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Who Am I?

Lost and confused no memories about myself my life and no idea why I'm alone in the woods. That's what I woke up to and nothing is making any sense. There's a voice in my head and large wolves that are actually people and even more confusing I think I maybe a wolf too. What is going on why can't I remember anything and Who am I?

Chapter 1 Lost and Confused

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to not remember anything about yourself? I want to assume no one thinks about that but if you ever have I can tell you it's not fun in any way. Even a horrible life would have to be better then this nothingness. I can't remember my name or my age and I have no idea where I am. I just know I woke up alone and I'm in the woods but where and why? I can't remember I just can't and I sat as I stare around me for what felt like forever then decided I can't just sit here till I die.

So I got up and started walking and I don't know if I'm heading anywhere or just in circles but it's better then sitting and doing nothing.

As I walk I try to think and figure anything out. A voice in my head keeps saying things like "it's gonna be ok we will figure out what happened" and I wonder if it's my thoughts if it is I'm glad there hopefully because I don't feel very hopeful right now just lost and confused. How can I know what things are but not who I am? It's so wrong that I can look around and recognize some things but not be able to tell anyone my name. The voice in my head says " Your name is Sam it's short for Samantha and my name is Rain or Rae for short" I like the voice in my head she doesn't sound condescending or anything she just sounds like she wants to be helpful so I tell her thank you and weirdly enough I picture a tail wagging happily.

I was about to ask the voice or Rae as she wants to be called another of my many questions when suddenly I hear growling and alot of it from all around me. Giant wolves start approaching from hiding in the bushes and I'm surrounded. I don't know how so many wolves could of been quietly hiding in bushes shouldn't I have heard something? Are wolves usually that quiet?

I freeze in place not sure what to do Rae confidently says "theres to many to fight we need to run" still frozen in place I wonder why she says to many to fight. How could I fight wolves and why would I? Even if it was just one could a human beat a wolf? Not really sure why I'm being surrounded I crotch to the ground trying to cover myself.

As I accept the fact they are probably going to kill me. I here loud growling louder then any these wolves had made. The sound of thudding paws on the ground and think no not more wolves as two wolves jump through the bushes. I noticed as they were coming the other wolves seemed to relax and sit down and I am even more confused.

One of the new wolves is huge and black just by looking at him I can feel power and strength and I can't help but think he's gorgeous. Rain purrs in my head and says " he sure is" I suddenly picture the same vision of the happy tail wag except with strutting this time. I shake my head confused as the two wolves suddenly turn toward me and they approach slowly. I scoot backwards on the ground not sure what's going to happen. Suddenly the big black one turns into a man.

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