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Hunting the demon Alpha

Hunting the demon Alpha

Blossom Harold


"I will never do the thing you're asking me off" Myla sneered as gazed at Ares in disgust but he just chuckled then moved closer to her. He leaned closer to her ear and whispered "I own you and I can do whatever I want with you" With that being said, he tore off the piece of clothing on her body and Myla gasped. Myla hunter had always dreamt of a world where Mystical beings and Humans can live together peacefully but that dream came spiraling down soon enough after her father got killed by a young wolf who was possessed by a demon. After this tragedy, she wore to avenge her father and the only way she could do that was by becoming the Demon wolf's Slave. Along the line, she discovered that things are not always as they seem and found herself falling in love with her father's killer. Will love prevail or will the quest for revenge be greater?

Chapter 1 Fulfill my promises


Myla! Stop!

Myla could hear her name being called but all that was on her mind right now was saving her father.

Her father halted as soon as he saw her and his eyes widened but before he could move, the wolf boy ran up to him with the speed of lightning and yanked out his heart. The blood splashed on Myla as she stood there frozen on the spot. Her eyes were filled with horror and her hands shook as she watched her father fall to the ground. It was like the earth stopped moving at that moment. She walked slowly towards her father and fell right in front of him.

"Father?" She asked softly as she shook his shoulder but she knew in her heart that he was already dead and it was all her fault. She turned to the wolf boy with angry eyes and pulled out her dagger.

"I'm going to kill you, you Monster" She saw the hurt flash through his eyes but she could care less. She wanted him to feel the pain she was feeling right now in her chest. Tears fell from her eyes as she ran up to him with her dagger in her hand but she was only able to slice him across the arm before he disappeared with a puff of smoke.

"Come back here you monster, I'm going to kill you even if it's the last thing I do!!"....


As Myla rode through the Ruolyan forest with the other trainers, she couldn't help but remember what had happened ten years ago. She stopped her horse with a sigh then turned to stare at the waterfall and mountains in front of her. It was so beautiful that it calmed her down. It has been so long since she left the clan.

Her mother had become too strict about her safety. After her father died, Myla wasn't allowed to leave the clan at all. All she could do was watch her friendship go hunting while she stayed back to practice but she didn't mind doing that all those years because she was determined to get stronger and her mother was a great huntress and with the help of some of the trainers in their clan, Myla had become the best hunter in all five clans. After some time, she started getting bored of seeing the same things over and over again but anytime she asked her mother to allow her to go hunting with the others, it was the same answer over and over again. No!

But then she took a stand today and told her mother that training in a secluded place wasn't going to help her and so was shielding her from the outside world. Myla had lost all her street senses and the outside world felt so new to her. Still, she hadn't forgotten her mission, she felt she had trained enough and she was ready now, she was ready to face the demon wolf.

"Myla!" She turned to the voice and saw Luane and Noah riding towards her.

"We thought something had happened to you,why are you here?" Luane questioned with a stern look in her eyes which made Myla roll her eyes.

"Calm down, I didn't escape my mother today to hear nags from you. Besides, I was just enjoying the view, it has been so long" Noah nodded with a smile on his face.

"Yeah but it would all be worth it in the end, when you finally kill him" Myla smiled with a nod.

"Let's go already, I'm sure the others are searching for us. Last one there is a rotten octopus!" She yelled then rode away. Noah turned to Myla with a smile.

"You coming?" She nodded at him and they rode away.

"Today, someone special is here with us and this is her first time training with us. Myla?" She smiled at him and at everyone else.

"Yes sir" He smiled kindly at her then turned to the rest.

"Today, I am going to test your agility and how quick witted you are. Today, you'll all be hunting down a tiger" Everyone gasped including Myla. They had never hunted down tigers, lions or wolves before. She smiled at the challenge but she saw the nervousness in others, even Luane.

"Sir? We have never hunted such animals before" A girl who Myla knew as Nicole spoke up. The trainer glared at her.

"We are hunters, nothing associated with never should ever come out of your mouth. You have been thought to hunt down wild and dangerous animals and this is your time to put your training to the test" He saw that they were still unsure so he sighed and said;

"Anyone that gets to kill a tiger first will become my personal assistant" They gasped. Being an assistant to him meant the chance for a raise in ranking back at their clan. Myla didn't really need it but she was going to capture the tiger because this would finally be an eye opener for her mother. This was the only way she could prove she was ready to fulfill her promise

"Okay sir, we got this" He smiled at her then turned to the rest of the group.

"Get whatever weapon you're better with and get it ready. At the count of five, you'll begin the hunt" Myla smiled at Luane and Noah before turning to the trainer.





5! Go!

They all ran like their lives depended on it. This was the Ruolyan forest which meant there was probably only one tiger in the clearing and Myla had to get to it first.

When she found herself all alone, she took a deep breath then closed her eyes and felt the wind. Her mother always told her that the wind always showed the way to the prey and luckily enough, she felt the tiger. She smiled before running towards it's direction.

Her eyes widened in excitement as she spotted it. When she was younger, she would have thought twice before shooting the Tiger with her arrow but she had grown up now and that childish mentality had disappeared. She drew her arrow backwards then Aimed at the tiger and was about to shoot it when an arrow came flying over her head and hitting the tiger. Myla watched the tiger fall to the ground with a frown then turned around and saw Luane behind her with a proud smile.

