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Twin Cursed

Twin Cursed



Thunder and lightning were strong when the twins were born with a power that was one of the reasons for them to be banished to the human world, like the thunder and lightning on the day of their birth, they separated when they were exiled to the human world, so the twins eventually separated and went to different families. They will grew up slowly learning the powers they have. Thought they were cursed. Eventually, the twin will meet in the future and began to accept they curse.

Chapter 1 The Beginning

Thunder and lightning were strong when the twins were born with a power that was one of the reasons for them to be banished to the human world, like the thunder and lightning on the day of their birth. They separated when they were exiled to the human world, so the twins eventually separated and went to different families.

As the couple Latiña and Kelvin were walking home, Kelvin heard a loud baby crying so he immediately heard it where the band was crying. Unexpectedly, he saw a baby in the park inside a house crying as if the mother had left the baby, so Kelvin hurriedly took the child and said in frustration ...

"Poor child, it's still very cute, who could be a ruthless parent to do this to you".

"What's that Kelvin ?, is that kid?". questioning said his wife Latiña.

"Yes, she look very cute she is". Kelvin replied to the wife.

"Hey Kelvin, don't tell me you're going to take that home?". questioning Latiña said to kelvin with irritation.

"Can we take her home? Oh poor thing". yet Kelvin said to the wife.

I don't know and i don't want you're stupud! ". Latiña replied angrily to Kelvin.

"Baby 'don't cry muah muah muah". he told the baby to kiss his forehead as if he were his real child.

When the couple got home, the two immediately argued because Kelvin insisted on taking the baby home even though Latiña was against it.

"Latiña, you know I've wanted to have a child for a long time!". Kelvin said angrily to the wife.

"If you're like that Kelvin, you're doing what you want in life so be together!". Latiñ replied angrily to his wife, leaving at once.

Kelvin just left his wife because he knew that his anger would pass quickly.

Kelvin immediately went to the room where the baby was, Kelvin noticed that he had not yet given it a name and that no one had hung or written on the baby what its name was, so because of it was so red that it looked like a volcano about to erupt, so he gave it the nickname Tisay.

"That's right, I'll just call you Tisay". What a pity Kelvin said to the baby.

Kelvin didn't expect the baby to suddenly smile after he named it.

"Tisay tisay tisay haha". She mentions it over and over because she thinks the baby is happy with the name she gave it.

Because of Tisay, the couple often loses their bonding because Kelvin always focuses on the baby which is the reason why Latiña is even more angry and annoyed with Tisay.

As the days went by, Kelvin noticed that every time he and Latiña fought, it seemed like it was too hot in their house and especially in Tisay's room, but Kelvin just ignored it,

"Maybe it's just so hot right now because it's summer again". said Kelvin to his self.

A few years later and Tisay is 15 years old and she is now in grade 10, she also helps her Dad Kelvin's job of selling vegetables and she doesn't let her get tired and alone. father in selling vegetables so sometimes he is the one who works almost all day because his father is also old.

But even though Tisay was so diligent, her mother, Latiña, still didn't change her opinion of her, but she was unaware that she was just an adopted child, so Latiña was so angry with him.

Sometimes his mother, Latiña, often hurt him but he kept it from his father, because he did not want his father and mother to quarrel again.

Even though Tisay's life was so difficult, her Dad Kelvin never left her and loved her dearly as if she were a real child.

That's why Tisay's respect and love for her mother is the same even though it always makes her hot, because her Dad always tells her not to pay attention to her Mother Latiña's behavior, maybe it's just stress. difficulty of life.

One day their vegetable supplier arrived and with her was her daughter Amber, their supplier's only child.

"Hi good morning". greetings from their supplier Mr. Fuentes.

"Where's your Dad Kelvin?". He asked Tisay.

"My, my father left and he took care of me here in the store". Tisay replied immediately.

"Is that so, go ahead please let me pass". It is a pity that Mr. Fuentes because Tisay's father was not there.

"Ah all right, you can come". Tisay replied happily to Mr. Fuentes.

And immediately Mr. left. Fuentes in his fancy car.

Just a few minutes later, Tisay's supplier and her father, Mr. Fruentes is the return of Tisay's Dad who seems very tired after going to where he went, and Tisay didn't hesitate anymore and immediately said ...

"Dad you look so tired, come first and sit here". Tisay told her father happily

Thank you my child, I'm very tired of what your godfather and I did ".

"Then, Dad, Mr. Fuentes passed by, and he told me to tell you that he came from our store."

"alright is that so daughter, go ahead thank you daughter for saying". his father replied cheerfully.

"Nothing dad, come and let's eat together". Tisay said politely to the father.

The next day, Tisay's father said that he would take her with him to deliver vegetables to Mr. Fuentes, because Mr. Fuentes that his daughter will meet Tisay, because she is a very good child and smart and to have his daughter with her when going to the mall because Mr. Fuentes will not be able to be with her, Mr. Fuentes to daughter Amber because of work.

"Is that so dad, all right". Tisay responded happily to her father.

They haven't had Mr. Fuentes can already see on Tisay's face how happy she is to be with their supplier's daughter Amber, although she has not seen it yet, she is relieved.

"Why does my pretty daughter look excited". the father said jokingly to Tisay.

"Haha no, I'm just happy because I can be with the child of our vegetable supplier". She replied happily to his father.

When Tisay and Mr. Fuentes was immediately introduced by Mr. Fuentes Tisay to her only child Amber.

"Nice to meet you Ms. Amber". Tisay greeted Amber happily.

"Haha what is that, we're almost the same age". Amber laughed in reply to Tisay.

"Haha of course, but your Daddy's supplier is ok". Tisay replied.

"By the way, can you join me at the Mall today? I want to buy something there now".

"Of course, let's say goodbye to our parents first".

"Okay." Amber replied happily.

And immediately the two went to where they were going, but unexpectedly they saw something that caused them to get angry.

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