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"He was like a hurricane who caught me in his wild emotions and left me lost with no one to hold on." Olivia Harris is a well-renowned model who seems to have her life altogether; until he crosses paths with Karl Jayden Ford, her college sweetheart. Love, Lust, Despair, Betrayal. As Jayden tries to enter her life again, will Olivia break her walls once more?

Chapter 1 One.

This novel is a work of fiction. Unless otherwise indicated, all names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents in this book are either the product oft the author's imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

This story includes strong language and scenes that could be disturbing to certain readers. Read at your own risk.


"One more shot!"

"Please look here!"

"Sideway glance!"

"Fierce Aura!"

I can hear Kent's assistants sigh dreamily as I posed in front of the cameras.

"Olivia is so pretty!"

"How I wish I can be like her!"

"And that is a wrap! Amazing job as always Ms. Harris!" Kent exclaimed proudly as Fierra quickly approached me to give me my phone while retouching my makeup. I looked at the time and shook my head, I was out late again. I quickly went down to grab my stuff, and Fierra did the same.

The chilly December breeze penetrated through my coat as we went outside. Almost no one is around except for a few people going to the convenience store, probably to find solace in the dead silence of the night. As creepy as it may seem, the silence felt...


"Ms. Harris, should we go now?" My reverie was cut short by Fierra's voice, I turned to look at her. Long, brown hair tied in a lazy ponytail, creamy skin and pale lips. She looks very tired, I'm aware of it. She has been my assistant for almost five years already.

"I told you to call me by my name when we're outside right?" I gently smiled at her, which she returned.

"I can't do that, I am way too shy." She responded and I couldn't help but chuckle as we went to the parking lot. I helped her put my things at the back and she was about to go to the driver's seat but I beat her to it. She looked at me with surprise but I just shook my head.

"I'm driving today."

"But Ms. Har-"

"No buts, you're tired today." I responded and she had no choice but to sit in the passenger seat in defeat.

Fierra Walkinson, she has been my assistant for the past three years that I have been modelling. She has always been a very patient person, even when I was starting with almost nothing. She never left my side through the highs and the lows. She cried on my sorrows, she rejoiced on my achievements. She felt like a family to me.

"What is our schedule for this coming week?" I queried while driving and she rushed to check her notebook, her hair falling to her face.

"You have an upcoming schedule for this coming Thursday, so you have the three days free since the interviews got rescheduled." She replied hesitantly. That is one thing that I have always felt odd about her, it always seems like she's walking on eggshells when she's with me. I kind of got curious about what her past employer was like, but I didn't want to bring up the past and just brushed it off. I tried to make my voice as cheerful as I could.

"Then I guess you have four days off then." I told her cheerfully and she gaped at me in surprise.

"But Ms. Harris!" She tried to object but I cut her off.

"Oh shush, it's fine! I'm still gonna pay you so you don't have to worry about it. Use that time to look at your backlogs, I'm sure your professor is waiting for your work already." I assured her. Fierra is still a college student, currently in her third year. I know the Third year is very hard, especially since she is majoring in Psychology. This is why I try my best to be as understanding as I could.

"I'm halfway through my backlogs, but are you sure you're going to be okay?" She asked in her tiny voice and I was taken aback, being asked if I was okay seemed to be a very new thing to me. I smiled gently and patted her head.

"Silly girl, I'll be fine! I'm already twenty- five. I can already take care of myself!" I tried to convince her but she seemed to find cracks in the mask I am hiding in, but she didn't pry.

"Just call when something happens Ms. Harris, my lines will always be open." She concluded and I looked at her, she never backs down after all. I laughed.

"Okay, okay I will. You sure are very persistent. I will call." I reassured her, and she nodded her head like she's some sort of kid.

I drove her back to their place in Valkyrie Hills and she still looked at me like I'm going to change my decision.

"Are you sure you can manage Ms. Harris? You don't have to do this." She seemed like she was about to cry and I found it kind of adorable, not in a romantic kind of way though.

"Come on, is that the way to treat your senior? Remember I'm going to proofread your Chapter two so you should focus on that instead of pestering me to let you stay with me on a non-working day!" I teased and she didn't seem at all convinced.

"Besides, let me have my alone days. I won't be able to find a boyfriend if you keep clinging on to me, they will think you're some kind of obsessed assistant and that is weird as heck." I joked and it was her turn to laugh this time, she agreed in the end and started walking toward their gate. But before going in, she turned at me and waved.

"Thank you, Ms. Harris! See you on Thursday!" This kid, honestly. I thought and just waved at her as well before getting into the car.

It was already two o' clock in the morning when I finally reached the parking area of Blue Moon Residences, in which my condo unit is located. I got out of the car and dragged the luggage towards the elevator. It was getting really late, but I still haven't found the drowsiness in my system so I had no choice but to organize my stuff just so I don't have to face it as a task when I get lazy.

As I finished placing the last dress into the laundry bin, drowsiness seemed to have found me. Thankfully, I quickly washed my face and got into my house clothes and plopped myself on the bed.

This was a tiring day indeed, I thought as I let the fatigue wash over me.

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