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Alpha Fiama [The Forsaken Wolf]

Alpha Fiama [The Forsaken Wolf]

Niharika Nafisa


One in a thousand or a million wolves gets the blessing of having a second chance mate. Fiama was one of them. Despite being an Alpha she was declared a rogue for rejecting Alpha Aren and attacking him for his own deed. Three years later, she was the Alpha of her own pack after getting adopted by a childless couple. Moon Goddess seemed to be furious at her for whatever she did years back. That was why she was mated to a weak human being. However, she was unaware of the fact that she was blessed with the strongest creature with everything she wanted. What happened when she was torn between whether to consider it as a curse or a blessing?

Chapter 1 Prologue

Alpha Fiama

“Alpha Aren Stuart, I break the bond that is connecting us”, I growled in pain and anger. My wolf Zendaya who was already furious along with the wrenching soul she bled hollers inside me.

I rejected my mate Alpha Aren, the most dominant Alpha of my pack whom no she-wolf could ever resist. That was what I was told when I was introduced to him. Back then, I didn’t know that I would have different thoughts than all the she-wolves.

A big howl escaping from Aren’s mouth hit my ears when I was struggling to stand up. My eyes froze on his 6’11" tall body structure with coarse muscles and his green eyes turning into their deepest shade.

“You’re rejecting me? Your mate? The Alpha Aren? Do you even realise what you are doing?”, he grunted, wheezing with the evidence of his wide chest going up to down.

“You heard it right”, I muffled, enclosing immense pain from my face which was churning me inside after severing the bond with my mate.

“What are you up to? He is our mate”, Zendaya spoke, confused with my actions. I was fighting with my wolf the whole time during the process. However, the part of me wasn’t ready to accept Alpha Aren.

“I have rejected you and now there’s no bond between us”, I managed to get up and rush towards the door, unfortunate to get caught by him again. His long heavy arms surrounded me from behind and he clutched my cheeks, digging his sharp fingers into my tender skin.

“How dare you to do that?”, he husked near my ears. “You’re mine, Fiama. And from now onwards, you’re not uttering the words to leave me. Bond me again,” he ordered me.

“Didn’t you hear me, Alpha Aren? I have already rejected you. After your so-called warning, I’m not gonna change my decision. I’m Alpha Fiama, the one who sticks to her words and also knows her worth”

Using all the strength of my body, I pushed him a foot away from me and turned back. His eyes shot up, sensing my strength. I was a trained Alpha, drilled and tutored by the master of my father and brother. I was born as an Alpha female, opposing the ritual to be submissive to my mate.

“Don’t try to use your strength to stop me, Alpha Aren. You would’ve got the taste of my strength a few hours back, but I should praise my patience that I could hold it until you crossed all the limits. Never force me to get back to you,” I spat, reaching the door of his massive room. He kept gazing at me with his stern eyes, balling his fists. I could sense a massive storm behind his silence.

Without wasting a moment in his room, I walked away. Tears streamed down through my cheeks in pain, anger and humiliation. It was the most awaited day for me, the coronation of the Blue Moon pack where I was about to find my mate. It was a warm wait for all the she-wolves until their eighteenth birthday, which I just had a few days back. I was excited to find my mate, determined to have a deep bond with him, love him and spend my entire life. I wouldn’t deny that I didn’t love him, but only for a few minutes. Though I knew my wolf Zendaya was still struggling to get him, I wasn’t ready to do that.

“What have you done? You shouldn’t do it. We need to compromise for our mates sometimes,” Zendaya screamed at me.

“It seems to be silly, but it is not. All those tiny issues become a burden at a certain point. And I’m not ready to accept such an asshole as my mate,” I spat.

“You have lost it”, Zendaya kept fighting with me.

However, the wolf part of me could never understand the emotions of my human part. I couldn’t stand that man at all after what he did with me.

From my childhood, I was a determined wolf; I knew my goals; I knew what I wanted. The ability of my vision and sense had always supported me to choose the right thing. I believed in living in present with my mate who would know my worth and respect me with all his heart. That was how an Alpha man should treat his mate. Breaking my dreams made of air Alpha Aren crossed all the limits by humiliating me and controlling me on the day of our meeting.

I was excited about the coronation and preparing for it for the past few weeks. In no time after entering the coronation, I sensed the existence of my mate, which dragged me towards Alpha Aren. He was also searching for me. I became so pleased and hopeful after knowing that I was the mate of Alpha Aren on whom I had a childhood crush. Most of my teenage phase had spent in training camp and I had already overcome Alpha Aren who was my senior in the school. However, I fell for him again after knowing I was bound to him. We chatted for the first time today. I was scared; I was nervous.

My mother always said I had the minimal quality of a female. She meant my behaviour and qualities. I was hardly shy, always denying what I didn’t like, not ready to sacrifice and tolerate wrong things while weeping. Although my mother never complained about that, she just told me the fact.

