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The Bad boy's Hated Tutor

The Bad boy's Hated Tutor

May sunrise


"Or else,what?" "I'll hurt you,Ashley." ***** ***** ***** ***** Pretty looks. Good grades. Doting parents. Loving boyfriend. Ashley Campbell is not your typical average student,she has it all and she hopes for a good future. Handsome looks. Badass jerk. Man whore. Bad grades. Daniel Brooks is your typical bad boy,he is an arrogant jerk. His passions is to break any damn rules and to stir up trouble. Their senior year took a different turn when Ashley was asked to tutor Daniel Brooks,her worst nightmare,her ex best friend and her ex crush. Could it be a blessing in disguise for Ashley to resolve their differences? Or could it be something more than that?

Chapter 1 A Bad day


My phone beeped as i entered the class.Since,it's a message,i chose to ignore it.I walked to my seat beside the window and sat down,i remembered the day our class teacher told me to sit there as my permanent seat,i was so happy.I loved the feeling of the warm breeze coming from the window soothing my skin.

Today must be a bad day.For the first time,our chemistry teacher is late for class.I'm sure that everyone is in a good mood especially the lazy students among us.It's even obvious because everyone is surely in a good mood;laughing and chatting among themselves.Perhaps,i should use this medium to check the text i had received earlier.I brought out my phone from my pocket and opened the text message.My cheek turned tomato red when i read the message.It's a message from my boyfriend,Adrian.It is really romantic to get a good morning text from your lover early Monday morning.I felt on top of the world,i am lucky to have Adrian as a boyfriend.Though we are hundred miles apart,our love even bond more stronger.

I wished i finished high school as soon as possible so that i can gain admission to University of California,Los Angeles (UCLA) and be more closer to Adrian.

"Hey Ashley."a voice jolted me out of my daydream.

It was Bryan,one of the most hottest and baddest guy in my school.

"Hi."I waved my hands with a fake smile plastered on my face.

He beamed a smile."Well,i'm having a party at my house this weekend.If you like..........."

A cold husky but familiar voice interrupted him."Why her of all people?"

All heads turned.Now,everyone focused their attention on us.I so much hated attention and unfortunately for me,am the object of the attention.

My eyes met with my worst nightmare. My ex best friend. My ex crush.

As usual,he was dressed like a civilized rogue.Though,his uniform was very neat,he always have a way to ruin his outfit.The top buttons of his shirt was loose exposing his chest which girls seems to die for.He didn't tuck in his shirt properly and he rolled up one of his shirt's sleeve baring the tattoo on his arm.The tattoo on his arm says 'Angel' but he is the exact opposite of that. He's a Devil.

Our eyes met a second.Did i just saw this eyes flashes fire? Perhaps,it was my imagination.

He turned to Bryan."I don't want her there."

"And,who wants to be there,anyway?"i muttered inwardly.

But,i didn't mutter it out.I don't want anyone to spoil my good mood this morning.

Bryan started."I just thought......."

"Cut it out,man."the devil interrupted him once more."Fuck,seeing her face sucks.Let's just get outta here."

I inhaled a sigh of relief and muttered under my breath."Thank goodness."

He grabbed Adrian's hand and they both walked away from my seat. As they were about to get out of the class,our chemistry teacher entered the class.Almost of all my classmates if not all scoffed. I was elated,doing chemistry would make me feel good after Daniel spoiled my mood.

He's Daniel. I hate to remember all what transpired between us. I hate to remember our former relationship before his mother's death. I hate to think of the memories we've had together,both the sweet and bitter memories.

"Where are you boys going? Time for chemistry."Our chemistry teacher,Ms Clever queried Daniel and Bryan as they were about to step out of the class.

Daniel's deep voice echoed in the class."Why do you wanna know?"

Miss Clever is the only teacher who doesn't take shit from anyone even Daniel. Other teachers still tolerate Daniel,they didn't bother whether he attends class or not. They just give him a big 'F' written in red ink. Even with having F's in all his subjects,he still get promoted. He will be promoted,of course. He's the proprietor's only child,he is the son of the owner of Prestige High School (PHS).But,deep down in me,i knew that Daniel is not a dumb ass,he just choose to be like that. The Daniel i knew when we were bosom friends was very intelligent and talented. He's nice to everyone,though he behaves like a jerk sometimes.

