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Locked with the badboy

Locked with the badboy



She has a lot of secrets only a few know. He what's to know them. But can she afford it and will he run for the hills or will he stay and try to help?

Chapter 1 Nicole's pov

I have been gone for 2 years since my sophomore year. I never planned to come back but mom got a good job opportunity and I could not let her hard work be for nothing. So I'm back.

BAM! BAM! What the h*ll is that. I got up and look outside. Of course it is a bunch of dumb jocks.

I look at the time it 6:35, I have to get up in 5 minutes. I looked in the mirror to examine myself my hair is a little nappy but it's not bad. I have long dirty blonde hair that goes past my butt and blue eyes and a body like a model.

I got in the shower, after I shower got dressed I'm jeans, and white crop top and a Demi jean jacket. I blow dried my hair and curled it. Did mascara and eyeliner and I was good to go. I went down stairs mom must be still asleep I looked at the time it was 7:45. I decided to get coffee before my fist day back.

I made it to the coffee shop in my car. I got me my favorite coffee, a Carmel frappe. I left the coffee shop about 8:10.

I got to school at 8:45. School Starts at 9. So I had time to kill. I got out of my car most people were staring and talking but I ignored them. I recognize most of them from 2 years ago. I head to the office and knock on the door. A female voice yelled "come in".

I Walked in and there was a boy in a chair across her. The principle is a different one then the one that was here when I was here, but that was to be expected. She jester for me to sit down. I sat down next to the guy. She said "I'm guessing your Nicole" "ya I am" I replied to her.

She turned to the guy and said to him "go wait outside please." After he walked out she turned her focus on me. "You know I knew your mom we went to school together, anyway I read over you pass file from here your an excellent student. I'm sorry for what happened to you when you were here."

When she said that I froze. Not many people know about it just mom and my ex bestfriend and current two best friends who happened to be guys, and my favorite teacher. And the people that did it to me and my other bestfriend who didn't survive it. She saw how I froze and said "it ok no one in the school but me knows."

It still didn't help with my anxiety about it. "Anyway here's your schedule, my son who just walked out will show you around to your classes. His name is Lucas, he goes by Luke. Umm I believe that's it good luck." She got up opened the door to tell him to good to come in now. He walked in and Im not gonna lie he's hot. The principle said" I decided your punishment for this morning hectics. Your going to show the new girl around got it?"

He rolled his eyes at him mom and replied with "whatever." I got my stuff ready to go. His mom introduces him to me. Then we head out the door. He's a good foot taller than me. I gave him my schedule so he can show me to my classes.

We start heading towards two guys. I recognize them Nike and Gabriel. I can't help but smile they were my best friends they still are there was Five of us. Me, Nike, Gabriel, Lexy, and bailey.

They weren't facing us. I ran ahead of luke and jumped on Nike. I knew exactly how he would react so before he could throw me I said "is that how you treat your bestfriend." I jumped off him and they both smothered me with hugs. There use to be five of us, me, Nike, Gabriel, Lexy, and bailey. "What are you doing back? How have you been? Are you ok? What's your first period?"

"Mom got a job offer, good, yes, I don't know Luke has my schedule." I turned to see him just staring at us like we grew two heads "are you ok? " I asked him he shook his head and replied " yes. I just never seen them act that way with a girl before." I look at the boys and laughed " since when?" I replied the boys did there little can't talk about it laugh. Then it hit me since that night.

RING! RING! RING! There goes the bell Luke told them my schedule. I had all my classes with them all and Im guessing the princible knew I was friends with them. When we where walking to class I saw the trophy Lexy won before she died two years ago. I froze staring at it. I was with her I couldn't help her I was in the same predicament as her. I was broken after that night. "NICOLE!" I turn and look at the boys I hear Nike say "we should have not taken this way." I shake my head and say " I'm fine, let's go to class, it's been 2 years ok."

That when I see my so called best friend Bailey. She the reason everything happened that night I found that out after I left to Nebraska. After that night I started to join fighting rings no one knows about it but my twin who I talk to every once in awhile. The boys are staring at me while I glare at her. I guess she felt my stare cause she turned. You can tell she was shocked to see me. I don't blame her. If people found out what she did it can get her arrested. I turn from her and face the boys. " Who wants to skip?" "NO!" Gabriel says."fine we can go to class." We get to class. I head for the back I don't expect a lot of teachers to be here from 2 years ago. But as soon as Mrs Johnson walks in I can't help but smile. She was my favorite teacher cause she actually tried.

"A lot has changed since you left Mrs Johnson doesn't like how she use too", Nike says. I can tell by his voice he is telling the truth. I guess I'm not the only on who changed. I see her looking at the attendance after the bell rings she stops for a second and looks around. Until she finds me. She give me a sad smile. I told her after it happens and she tried to help but I stopped her cause I didn't what anyone to know.

We had a minute left tell class ended today was just a get to know you day. "Nicole will you please stay after class for a few seconds." I said yes of course. The bell rang I told the boys to just wait for me out in the hall please. They said they would. All she asked was how was I.

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