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A second Chance

First love, it must be very special to all of us..!! But only a few of them will get the chance to keep it forever. This is the story of Daisy Donovan, a gorgeous girl who fell in love with Victor Steele, a young businessman. Even after her family stood against their relationship, Daisy decides to marry her Vicky and run away from home. But, fate had another plan. Her Vicky never showed up on that day. Feeling betrayed, Daisy marries a handsome stranger upon a contract of one year. She needed shelter over her head, and that stranger needed a fake wife. What will happen a year after...?? Will they fall in love?? Or divorce?? Or does Vicky makes a re-entry to make her life upside down..?? When two influential handsome men fight for her love, who she will choose?? The book will be started by December 1st

Chapter 1 The betrayal

Daisy POV

I reached the marriage registration office half an hour early. I could feel my fingertips are still icy cold. And my whole body shakes by thinking about Dad's reaction when he will find his only daughter running away from home. I am feeling terrible about it. But what can I do, I got the stubbornness from him only. Only the relief is that I am now far away from him. By the time he will be able to locate us, we will be already married. And I hope that mom can manage his wrath.

I checked my watch again.

Uff!! It's like the time is going like a sloth. As it was a remote area, very few people were there. And my eyes did not stop searching for Victor Steele, my Vicky. He did not like the idea of running away from home and wanted a marriage with the blessings of both families. But he has no idea that it will never happen, as my father thinks that Vicky is after our wealth. I know my Dad, he could be stubborn but once I prove to him that his assumptions were wrong, he will accept us.

Damn it, I left my phone at home as I don't want to be caught soon. Not only my phone, my cards too. One transaction will be enough to locate us. I was getting impatient as time is getting near. Then I saw a black SUV entering the premises, I felt relieved. As the front door opened, a young handsome man about the age of 28 came out. He wasn't Vicky. I saw him looking for someone, maybe he also got the same situation. Haha, I can't blame him. This place is such a remote area that it is indeed the right choice for the eloped ones.

I was getting restless by every second as I could not find Vicky. I cursed under my breath with the idea of leaving my phone at home. Then I thought to borrow a phone from that stranger. He looks approachable as he gently smiles at me. I thought about going to him again, but it seems like I did not have any other option.

As I approach the car, the man in a black suit glanced at me. This time only I analysed him better. He had his face averted, had a blue tooth headset on and he was explaining the situation to his superior, maybe the boss. And he is either the driver or the personal assistant to that person. As I was a close distance he stopped talking over the phone.

"Excuse me, Sir, I need a small help. I am expecting someone and it's getting late. I don't have a phone to call the person. So can you please lend .." my words were cut in middle by him as he extended his hand with the phone.

"No problem Miss. " He said with a polite smile.

I took the phone from him and called Vicky. I could hear my heart drumming against my ears. But the line went dead. WHAT..!!

The line was not going through. What the heck....!!

Oh my God, he must have kept the phone at home as well. But why does he need to do that...?? may be for safety. But...

So many questions arise in my heart, which all went unanswered as the line went dead again. Maybe I should check with his secretary, I called the office number and it started ringing.

I could feel the heat on my cheek as I feel the blood rushing into my head with the anxiety. I could sense the unpleasant gut feeling coming from my heart but still wanted to try with my last hope that my Vicky will not give up on me.

Then the sultry voice of his assistant came through the phone.

" Good morning..." But I did not let her complete the sentence.

"Where is Vicky...??" I don't need to give any explanations to her as she is very used to my presence.

"Oh Miss Daisy, Sir is not at the office. I am afraid he will not be able to meet you today.." She said while trying to hide her mocking tone.

"What do you mean??" I was getting pissed as I clench the phone even tighter.

"Oh Miss Daisy, I thought Sir would have informed you. He went abroad last night to his mother's family...And I heard a rumour that he will be engaged soon.."


The rest I heard was a blur!! I could feel the tears falling out of my eyes continuously as I process her words.


I know his mom was talking about a rich girl who is better than me according to her. But Vicky never even think about it. But what's going on now??

No way, he can never do that. But why did he go abroad without informing me?? How can he make me stand like a fool here? The more I thought, the more nervous I got. The next thing I could sense was the darkness.

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