But I was shy and nervous for the first time to talk with a man. Our conversation started well. Hence, soon I realized something weird. It wasn’t weird actually, since it can be the hottest and sexiest things to those she-wolves who were crushing on Alpha Aren. He wasn’t allowing me to talk to anybody in the coronation, not even with my best friend Elson, the beta of my pack.

Elson and I knew each other from preschool. We were more like siblings than friends. I tried to take it as Aren’s possession, however; it kept getting horrible with every passing second. Aren wanted to bite me right then and mate me. I wanted to take a few hours or days before taking the big step. He kept pressurizing me as we ended up in his room.

My wolf Zendaya continued to explain things to me. However, until then Alpha Aren left a dark impression of him on my sanity. He was beyond controlling and wanted me to submit without caring about my words. I escaped from his room after a silly conflict and I thought things would go smooth gradually.

To my shock, when I was talking to Elson again, he used his full force to cage me and bring me back to his room. He warned me to stay away from Elson and all the other wolves, even from my brother Zephyr. Claiming his rights on me, he handcuffed me inside his room just because I let him do it.

I was holding my patience to know how far he could go, how worst he can be. He blamed me for chatting with another man when he was around me. But I was more excited to spend time with him. He forced me to run away from him. He asked nothing about me, nor he was interested in knowing me. I felt like he was trying to convert me into his desired version and mating me. I couldn’t stay with the one who didn’t care about me and my thoughts at all and showed his true colours on the first day.

“You could wait for things to get worked,” Zendaya spat again.

“Argh! Will you please keep quiet?”, I told her.

“What’s the gain? You don’t have any idea what you have just done. You rejected one of the most fierce Alphas in the world,” she said.

“So? Am I also not an Alpha? Do you want me to fear him?”, I yelled at her while running down the stairs.

“But he is Alpha Aren. He won’t take this rejection lightly,” she said.

“Let him do what he wants”, I shut her down and came to the ballroom when Elson caught up.

“Hey, you okay? It seemed like there was some issue between you and Alpha Aren”, he asked in a suspicious tone. “Come on! Don’t let your grumpiness come between the romance”, he giggled as I shot him a glare.

“Shut up, Elson. I just rejected him”, I yelped.

“What?”, I heard a triple-layered voice and looked around, finding Elson’s mate Vienna and my sister Mayami gaping at me along with Elson. They didn’t expect the sudden explosion.

“What....are... Fia!”, Mayami could not find words. Elson and Vienna didn’t utter a single word for a few seconds.

“And now I don’t wanna stay here. Enjoy!”, I strived to go back when Vienna held my arm.

“Are you serious? Did you just dump Alpha Aren?”, she exclaimed. I wondered why all of them were so terrified, more than shocked. Even I was also aware of Alpha Aren’s capability and the reason everyone used to be afraid of him. Besides, I knew that I also held the capability of Alpha Aren, it did not scare me since I knew my ability.

“What happened?”, mom’s voice echoed behind me as I enlarged my eyes to them, signing them to keep quiet.

I whirled to mom and passed her a mild smile. “Hey, mom. Did you eat something?”.

“First tell me where have you been? Alpha Aren is nowhere to be shown too. Is everything alright? Did you behave?”, my mother had an outstanding quality of panicking and I couldn’t blame her for that. She knew I was short-tempered and dominating. And it was tough for people to get along with me. In that carbonation when I told her that Alpha Aren was my mate, she almost fainted in distress since Alpha Aren shared a dark past with us.

My stepbrother who was the son of my father’s first mate was defeated by Alpha Aren. He was the Alpha of this pack before Aren, but he had to leave us because he couldn’t bear the shame of defeat. My father died before my stepbrother lost the battle. That was the secret of my existence. I was an Alpha because my father was one.

“I think we should behave with those who deserve that”, I mumbled.

“What?”, mom exclaimed. “What do you mean?”

I wouldn’t indict mom for being nervous all the time. She feared Alpha Aren like every wolf of this pack.

“Relax, mom. Everything is fine”, I gave a squeeze to her hand.

“Lie! Lie as much as you can”, Zendaya mocked at me.

“Will you please shut up for a while now? I know you are crushing over Alpha Aren. But he is a jerk. Sorry, I can’t accept him as my mate. You should accept that too”, I blurted out at her. She would give me hard times, I knew. My wolf was suppressing all the anger inside her to blast at the right moment.

“Snap her”, a large howl pinned into my ears as I looked back. The beta and the gamma of Alpha Aren drew the attention of all the wolves who attended the coronation.

That sudden encounter did not surprise me since I was expecting something like that to happen. Their verdant eyes flashed upon me as if I was the rotten egg of the pack.

“Snap? But why?”, mom panicked.

“Mom!”, I immediately held her hand and glared at her. “Don’t utter a word and please don’t defend me if anything happens”

I knew what was coming for me and I didn’t want mom to be involved in this mess that I created for me and my family.

“What’s going on?”, Zephyr came hearing all the noise and I shot him a glare too. He understood the meaning of me scowling at him and shut his mouth immediately. None of my friends actually dared to speak too, nor I wanted them to speak in this matter.

