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Ending September

Ending September

Chrisade Dee


Billionaire's Lair #1 September Thorne is the most influential billionaire in the city. He's known as "The Manipulator", other tycoons are shivering in fright every time they hear his name. Doing business with him is a dream come true but getting on his bad side means the end of your business and the start of your living nightmare. But nobody knows that behind this great manipulator is a man struggling and striving to get through his wife's cold heart. Will this woman help him soar higher or will she be the one to end September?

Chapter 1 How it started

The room was too quiet and was filled with too much tension. September Thorne sat as he keeps on tapping his finger on his lap. He's waiting for the culprit to finally show himself right before he acts on it. This is his only way of giving chances to those who had enough courage to break his rules and play cat and mouse under his nose.

"Come on, still won't admit? Shall I drop your name then?" he asked no one in particular.

Everybody on the long gray table exchange scolding looks with one another.

Who the hell offended this big shot? Everyone was suspicious of one another, they just wanted this torture to be over. They've been here for quite long already and yet, September just patiently waits for that someone to man up to his own mess!

September Thorne is a name to be feared and complimented in the whole city.

At a very young age, he was able to beat old and experienced businessmen. His empire just keeps on growing and growing as time goes by. He's just plainly unstoppable. It was like someone handed him a dull and rusty knife and now he was able to use this as a sharp and fear-consuming sword.

He can just take down any business around the city, and almost everyone was aware that his connection outside the boundaries of the city also should never be underestimated.

"I'll count. Ten counts, and if you won't voluntarily show yourself, there's no way I'll leave you with any leeway after this."

The board members then started to shiver in fright. They were almost ready to toss anyone in front of the man with an angelic face but a demonic mind.

"Ten," he started as he solely focuses on tapping his finger, this time at the top of the table. The sound he was making are not helping to ease up the tension among the members.




"Six," by the time September counted up to four, the already panicking board members almost stop breathing.

"Two," September's head rose and his gaze fell directly at the guy who was silently sitting at the other end of the table.

"One," September said in a cold and menacing voice that made almost everyone from the room shiver.

"Leave the room," he announced and almost everyone hurriedly stood up and almost run towards the door of the conference room just to escape the wrath of the devil.

"Mr. Smith, why such in a hurry?" he called out when he saw the man trying to blend in with the crowd.

The man stopped in his tracks and realized how futile his attempt of escaping the beast is. He sighed in defeat before he turned around to face September.

"I told you after those ten counts there would be no leeway for you. I don't want to see you again," The man in front of him started to shiver after hearing what he said.

"Mr. Thorne, please! Just give me another chance! I won't do it again--"

"Leave the city," September said ruthlessly as he stood up from his chair and grab his coat. He was about to walk out of the room when he suddenly felt someone hugging his thigh.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Thorne! I won't do it again! Please don't send me out of the city, my family needs me here!" he pleaded but September was just staring at him. His face blank and very unresponsive as he watched the guy who seems to be two to three decades older than him kneeling on the ground while hugging his left thigh.

"You should've thought about them before you sold the company stock without me knowing,"

"I won't do it again! I swear my life---"

"Your life's already ruined," September said menacingly, making the older man's eyes bulge in fright.

"Falcon," he called out, and a man with a large frame entered the conference room.

"Take this trash away from here. I don't want to see him around the city, ever." He then, without any care tapped the old man's arms away from his leg and made his way towards the door.

"My daughter! You can marry my daughter!" September's steps halted. One of his hands held the knob as he turned around and faced the old man, his eyebrow spiking up.

"What made you think I'll let you be just because of your daughter?" He asked curiously. The old man's voice sounded so confident earlier.

"I'm not talking about Hillary, Mr. Thorne," the old man said confidently and full of air as he moved away from Falcon's hold. He gave the stoic butler a glare before he faced the great manipulator with a taunting smile.

"Maeve. Maeve Miller is my daughter, Mr. Thorne,"

September felt his heart skipped a beat. And it makes him furious that she can make him feel that way. Even the mere mention of her name sets him on the edge.

He took a step closer to the old man and smirked. He put both of his hands on his pockets as he faced the old man.

"Your daughter? Mr. Smith, how can you claim that woman to be your daughter?"

Maeve Miller is the heiress of the bank he was eyeing for some time. That bank was still out of his hand because of that woman.

The only woman who didn't succumb to his charms.

"I am Maeve's father." September squinted his eyes towards the old man, suspicious.

He then redirected his attention to his butler who was quietly standing behind the old man, waiting for his orders.

"Check the authenticity of his claims. You know what to do if ever it was a lie." September said before he turned around and went out of his office.

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