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Ds-professional love (book 1)

Ds-professional love (book 1)



The Ds-professional love is about a lesbain detective Jessica carriewhite whose family was murdered by franklin moonlight during her time serving in the military. She then returns  forcing  her way into the los angeles police were she is hired as a homicide detective to solve murder cases yet her aim is to find the murderer moonlight whose Identity is a mystery.  During her work with the Los Angeles police, she meets a lady forensic Science specialist Vivana Carter whose curiosity about Jessica's plan led a bad start with there relationship and threatened any chances of getting along at all in there work together yet Jessica being assigned to work with Vivana who can hardly be kept a secret from. 

Chapter 1 Vivid intro on Ds

The Ds-professional love is a detective series formed around different parts of the world but mainly the United states of America in the city of Los Angeles..

Its though a love stories in a lesfic genre but yet a thriller with a mystery to solve around the many.

This book will be published is series. Each season a book of it's own.

Character mining

The Ds-professional love is about a lesbain detective Jessica carriewhite whose family was murdered by franklin moonlight during her time serving in the military. She then returns forcing her way into the los angeles police were she is hired as a homicide detective to solve murder cases yet her aim is to find the murderer moonlight whose Identity is a mystery.

During her work with the Los Angeles police, she meets a lady forensic Science specialist Vivana Carter whose curiosity about Jessica's plan led a bad start with there relationship and threatened any chances of getting along at all in there work together yet Jessica being assigned to work with Vivana who can hardly be kept a secret from.


This book series evolves around crime.... and supernatural.

All rights of it are reserved to the author.

all copy rights are completely reserved.

not images, videos or screen shots are to be taken out of this book unless authorised otherwise.

Its a total Lgbt relation and if you find yourself uncomfortable reading it. Then please just dismiss.

Little erotic and little romance to it.

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