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Never Letting You Go

Never Letting You Go



It sounds impossible It sounds awkward She is deaf He is blind Is their love possible? It truly is impossible but how are they going to scale through ? She is a very popular and a loved celebrity (artiste) She got an angelic voice and a really beautiful face that got guys tripping but as the saying goes, ..’everybody have their our own flaw .she looks flawless but she is actually deaf ‘unable to hear ‘. She was born deaf .since childhood ,she have always loved singing even though she doesn’t know how awesome her voice is .Her parent urged her to go into singing and she got a lots of fans easily . She got no friends .She have always been an introvert but she got only one friend who unfortunately left her at the wrong time and ever since then ,she have been lonely . 💙He is perfect.💙 Handsome ? Check ✅ Kind ?Check ✅ Lovable and carefree attitude?Check ✅ He got his own flaw too and wasn’t really perfect . Circumstances led into circumstances and his sight got badly damaged leaving him blind . He stays with an old couple whom he knows nothing about . He was always indoor ,He doesn’t have any friends again . Who would want to be friends with a blind person ? The story took a drastic turn when he was listening to radio a particular day and a female voice started playing . The voice sounds familiar and he was fast to recognize it .It was the voice of someone important .The voice of the girl he missed .The voice of the girl he yearned to touch again .The girl he would do anything just to see her again . He baldy wants to see her again but it seems impossible . Circumstances led into circumstances and he met her but unfortunately can’t see her . But problems sets in when she doesn’t want to see him . She hates him .But why ? Would he regain his sight and see the angel ? Will they fall in love despite their condition ? Most importantly,Is she going to be deaf forever ? What happens when more and more problems set in and things got more complicated and heated ? The answers are hidden in this amazing book !! Watch out in this suspense filled novel as drama keeps on unfolding. You don’t wanna miss this ! (C)Authoress Adams ✍️

Chapter 1 THE NEW GUY

♥️CHAPTER 1♥️ The students chattered loudly as the home room teacher is yet to arrive . Kizzy and flora were are at a corner discussing their usual girl talk . “So he was like ‘can we go out ?..’in public and I only hissed and walked away “Kizzy laughed . “Ha!.....i totally killed him ,am sure he will wish the ground should swallow him .A lot of people were there but am happy I was able to embarrass him “Kizzy added . “That was harsh .Nick is a good guy “Flora said thoughtfully .

“I know but he is too ugly gosh !.I can ever go out with him talk-less of dating him .Just looking at him is enough to give me sleepless night “ “You are exaggerating Kizzy .He is not that bad “Flora commented glancing at nick who is sitted at the far end of the classroom scribbling something on his notebook . “Yeah ,He is not so bad ,then go ahead and date him “Kizzy said following her eyes . “He is in love with you not me “Flora commented and looked at Nick and her own words hurt her . ....”Though I wish he is in love with me “Flora muttered inaudibly to herself . “He should go find ugly girls like him not me “Kizzy chuckled . Kizzy is no doubt a very beautiful girl .With short wavy hair and an incredible hot face that got guys drooling ,She is sure one of the most beautiful girl in the school . Kizzy have only one friend ,Flora .She believes having a lot of friends is the beginning of doom so she only stick with flora . The home room teacher entered ...Miss Doris .She is the new home room teacher as the previous one is on maternity leave . The students greeted her and she only nodded keeping a strict face . “My name is miss Doris and am your new home room teacher .”She said glancing at them all with a mean look . It was obvious she wasn’t happy being there . She picked the register and started calling out names and marking the students present . “I hate her already ...She looks really mean “Flora whispered to Kizzy . “Me too “Kizzy whispered but Miss Doris heard her and glared at her but said nothing . Kizzy gulped down nothing and face her desk . Miss Doris was halfway through the names when a girl rushed in but stopped on her track when she saw the teacher . “And who are you and what do you want ?”Miss Doris glared at the girl who just came in . “She is in this class”A student answered “Did I ask you .Can’t she talk ?”Miss Doris and the student who spoke up kept her mouth shut . “So why are you just coming now .You think because this is a public school ,You can come to school anytime you want .uh ?!” The girl said nothing and tucked her hair behind her ear as she looks at the teacher with a confused face . Silence sets in More silence and the teacher was getting angry . “Am I not talking to you !?...You know what ..,Deten....”Miss Doris sentence was cut short as the principal entered with a guy trailing behind him . The girl used the opportunity to go to her seat which is at the middle row . The students greeted t the principal and he replied them with a smile . “So you all have a new student ...His name is Ben “He said and Ben smiled . Miss Doris is now sitted as she stared angrily at the principal for interrupting her and didn’t say anything to the girl who came in late but he choose to act ignorant. The Principal told Ben to go and sit down at an empty seat which was beside ‘the girl ‘ “Hi “He said smiling but she said nothing and ignored him . “Okay that rude”He muttered to himself . “Miss Doris let me see you for a minute “The principal said and she stood up and went to where he is . The class watchs as the principal talked to Miss Doris in inaudible words and Miss Doris mouth formed an “oh “as she stared at the girl who came in late and shook her head understandably . The principal left and Miss Doris returned back to what she was doing .Calling out names . Soon enough ,She was done and she left the classroom . Kizzy smiled as she stared at the new guy . “Wow !He is cute not like ugly Nick “She told Flora and chuckled. “Stop calling Nick ugly “Flora said sadly “I don’t really fantasy lying “Kizzy laughed and stand up . “Where to ?”Flora asked “Watch ...”Kizzy winked and stood up and walked to Ben ‘s desk “Hi am Kizzy .Welcome to our school “Kizzy said with her brightest smile and both Ben and his seat mate who still haven’t said a word to him looked up at her . “Am Ben “He returned the smile. “Do you mind if I show you around ..Break period ..Perhaps” “Sure ..,I would love that “He said staring at her . Kizzy turned and went back to meet Flora. Ben turned to face his seat-mate and he caught her staring at him but she didn’t look away . “Is something wrong “He asked finding her stare too intent . She said nothing . Same silence . “Am trying to be friends but you won’t even say a word .I sure don’t want a grumpy seat mate ...”He said and she blinks but continued to look at him directly . “So what your name?”He asked but she said nothing . He was tempted to hiss but he did not .He move his gaze away from her and tried to do something else .The girl only continued to look at him and she suddenly felt sad but did not say anything. The bell rang for first period and the students started leaving the home room class. The girl on seeing the students leaving carried her bags also and also left the classroom. Ben shook his head and signed.She sure is a weird girl . “Hey Ben “He heard his name and saw Kizzy and another girl coming towards him . “Hey am Flora “She introduced “Ben “He said and they shook hands . “So what are you having first ?”Kizzy asked him . “English “ “Wow !Me too “ “Oh that cool !You can take me there then “Ben said and They left the classroom with Flora trailing behind them .She saw Nick who was also about leaving the classroom staring at Kizzy and she shook her head sadly . ✍️Authoress Adams

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