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Mafia Slave

Join us deep in a tale of mafian deceit

Chapter 1 How the mighty have fallen

As I kneel on the floor of his room with my arms laid flat on my thighs and head bowed down I await my instructions. It feels like an eternity before I hear signs of life behind me. I dare not look up. I await him. "Look at you, knelt down for my pleasure, for my use only and you have no safe word to save you. No one is coming to save you. Nothing will save you". He chuckled knowing I could not react or speak to him without permission or fear of punishment. "Nothing to say? My my... How the mighty have fallen" I feel him tie something around my eyes to take away my sight.

Any good submissive knows if you take away one sight it heightens another. I hear him kneel and feel his breath on my ear as he says" Let's have some fun, shall we?".

One Month Earlier

I knew this wasn't going to be an easy assignment. I knew the risks. I understood the assignment when I read through the information package left for me at the drop site. I should explain that I am what's known as a drifter. I have no none family - no local connections, nothing tying me down, able to go assignment to assignment at the drop of a pin. This assignment wouldn't be as easy as the other ones I had completed but hey drifting doesn't come cheap so when I saw the high prize money attached I knew something was dodgy. I did my homework, collected my gear and set upon my way straight into the dragons den. My target for this mission was Damien Riveria. According to my information packet Damon was a multi millionaire who had fingers in many pies some of them in the wrong ones if you get my meaning. My target specifically was in his safe. I was to steal a hard drive from a suspected Mafia Kingpin..... no wonder the prize money was so high. My in to this assignment was a dinner party being held in his manor. Somehow I had been put on the list as a waitress. If all went well it should be the hard drive should be in my possession by sunrise. All had gone incredibly well at the start of the night. I had gone in in uniform provided, was patted down before I entered the mansion, signed in and got to work preparing for the night ahead. While setting up for the party I made note in my head of entrances and exits, the location of the fire alarms if needed and got a sneak peek at the guest list to make sure there was enough cover for a distraction. It had all gone well until the moment it didn't. I pulled the alarm and got up to the library in search for the hard drive but I never made it far enough to search. One moment I'm running in to the library next moment the world is black.

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