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Happy Ever After?

Happy Ever After?



6 generation have been born to one house, on 6 Acres of land, John was the last one in the family. His parents are pushing him to get married, and have kids, so the house stay in the family. As a full time firefighter and His girlfriend going to school and working at a local hospital, they don't seem to have a lot of time for each other lately. With rumors of her cheating, will it be happy ever after or will it go up in flames, when a New York writer come crashing to town.

Chapter 1 The hunt

In the forest of kentucky, with trees as far as the eye can see. It poked it head from behind a tree. John froze, as he saw it, he couldn't believe his eyes on how big it was. As he pulled his gun up to shoot, his heart beated in his chest, he breathed once, then twice, a shot rang out. As the 10 point buck fell 5o yards away. As he climbed down from the free stand, the sound of leaves under foot and the sound of he heart beating was all that could be heard. His hands began to shake as he came into vew of the monster buck.

*Dame that is a monster buck, I can't wait to mount him on the wall.* he thought.

After the deer was gutted, he made his way to his ATV. After about 2 hr He made it to his truck. After putting the buck in the bed of his Chevy truck, he drove to The Butcher place. The Butcher's place is the best in town, it was an old barn that he turned into a butcher shop. The bell rang when he opened the small door on the side.

"Hey John what you got today?"

"A monster."

"Dame!! What a buck you got today John."

"I know man, I was shaking after I shot him, still can't believe I got him." John said running his hand through his dark brown hair.

"So John what do you want to do with him now?"

"You know what I like, so I guess the usual. Plus I want to have the head mounted."

"I'd say so John, I know I would."

"How long you think that take?"

"Well the meat will take about 2 weeks. The head, I'll call you, my guy out of town right now, but we'll keep it here till he get back. he should be back in a week."

"Ok, so what I owe you?"

"$150.00. We will talk about the deer head when Tom gets back."


John drove home to his nice, 6 acre 2 story white ranch house or a least it used to be white, it has 8 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, has a wrap around porch, with black shutters. His mom still keeping up with the colorful flower around the house and small garden in the back. It also has a small cabin a short walk from the house. The house and the land around it has been in the family for 6 generations. He is the last one, at the rate he's going the only one, his mom would tell him. As he steped up to the porch and opened the door, he saw his dad sitting on the brown couch with a beer, watching a football game. which was never his thing, but for his dad he sat down and watch for a bit. His mom reading one of the 100 book she has, she probley already read it 100 times. it being Saterday she didn't cook. Which was good she works to hard already.

"So son, did you get one today?"

"yes sir! He a monster dad wish you could have been there." John said sitting down on the couch next to him. pulling out a picture he took on his phone.

"Dame he big! You going to mount him?"

"Ya, but Tom out of town so it be a while."

"Did Dave say how long he be out of town?"

"He said about a week. But dad gosh I was shaking after I shot him."

"I say so son, he definitely a keeper."

"So when are you going to bring Lucy by?" His mom cut in.

"Mom, I told you I will when we get time. We both have busy schedules."

Rolling her eyes "You've been seeing her for 3 months now, when do we get to meet her?"

"Ann that enough, you didn't like it when your parents got into our love life. Leave him be."

"Ok, ok, but come on your 25 now. I was expecting grandkids when you were 20 with the way you behaved. I want grandkids to spoil....... and then give them back." She laughted.

"Mom, I Sorry I was carful when I was younger." He joked "but right now we are not at that point in are relationships to talk about kids. She is busy with school and just starting work as a Dr. at the hospital. I'll talk to her about coming over in a couple weeks for dinner. Ok."

"Ok dear."

"I Love you." He said as he went to bed.

"Love you to." his parents said.

As he layed there in bed thinking about lucy and how much he liked her.

*I'll call Lucy tomorrow and see if she want to do lunch, also see when she be free to do dinner.* he thought

*The smell of mom breakfast, could wake the dead, it smelled so good.* John thought. *Between the bacon, gravy and biscuits, and oh my god her pancakes. Just wish he could get it bed.* he laughed.

After getting up and getting dresses he left his room and went to the kitchen.

"So how did you sleep sweet heart?" His mom asked while fliping pancakes.

"Good, how about you?" He said making him a plate and a cup of coffee. He sat at the island next to his dad.

"Good" she smiled looking at Dan while he read the paper. Dan ear turning a little red.

*O God, mom don't do that* he though. Knowing what was so good about it.

Dan coughed "so son what are your plans for today?"

"Nothing much got to go to the fire house today."

"Ok will be a few day or just today?" His mom asked.

"Just today there doing a fundraiser today. I said I'd help out."

"O that is so nice. Whats it for?"

"For the family who house burned down last week. There excepting any donations right now."

"Hold on I got some stuff you can take to them."

"That be great, thanks mom."

he kissed his parents grabbed the box of stuff and went to the firehouse.

Got to the firehouse and saw what they were doing, and almost left. He really didn't care for the car wash fundraisers, but he will admit it pulled the most money. Most of coming from old Mrs. Taylor. When half the firehouse are shirtless, Mrs. Taylor was there, he can't tell you how many time he and the guys have washed old Mrs. Taylor car. He's surprised there still paint on it at the end of the day.

After about a dozen cars he wonder if a calander would be better, at least they be inside where the a.c. going, the summer sun was hot. It being close to lunch time he decided to call Lucy and see if she wanted to go to lunch and when she could do dinner with his parents.

"Hey Lucy want to do lunch today?"

"O I can't today, me and a friend are going to lunch today. I am sorry."

"Thats Ok. Well I was wonder if you had a free day to have dinner with my parents?"

"O, wow, that sounds, great, I'd have to look at my work schedule and get back to you. What about you when are You off at the fire house?"

"Have to look but, have some vacation day. So whatever your free for dinner I'll just ask for that day off."

"Ok, I will call you tomorrow. Bye!" She said hunging up.

*well, bye, love u too.* he thought

Putting his phone away he went back to washing car. He sighed, there was Mrs. Taylor waiting her turn. Again.

When the day was over they earned around $300.00, and a lot of donations. On his way back to the house he called lucy, but it went to voicemail.

Walked into the house smell of his mom cooking made his stomach scream.

"So I guess that means your hungry." Said his mom

"yes!! What you making mom?"

"well I made beef stew and cornbread."

"Sounds great, let me shower and I be right down."

The shower feeling good after spending all day in the sun. His light sunburned feeling better, thank god Susan thought of sunscreen. After stepping out and wrapping a white towel around his waist he went to his room, got dressed for bed then went down for

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