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The Rejected Alpha

The Rejected Alpha



Helen Hester can't help but feel upset when she found out her deskmate is Dylan Darcy, the notorious bad boy who enjoys bullying other students. It is a surprise to Helen that her deskmate kindly greeted her on the first school day and reached out his hand to her. Everything would have been much easier if Helen had taken his hand. Yet, she rejected him in public and said, “Thank you but I don’t make friend with bullies.” Dylan paled and declared he would make her life hell. He did try his best, but sometimes life can be tricky. As their hatred towards each other grows day by day, both of them find the attractive side of their rivals. Things become even more tricky when Helen ran into a wolf whose eyes remind her of her deskmate.

Chapter 1 Desk Mate

Helen’s POV

The moment I open my eyes and check the time on my phone screen, I panic.

Today is my first school day and it is already 9 o'clock and I'm still lying in my bed, recalling what I dreamt last night. My mind is messy but there are some fragmented scenes I can still remember.

I think I met a blond boy who has a very charming appearance. I believe I fell in love with this handsome guy when he looked into my eyes with a genuine smile.

But as he introduced himself as a prince and asked me to marry him, my crush on him vanished.

I said no because I am not a Disney princess and as a normal girl in the 21th century, I'll not accept a proposal from a stranger who I met for the first time.

The smile on his face disappeared. He became furious and cornered me to the wall, declaring that I would regret this. The gentle prince is gone, replaced by an evil demon. To be honest, I am scared but I managed to stand still and challenged him to wait and see.

He gritted his teeth and was about to say something, and that's the moment I woke up and realized I was already late for my first school day.

When I arrive at the classroom, the first class has begun, and the teacher asks students to make a self-introduction one by one. She does not notice my presence until several students look in my direction, which eventually causes her to turn to me and kindly invite me to move in.

It is a kind of relief. I mouth "thank you" to the teacher and find an empty seat as soon as possible. Yet, I fail.

Looking around, I find all the seats have been occupied except for the one in the middle row. Although there is no one sitting there, the textbooks spread all over that desk, indicating the seat has been taken by someone.

"Dear, what are you waiting for?" the teacher looks at me with a not very dear smile.

"I'm sorry but I didn't spot a seat."

"You are welcome to sit here." before the teacher says anything, I hear a drawl.

Suddenly the whole class sinks in silence as if they were muted. They looked in all the directions but the one from which the voice comes.

That's awkward.

"Very generous offer, Mr Dylan." the teacher gives him the praise and asks me to sit there.

The boy snorts and starts to put away the books scattering on the desk, clearing out an empty place for me.

I want to thank him but as I look at him, I become speechless. It is impossible to ignore the fact that he looks exactly like the person in my dream.

Blond hair, pale skin, and a pair of silver-gray eyes.

I am shocked at my discovery and can't take my eyes off him, which sends a wrong signal to him.

"Why are you staring at me?" he smirks and drawls again, "Love at first sight? I can fully understand that, stupid girls always judge a book by its cover ——"

"No! It's not like that." I interrupt him to clarify my point, "you were in my dream. That's all."

And the point just becomes even more unclear because of the ambiguity. I pray to God, letting him skip what I've said but God refuses to answer my appeal. This guy not only catches the information but puts emphasis on it by raising his voice.

"How can you fantasize about me before our first encounter? "

I am sure the whole class hear what he said because they burst into laughter.

"I am not fantasizing about you! It is complicated." I try to explain, to defend myself. But it is useless because people just don't care what truth is. They simply believe in what they expect to see.

The teacher tries to ask them to keep quiet but the laughter just becomes louder and louder. Finally, she gives up and leaves the classroom when the bell rings.

"Oh, really? Do enlighten me. What am I doing in your dream?" the boy raises his eyebrow and I hate him already.

"Being an asshole. "I pause and add, "Just like what you are doing right now."

I must have done something wrong, for I hear half of the class gasp and inhale sharply.

No more laughter, which is good.

No more sound, which is scary.

Fire flares in his eyes, and I can see the storm is coming, just like what happened in my dream.

Moments later I hear the guy whisper to me in a low voice.

"Do you have any idea who you are speaking to?"

"If I remember correctly, the teacher called you Dylan." I control the urge to flinch and answer him casually.

"You should know better." he shrugs and clears his throat, "Let's play fair, silly girl. Given that you know nearly nothing about me, I forgive your rudeness and mercifully offer you a second chance. Apologize now and I will accept it. "

He must be something. An ordinary student will never survive in high school with such arrogance. My instinct is to keep my head down and apologize to him. But my dignity is shrieking NO WAY.

I contemplate the two choices in front of me and make my decision.

"No." I say.

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