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Every person has a dream in her or his life. But not everyone can achieve that dream. Some sacrificed their dreams for the sake of their loved ones and some worked hard every single day and night to accomplish their dreams but in doing all these things somewhere we forget to live in the moment. We forget that whatever we have is just in the present. We shouldn't ruin our present by always thinking about our past and future. This story is about a girl who belongs to a middle-class family and has certain dreams in her life. She has an optimistic nature and no matter what the situation is, she never loses her hope and that gives her confidence to deal with any situation. And there's also a famous saying by Desmond Tutu, "Hope is being able to see that there is light despite all of the darkness." If you guys want to know more about the story of this girl then let me join in this journey and I hope you will love it. "The cover of the novel has taken from Google."

Chapter 1 O N E

Rucha sen was an innocent and beautiful girl and she belongs to a middle-class family. She was a kind-hearted person who was always ready to help others. She was quite frank with her family members but there was a person in her life whom she loves the most and she can do anything for that person. She was in college pursuing graduation in commerce. She lived in a rented house with her family. Apart from her parents, Mr.Sen and Mrs.Sen, she has a younger brother, Ashley Sen who was in 8th grade. Her mother was a housewife and her father works as a salesman in a company.

On Sunday morning, Rucha was in her room. She was drying her hair with a towel because she had just come out of the washroom after taking a shower. She was busy drying her hair as her back was facing the bed and she didn't notice that someone entered her room and jumped on the bed causing a thud noise which drew Rucha's attention towards the bed. She turns back to look and a wide smile crept on her face looking at the person.

"Hey Monkey, what are you doing in my room?"

Rucha asked as she walked towards the bed but didn't get any response from the person lying on the bed.

"Get up and freshen up or else you will get the scolding of Dad and that too in the morning...”

Rucha said as she snatched the comforter from him.

"Please! Ru, let me sleep for just five minutes... "

Ashley pleaded to her sister as he snatched the comforter from her, and covered himself.

"Okay, but only five minutes...”

Rucha said and then walked out. As she moved out of her room, a strong aroma hit her nostrils making her eyes shut to feel that aroma. She opened her eyes and walked towards the kitchen and found that her mother was busy cooking breakfast.

"Mom, what is for breakfast? today...”

Rucha asked her mother as she sat on the kitchen counter.

"Scrambled egg with Sandwiches..."

Mrs.Sen ( Rucha's mother) answered her with a smile.

“ Woah!!! Sounds so yummy and by the way, did dad eat breakfast?”

Rucha asked and her mother nodded her head in yes.

“ Where is that little brat? Did he wake up or still sleeping ?”

"He is in my room. I will go and wake him up till then you serve the food and don't forget my milk without sugar...”

Rucha got down from the counter and left the kitchen.

When Rucha entered her room, her brother was still sleeping and was curled up like a ball. She snatched the comforter from him.

"Your five minutes are over, Ash...”

Rucha said and tried to drag him from the bed but Ashley did not want to go break his sweet sleep.

“ I will get up in one condition and that is you have to piggyback me from the room to the bathroom...”

Ashley demanded in a sleepy tone as he sat on the bed running his eyes.

“ Such a lazy pig...”

Rucha chuckled at his demand and then she carried her brother on her back and left him near the door of the washroom then she took a sigh of relief and went back to the kitchen. She ate her breakfast with her mother and in the meantime, Ashley also joined them in the breakfast.

After completing their breakfast, Rucha took the responsibility of cleaning the dishes and asked her brother to assist him. Rucha and Ashley always helped her mother with the household chores. Mr. Sen and Mrs.Sen were in her room.

“ Ash, clean the kitchen counter and cooktop properly, or else I will delete all the games that you have downloaded on my phone...”

Rucha commented in a bossy tone.

“ How cruel you are? You are torturing a little sweet boy...”

Ashley spoke and made pitiful face with a fake cry.

“ Oh please! stop your melodrama and do your work. Use your tactics on others who don't know you but not on me...”

Saying that Rucha moved outside the kitchen then she cleaned her room and settled all the things in the proper place.

After eating dinner, Rucha moved to her room and sat on the bed. She plugged her earphones and played the BTS playlist and started doing her assignment. In meantime, Ashley entered the room and out of the blue, he took out the earphones from her ears which made Rucha a little startled.

“ You idiot! give me my earphones back...”

Rucha said and hit him on his shoulder. Rucha hates when someone disturbs her during her work.

“ Did you forget what you told me in the morning? Ru...”

“ What ??” asked Rucha.

“ Let me tell you it's my time to use the


“ No, I won't give you because I have to complete my assignments with the help of a phone...”

Rucha stated and took back her phone from him. Ashley made a puppy face and clung with her arm.

"Please!", pleaded Ashley. Looking at his puppy face, Rucha gave up her emotion and gave her phone to him.

"Ok you play your game quietly, till then I will study something else and don't dare to disturb me .", said Rucha. She took a book from the bag and laid her head on Ashley's lap whereas Ashely was fully engrossed on the phone.

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