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Intwined Destiny

Intwined Destiny

Inara your Shine


Everybody's destiny is unique, from one to another. Theirs unique too,But both their destiny wasn't unique,they had same destiny together. From beginning to very end,they had and have travelling in road of same fate. This wasn't the story of a top charting idol and an Neurosurgeon. It was the story of Arthur Ezra and Aruvi. Story of two hearts finding home in each other. Two different people from two whole different worlds. They were oblivious of their Intwined Destiny until a crisis brought them together. Read more to know about their unusual story written,staged and directed by frost,their Guardian Angel bestowed with curse to protect these twinflamed souls. Love hurts, but the medicine for that hurt is love again.

Chapter 1 Saving him



October 28,2026. 10:43 pm


The Autumn's late night breeze slowly danced through the streets and roads belongs to one of the Stunning cites of the country .Everything was usual,where adults getting off from their overtime work and highschool kids going back to there respective homes after the never study sessions.

But not everyone's life granted to be usual and normal,atleast not everyday.

Like that,a man was lying in the middle of one of those most busiest roads of the city, in the pool of his own blood while bruises littering all over his face,jaws and neck.

He indeed having worst day of his life.

I saw him take struggled breaths,to fill oxygen in his damaged and ruptured lungs,hanging in there, as his body's reflex to keep him alive a little longer.

Half of his face was covered in blood,but the crowd around him still recognized who was he,even though he just been hit by a car and struggling to be alive.

It was Arthur Ezra, one of the most popular solo artist tops every music acedamy 's charts,with huge fan base was left unattended and bleed to death.

A familiar faced woman soon pushed past the crowd and reached the barely alive man being unattended though there were lot of people.

"Can y'all just fucking stop recording already and call the Ambulance before the person dies"

She yelled before kneeling down next to Jimin on the ground.

Not thinking twice she took off her scarf and pressed it over the wound on Arthur's head,to prevent profusely losing blood flowing from a server wound just above his left ear.

She took his wrist in her one hand and placed her other hand on his neck to see both radial and Jugular pulses.

Her eyes widen and shifting her body a little,she took out the small torch and stethoscope,she always carried it in her handbag.

As she suspected, his pupils mildly dilated and his breathing started to cease,the man was having a cardiac arrest because of blood loss and he was unconscious.

Wasting anymore a second, the woman started Cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR) on the man,who was at the entrance of his death.

Without any hesitation she gave him mouth to mouth breath in between every few chest compressions.Though there was a little worry peeking in the ends of her eyes as tears,she still performed the her well experienced life saving CPR.

That time every personal thoughts were pushed behind,that time she is a Doctor who took oath to save lives without any hesitation.

She was so concentrated to even mind an familiar ambulance pulling few feets away from her and two paramedics rushing to her sides,pulling a stretcher and oxygen cylinder along with them.

The woman signalled a paramedic to take over the CPR,as another paramedic secured the unconscious man's head injury.

She took the oxygen mask and placed it on the Arthur's .

As if their efforts and prayer being answered,a heavy painful breath erupted through Arthur's lips and unconsciously he placed a weak hold on the woman's hands.

Their eyes met for a brief moment and something cold slipped into the woman's hand from Arthur's,as his eyes again closed.

Confirming an steady rhythm of pulse, Arthur was lifted and placed on the stretcher before hurriedly dragged towards the ambulance.

Her eyes widen at what was in her hand,pushing the question clouding her mind, she shortly followed behind them,entering inside the ambulance she connected every life stabilizing wires to barely made it through Arthur and glanced out to see the police controlling the crowd from getting near to the ambulance.

She was too preoccupied before that she didn't even notice the police's arrival.

After instructing the paramedics to handle Arthur's condition cautiously,she got off the ambulance and signalled them to go.

She stood looking at the Ambulance of the hospital she was working in, driving past the crowd,howling it's siren in middle of an eventful night.

That time, little did she guessed that this is not the end,but beginning of something endless.

Aruvi stood there, unaware of commotion of people around her,as her Mind played visions of vulnerable state of Arthur's on and on, as her hand clutched the familiar ring that Arthur slipped in her hand.

She stood there, as if confused about how did he got it and what was happening around her.

I couldn't help but smirk at my accomplishment of colliding the targeted people's lives.

This game just started.

3rd person's pov.


October 28,2026. 12:38 am.


There was no emotion passed through Aruvi's face,except horror,confusion and hurt.Her life was normal,well atleast seemed barely normal till just few hours ago.

But how did she end up saving someone's life,who was one she once treasured more than anyone.

The reason she could survive all those hardships and hurts thrown at her, during her late teens.Because someone always stayed highest in her heart even though she stopped knowing about them.

Aruvi is not an Arthur's fangirl like she used to be,there was no particular reason, just her life kept her too busy to think about anything other than studies, career and most importantly freedom.

Struggles of an

After going through so much in her late teens and early 20's,now being one of the best and youngest physicians specialized in Neurosurgery,her life didn't seemed less miserable than before.

Within 10 years of her studies and career life,she took round of the whole world and finally settled in this city's one of the top 3 hospitals.

foreign lands always fascinated her and this particular city where her idol and role model born and brought up,but sadly she already have stopped being a fangirl of Arthur when she arrived here.

But she realized that her love and adoration towards him didn't even changed a bit.

But everything was too confusing and scaring to her,that how Arthur returned her ring, that,she thought to be went missed in the park she was in an hour ago.

There were 3 questions in her head that pestered her endlessly,

But how did he know that it was mine?.

Why did that yoga class grandma gave me this ring suddenly this morning and it suddenly slipped of my finger and went missing?

Again it was retuned by Arthur?

As so many more questions pestering in her head, she was unaware about how she reached her house,but somehow all those commotions in her head were soon directed towards the ring in her hand.

Aruvi entered her Apartment's passcode as her eyes continuously swifted between the door keypad and the ring in her palm.

She was too intrigued in the ring that she received as a departing gift from the grandma who she befriended in their Apartment's Yoga day celebration and who happened to move away few days back.That ring seemed as a main object connecting lot of unanswered dots.

May be her body and mind are just too tired,making her think crazy things.But being someone who scared of spooky thing in her childhood,Aruvi changed a lot over years, to the point every spooky or creepy things intrigued her.

But,when she entered her home and her soul nearly left her body as her eyes caught a very familiar person roaming around her living room in his blood drenched clothes.

That person suddenly stopped what he was doing and swifted his attention towards Aruvi,who just enter her own house to see him grinning at her.

Aruvi was beyond shocked, paralyzed or whatever they call to explain her frozen state.

Arthur stood there smiling at her,but soon his smile ceased and his face showed curiosity,the next second his eyes widen and a surprised gasp left his lips.

"You can see me",Arthur stated without any doubt of what he said.

Aruvi's jaw dropped in shock.

That all took for her to scream.

She screamed.

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