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Jason Helstrome Is the only child of a gang leader,his father gets killed by a monster hunter named van helsing, for his safety his mum moves them to another country, Jason nurtures the feeling of revenge and goes to any extent to avenge his father's death

Chapter 1 Alpha

"Rise and shine young master"a soft feminine voice says to Jason,"you need to get ready for school".

"Oh, can't I sleep just a little longer"Jason replies still wrapped in his blanket,"[chuckles] Young master you will be late again if you don't get ready"this time she says this while trying to drag him out of bed,"Alice stop,you are gonna hurt me"Jason says to Alice,who is still tryna get Jason's hand off the bed frame.Alice is Jason's personal maid since he was 6 years old, being the only child of a gang leader,Jason has found it hard to make friends,due to the fact that the mere mention of Jason's father strikes fear into the hearts of men,women and children.

Alice finally made Jason let go of the bed frame,"now please go and brush your teeth and take your bath young master".Jason sluggishly drags his legs to the bathroom ,after singing for a few minute he starts brushing his teeth.

Alice stood by the bathroom door to give Jason his bathrobe.

"Alice what would you want for your birthday,Alice shocked from the question,she had no idea the young master remembered her birthday."well,what do you want" Jason asked again,"if am to want anything,I guess it will be a day off"Alice replied .Jason steps out of the bathroom,takes his bathrobe and asks Alice if that is what she really wants?,Alice replied saying yes.Jason looks at her and said she can have the rest of the day off, Alice with joy hugged Jason and left to enjoy the rest of the day.

Jason comes downstairs to have breakfast,"ah,ready for school Jason"."yes mum"Jason replies.

"Jason my boy,come give dad a nice tackle"Jason's dad says with a deep voice,Jason and his dad has always wrestled each other before Jason goes to school ever since he was 4."arrggh"Jason charges at his dad trying to deliver a spear tackle,but as always his dad would just lift him up and toss him down."it's not fair dad,you always win"Jason's dad laughs and said "one day you will be able to beat me, it's just a matter of time". Matilda tell Alice to drive Jason to school,"Alice isn't around"Jason said,"well where is she"his mother asked,Jason smiled and said "I gave her the day off" looks at his parents confused faces and asked"did you guys forget her birthday again","oh shit,it's her birthday,why didn't anyone tell me"Jason's dad asked .Jason chuckles and says his mum will drop him at school today, though his mum insisted on tasking one of the bodyguards to drive Jason to school,she finally agreed to drop him off herself.

Jason gets to school just after first period was over, having a few minute till the next period he decided to play some games on his cellphone.a few minute later the second period bell rang,Jason was on his way to class when a girl running from the other side of the hall bumped into him,Jason grabbed her arm as she was about to fall,"be careful"he said to the girl,he noticed two guys across the hall she came from,ran into a class close to them.jason asked the girl if those boys were chasing her?,she said yes,that she just moved to the school yesterday and they have been harassing her since.jason asked if she would like to see those boys in pain?,the girl was a little terrified by wat Jason said and replied no."just kidding,hi am Jason"this was Jason's first time talking to a fellow student,aside from doing group projects,"ver-ver-veronica"she said stammering.Jason liked how shy she was talking to him,but he remembered he had class,"guess I'll see you around"he told the girl before running to class.

All through the day Jason kept thinking about Veronica,her blue eyes,dark skin and slim fit body made it very hard for him to forget about her.so he decided after last period he would try to look for her,after last period Jason had just ten minutes before his mum will come and pick him up,he searched round the whole school but couldn't find her,his mum came to pick him up and she came earlier than expected.jason was a little sad as he couldn't find Veronica but he kept in mind that he can try again tomorrow.

They got home, Jason went to take a shower,Alice was already in his room getting his bath ready,"how was your day off"Jason asked with a smile,"it was great young master,I spent most of the day at the spa"Jason was happy to see Alice smiling.After his bath,he went downstairs for dinner,"Alice dear, please come join us for dinner"Jason's mum insisted, Alice was seen as a member of the family, which almost made some of the staffs envy her.

The whole family ate together,they each gave Alice gifts as to apologize for forgetting her birthday,"so Jason,how was school today"Jason's father asked, noticing the sad look on Jason's face.jason explained to his dad on how he met the prettiest girl ever,but sadly when he went to look for her,she was no where to be seen.jason's dad laughed and teased his son for being in love, everyone laughed,it was a happy moment.

