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Ariana C.


On her first day at Whitney's high school, she finds her so called 'PRINCE CHARMING'. Crazy, right? That's just how she is. Who is she? Her name is BRILLIE STARR Actually the most craziest girl you would never want to mess with. You will get to know much about her on the first chapter. And who's her so called 'PRINCE CHARMING'? He's ACE SANCHEZ. The most handsome and dashing dude ever, he might be grumpy and arrogant but has a soft spot. Their first meeting started on rough page cos of Brillie's craziness. Pretty bad, right? Yeah. Grab your seatbelts, let's take a ride through the story.

Chapter 1 First day of school

Brillie's pov

I'm Brillie Starr, obviously the most craziest girl you've ever met or rather seen. I'm eighteen and the only child of my parents.

That's all for now.

It's my first day at Whitney's College and l'm pretty late. I ran as fast as my legs could carry to school.

I stood before the big gate sweating profusely and wiped balls of sweats outta my face.

I opened the gate and saw students hovering around. I actually thought l was late but l'm not, class hasn't even commenced yet.

My eyes moved to the building and l marvelled at the large school, I'm sure mama and papa must have worked so hard to place me in such a large school.

I think l will just have to find my class now. I brought out my map, gazing through it while walking.

I bumped into someone and brought down the map to apologise.

"I'm ... "

"Are you blind? Can't you watch where you are going? "She interrupted brutally and l grunted clenching my fist.

"Bi .. "

"Hold it right there swine! It'll better if you shut that gutter you call a mouth "I said with a scowl on my face.

I stared at her face and quivered.

"Geez ... You look more like a clown. I don't why some girls try to look beautiful when they are actually not "I uttered and walked away while the students laughed.

Now to find my class, I opened the map and bumped into someone again.

"What the hell ... "

"Omg! He looks so handsome, more like an angel "I thought, drooling not knowing l was actually saying it out.

"Crazy "he huffed and walked away.

"Yikes Brillie. You are such an asshole, do you always have to embarrass yourself "I thought and rubbed my palm down my face.

But he's really handsome and l think by bumping into him, we are destined for each other .

Oh mom and dad, thank you for placing me in this school cos l've just found my prince charming.

I grinned, opening the map and found my class.

Finding my prince charming just made my day good than ever!!.

Arya's pov

"What just happened? " My friend queried in a mocking tone as l fumed.

"The new girl called Arya a clown "The other girl giggled and l shot her a deadly stare.

"That wench just invited trouble for herself. I'm so gonna make her stay here hell ,"l grouched and turned to look at my friends who had evil smiles on their faces.

Brillie's pov

I placed my books in my locker and was about closing it when it fell.

I bent down to pick it up and someone stepped on my fingers.

"Ouch! "

I groaned loudly and stood up.

I looked up and saw the clown.

"So sorry "

She mocked and walked away.

"Bitch "

I cussed and sucked on my hurt fingers.

I bent down to pick the book when someone stepped on my fingers again and l fumed.

"You coward, l stepped on ... "

I stopped dead on my words as l looked up and saw him.

Ace's pov

She stopped talking the moment she looked up and saw me.

"Sorry for yelling. I thought you were someone else "She smiled.

But l thought l stepped on her, how come she's smiling?

"I'm obviously talking to my prince charming "l heard her say inaudibly and l furrowed my brows.

What did she just call me? ... Her prince charming, certainly not me.

"You know what? You are crazy "I grouched, irritably.

"I know "

Geez ... I've never seen such a crazy girl in my whole life. I shook my head and walked away.

Brillie's pov

Jeez ... Why is he always getting angry? He's kinda rude.

But l must admit, he's cute. You know, there's something I don't understand.

Why is it that cute guys got to get bad traits

Grumpy ✓

Rude ✓

Arrogant ✓




They are none of those.


Arya's pov

"Arya, Believe it or not, the new girl's steal your crush "she said and l huffed


"You've been trying to get his attention but he doesn't spare you a glance. But on her first day, she's already talking to me "..

"That's gonna be for a matter of time "l smirked

"But l must say she's really cute and they look good together "she said and l shot her a deadly stare

"That's the truth, you've gotta accept it!!! "..

Brillie's pov

I'm gonna find out his name and everything about him. I stepped into the class and met him sitting

Wooow! We are in the exact same class. Isn't that amazing?

I found an empty seat just before him and l sat down there

"Hey ... The guy sitting behind, what's his name? "I asked the blonde hair girl sitting beside me

"Oh ... That's Ace " she said and my eyes widened in excitement

Nice name!

"Who's he? "

I asked

"His dad owns this college "

She said

"You've got a crush on him? "She suddenly asked and l shook my head

"I'd suggest you don't cos Arya also has a crush on him " she said

"Who the hell has a crush on my prince charming? "I thought, fuming but kept my cool

"Who's this Arya? "

I asked

Just then, the door squeaked open and the wench walked in

"Her "

"So she's Arya? "

I smirked

Arya's pov

She's sitting before Ace and l certainly can't allow her sit there

I walked to the spot as she glared at me

"That's my seat you are sitting on "

I grouched and she hissed loudly

"Does it have your name on it? "

She ridiculed and the students laughed

I felt really embarrass but that wouldn't stop me from giving her a taste of her own medicine.

I held the chair and swing it making her fall on the bare floor and l sat down.

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