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Travails of Sisi Nene

Travails of Sisi Nene



All she wants was a better life until fate took a different turn and changed her life completely. The story revolves around three different women whose life story conforms with the experience of every girl and woman in the world.

Chapter 1 Who she really was

Looking through my window, I noticed young good looking ladies in quite revealing clothes, and I couldn't help but look back on my youthful days. Days when I lived recklessly and had no thoughts about the future. I felt I only needed to have fun. But looking back at all of that now I wish I could turn back the hands of time and be given a chance to change somethings , I wish I had someone to caution me then, wish I was much more exposed to the truths of life and not get fooled by what I saw.

Sisi Nene are you thinking again..... I was startled I didn't even know when someone came in, must have left the door opened then.. it was one of my young neighbour a beautiful lady in her early twenties, she and her friends stay next door and they are youth corpers. Ever since they came into the compound they took a particular liking to me and have been extremely nice to me I would really miss them when they leave at the end of their service.

Debimpe mi ,like I fondly call her am sorry I didn't know when you came in I was lost in thoughts. How did your day go? ..... She looked deeply at me before responding "well it wasn't bad I was expecting to come while away time with you, but it seems you are in no mood for my chitchats today"...she replied sorely. I felt bad .."come on debimpe mi you know I would never get tired of having you around adebimpe mi owon"...her face brightened at the endearment and I knew we were back to normal... "So tell me my dear, what's on your mind I can see you aren't really in a good mood, although you are trying your real best to hide it but I can clearly see through your facade dear. Tell me what's the matter?. Flopping down on a single sitter she bowed her head, raising it slowly about to say something....wait, I moved from where I stood before you say anything let me get you something to eat and drink it's been a long day I guess....you don't have to worry about me sisi Nene please...she protested, but I wasn't listening I had already gone into the kitchen. I had prepared a really good dish of jollof rice this evening having it in mind to get it across to them when they got back but fortunately debimpe would be the first to have a taste of it.

Returning to the sitting room with a tray filled with food and water, debimpe stood up to help me with it.... Sisi Nene this really isn't necessary you should have called me to come help.....stop acting like a stranger bimpe you are always welcome this is also your home....hmmn now don't let me bother you with my rants enjoy your food.

After about some minutes she finished her food, packed her used plates to the kitchen, having relaxed for a few minutes. Hmmmn ...she began clearing her throat why she felt uncomfortable I couldn't pinpoint it. She has never been like that when we talked probably whatever was bothering her must be getting to her.

Sisi Nene this might seem awkward but I could really do with some elderly advice right now and its only you I could think of....she began and I didnt say anything didn't want to distract her...well..she continued my friends and I that's Sharon and muna they are the other ladies staying next door with bimpe. You know we are rounding up on service in just two months and since we aren't from so well to do homes, we are quite bothered about what would become of us in the labour market. We have tried to apply in different places and most of the offers we got was one that is quite demanding.... Go on debimpe mi I urged when I realised she was feeling insecure again.... well the offers we got she began hiccupping was the managers asking us to sleep with them before giving us a chance to work with them moreso we would still be on probation at the company, but would get to be retained if we cooperate and act according to their demands. Sharon and Muna see nothing wrong with it but I am not comfortable selling myself to get a job and now I seem like the holy art thou amongst them. I am really feeling like am being childish as it's not like I would be the first person to indulge in such, but I just can't see myself involving in it. What if it doesn't work out would I keep laying on my back for favours am really confused.....Sisi Nene I promise you I would do anything you advice me to I believe you can't lead me astray.

I felt my heart flutter, such a heart warming comment from a lady who I met just few months ago and knows nothing about me still she trusts me like she has known me since forever. Moreso she believed my words. To this I am determined to ensure none of them go astray.....looking at her I patted her head debimpe mi I understand what you are going through at the moment but let me ask have your friends giving in to the demands of the managers...... Not yet she replied they are contemplating on going back next week to give their consent.

Deep down relief washed over me...I thought there is still a chance to undo this... Since it's a Friday I know they would be home for the weekend as they weren't one to wander around unnecessarily so they would surely be home. Debimpe mi do me a favour and tell your friends to come see me tomorrow morning including you, since it's a Saturday you don't need to bother about your chores I would ensure a delicious meal awaits you guys by the time you are here. By the way come take more of the rice and some for your friends too, they must be famished by the time they are back. She smiled knowingly.... Thank you so much Sisi Nene you are a darling, a godsent I knew I could count on you. We moved to the kitchen to get the food and seeing her off to the door waving her goodbye, I closed the door behind me..signing tomorrow was definitely going to be a long day. I think it's high time I let myself out and share my story. Who the real Sisi Nene is.

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