“She had made a huge crime”, Alpha Aren’s heavy voice echoed against the wall, shuddering all the wolves at their places.

I looked straight into his eyes as he walked into me. Earlier, I was interested in observing his body postures and how he looked. Later on, I had no interest left in him.

Without pausing for a second, he stood half a foot away from me and tore his shirt while releasing a big howl that felt like an earthquake. The crowd hung back at their respective places, witnessing the big red spot on Aren’s torso. I had pushed him using all my strength which led him to cause that wound. A smirk appeared on my face, boosting the level of his anger.

“How dare you to attack the Alpha King? How dare you reject the Alpha Aren Stuart?”, his declaration was another bomb for the bunch of guests in the ballroom. I clutched mom’s hand without looking at her so that she could keep her calm.

“I’m Alpha Fiama Henry Case. And I have the full right to reject my mate if I feel he doesn’t deserve me. Besides, I also may smack his ass off if he tries to misbehave with me”, I screamed at the peak of my voice. My eyes were still on him, yet I could sense the awe among the crowd. None in this pack could ever dare to raise the voice on Alpha Aren. And I did that.

It could be my stupidity, but I knew the result would be the same even if I stayed silent.

“This arrogance! You’re proud of your strength, no? Let me show you where you stand. Let your arrogance churn you into pieces so-called Alpha Fiama. I, Alpha Aren Stuart disown you from this pack”, he released a tremendous howl as I closed my eyes.

My life completely changed in just ten minutes. I rejected my mate, who was the one I admired without knowing who he actually was. My pack disowned me. I had no choice left except for leaving my loving family and friends behind. Closing my eyes, I could only see the darkness that I was going to embrace even if I had my eyes opened.


“Even if he hadn’t thrown me out, I would still have left the pack, mom”, I hugged her tight, letting my tears stream down. She was continuously sobbing.

“You didn’t need to do that. How will we live without you? Please let us come with you”, she kept whimpering, but I knew that my life as a rogue wouldn’t be so easy afterwards and I couldn’t drag them with me.

“Fia, please”, Zephyr held my shoulder as I stabled myself. “Fia, it’ll be tough for you. Try to understand. Alpha Aren has declared you as a rogue. No pack is gonna accept you after this. Your life will be miserable. Please mate him. I have full faith in you. You’ll definitely turn the tables and demolish his flaws, ”

“I can accept the miserable life, Zephyr. But I can’t compromise with my dignity, my existence. Most importantly, I’m not born to deal with his flaws. I’m the daughter of the former Alpha king. I would hold the exact dominance that Alpha Aren holds. But he would end up treating me like trash. Moon Goddess has blessed me with the rarest boon, Zephyr. I can sense what is coming for me. And Alpha Aren was nothing but toxic for me. He would wash off my existence, I can feel that”

My instincts never went wrong. I had the special boon with me from the age of twelve. My strong presumption hit me always, and I knew the outcome. I couldn’t waste my time being the slave of a jerk when I had many more things to do.

“You are always so stubborn”, mom yelled at me abruptly. “When will you learn to compromise? Things will never be easy for you with this attitude”

“Never”, I mumbled.

I knew she was scared for me and it was her concern. After dad, she loved me the most when I was going far away from her. I could never understand the formula of compromise. Neither my brother nor Alpha Aren ever asked for doing it. To the surprise, Alpha Aren was famous for this kind of attitude and all the she-wolves found it sexiest. Why didn’t they come and lick his feet the entire life?

Mom had no words to reply to me. She kept calm and looked at me with her calm damp eyes.


I left my pack that night. Through the deep forest, I was trotting like a psychopath. My wolf was never so furious before. I knew Zendaya was holding herself for the right time. There she was. The grief of losing the mate wasn’t so easy to handle. It was a little easy for me because I had a human side. But my wolf had no clue about the emotions that I had as a human, a woman.

My breath caught up, my heart burnt in the fire of severing the bond. Somewhere, I had disappointed the moon goddess by rejecting my mate. I was waiting for the curse, the punishment or anything for doing that.

“Are you done venting all the anger?”, I gasped, holding the tree beside me while huffing.

“Almost. So, you’re a rogue now”, Zendaya questioned.

“No one can change the blood that is flowing inside me, nor anyone can snatch my hard work of last ten years. I’m an Alpha. And I’ll always be the one. Just a stupid rejection can’t change it”, I told her.

“But this universe won’t play its game according to you. You’re a lone wolf without a mate. We are nothing but failures to our pack”, she said, disappointed.

“Time will tell. Now let’s move towards the Crystal Blue Pack. I heard the Alpha king of that pack is kind enough and he is not afraid of any ruthless Alpha, let alone Alpha Aren. I’m sure I won’t face any problem with staying there”, I chuckled.

“Hope so”, Zendaya replied.

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Alpha Fiama [The Forsaken Wolf]

Chapter 1 Prologue
