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Hidden From The Mafia Lord

Hidden From The Mafia Lord



Charlia Benson was a seventeen year old girl, with an adorable red hair, who was being forced by her mom to disguise herself as a boy just to hide her Identity from the world. And her mom (Hailey) who keeps a lots of secrets from her daughter, just because of the stranger who she had a one night stand with betrayed and aboundom her not knowing she was pregnant afterwards. Now his back for his child, he wants to take her away from her mom, but Hailey sworn never to let the bastard come close to her daughter. Royal wealth, a son of a billionaire, drugs dealer, at 18 his in charge of his father's illegal business, his Devilishly handsome, rude, ill-manner and a man whore. What happened when Charlia Benson gets to meet the almighty Royal, and was forced to Share a room with him in her new school against his will. Chad Eric, Royal best friend, who find everything suspicious about Charlia Benson from the first the day she step her foot into the school, and he promised to clear his curiosity. Will Chad find out Charlia secret? Will he expose her? Will Royal fall inlove with her? Will the stranger find out her wherabout? Too any secrets to unfold.

Chapter 1 The Fight

Chapter one: THE FIGHT

Charlia Benson, yeah that's her name, a seventeen years old girl, the only son and daughter of her mom. She's tall, fair in complexion, gat an adorable bright green eyes with her sexy eyeballs matches to her pale skin and lengthy red hair which she admire so much.

About her dad? She knows nothing about him or what he looks like, not in picture or even in reality cause she grew up without her father by her side, well it's fine !! she gat her mom.

She's an hidden child, all thanks to her mom for getting her stuck in boys clothes all day long. Ever since she was a little girl, her mom insisted she dress up like a boy without telling her the reasons cause whenever she brought up the issue, her mom find a best way to avoid it or rather she will say when the right time comes she will tell her all she needs to know.

But know she's seventeen, a big girl now, no longer a child she deserves to know the truth, why is she dressing like a boy and she really wants to know who is her father, is his handsome, tall, pale skin like hers, she can't deny the fact that she really missed him so much even without knowing him. Now she going to ask her mom one last time because she need an answer.

She walk up to her mom's room barging in without knocking on the door, which got her mom furious and she said; "Lia, where are your manners?" She shouted.

"Well I left it back there in my room", Crossing her two hands around her breast, her mom was surprised by her daughter outbursts as she stear at Lia with her eyes wide open.

"Mom who is my Dad" She finally drop the bomb shell because her mom wasn't expecting it coming.

" And what's the meaning of that, have told you am going to tell you all you need to know when the right times comes, so go back to your room now" her mom's said with an authority, which didn't seem to move Lia even a bit, cause she knows her mom very well, well enough to know that she's just using this hard tone to push her away, but she got her on this today, as she said; " ain't going anywhere without you telling me what I need to know" she said stubbornly.

Hailey look up to her daughter, looking scared, she's no longer the sweet little Charlie she can decieve easily, all she could see right now, is a grown up pretty lady who is determined to know the truth, but she can't let the cat out of the bag, not now not ever, she ganna wait till she's ready to handle the truth, she can't tell her now, so she said; " All am doing is to protect you, please try to understand me Lia" She said getting defeated already trying to reason with her daughter.

" Mom, this is what you have been saying this for the pass sixteen years, so am not buying those bullshit again, not this time around, Mom, who are you protecting me from? Lia said getting angry, as her mom was staring into space "mom, talk to me, am your daughter for Christ sake, what the hell are you hiding from me." she shouted again, her mom still not say a word to her and she angrily said; " am ganna go out there mom, out of this buil....." As her mom quickly interupt her, hugging her tightly.

" Please don't go outside, believe me, am doing all this for you please I beg of you " Her mom said sobbing like a baby, " do you think it's easy for me too, his out there looking for you, I can't let him take you away from me" her mom was scared visiblely.

Lia could see fears in her mom's eyes,and who is he, why is he looking for her, she ask herself, seeing her mom this way breaks her heart, because her mom was so scared, but why is she scared, she had known her mom to be a strong woman, seeing her like this weakened her spirits and she don't know what to say again.

She just have to be thankful to God for giving her such a mom, her super woman, who had passed through pains and struggles just to give her a better and comfortable life, what more would she ask for, she just had to follow her mom decision and accept who she is now "A boy" thinking about that makes her stomach sick, she look up to her mom and said;

" Okay mom, I believe you, so stop crying" she Said to her mom cleaning her tears.

" I love you Baby, don't think of me as a bad mother okay," her mom said looking into her eyes.

" I won't mom," she assured, as she left for her room leaving her mom all alone.

Charlia entered her room and walk straight to the bathroom to have a quick shower, she came out dripping wet from her hair as she sat-down in front of her dressing mirror stearing at her reflection suddenly she felt a strange feeling as if she was being watched by someone, she walk closer to the window and look outside, her eyes meet with me darkness of the night, checking out if she could see anything or anyone but she still felt it again she quickly lock her window as push the feeling aside and continue with what she was doing with her hair, she was done creaming her body as she walk up to her bed and yawned triedlessly " tomorrow ganna be a long day " she said silencely as she slept offff .

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