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The Bride Of The Lonely Vampire

The Bride Of The Lonely Vampire



An illness caused thousands of people died when effected during the medieval era. The king was worried about his fallen kingdom, especially when his only prince got effected too with the strange illness. Therefore, in order to save his only heir, he asked for the witch's help to cure his son so he could live longer and be the most powerful man to protect his beloved kingdom from enemies. Nevertheless, he didn’t know the consequences for his son to pay with such of the eternal life which leaded him to become a vicious monster.

Chapter 1 Prologue

●Amelia Anderson●

Have you ever wondered, there were another creatures living here, on Earth with us. Perhaps, they could be your neighbours or friends, who knows...because I always curious about it all the time.

I always had bad dream whenever I fell asleep and it scared me so much eventhough the dream was always the same. Yes, I have been dreaming that scary dream over and over since three years ago.

It all happened as soon as I got back from the trip with my friends. We shouldn't have gotten there in the first place, or Dean will be still alive.

I couldn't say how sorry I was because of the bad things I said to him at his very last moment.


3 years ago,

It was after the final exam, my friends and I booked tickets to Aidrudora from NYC. Yup, Aidrudora, it is a small country situated in between of Great Britain and Spain. According to a book, it said Aidrudora kept so much historical secrets and it was supposed to be part of the Great Britain. But somehow it got separated from it, maybe because of the strange illness spread around this small country in 15th century or something, which is caused hundreds of people died, tragically.

I wondered what happened exactly that time. Somehow, some parts of the truth were erased from the history book.

It took us about 9 hours to arrive, yup a very long-tiring journey. But it worth it though. I never thought this history country could be modern and advance like this.

Just look at the airport, wow....it even have its own cinema and private hotel.

Wow....it's so mesmerising.Especially the unique design of this airport.

So I guess, this is one of the reasons why this trip is costly so much.

"So babe, how do you like this trip so far?" My boyfriend snapped me out from my thoughts as he reached me out then pulled me into his hug.

I smiled widely while looking into his brown eyes, " I love it..." then gave him a quick peck on his lips.

"Ughh...get a room guys," Rick complained while rolling his eyes then continued to push his trolley in front of us. He is Dean's best friend and kind of moody a bit this past few days as he recently broke up with his girlfriend who is coincidentally my bestfriend and also joined the trip with us.

I feel bad for them but whatever, as long as they wouldn't ruin our trip, that's all.

So we checked in to our hotel near the beach and it's not far the city. The view is so beautiful and it has chalets on water for the vip. And of course we couldn't afford it and we are staying in a suite which it has 3 bedrooms in it.

Oh I almost forgot, there are 5 of us; Rick, Dean, Raven, Claire and Me. Raven is Rick's ex girlfriend and my bestfriend since 10th grade and Claire is Dean's little sister. So there is no problem for us to share the room for 3 nights.

Rick, Claire and I went for a walk at the beach while admiring the beautiful of sunset Aidrudora. Dean said he wanted to take a nap for awhile, and Raven, well obviously she wouldn't come because Rick was accompanying me and Claire.

"Hey, smile a bit, will you," I cupped Rick's face while he was pondering alone while facing the beach. "Come on, don’t be like this, Rick." I patted gently on his right shoulder. "We are on trip, remember? We suppose to enjoy all of this..."

He sighed heavily, "Maybe you're right...I'll try to. Thanks again, Amy. You're the best."

"No problem...what's friend for, right?" I replied him with a smile curved on my lips.

Rick is really sweet guy. I feel bad for him for breaking up with my bestfriend. They were so good together, and I really hope they will get back together again.

My phone almost died and unfortunately, I forgot my powerbank at my room. The view here is so beautiful and I really don't want to miss this great opportunity to keep it as for the memories. So, I rushed back to hotel and my paces stopped right in front of Dean and Rick's bedroom.

My whole body was trembling with my heart raced fast and even faster when the moaning sound was getting louder.

Please don't do this....it can't be true.

I took a deep breath and tried to open the doorknob but another hand stopped me. I turned to my left side and look up a bit when I saw Rick's angry face.

"Let me handle this," he said through his teeth then opened the door widely, revealing Dean and Raven who were having sex. I couldn't believe Dean could cheated on me with my bestfriend. And Raven, how could she did this to me!

I fell on my knees while tearing up about what happened just now. I heard Raven was screaming when Rick entered the room and there was something hard fell on the floor. I didn't have any courage to look at those people and just went into my room and locked myself in.

Luckily, Claire wasn't here at the moment to see her stupid brother's doing.


I woke up in the morning with a lot of tissues on the bed because I spent all night crying over for that guy. I really thought he was different, but I was wrong. I walked toward the bathroom in the room, which I was lucky enough not to share it with anyone.

I really don't want anyone to see me in this kind of state, especially Raven. She might be feel proud for stealing my boyfriend from me because I was weak.

"Ughhh.....my eyes puffed up because of that jerk," I complained while looking at myself in the mirror. Great, I just waste all of my tears because of guy like him. I went into the shower and cleaned myself before decide to meet those people again.

This trip must go on, even though I am totally in pain at the moment.

