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Hasan Khan is a 25 years old billionaire, he is an arrogant, heartless, rude, and also good looking man.He only love and care for his family but to the world he is a beast. He always gets what he wants and now he wants revenge from Khushi... Khushi Ali is a 23 years old beautiful,caring and very innocent girl.She lost her parents when she was 5 years old now, she is living with her uncle's family but they make her maid in her own house. They hate her from their heart...

Chapter 1 Cruel Family

Khushi P.O.V.

Hearing the Azan, I woke up and entered the washroom.

After finishing my business, I made wudhu ( ablution) and put my scarf properly on my head and star After my Namaj, I started reciting Quran. After 2 hours, I went to kitchen to make breakfast for my aunty, uncle and their daughter Maya...

While making breakfast, I was thinking about my life how everything had changed.

It has been 18 years since I lost my parents, my happiness, my only family... Uncle found me near a road and took me to his house and gave me his name...

Though they brought me to their house, they hated me dearly. I don't know why…??

"Hasn't your cooking done yet?" asked my aunty angrily from behind. “Just give me five more minutes aunty. I will set the table.” "What did you call me?" saying she slapped me hard on my cheek and said, "Call me mam. You are just a maid of this house saying this she went o ut... . Don’t forget that"

Though my cheek started burning, I quickly finished cooking and set the table and went to my room because I was not allowed to eat with them.

I always eat what they left after their eating. Entering my room, I went to my table and took my parents’ photo and started crying.

Please save me, Baba (Father). Please save me, Ma (Mother). I am breaking down. Please help me...

Hasan P.O.V

Sitting in my office, I was checking some files to make sure there was no mistake when I heard knock at the door.

When I said, "come in"

My PA enter my cabin..

"Sir here is the file and I got every information about Mr. Zahan Ali", said my PA giving me the file..

"Ok. You may go now", saying I started checking every information of the file..

Name: Zahan Ali

Wife: Mira Ali

Daughters: Maya Ali

& Khushi Ali




After reading the file, I started to make my plan..

Ms. Khushi Ali, get ready to repay for your father's misdeeds and betrayal...

Because of your father, I had a great loss. I lost my father.

Just get ready for pain.

I promise I will make your life hell and destroy your family. I will make you say good bye to your peaceful life very soon and will drag you in hell....

After finishing my work, I got into my car and went back to my home, my heaven where I have my mother and my sweet sister Fatima and her daughter Piya. They came to visit me...

In the way I brought some cake for Piya cause she loves cake.

When I knock at the door, our maid, Joya aunty opened the door and greeted me..

I asked her, "where is ma and others??"

"Sir, they are in living room", said Joya aunty..

When I entered the living room, Ma(Mother) saw me and then I greeted her..

"Assalamualaikum ma."

"Walaikum assalam beta.. how was your day?" asked my ma.

"It's fine ma", said I.

Piya came to me running and started checking my hand and bag. When she found nothing, she looked at me with her innocent eyes and asked "mama(uncle), where is my cake?" and started hitting me with her tiny hand and started crying.

I took her in my lap and gave her the cake. Seeing the cake, she became happy and kissed my cheek..

Seeing this Ma and Fatima smiled at us....

"Hasan, go and freshen up and then come to dinner, son", said Ma...

Nodding as yes, I made my way towards my room....

Khushi P.O.V

"Khushi, it is your turn to taste this world.. Our time is with Allah now..Trust him, he will guide you.. Whatever he has planned for you is best for you.." my baba said.

"Dad" I whispered. Tears rolled down my cheeks..

"You will find someone who will love you. Be patient my dear. Please trust Allah", said my ma..

I quickly wiped my tears and smiled at them but they were gone..

My eyes became wet again and darkness surrounded me again...

"Khushi, get up, you ugly girl" someone screamed near my ear..

I opened my eyes and looked up at Maya.

She was looking at me with anger.... "Get up and make dinner. Some of my friends are coming to our house at night for dinner. And don't come in front of them with your ugly veil on head", saying this she went out of my room...

A smile appeared in my face by remembering my dream.. "Baba, ma I love you.."

I really want someone to take me out of this hell...


I placed all food on the dinning table and set all other things....

Already Maya's friends came to our house by then. They were talking with each other....

Aunty gave me a tray and told me to give them...

When I am entered Maya's room, her friend asked her who I am to her....

When Maya said, that I am the maid of this house.. Her friends started insulting me...

