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The Darkest Secret

The Darkest Secret



I haven’t always been running, yet I feel I’ll never stop. Every so often I’ll let the world stand still and I’ll remember. I remember the sun on my skin, the smell of coffee in the air; my freedom. Only for a second do I allow myself to remember. I must keep moving for he will catch me, the curse that seem unbreakable must never be fulfilled.

Chapter 1 I Remember

The air whipped across my face as the snow fell against the cold ground. I pushed myself farther back into the damp cave as my body craved warmth; but lightning a fire could be the death of me. I wrapped my arms around my body as I pulled my knees into my chest. I missed the old days, my human days. When I was care free, happy, warm. I could hear the howling bouncing of the sides of the mountains making it impossible to know where they came from. It never takes long for them to catch up. Sometimes a month others just a few days.

But this week I have failed in every attempt to shake them they just keep moving in, relentless and ruthless. My body ached with each breath, my wolf whimpered inside to weak to help. The hunger in my stomach grew with every burn that passed my throat. I could feel my weakness catching up, I could feel it winning. I tried my best to hide in the smallest crack, in the smallest cave and maybe just maybe they won’t find me. I don’t know how much time had passed but I remember hearing them at the opening, I remember the brief moment of warmth that touched my body. I remember the yelling of orders being shouted out. I remember the snow sliding down my numb limp body as I was dragged out the cave. I remember the deep smokers voice whisper in my ear, “I found you puppet”. I remember how it started.

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