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Memories Of You

Memories Of You



Filled with lots of puzzle on who is behind the murder of young ladies and seeking revenge changes the life of some medical doctors,as death lurks around waiting to devour anyone close to them. Finding it difficult to lie low these doctors become detectives as everyone around them becomes a possible threat and the serial killer.

Chapter 1 Murder case

"Excuse me,here to see Dr Dave.I've an appointment with him"detective Park of Division 48 Hollywood Police Headquarters says to the receptionist with a smile on his face.

"Good day sir, he'll be with you shortly,just take a seat"the receptionist with blonde hair replies meekly before pointing towards a chair.

"Thanks"and with that he pulls out his phone as patients and doctors including nurses walk by.

" Good morning detective, I'm sorry for keeping you waiting, just got out of a very tedious surgery"Dr Dave utters as he nears the detective.

"Same here doc,nice meeting you in person.has heard alot about you from my colleagues at the office."

"Detective please take a seat and before we proceed to the autopsy room,I want to fill you in on a serial case close to this, with a slight difference. Look here are some pictures from previous cases, the former Detective left them with me"

"I've always known that you're a genius" the detective says after going through Dave's gatherings.

"Really thanks it's my pleasure. Remember I spoke to you on the phone about this particular murder case and will let you analyze the body after which I'll tell you the result of the autopsy."he responds as the walk down the hallway leading to the autopsy room.

" I must warn detective,the sight is so disgusting"he chips in before opening the door.

"I see dead bodies almost everyday so it's normal to me."

Dave slowly uncovers the body with disgust and pain written all over his now pale face.

"Gracious Jesus!!!" Detective Park exclaims almost throwing up at the sight.

The body in question belongs to a guy with black hair and his forehead maimed with the number 6 boldly encraved on it.Other parts of the body greatly damaged but organs still intact. Hands bent in an abnormal way and chest cut open to reveal the heart.

"This is cruel, it's quite similar to the case of Jack Rock,but the mode of killing alittle different"the young doctor in his mid twenties mutters quietly not glancing at the body for the second time.

"You're right Dave and we've to do something before he kills more people"

"According to my findings, this isn't the first person to have been murdered this way. You can see the mark on the forehead and with that we know this is the sixth person."Dr Dave says before covering the body.

"I'm new on this case and will appreciate your help since you're into it already."

"I'll try my best,but please make sure your men get this psychopath before he does more harm.One more time he's good in handling medical tools since he uses spartula and anaesthetic on his victims."

Copy that, thanks Dave and looking forward to working with you to unravel this mystery" Detective Park chips in before walking towards the door.

"I'll be leaving now" he chips in before closing the door behind him while doctor Dave stays back lost in thought.

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