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Authoress Virah


Lisa wants a baby but is that what she really needs? Life is always unfair but to Lisa unfair was an understatement. She finally gets pregnant but instead of the news being good they become the worst. She loses everything dear to her except the baby and when she is almost losing herself, she meets her baby dad. She knows him, he doesn't know her.

Chapter 1 Baby shower

Melissa sat in the party absentminded. This is the third baby shower she was attending in a row making her wish to have her own baby.

'When are we coming to yours, Lisa?' Diana asked with sarcasm.

'Diana, let her be, she'll just get hers,' Sam defended her.

Diana was among the girls club but they weren't friends. The club was a group of seven girls from rich homes. Class being their similarity in college they came together and mostly went to parties together. Lisa also came from a rich home, her father being the senator and Samatha, a club member and also her friend, she had the qualifications of being a member too.

But this time, she was alone. Sam and her boyfriend were planning on having a kid and she was all alone with no boyfriend. Time was running out as they all planned on having kids within the same year but what about her. She needed to have one to fit in the group but where was she going to get the baby from?

After the party she drove back home devastated, she was still a virgin. Many thoughts were going through her mind. If she doesn't have a kid then she'll have to bid the group goodbye and that would mean losing so many things. She was the apple of her father's eye and the baby to her mom. On getting home, her parents were having dinner.

'Good evening mum,' Lisa kissed her mom's cheek.

'Good evening princess,' her mom returned the greeting.

'Good evening dad,' she kissed her dad's cheek as well.

'Good evening my baby,' her dad replied.

'We were waiting for you, let's have dinner,' her mom said taking a plate to serve her.

'No mum, I'm from a party, remember,' she chuckled nervously.

'I ate to my fill,' she added with a smile.

'I prepared this food with love and passion just have one spoon,' her mom smiled at her.

That's her family, no matter what happens you must eat at home. She couldn't say no to her mom so she pulled a seat beside her mom.

'How was the party? You look sad,' her mom asked.

'It was wonderful, I'm just tired that's all,' she replied with a smile.

That was the last thing she heard as she continued picking in the food while thinking of how to get a baby. If the year ends without her having a baby, she'll be out of the group and that would be bad news.

The group meant respect, class, company and she got other benefits like modeling opportunities and having dinner with great people.

'I'll be in my room,' she pushed the plate in the middle of the table standing up.

She walked upstairs to her room and stood by the window staring at the garden deep in thoughts. The sight was beautiful and that is where she always stands anytime she got a lot in her mind.

She was enjoying herself when someone knocked at her door.

'Come in its open,' she answered.

'Hey baby,' her mom called out sitting on the bed.

'Mom,' she muttered sitting beside her.

'You trust me, right?' Daisy asked and Lisa nodded.

Of course, she trusted her mom more than anything in the world.

'Then tell me what is troubling you,' Daisy added.

'Nothing mum, I'm okay,' she replied.

How was she supposed to tell her mom that she needed a baby urgently and she didn't even have a male friend let alone a boyfriend? She was only twenty-two and thought she was still young.

'I carried you in my womb for nine months, I understood you when your only communicating language was crying. What makes you think, I won't know if something is troubling you?' Daisy asked.

'Mum, I wish to have my own baby,' she spilled the beans.

'That's not a problem. Finish your college then get a baby because he or she will need your time and attention and dividing with school may stress you out,' her mom advised.

'Why do you need a baby so urgently?' Daisy decided to ask.

'Nothing mum, I just thought it would be fun to have one,' she replied.

'If you want, I can talk to your father to adopt one,' Daisy suggested.

'No need mom, it's okay,' she rejected immediately.

What would her friends think of her? She's still mummy's puppet and can't make her own decisions? That she lives in the shadow of her parents? She wasn't going to allow that. She wanted to be ranked as a big girl and not the last born of the group.

'If you say so but if you change your mind, let me know. I'll get a baby sister for you,' her mom offered standing up.

'Thanks, mum, love you,' she side hugged her mom.

'And I love you more than anything in the world,' Daisy gently caressed her daughter's back.

'Sorry to interrupt but ma'am Lisa, your friend is here to see you,' Claris the maid said bowing her head.

She knew better than to disrespect her in the presence of her mom. Maintaining eye contact with her daughter was a sign of disrespect.

'Let her in,' Lisa replied.

'I'll leave you two to talk,' Daisy smiled at her daughter and left the room.

'Water,' Sam requested jumping on the bed.

Lisa opened the fridge and handed her a bottle of water.

'Gosh, I needed this,' Sam said throwing the bottle across the room.

'Really?' Lisa questioned.

'Really what? You got maids to do the work. Do you know how long I've run just to reach here?'

'I heard your car enter the compound,' Lisa replied.

'Whatever?' Sam rolled her eyes.

'You've had dinner or they should prepare some food for you?' Lisa asked.

'Unlike you, I ate at the party. Tell why didn't you eat?' Sam asked.

'I had eaten before I went over,'

'If I didn't know you, i would have believed those cheap lies,'

'I'm not lying,'

'Ok, what are you thinking about the baby stuff? My boyfriend and I agreed that get pregnant next month,'

'I don't even have a boyfriend unless I'll drink the pregnancy from the coffee I take every morning,' Lisa shrugged.

'I got a perfect Idea,' Sam grinned.

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