue eyes, most beautiful eyes he have every seen. He was speechless, he couldn't open his mouth.

She blushed even more when she saw his expression. He didn't wasted time before he found his lips pressed on hers. Before she could react, his toungue have already entered her mouth.

His kissing skills was unbearable, she have never been kissed like that before. She found herself kissing him back. He let go of her mouth and looked at her closed eyes, she could still feel his kiss.

"Now open your eyes" she opened them slowly and couldn't help blushing even more.

"I have to go, mom must be waiting for me" she looked down and uttered in a low voice.

"Give me your contact number before you leave " they exchanged contact numbers and part ways.

She entered the hospital with her blue eyes, she forgot to wear eye contact back.

When she enter her mothers ward she was amused by the look her parents gave her.

"Brit, your eyes?..." Her mother couldn't finish her sentence beforw Brittany looked away. She also had swollen lips, they could tell that she just kissed someone a minute ago.

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