Ms Clever took a deep breath and glared at Daniel."I don't wanna exchange words with you,young man. You and your friend should take your seat."

"Frankly,i don't wanna exchange words with you too. So,i'm just gonna do the both of us a favour by stepping out of this class. I don't know whether Bryan wanna stay."Daniel turned to his friend,Bryan.

Bryan muttered."Chemistry is boring,man."

A smirk appeared on Daniel's face."You gat your answer,Ms Clever. By the way,i love transparent white shirts. You looked hot with that your pink bra."

Some of my classmates chuckled. I could hear Paige's loud and sharp cackle. I'm sure she would find it funny,Paige is the queen bee of the school and one of Daniel's biggest fan.

Daniel shoved his hand in his pocket with the smirk still on his face. He winked at Ms Clever and walked out of the class with Bryan following him.

Ms Clever was embarrassed and it was so visible on her face. She fidget with her shirt and buttoned up the top button of her shirt which was loose.I felt pity for her. Being embarrassed by a student in front of other students is enough to make one depressed.

"Well,let's continue with our class."she uttered.

******** ******** ******** ********

The moment i entered the principal's office,i knew that he is up to something mischievous. Mr Hart,the one and only principal in my school didn't smile so easily as if he had won a lottery. He was smiling ear-to-ear at me. I wondered why he needs my attention in the first place.

"Hi,Miss Campbell. Please have your seat."He gestured to a seat in front of him and i obeyed,still confused."By the way,did you see Daniel on your way coming here?"

"Daniel? No,i didn't see him."i replied."Excuse me,why did you need my attention?"

"Well,this concern you and Daniel.So,we will have to wait for him to be present."He rubbed his forehead."Daniel is a such a jerk."

My mind is wheeling and providing different assumptions. It concern me and Daniel?

Suddenly,someone slammed the door open hitting the wall making such a loud noise. I turned back and i saw Daniel,he rested his arm on the wall,his legs crossed together.

"Don't be rude,Daniel. You have wasted Miss Campbell's time already."Mr Hart reprimanded him.

He bit her bottom lip and ran his hands through his head.

He's always irritated when my name is mentioned to his hearing.

That same Daniel was the one who always make sure that he's with me all the time. But,sadly that Daniel is gone since four years ago.

"Wait a minute,why did you summoned me here?"Daniel asked Mr Hart.

Mr Hart was so frustrated and he barked at him."Sit down,young man. What's your problem?"

"Stop shouting at me,man. It's not good for your health."Daniel shrugged and reluctantly dragged himself to the seat beside me."I'm just giving you an advice as a friend."

Mr Hart hissed."Anyway,i summoned the both of you here because of a very important issue. And also,it mostly concern Daniel here......."

Daniel interrupted him,he was suddenly interested in what Mr Hart wanted to say."Oh really? But,even if it concern me,then why is she here? It's about me,not her."

Mr Hart was so frustrated."Why are you like this? This is about your future,be serious Daniel. Mind you,you must not interrupt me again."

"And,what if i do?"Daniel muttered under his breath.

Mr Hart heard what he said but decided to ignore him,knowing fully well that he's still gonna make a fuss about it.

"Actually,your father,Mr Brooks is worried about Daniel's future. Imagine Daniel getting F's in all his subjects,how will he gain admission to college? I'm sure that no school in this world would accept him. Even,Mr Brooks can't buy his way out."Mr Hart paused.

I glanced at Daniel with the corner of my eyes,i watched him as he brought out his iPhone from his pocket and plugged an earpiece in his ear. I'm sure that he's hearing whatever Mr Hart is uttering. That is one of his habit. Whenever he is bored with any discussion,he would plug an earpiece in his ear without listening to any music. Daniel just enjoys being rude.

"Mr Brooks actually come up with a nice solution to help Daniel improve his grades. Now,Miss Campbell,this concern you now and i hope that you can help us with this."Mr Hart said and watched my reaction.

I just faked a smile. Only God knows what his man wanna say.

"So,Miss Campbell will help us assist Daniel by tutoring him."

As if we were shocked by electric,the both of us shouted."No. Never!"

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