Suddenly a loud gun shot was heard from front of the house,"what was that"Jason asked, Jason's dad quickly ordered Alice to take Jason to his room,but Jason insisted on staying downstairs with his parents,Alice takes Jason upstairs and they hid in his room.Another gun shot was heard,but this time from the side of the house,"they are trying to take out all the guards"Jason's dad quickly pulled out a rifle and went outside to check the situation,as he was heading for the door,it was forcefully kicked by a masked man,he quickly shot Jason's dad on the arm,"arrgghh,you bloody bastard"Jason's mum said as she went to check on her husband's wound,"don't pretend like you don't know it's gonna heal quickly Matilda"the masked man said as he took off his mask, exposing a scar on one of his eye"did you miss me helstrome"he said to Jason's dad, Matilda asked what the man wanted,money, anything she will give it to him,but the masked man said he is only here to kill Jason's dad,"after all, that is what monster hunters do right"he said , Jason's dad stood up and looked at the masked man,he laughed and called him Van Helsing,"how did you manage to find me?", but van helsing didn't answer, instead he shot Jason's dad on the leg and smiled,two guards showed up and attacked van helsing from behind but he quickly dodged their attack and shot them with silver bullets,which made their body engulf in flames,"you really need to train your pack properly helstrome"van helsing said with a smirk on his face.

Upstairs, Jason tries to convince Alice to let him go downstairs and see what's happening,Alice tried to make Jason calm but he was still persistent on going downstairs, Jason agrees to stay calm,which made Alice drop her guard,then Jason picked up a chair and hit Alice on the back,causing her to fall , he quickly ran downstairs.tears came rolling down Jason's cheek as he saw his dad bleeding."so nice of to join us Jason"van helsing said with a devilish smile, Jason's dad told Jason to run back upstairs,but Jason as stubborn as ever refused and insisted that van helsing should leave his family alone.helsing smiled at Jason and told him the next time he talks rudely to him,he will make sure that day will be his end.helsing faced his attention back to Jason's dad and asked him if he wants the easy way or hard way,just then another masked person entered the house,this time it was a female,she told van helsing that the guards have been taken care of, Jason trembled in fear,his mum held his hand and told him it's all going to be alright,van helsing looked at the masked person and ordered her to search the house for any other members,"Veronica search the house for more staffs", that named sounded familiar to Jason,then she took off her mask,to Jason's surprise it was the same girl he bumped into at school,Jason was soo shocked he found it hard to move, Veronica went upstairs to search the house,now van helsing looked at Jason's dad and asked him one more time"do you want the easy way or hard way", Jason's dad smirked and said he would rather die than surrender to van helsing,van helsing laughed,he admired Jason's dad courage but he wasn't in the mood for any games,then he looked at Jason and asked him if he wants it the easy way, Jason was still shocked from earlier that he couldn't reply,few minutes later Veronica came down with Alice and three other maids at gun point,Jason instantly got furious and told Veronica if anything happens to Alice he will kill her,van helsing slapped Jason and told him to watch his tone,"so now the whole gang is here,let's get started"van helsing said pointing the gun at Jason's dad,just then a Loud howl was heard from outside the house,van helsing turned around to see two werewolves staring at him and Veronica,instantly Jason's dad stood up and told his wife to get ready to take everyone through the back door,Alice quickly grabbed veronica's gun but during the struggle they shot the three other maids and shot Jason's mum on the arm,"Alice be careful with that thing"Jason shouted trying to drag his mum to the back door,the two werewolves charged at van helsing attempting to rip him apart,but van helsing easily dodged their attacks,Alice has just managed 2 take veronica's gun off her hand,and they both engaged in hand to hand combat,Jason takes his mum to the back door,he was able to put her in one of the cars parked out side,then goes back to get Alice and his dad,when he got back he saw the two werewolves killed and Alice was hammering away on Veronica,Jason quickly stops her and tells her they need to escape, Jason's dad tells Alice to take Jason and his mum far away from town,"what about you dad"Jason asked, Jason's dad didn't reply,he just walked up to Jason and gave him his chain,"take care of your mother"Jason's dad said as he turned to van helsing and gave out a loud howl,he slowly started transforming into a werewolf, Jason was surprised and tried to stand by his dad,but Alice stops him and hits him at the back of his neck causing him to fall unconscious and she took him to the car parked at the back,she drove Jason and his mum out of town, Jason's dad and van helsing got into a fierce fight, Jason's dad had the upper hand in the fight but as he was about to deliver the final blow he was shot from behind by Veronica,he turned and tried attacking her but she shot him three more times, Jason's dad fell to his knees,then van helsing drew out a silver sword,"go to hell you monster"he said as he decapitated Jason's dad.he looked at Veronica and told her to improve her fighting skills,"don't worry we will get them the next time we meet"he picked Veronica and put her on his back,as they got outside he took out a rocket launcher and blasted Jason's home to bits.

Alice now outside the border of the town can see heavy smoke going to the sky,she looked at Jason and started crying,she felt pity for him,"don't worry,we are here for him"Jason's mum said as she places Alice's head on her shoulder.

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