Maya dragged me out of her room and said,"why did you come in front of them?? Shame on you...just go away..."

Tears started rolling down my cheek.. Then I came to my room and locked my door and sat facing my back towards the door and stared crying....

After some time I heard the azaan. So I went towards my bathroom and make wudhu and came out and started my prayer...

After some time I heard my uncle, calling me..

I went downstairs and saw them sitting in the living room...

"Assalamualaikum, uncle"

"Walaikum assalam " replied my uncle uninterestedly...

"I want to say you something.. I want you to sign on some paper. Here....Now sign it.."

"Uncle, what are those papers about??" I asked...

"Nothing important..now sign here..."

"But uncle, what is this??"

Then a tight slap landed at my cheek...

Tears rolled down my cheek..

I signed the papers and ran back my room...

Mr.Jahan Ali P.O.V

At last, the company and the hotel is mine now... I have been waiting for this day since 18 years...

The big brother of mine, that bastard didn't gave me anything..

That's why I killed him with his wife but his ugly bitch, daughter Khushi was escaped... I wanted to kill her that time but my lawyer said that my brother's all wealth was under his daughter Khushi's name....

That's why I let her be alive but made it look like she also died with them that time and make her my child to show the world.

So that I can take over the company and other properties...

Only my family and my lawyer know that Khushi isn't my real daughter but everyone else know that she is my own daughter...

But now she is 23 and will turn to 24 in a week and when she will turn 24, legally she will become the owner of the all properties as per the rule...

So I have made some files and forced her to signed the papers..

So finally now I became the new owner of the all wealth and company..

No one can do anything to me now...

The mansion, the company, the hotel and other properties...all are legally mine now..

So now I can kill the little bitch..Then my way will be clear...

But I wanted her to enjoy the last party that I am giving day after tomorrow in the joy of becoming the new owner...

I ordered my PA to invite all the business men and famous men in this town, especially Mr.Hasan Khan, CEO of Khan company...

Because I wanted to get him married with my daughter, Maya Ali...

Mr Khan is the number 1 business man in the country now...

If he marries my daughter, then share value of my company will become very high....

But that seems too difficult because I killed his father 5 years back..

He used to be the best friend of my big brother and he came to knew that I killed them.

He tried to inform the police. So I had to kill him...

But everyone thought that it was an accident. Even his family too thought that cause I made it to look like that...

Entering the living room, I saw my wife and beautiful daughter were sitting on the dinning table and talking while Khushi was serving them dinner.

Seeing me she greeted...

"Assalamualaikum, uncle (May Allah give you peace )"

"Walaikum assalam (May Allah also give you peace)" I said..

"The day after tomorrow we are going to hold a party in our house..." I said happily....

"Suddenly why??" asked my wife..

"Because I got the thing for which I was waiting from so long back...

And dear Maya, Mr. Khan will be here. So dress up nicely tovget his attention towards you...ok...??"

"What??? you mean, Mr. Hasan Khan, papa?? The most eligible bachelor in the country???" asked Maya..

"Yes, dear. And Khushi, you will also be attending the party. So behave yourself in front of guests and you all will go to market tomorrow and get some nice dresses..."

"Why, Papa?? She was never allowed to attend parties till now..."

"I know, dear but this time I am allowing her.." (cause that day is going to the last day of her life so let her enjoy the last day of her life) in mind....

At morning

I woke up hearing the azaan.. I don't know but I am feeling all negative today..

Like something very bad is going to happen to me.. I really feel afraid today..

Without wasting any time I went to washroom and after doing my businesses, I set hijab properly on my head and make wudhu.

Then I went to my room. Setting the payer mat, I started my prayer...

After my prayer, I fold my hands and started saying to Allah to forgive my mistakes which I made knowingly and unknowingly..And guide me in right way and keep my parents in peace...

After some time I started reciting Quran and it disappeared my all negative thoughts from mind and calmed me...

Then I went downstairs and went to kitchen and started making breakfast for all..

Today Aunty and Maya are going to shopping and I will accompany them..To my utter surprise. It is the very first time, they are taking me with them..

From last night they started showing their care for me. For the first time I had dinner with them...

Now I am feeling like a real member of this family..

They never cared for me but last night uncle and aunty started talking to me nicely...

But Maya still hates me so much. She doesn't like my existence in this family...

Soon everyone came to dining table to have breakfast.. I took the tray and went to the dining table and greeted them...

"Assalamualaikum uncle (May Allah give you peace)" I said..