"I got it!" Luane yelled to alert everyone and Myla couldn't help but feel anger.

"I got it first, why were you following me?" Luane furrowed her eyebrows.

"I didn't follow you and I shot it fair and square" Just then, Noah walked towards them with the rest of the trainers behind him. He looked between Myla and Luane and saw the glare they were throwing at each other.

"What happened?" He touched Myla's shoulder but she swatted it away and walked out of their midst. She couldn't look Luane in the eyes. Luane clearly saw she was about to shoot the tiger so why did she shoot?

She ran back to their horses and was about to climb on her own and ride back to the clan when Noah called her name.

"Myla, wait. What's wrong?" She turned to him with a frown.

"Luane betrayed me, that's what. I want to go home" Without any question, he hopped on his horse and waited for her to get on hers before they rode away together. Myla knew Noah had feelings for her but they never touched on their subject and she was glad about that because she had no feelings for him whatsoever....

Ruth was talking to some men when she spotted Myla and Noah riding towards the house. She immediately excused herself and walked over to Myla who had climbed Down from her horse.

"You are back early, did something happen?" Myla sighed.

"I don't want to talk about it but training was fun though. Mother, I want to talk to you about something" Ruth frowned. She knew where this was going.

"Later, let's talk inside later. Come to my room" Then she walked back to the men. Myla sighed then turned to Noah with a smile.

"Sorry for swatting your hand away like that" Noah ruffled her hair with a smile.

"I can never be mad at you," Myla smiled.

"That's good. I've got to go, I'm tired" Noah nodded then watched her walk away with a frown.


Myla was about to take off her clothes when a knock sounded at the door. She furrowed her eyebrows, wondering who that could be but as soon as she opened it, she couldn't help but frown when her eyes laid on Luane.

"What are you doing here, Luane?" Luane sighed as she walked into the room.

"I'm here to apologize for what I did" Myla turned to her with folded arms.

"I'm listening," Luane sighed.

"My mother has been more than a nightmare to me since I was born and she always calls me a mistake and a failure" Myla frowned and hurriedly walked over Luane and hugged her.

"Oh I always knew your mother wasn't nice to you but I didn't think it was this bad" Luane sighed then smiled.

"I've gotten used to it but I wanted to catch that tiger today to prove to her that I wasn't a failure but I'm sorry I took your shot" Myla smiled at her.

"Your reasons for killing the tiger are much more severe than mine so don't worry, I forgive you but now, we need to think of a way to convince my mother that I'm ready to go kill that demon wolf" Luane nodded.

"Don't worry,Noah and I are always here for you" Myla smiled and hugged her tightly.

"You do know Noah is in love with you, don't you?" Luane asked and Myla rolled her eyes.

"Shut up"...

Ruth sighed as she stared at Myla and her two best friends. They have always been glued to each other for as long as she could remember.

"So I'm guessing whatever you want to talk about is serious?" Myla quickly nodded.

"Mother, I've been training for ten years now and you know more than anyone how much I have grown in skills, strength and smarts. What I'm trying to say is that I know I'm ready to bring down the demon wolf" Ruth sighed. She had a feeling that was what Myla was getting at.

"Myla, it's not like I don't believe or know how strong you've become, I'm your mother and I can't help but worry about you. That demon wolf is ruthless and doesn't have sympathy. I mean, look at how he treated your kindness, I don't want you getting hurt" Myla frowned at the thought. She had really thought he was good but she was wrong all along.

"Mother,being a good hunter is about taking risks and I swore to you, Dad and myself that I would defeat the demon wolf and I'm ready now. I'm not taking no from an answer mother, not this time around" Ruth frowned then glanced at Noah and Luane.

"Do you guys support this?" They both nodded.

"Myla is stronger now and besides, if you are worried, we won't mind watching over her" Ruth sighed.

"The demon wolf resides in the wolf's capital and since he's now the Alpha king, it's going to be very hard to get to him" Myla's eyes widened. She didn't know he had become the Alpha king.

"I'm sure you have a plan, mother" Ruth glanced at her then nodded.

"Alright, you can go but under the supervision of your friends. Make sure you don't go out of character and make it known to them that you're a hunter or you will be killed, all of you will" They all nodded at her.

"So what's the plan mother?" Ruth glanced at her outfit.

"First of all, you need to get into a more suitable dress" Myla raised an eyebrow. What could be more suitable than this?


Myla screamed out in pain as soon as her mother tightened the corset out her waist.

"Mother, I'm losing air, I'm not going to make it" Ruth rolled her eyes.

"Stop being dramatic. I've been dressed like this for years and I still haven't died" Her mother was right. For as long as Myla could remember, Her mother had always worn a gown with an all too tight corset and she had prayed to God so she won't ever have to wear a gown but here she was.

"Mother, do I really have to dress like this?" Ruth nodded.

"Yes, now sit down on the chair so I can do your hair. '' Myla frowned but did as was told. Ruth let down Myla's blond hair then combed all the way through to the back. Myla had never had her hair down before but now that she did, she looked like a completely different person. She had always hated her blond hair color but today, it was very beautiful. It accentuated her deep blue eyes and brought out the rosiness of her skin.

"Mother,I look beautiful," Ruth chuckled.

"You have always been beautiful dear but today, you have to be extremely beautiful" Myla caught her eyes through the mirror and gave her a confused look.

"Why mother?" But Ruth just smirked....

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