I put on a sun glasses to hide my puffed eyes then went out from my room where I saw Rick, Claire and those two people were waiting for me in the living room.

Dean came closer to me with his bruises face, which I assumed he might got beaten by Rick yesterday and trying to get my sympathy. Obviously, I will never do that to him. He cheated on me, so served him right.

"I have a lot of things to explain to you," he continued and tried to hold my hands, but I swatted his dirty hands right away. "Please...hear me out."

"Fine...." I replied along with a sigh and followed him into my room. "Please be quick...I don't have the mood to hear you talking right now."

"Amy, I'm so sorry about what happened yesterday," he easily said his apology to me. How come I could just forgive him about that...ughhh I really don't want to remember what I saw yesterday. "I...I...was...."

I cut him in, "Just stop....I really don't want to hear it," I really tried my best not to cry in front of him. Luckily, I am wearing this glasses though so he couldn't see my eyes are all teary right now. "You said you wanted to wait....but you cheated on me instead, with my own bestfriend. I was planning to have it with you during this trip, but you ruined everything."

"W-wait...you do??" He seemed surprised when heard me told him that I was ready to lose my virginity with him.

"Did!" I said firmly. "Just forget it...we are done, Dean. You're a jerk just like the other guy and I was wrong to date or even thinking about having sex with stupid guy like you!"

I walked away from the room, leaving him alone in dumbfounded. Rick and Claire were waiting for me at the doorstep, maybe heard everything about Dean and I were talking about.

But whatever, I don't care. I just feel so relief for not losing my virginity with him.


So as we planned before coming to Aidrudora, we decided to visit the old abandoned castle at the Mt of Aidrudora, which is 45 minutes away from our hotel. We were in silence along the way up to the mountain and never said a word about anything.

I looked out from the SUV's window and saw the beautiful modern palace which was built not far from the old castle. It is way bigger than the old one and beautiful.

We finally arrived at the old castle and as expected it was totally abandoned. It has a bigger 'No Trespassing' sign right in front of the razor wired gate and there were no one here guard it.

I feel a little but excited for finally have a chance to visit this historical castle but somehow feel something strange about this whole thing. I mean, I really feel a bad feeling for coming here.

Maybe because I have mixed up feelings at this moment.

Dean handed me over a silver flashlight, since it will be dark in the castle. I looked around the old abandoned castle and mesmerised with its unique design. The bushes were all over and some of it blocked the way into the castle but Dean and Rick managed to clear the path to get in.

My heart started to pound hard everytime we passed the dark hallway and felt so uneasy as if like there was someone else here beside of us. Someone that was watching all of our movements.

My paces stopped at one room where a silver thing on the floor caught my eyes, when the light from my flashlight reflected to that silver thing. I was unaware that I got separated from my friends that time.

I walked closer to that silver thing and picked it up which it was happened to be an old dagger. Some part of it already rusty but still looks beautiful. It must be hundred years old.

Without thinking much, I put the dagger into my small backpack and walked away from the room. Unfortunately, I really have no idea where to go right now and where all of my friends are.

"Amy???" I heard Dean's and Rick's voice were echoing inside the castle and it started to scare me much.

This is bad....Oh God, why did I go into that room in the first place?

"Amelia?"Someone just touched my right shoulder making me screamed out loud in instant.

"For God sake, Amy, it's me..."I was so glad when saw Dean's face when the light illuminated from my flashlight straight into his bruises face.

"Come, let's go..." he suggested and even offered his hand to help me walk again.

But unfortunately, I didn't manage to grab his hand properly as there was something else snatched his hand away from me.

"N-no....no!!!! Please don't....NO!!!!!" I saw something attacked Dean in the dark. That thing moved so fast and dragged Dean into a room on my right side. Dean's screaming filled the whole building and I couldn't do nothing about it to help him.

I couldn't move at all as if like my legs were frozen. My heart pound so heart and my hands were trembling so much while holding the flashlight.

I tried to call my other friends but my voice didn't come out.

"HELP!!!" I heard Dean screamed for help once again and this time, I determined myself to walk into the room to help him.

I practically dragged both of my legs while walking towards that room direction. I heard weird noise was coming from it, making my whole body trembled so much. It was no human...definitely not human, because no human can do that noise or even move so fast like that.

"D-De-Dean...."I totally lost my ability to talk and didn't produce any sound when saying Dean's name. It was only my lips moved. My eyes widened when saw two pairs of bright red eyes in the middle of the dark room. I really wanted to scream but I totally lost my voice.

"You shouldn't have come here,"something was whispering to my eyes, and with a blink of eyes I was not in dark room anymore. Someone or something just brought me back to the castle entrance.

"Amy!!" I heard Rick called for my name and he wasn't far from me and I could even hear a whoosh sound near me as if like there was something moving away from me. "Oh God, Amy, are you okay?" Rick sounded so worried and pulled me into a hug when he saw me was trembling all over.

"Oh God, Dean," I just remembered about my boyfriend. "There was something in there....i-it attacked him, Rick...p-please...h-help him." I was so scared about what happened in that castle. Those red eyes totally frightened me. I even tried to explain to Rick while sobbing in his hug but my eyesight slowly went dark and darker by milliseconds and just like that I lost my consciousness.


To be continue...

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