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Forbidden Love.

Forbidden Love.

kiran sahani


"What the hell are you doing here." She shouted at the person. She started wiggling in his arms which caused Sebastian to put more force on her wrist. "Don't speak to me like this unless you want to see the bad consequences." Sebastian warned her. "Are you psycho?" She again shouted at him. "I guess you never called Alex all these things which you prefer for me." Sebastian said with a greeted teeth. "Alex is far better than you. He doesn't do these things which you do." She spat. "Oh really. Tell me what does he do to make you like him so much." Sebastian said taking steps towards her. Roselyn Carter whose life was so cheerful as a normal girl until one accident which changes her life completely. Meet Sebastian Orlando, a prince of Mandonia kingdom who came back to his home after 20 years only to be shocked by his father's words. Let's see what happens when they meet each other.

Chapter 1 Moving to Mandonia Kingdom

Roselyn Carter's pov.

This house where I was brought up with my parents will be empty tomorrow. All the things reminds me of my parents . How we used to enjoy each other's company but one accident changed everything. My dad got into a car accident and died on the spot and this news left a shock to my mom which leads to the heartattack. I lost my purpose of living on that day. My friends came visited me everytime to console me. I did not have anything left for me. My friends wanted to help me but I refused it. I decided to drop my studies. I used to live alone in my house until my aunt got to know about this accident. She immediately visited me and convinced me to come with her. I agreed to her after a lot of thinking.

It has been 2 weeks since that incident. Today she is taking me with her to the palace which is the only palace in our Mandonia town. But it's really hard to leave all the memories here. I want to spend my whole lifetime here but I know living like a dead person won't satisfy my parents , they won't be happy with this condition.

"Roselyn... where are you? What is taking you so long? Come fast. We are getting late." After getting no response, my aunt came to me and again asked. I was crying silently.

"Baby what ar.....oh no don't cry. Look whatever has happened is none of your fault. Come lets go". She said while trying to stand me up.

My aunt is just like my mom. They both grew up together in orphanage. my mom and dad met in one of the charity event and they got married to each other after realising their feelings. After that my aunt was left alone in the orphanage. One day she got the opportunity through someone to work as a maid in the palace. From that day, she work there.

One last time I looked back to see my home, it was looking so peaceful. I wiped my tears and got inside the car along with my aunt. I was looking outside of the window. Suddenly the car stopped abruptly just then my eyes caught a beautiful breath-taking mansion. 'It must be the palace' I thought in my mind.

My aunt is the most trusting personal maid of this palace, so when she talked about bringing me to this palace the king agreed without hesitation.

"Come Roselyn". My thoughts got interrupted by my aunt's voice. I immediately got off and walked towards the palace with my aunt. When we entered I was greeted by the magnificent interior design with tall ceilings throughout, an abundance of natural light in the hallway, it was as wide and inviting as a reception room, the impressive staircase which leads to different floors and flows to the principal rooms. I got out of my trance of thoughts when my aunt started telling me about my job. At first I was hesitated because when my parents was alive my mom never used to let me do anything because she always considers that I should study and work hard and should not invest my time in doing the household chores. But as the things are different now so I have to do this. If I want to be busy beacuse now it is the thing which can make me busy. My eyes moved to the stairs from where the king along with some men was coming towards our way. My aunt immediately bowed to him which I also repeated. She forwarded towards the king and maybe he asked something to my aunt to which she nodded. I think they were talking about me as he was looking towards me whenever my aunt says something to him.

"So you are Roselyn, hope you will be as faithful and hard-working as your aunt. Do not make me regret my decision of allowing you here. I do not want any confidential news to go out this palace. I assume that your aunt has already told you the consequences of doing so. Other than that, good luck with your work." With this he he went away.

'Ohh.. that's the reason why I never get to know anything much about them.' My friends used to tell me few things but I never paid attention to it. 'Uhhh...who thought that one day I will end up here.'

"Ok Roselyn, I need to go somewhere. If you want something, ask one of the staff. They are very helpful and kind and yeah the kitchen is over there." My aunt said with a smile to which I nodded.

I went to the kitchen and mesmerized by the look, the kitchen is simply beautiful, Clean lines, large work surfaces, impressive island, high-end built-in units. I started wondering around the kitchen then suddenly I heard few staff talking about something. I was not interested but they were whispering so loudly that my ear was hearing everything they were gossiping about.

"You know, when I was passing by the corridor I heard king discussing about the arrival of Prince ?" By the tone of her voice it seems like she was feeling some kind of excitement.

"ohh finally he is coming back after so many years. But wait what must be the reason of his arrival. As far as I heard from the rumours he is very stubborn and he never wanted to come here" Another voice said.

"Hmmm... that's true. There must be some important reason.....uhh...Maybe for queen. Her health is also deteriorating. I heard that she always mumbles his name. "

I forwarded near to them and when they saw me they stopped talking. one of the girl eyed me and rudely walked passed me. The other girl simply says hii to me to which I also replied with the same friendly tone.

"You're new here. Am I right?"


"I am Mia and the one whom I was talking to was Jenny. Don't pay attention to her. At first she behaves like this to the new staff then she gets familiar with that person." She said when she saw her going with a grumpy face.

"Ohh... it's fine.. by the way I am Roselyn" I introduced myself to her.

"I know your aunt. She told me yesterday about your loss. I am so sorry. If you need any help, you can ask me." She said with a smile.

"Sure" I replied to her.

She left me after saying goodbye. I also headed to do my work.

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