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                     Ages Of Darkness

Ages Of Darkness

Milly Max


The future of the world hangs in a balance, relying on a man shoulders. A brave, skillful and powerful warrior who doesn't know who he is yet. And the destruction of the world,lies in the a ruthless prince who will try to obtain power with force A great battle of supremacy between light and Darkness

Chapter 1 Episode 1

The soldiers of cloud city fell on their knees, right hands on their chest as soon as the queen approaches.

Zoire walks majestically,as the trail of her seems to move endlessly at her back.The gown was made with pure gold lava,with the breast plate decorated with bronze metal that pressed her breast tightly to her

With a liquid silk covering her shoulders to wrist of her hands.

Her gray hairs were graciously tucked in behind her ears,down to her waist.Leaving some strands of hair dangling in front of her face.Her hairs, seems in silver as the rays of the sun shine on them.

Her eyes were transculent sea blue,as her pupils little green in them.She had a pointed and her plump lips which seems to fit perfectly well in her oblonge face

Indeed the queen looks like a goddess, except for the betrayal of her gray hairs which shows that she had aged gracefully.

Behind her followed the two princes of cloud city.Darl and Erimense.Both of them were heavily built , skillful and handsome except for the colour of their hairs.

Darl, whose hairs were blond, took after his mother except for his cold,rude and arrogant behavior.They clearly reflected on his face,as he looked down on the people as if they were flies he would like to dispose and get over with quickly.

Erimense on the other hand,had a thick black hair,as the seems to cover his face.His aura seems to command confidence,as he gave the people a masked smile.

Behind the princes, were the councillors of Cloud city.

The people hailed the name of the queen,as she took her seat on the throne while the two princes,took their places by standing beside her.Their hands on the tilt of their sword

One of the counsillors whose name is Omaha,rose to address the people.After calming them down ,he started his speech.

"Good people of Cloud city,the Fairess has announced that the duel will begin in two weeks..........................".

Immediately this, they interrupted Omaha and began cheering."Hail her Majesty of Cloud city".They continue hailing the name of the queen.

Omaha raised his hands to make the people quiet, before he continued."The celebration of the new moon festival is starting tonight.Everybody is relieved from their duties except for the soldiers and workers, working in

in the palace.But there will be handsome packages for them too.And on the day of the new moon,the princes will show their skills in battling fost and Zrr'ssk".

Omaha said smiling as he went to kowtow before the and then to his seat.

Darl wrapped his hands tightly on the tilt of his sword, boiling with rage.Why had Mother done this,he was the rightful heir to the throne.Why would she include in the duel meant for the royal blood.He thought,his head shaking furiously.

"Darl"Erimense said.

Darl scowled at Erimense."What"

Erimense looked at Darl and sighs."You're about to unsheath your sword".

Darl was shocked,he wasn't aware of his own actions.He sheathed his sword as his gaze went back to the people hailing the queen.

It was already noon.Darl storms into the queen 's chamber and barked at his mother.

"Mother I want to........................"

The queen raised his finger to shut him up.

"Darl,I think that it is high time you learned some etiquette and some courtesy.You cannot just storm Into my chamber except you are being summoned to my presence.Is that clear"?. Zoire replied in a cold tone.

"Yes mother".Darl gritted the words through his teeth.

"Now go on son, you said you wanted to see me"Zoire said,as she wasn't looking at him.She was busy stroking the fur of her favorite pet Tyra.

Darl looked at the pet with so much hatred, that he like thrusting his sword to her throat slitting them apart.As if Tyra could read his mind,she forced herself into Zoire sleeves.Darl grinned as his gaze went back to his mother.

"Why did you include Erimense to the duel Mother".Darl asked as his brows furrowed into frowns.

Zoire was caught by surprise as she gave him glance.Her pupils dilated from green to transculent blue.

"Why wouldn't I, Erimense is also a prince of Cloud city so he cannot be denied". Zoire answered.

"The duel is meant for royal blood mother". Darl snarled at his mother.

"Oh,is Erimense not of a royal blood"?. Zoire ask not looking at him.

Darl was enraged."Do not pretend as if you don't know what I'm talking about Mother".

"What are you talking about son". Zoire asked.

Just then,Darl growled at his mother."We all know that Erimense was adopted.He is not of a royal blood.

Zoire was shocked by what Darl said."Who told you that Darl".She said standing up to face him.

"Oh mother,I have known since I was twelve.I heard,it when you were discussing it with your most trusted councillor Jemy.Mother..........

Zoire suddenly became angry.

"Enough of your foolish talks Darl,either you like or not, Erimense will be partaking in that duel and there is nothing you can do about it". Zoire said with a cold tone.

Darl shook his head and sneared."Mother,I still find it difficult why you can be so gruesome..................

Zoire thundered."Enough Darl, you dare talk to me in this manner".She fold her hands hands into fist."I make you pay for disrespecting me,you foolish child".

She said as she stretched,a bluish energy gathered into her hands as she stretched them forward.

Darl gasped for breathe,his hands around his neck.Hia eyes widens in shock.

"Please........ Mother".He managed to force the words out.

Immediately , Zoire brought his hands the purple flames glowing in her hands were all gone.Darl fell on the floor gasping for breathe to hungry lungs, coughing,hears ringing.He was bleeding from his mouth,ears,eyes nose and mouth.

"Thanks Mother".He said.

"Don't you dare disrespect me again Darl.I am your mother,I birthed you. I'm still the queen of cloud city".She said as she sat on her golden couch again.

"Yes Mother".Darl replied,ad he struggled to get to his feet.

"Now get out of my sight". Zoire said in chilling tone.

Darl kowtowed,and left.


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