"Walaikum assalam (May Allah also give you peace )" Uncle replied..

"Sit and have breakfast with us", aunty said surprising me...

"Yes aunty."

I don't know why but their care seems all fake to me and again negative thoughts started coming to my mind...

"What you are thinking??" asked aunty....

"Nothing, aunty "I said while sitting on the chair beside Maya..

She was looking at me with evil smirk. When I looked towards aunty, she also had the smirk but soon looked down and started eating her breakfast...

May be I am over thinking because after my parents death uncle and aunty took me to their house and gave me his name and made me his daughter in front of the world...

Soon our breakfast was over. Then uncle went to his company and aunty and Maya went towards their rooms..

I took the plate and went to kitchen and cleaned all...

"Be ready at 4 pm for going to shopping" said Maya standing at kitchen door..

I nodded and she went to her room....

Maya P.O.V

When papa said that Khushi will be attending the party, I became very angry cause reality is I have always felt jealous of her beauty..

When my friends saw her, they started talking about her beautiful face and I didn't like it...

So I went to papa's room and asked him again why he was allowing Khushi to attend the party..

Then papa said something which gave me the boundless joy and mom also became happy cause she also didn't like her...

That's why papa told us to behave with her normally. Cause as now she is a guest of only few days...

Just how poor she is!!!!

I think today is my lucky day. At first Mr. Hasan Khan will be here and secondly that bitch will be gone shortly...

I have to select a modern short dress to impress him.. Already I failed to trap Mr. Jubayer Ahmed..

The bastard chose a ugly hijabi girl over me..

So this time if anyone come in my way, I will surely kill her...

Mr. Hasan Khan is all mine....

Khushi P.O.V

After finishing my prayer, I folded the prayer mat and kept it in its own place..

It's 4.00 pm now.. I have 30 minutes to get ready...

I took out a simple long dress and wore this..The dress covered me fully...

I have always liked this type of dress but Maya is opposite of me. She has always liked short dresses which hardly cover her..

After that I took my hijab and put this properly on my head and put my dupatta and went downstairs...

Already aunty and Maya were sitting there. Seeing me, they stood up and made their way towards door. I was silently following them..

As expected, Maya wore a short dress but I have no right to say in this matter..

Once I said her but she insulted me and aunty slapped me saying, I have no sense about fashion...

They suddenly stopped in their way to car and looked at me...

"My friends want to accompany me so we can't take you in car...

Here is some money. Keep this and come to market", saying this, they hopped in car and drove away...

I stayed there being shocked and hurt but I have no way...

I took a taxi but the money she gave me was not sufficient to go to market. I had to walk for some time...

When I reached the place, I got down and paid the driver and started walking...

While walking, I saw a very beautiful and expensive car in the road side and its hood was open. It seemed like something was wrong with the car...

I went towards the car and started checking the problem. After finding the problem, I started fixing it. I had experiences in fixing cars.. When I was in university, I used to work at a mechanic shop for money.. But now I have the full free studentship and I will finish my course in mechanical engineering this year...

When I finished repairing the car, someone started shouting from behind..

"Hey, who are you??"

"What are you doing near my car??"

Hearing the voice, I ran away without turning back. May be he is the owner of this car..Must be he thought I was stealing something...

After I reached the market, I found Maya and Aunty. They were busy at choosing dresses..

I went near them. They looked at me but said nothing. Then I started choosing dress. After sometime I found a black long dress..

The dress was looking so beautiful. So I took it and went to try this and it fitted me perfectly. So I gave the dress to one of the sales girl and told her to pack the dress. She nodded and went..

After full 3 hours they finally selected their dresses and told the sales girl to pack those dresses...

After paying the price, we came back home and this time they let me come with them...

When we returned home, it was the time of Magrib azan.. So I made wudhu ( ablution) and after azan I started my prayer...

"No need to cook for tonight. Already mom ordered food from hotel" said Maya standing at the kitchen door when I was about to cook dinner...

I looked at her and nodded.. She was about to go away but she turned towards me and said evilly, "rest for the last time, you nerd"...

"What do you mean??" I asked....

"Nothing. Tomorrow is the party so you have to do a lot of works. So rest now" saying she went out...

After I had my dinner, I came to my room. Suddenly my heart started beating very fast. I became afraid, my hands started shaking and negative thoughts started coming to my mind again...

I felt something really bad was going to happen...

"Allan save me", saying this I went to sleep...

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